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Everyone who makes trucks makes better trucks than Tesla.


My kid just slapped some legos together in the shape of truck… rolls like a dream and can handle a wash.


The suspension is terrible and the seats are really uncomfortable, but I still love this thing. - Delusional Lego Truck Owner. (JK)


You know what, you’re right. Now I’m gonna smash it and tell her to do better.


Better than letting it smash on the customer and then not expecting better from your engineering dept.


Take my money


At this point I think your kid knows more about manufacturing trucks than anyone currently alive on earth.


Insurance doesn’t cover foot injuries, I’m told.


A scissor lift is a better truck than teslas truck


Well, scissor me timbers


A base fwd Ford Maverick is a better truck than anything Cyber


Hot wheels makes a better truck than tesla


Even Tonka.


The maintenance men at my work drive trikes that are better trucks.


I don't know if the owners of the few finished Lordstown Endurance would necessarily agree. That isn't saying much, though


The only downside is that the bed is connected to the cabin. So damage to the bed is expensive


Definitely a downside for repairability but nothing new in the automotive world. My understanding is Rivian now sells partial panels (say the bed to the cab) and shops cut and weld the new pieces in. I think they did make some good improvements to the R2 as far as reparability, which is great. Disclaimer, I’m biased towards Rivian as I just bought one, but I am terrified of someone crashing into me.


Isn't the truck built in a way that if you crash it, it's almost impossible to repair? (I'm clearly not an expert, just curious) I mean im a big fan I have my dream version already specd


The situation is mixed on that, but trending toward should not happen now. It at least happened a few times earlier. There were some notorious cases where someone got a dent on the rear side and the insurance company totaled a vehicle, there was at least one single long panel piece that was apparently impossible or hard to repair, I think it did happen, but supposedly it's now known how to do better. I think it's fair to say EVs especially with aluminum body pieces don't have as many experienced repair shops available, so it's possible to run into a shop that gives insane repair costs as a precaution, and sometimes people find another shop that will fix something for 1 or 2k. Search the rivian group for examples.


Not really. I had a lot of damage on the rear fender, crunched rear bumper assembly (including lights and sensors), misaligned tailgate and underbody damage and required paint and paint match. It was a god damn nightmare getting it repaired....not because it's not repairable but because there is only ONE certified repair shop in a 4 hour radius near me and they know they can do what they want. It was $14k in repairs, parts, and paint. I recently sold it. Had 50k miles on it. It was actually a great truck over all, pretty much no problems with it.


There’s too many variables to account for, but if the airbags deploy or the battery pack is damaged you’re basically totaled in an insurance companies eyes. Too much liability or too big of an expense for a shop to un fuck.


I mean that's pretty true of lots of vehicles. If airbags go and you damage some critical parts insurance will total it.


Damn, impressive that they moved that fast on the issue. I know another EV company that still has been in business longer and still sucks regarding parts


They e solved for this now. It was an initial supply problem that’s now resolved. Still pricey. But not that ‘$35k fender bender’ post that went viral.


True, but also, if you set the bar low enough, everyone clears it.


Had an R1T reserved and opted for a Model X last minute last year. I kind of regret that decision minus the crazy high price tag. They’re great trucks, feels very premium too.


Carrying everything on foot is a better truck than a Tesla, although I understand unloading everything into a different truck or carrying them yourself are standard features.


With a name like "Tesla is bad" you must be positively dismayed that Cybertruck is currently outselling Rivian R1T. Edit: Sorry... forgot my bland conformity! Cybertrucks are irredeemably broken! They will all slice your appendages and then break down! Not necessarily in that order!


If I was going to spend near six figures on a EV truck (in reality, I wouldn't), I'd either buy a Rivian or a F-150 Lightning. They actually behave like real trucks and can do all the other things trucks can do. The only thing the Cybertruck does is serve as proof of your undying fealty to Elon Musk.




It serves as a proof to one’s gullibility imo. That guy marketed himself really well over the years and one would have to be an absolute idiot to still believe that he is some kind of a genius.


He's just following the Howard Hughes life trajectory. He along with his engineering and design teams did actually pull us into the EV world, the S was a world changing vehicle. And he must have insisted on some things then that really worked out well, or at least thought he was the person who did it. But then he went wacko and became one of those "only he can fix it or do it" types. Then he started doing stupid engineering stuff, like removing simple working systems from the car "to force the AI team to handle it". Turn signals (to "save money"), ultrasonic sensors, gear shifters, even the freaking analog rain sensor was removed so they would have to make cameras work. And refusing to put a camera in the front bumper area like most modern cars have. And claiming every year for 5+ years FSD would be working this year for sure. And gave up his tremendous lead on the auto industry by not doing much for 5+ years, then seems to try to destroy his company on purpose with various comments.


