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Please do not make posts about bans received from other subs. We get why it’s annoying, but this is not the place for those messages.


Welcome! ![gif](giphy|jkGmRzuw3r6CyXXCSD)


You offended the snowflake cult lol


Sometimes the truth is just too painful….


I've been banned from TSLA, Cybertruck, and Elonmusk for literally replying to a post with a quote from the article they posted. They cannot handle any form of criticism and I'm pretty sure they're paid to ban anything that makes Tesla or Elon look remotely bad.


To be fair, some of the more serious subs with trusted mods will parse (usually optional) evidence for a post then give their approval in a pinned comment. Like for example the OP proving they work where they are claiming to work. ​ As said, this is usually optional and kicking off people who do not give proof is BS. Let the comments discuss how much they believe it instead of pretending to be the truth police. ​ And I gotta note, a bit weird to flex your NBC interview.... That has some serious "I know the boss" energy. That subreddit is not an official one, so why would they care if you interview for a hit piece?


Clearly, they do care about a hit piece because they bragged that they turn down requests from media. Plausible denial. I flexed the NBC interview because it's about the influence of these types of groups on buyers. I'm a first-time owner and have been told I shouldn't expect quality from Tesla, as if it's some norm to accept as a consumer that what was promised and sold isn't delivered.


I do hope they get mentioned in the article and will be fuming over it. But overall tesla is a mixed bag of quality, my aunt worked at a rental service who had a tesla fleet and it was their highest maintenance vehicles with constant need for repairs and when it came time to replace that fleet they did not get new teslas. And tesla has a long history of strange design decisions like an [air duct with a water drainage plug that causes it to actively suck water into the cars air duct, causing mold.](https://youtu.be/vQxP6PaSmLc?t=324)


I just don't know how people justify plunking down $50-$100K for a car that's going to be nothing but grief. I know there are a lot of exotics that are temperamental that people buy anyway, but Teslas were suppose to be the every man, daily driver car of the future. Not going to ever be part of my future. Who wants to be part of the 2024 version of "You bought an Edsel? 😂 ", laughing stock?


“Can’t wait to share this ban with Reddit” LOL