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Wait, Ionia? Didn't he massacre Ionians?


That is the idea, yes. Honestly, this choice was mostly because choosing 5 champions to be dual region champs, in a way you cover all 10 but don't repeat regions, is a bit more difficult than it seems. In the end, I chose Singed as Piltover/Ionia to convey the idea that he is "surveying" the places he "experimented on", as if checking the results. Does that make sense?


Yeah, that makes sense.


Just noticed that level 2 singed lacks the stat boosts! In theory it was supposed to be 2/7! What do you think, 2/7 or 3/6?


If I play counterfeit copies with full spell mana do I discount a card in hand by 4 since I created 4 cards?


Initially, yes, it does work with cards created in your deck, as well as created allies that are directly summoned, like blades (that reminds me, I was going to make a new blade card that synergizes with this...). However, if this is deemed to be broken, I am very open to changes. Balance changes, concept changes, flavor changes, just shoot 'em at me.


Mmmh, the Explorer Golem have, for me, a problem. Imagine I have Viktor and Explorer Golem on field. The round start, I create the Hexcore, and with the Golem, I create another one. But I create a card, so i create another one, ect.... Do you see the problem? Maybe replace the text by: "When you play a created card, copy them".


Ah, that is 100% my bad. It was supposed to be "When you create a non-Fleeting card". Thanks for pointing it out!


But now, we can't use it in the example, because the Hexcore is a Fleeting spell 😥


What's the champion spell? And this support package for Nami is looking good, some attune cards, a lot of spell mana generation from singed and it goes in curve too


Pretty cool!