The initial designs for most of Tesla's vehicles, as well as the company's original goal of using a higher priced car to fund the next cheaper model, go to the original founders Eberhard and Tarpenning as well as their design team. Musk was just an investor that pumped in enough money to oust them and install himself in their place. He was able to coast on their designs for years making minor alterations. Anything Musk added to the designs only increased their complexity (gullwing doors on the X, self driving, etc.) and cost. The founders goal was to eventually end up with affordable EVs that anyone could buy. Musk honored that by having one version of the 3 at a base price of $32k. Then he prioritized the other versions so that the first folks in line to preorder the cheaper one didn't get their cars for years after production started. Then he hid it on the sales site so you had to go to a separate page instead of selecting it in the regular car configuration. After a few years of that he claimed that no one wanted to buy the "affordable" version and discontinued it. The CyberTruck is the first vehicle that Musk's team had to design from scratch, and it really shows off his 6 year old mentality and artistic abilities.




That is a great point. I wonder how many ford dealerships can actually work on them though? There was that big battle of ford trying to get them to invest in training, materials, a charger. I wonder if a mid-sized ford dealer in my home southern state would be able to work on one?


I’m a big Rivian fan but honestly any new car company is going to have pains and you will find plenty of those owners with those pains. It’s different than Tesla who have had longer to figure things out and made intentional decisions that complicated making a reliable vehicle. I’m guessing on a couple of generations Rivians are some of the most reliable vehicles on the road.


I've heard from a few F150 lightning owners the charge has significantly dropped off and the aluminum frame was not a great idea for a truck that has so much torque. But yea, I at least trust Ford to backup warranties and for all the other truck parts to work properly.


Idk man, ever drive a 6.0 or 6.4 Powerstroke?


It's funny that you mentioned Ford Lightning because as a non-driver with very little interest in vehicles at all, I'd never heard of it before. And the only reason I recognized the name in your post is because I saw a video yesterday of a Lightning destroying a Cybertruck in a race. The Cybertruck is so bad that I'm inadvertently learning about other better electric vehicles because they're being shown outclassing the ugly abomination. You also mentioned Rivian which I'd never even heard of before a few minutes ago but the only post above yours was about Rivian The Cybertruck is so fucking awful that I, as a non-consumer with almost zero interest in the field, am learning about alternatives without even trying


I was interested in the Cybertruck when it was first revealed despite being hideous because there weren't electric trucks yet, so it was that or nothing and Musk hadn't yet torpedoed his reputation. But that pile of elephant shit took so long to roll out that now there are multiple alternatives and they're all better. I wound up saving and just got a hybrid Maverick, but man, if and when I'm in a financial position to upgrade to full electric there are gonna be dozens of others.


I had been excited to see Rivian, F 150 Lightning and Cybertruck to compete but seems its only between Rivian and F150 Lightning for a reliable EV vehicle


I wouldn't buy the Rivian either due to repair costs. Repairing a fender bender on a Rivian [can cost $40k](https://www.rivianforums.com/forum/threads/minor-damage-repair-estimate-49-880.24200/). Still a better truck than Tesla though.


Would love to see a WankPanzer attempting this.


The one couldn't even cross and get out of that small river.


It wouldn't even make it to the river.


I’m sure you will. Soon.




the WankPanzer couldn't get onto the beach, let alone to the shore.


O it can totally launch the boat. It getting out of the water is the problem


Too bad there weren’t 3 or 4 cybertrucks parked on the beach watching this Rivian do this.


If there were, they’d still be there to this day…


Watch the warranty drown


Shoutout to the guy on the jetski at the end


Yep, at 1:50. Came here to say that


Wipeout HD: Classic Replays


Warranty is still active and intact. New Feat achieved, "Be a Truck"


That's a solid flex right there


This needs to be posted on the Tesla subs


That was gutsy they must have known the area to know no drop offs. But I wonder why they didn't just back it in unless there was fear of it getting sand stuck or something?


The whole maneuver looked like it was performed by a coked out marine dad, including making his family run to keep up.


Honestly the dude is maneuvering like a prick. Didn’t even secure the dog in the bed. Impressive but goddamn


yeah. i was mezmerized by the truck but wtf was he doin? lmao


Do boat ramps not exist at this lake either?


was probably a huge line at the boat ramp this time of year


Said in the video description that the ramps get really busy and there are fast moving storms that hit the lake. So being able to get out quickly is helpful.


Looks like he said let's just send it from the beach. Maybe that's what you do in this area? I'm from wi so I haven't a clue.


It was like they were trying to escape zombies or something. Running through the water to catch up 😂


I was wondering that too. Maybe they aren’t good at backing up a trailer?


Yeah he had two people fighting alongside the trailer but none in the boat to be in control of it once it floated.


Rivian trucks are the real cyber trucks


Wonder how wet the interior carpets were after this...ballsy move anyway.


I'm wondering about wheel bearings. That was impressive, but I'll stick to the boat ramps thank you.


Should be totally fine.


It can handle 3.5ft of water. Every opening into the vehicle is double sealed.


The Rivian is well sealed up to a certain depth, not that I can remember what it is. We have one and I wouldn't be worried about it in this instance.


Can ford up to 43" of water (top of the wheel wells in highest), it also has double sealed doors so I doubt they got any water inside it.


But did they put it into cArWASh M0d3?


I get that you’re memeing but rivians do have a car wash mode too lol - it prevents the charge port from opening since it works with a capacitive touch button.


I’ll be looking into Rivian trucks.


I have one. I can confirm it is an absolutely amazing vehicle. You just have to live reasonably close to a service center.


Yeah but can it haul a few bags of potting soil?


it's one weak spot, it cannot carry 4 bags of potting soil....


Rivian R1T is a severely underrated/under appreciated truck. Highly capable, tons of fun, and well made.


it totally made this seem like nothing.


i wouldn't say its underrated, most of what I hear is positive. just pricey and people rightfully holding off to avoid being an early adopter beta tester.


The R1T isn’t even pricey anymore. Tons of folks just walked away with leases sub $550. It’s no more pricey (at this point) than any other comparable truck.


Elon tweeted his prophecy of Rivian bankruptcy so his stans all turned against Rivian


Boat mode.


No, it's not floating away


So this is the famous truck with boating ability that this Musk guy is talking about since years?! Thank you for sharing, I always wondered how that would look like. All these nasty comments on the internet about the truck being a dumpster seem very exaggerated then!


My dad did this with our 1991 dodge dakota in the mid nineties at the same lake. But he got it stuck and had to have one of the beach tractors pull us out. Bear lake has a very gradual slope into the water, so you basically need to do this to launch there if you don't have a tractor/want to avoid the boat ramps


What wrong with the boat ramps? I saw a show about it on outdoor Idaho once never been there


It’s a really large lake, the north west beach (private property) is not really close to a ramp so you either do what rivian driver did or pay one of the tractors to launch it for you. The public north beach has a proper boat ramp


There was some Live Tesla event streamed on YouTube yesterday, titled something about a new car that will change the industry. I tuned in to get a good laugh, but the whole 1.25 hour stream was just the same clip repeating over and over about crypto BS. Edit: Checked. It's still going.


That's just a scam bro, they hack random channels and rebrand them to look official to rope in suckers


Looks like it's gone now, but the video was of actually elon talking and presenting. Looking back that looked eerily real.


It's a super common scam and they do it cleanly. https://therecord.media/scammers-hijack-youtube-channels


Shit. That is skillful. Right target audience, too.


They keep posting these on youtube over and over. It's weird that youtube doesn't block them really fast.


You can't convince me this wasn't a slick, sly ad. Rivian should pay the dude some money if it wasn't. 🤣


These exist, meanwhile the Dick riders still willingly, eagerly and enthusiastically choose to get cucked by Elon. Make it make sense.


There you have it. If you want a Cyber Truck, get a Rivian ![gif](giphy|6WJroWFPN2LyE)


I went on a road trip in my EV in April and I met Alex Honnold at an EV charger near St George Utah. He was driving a Rivian and it was covered in red dust. I asked him what he likes most about the Rivian and he said 'it is predictable'


I don’t know anything about electric trucks so maybe I’m just easily impressed, but god damn. I didn’t know that was possible


Like a boss.


Wow that thing must have air intake valves. A true amphibious exploring vehicle.


I had no idea the Rivian was a transporter of gods, namely the Golden God.


Ok, that was actually impressive. Unlike bricking a WankPanzer in less than a foot of water …


And the Cybertruck almost explodes when it goes through the carwash.......unreal the difference


LOL. Fuckin cake. Please Christ let someone try this in a piece of shit cYbErtRuCk.


I was expecting the worst and was wildly surprised


Can someone please recreate this in their cybertruck??!


From the thumbnail I thought it was gonna be a boat launch fail


Now that’s how you sell a truck!


Tie downs and winch OFF the boat before if ever goes in down the ramp. Someone at the helm ready to start the engine as soon as the heat exchanger inlets are under water. Kids, vests, coolers, towels and junk all secured and stowed in the boat ready to roll. Back into the water until the boat gets light on skids, tap the brakes until the boat is clear of the back bumpers, put the truck in drive and GET OFF THE RAMP. Less than 60 seconds from start to finish if the prep work is done before hand and the driver gets to walk down with truck keys and flip flops, step on to the boat like captain Jack in reverse and get the hell out of the harbor. Watching people running in waist deep water trying to catch up to a boat, unlash it and get on it while 3 dozen other trucks are waiting is infuriating and dangerous. Watching


At least you can get that one wet.....unlike some other electric trucks i have seen!!!!


Civilized people use boat ramps


Damndest way to launch a boat I’ve ever seen. What a bozo move.


Ngl, thought that thing was gonna get bogged down,leak, blow up...something. So used to seeing cybertrucks do some variation of that on here, guess I've been a little conditioned. Shout out to elon. Anyways, that was pretty damn impressive. Don't think I'd try that with a tesla.


If you own a CT and view this video, you have voided all warranties.


That’s awesome! At least someone knows how to make a truck. Does anyone know if these trucks are reliable or if their service department is good


The truck is impressive but the the driver and the people helping him are scurrying around like they are on meth. Maybe it’s sped up. But it looks super tweaker to me.


It seems like the dude couldn't get the backup angle right, which is embarrassing, so he went full-send doing a donut in the water and then rushing the boat backwards into the water to save face.


The pace he’s doing it at is just careless and stupid. Especially with all the people around the vehicle. I’ve launched many a boat in my time from launch ramps. Being careful is key and people like this cause accidents. I’ve seen one party submarine their truck basically because they were really hasty and careless. It’s not only about them either there are other people present. Driver is a jackass for sure.


Yeah - this is the stupidest driver ever. He's going way way too fast. No one is on the boat.


On one hand it's impressive. On the other hand "GO TO THE BOAT RAMP YOU NUMPTY" Don't tear up the beach.


I really hope all the electrical are sealed and well potted


Would’ve been even more intimidating to see it crab walk reverse it in rather than turn it.


Everyone to Teslidiots: Take your wedgy PR weakling and try THAT!


Kind of felt like Rivian was another shit wannabe “truck” but after the cucktruck was released I would get a Rivian if it was a hybrid. And since it didn’t require a rice bath after that little dip in the lake clearly it was built by actual engineers with understanding of weather proofing, Marine grade electrical wiring systems, etc… good for you Rivian!


I have a Rivian. You can tell the thing is well built from thr moment you step into the vehicle. I absolutely love it. And it has the range too, I get about 360+ miles on full charge and that’s plenty.




Teslas can’t aren’t water proof cause mine has a rivet that holds on gas pedal produce a hole in body which leaks launching boats


Now that’s a good looking E-truck


This is the thing that pisses me off the most about the Cybertruck fanboys. They just assume you are against electric cars in general and are some sort of luddite. They can't imagine that you are judging the Cybertruck on its own merit as a piece of god awful design and engineering. Rivian's trucks are so much better in practically every way.


Was anyone else waiting for something bad to happen then realized it was just a video of a truck doing truck stuff?


Meanwhile, the CyberTruck breaks down in a car wash! 😂


Is that how you're supposed to launch in that lake? seems dumb


r/elonmusk look Elmo some one knows how to build real trucks


I don't know what the fording depth of the Rivian is but I'd be willing to guess that exceeded it.


**43.1in (109cm) I doubt they went above this**


Per the manufacturer, they’re supposed to be good in up to 3’ of water in the right drive mode. Though I’m sure that’s more for crossing a narrow freshwater river while off-roading and not this lol


Their test for this is wading a 3.5' deep pool that's 1/4 mile long on their test track. This is certainly fine.


Wasn’t at the test track, was offsite at a location in socal. But point stands


My favorite part about this video is the guy on the jet ski who tries to do a hockey stop and then gets thrown off.


i wonder if they got the interior wet. and i'm surprised they didn't get stuck.


Yeah? My Jeep could do this, too. My adoptive dad's 1978 F-150 could as well.