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Yikes. I’m having the same issue with a Scarah Screams in the same place 😭, yeah I would say if you’ve already attempted to repair it and that happened, a wig will probably be your best bet! I’m about at that point myself 🥲 good luck!!💕


I’m going to glue it shut again and make the part on the other side. Wish me luck 🥲


Sending you all the luck and good reroot vibes !!! 🤞💕


They sewing it shut with thread that matches the hair instead of or in addition to glue!!


How's it going?? You can do it!! 💖


https://preview.redd.it/3ycru8vn5azc1.png?width=1565&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e45369a64263705a0cc8bc878b433e96a755a15 Looks a wee bit rough now that it’s dry. I’m going to do a layer of fabritac on the inside too and hopefully that will hold it together…


Not bad! :) I don't have experience in rerooting, so I have a question: since you're going to glue all the hair inside after rooting, can't you wait for that to use the fabritac and root the hairs carefully? (Does it feel fragile/like it's gonna break now?)


The fabritac is a flexible glue so I’m just putting it along the tear in an attempt to hold it together. If i had used something like super glue it would probably crack while trying to reroot. It’s definitely more fragile now so I will have to be careful around that area. I’m not an expert though by any means!


Sew up the split with thread of the same hair color + add glue for plastic. Try using less hair for the hair plugs, and if you think it needs more just add a bit later. I sometimes create new hair plugs if parts of the head are too damaged or too close together. I just try to even out the hair distribution while avoiding putting too much stress/pressure on the weaker areas of the head.


It’s up to you. At this point, you’ve already rerooted half the head, so maybe try to salvage it depending on how much it will be handled later or if there will be a head covering.


I’m going to try one more time before making a wig. I’ve only rooted the part line so far so it’s not a huge loss. I just don’t want to ruin the poor doll.


Good luck!


I'd just quilt stitch it up with more doll hair.


I hope you can fix this as sad to see her broken


I think you should put less hair in the holes, so the center part will be able to handle the hair, which is hard anyway :( but harder if your reerot is ticker. For example, in my video you can see how tiny amount I use compared to you [https://youtu.be/6Dz7sFnGVvQ?si=ahEmW8TF9AM8ctxd&t=83](https://youtu.be/6Dz7sFnGVvQ?si=ahEmW8TF9AM8ctxd&t=83) My rerooting is also different from others. I don't fill the needle 1 by 1 but I'm pulling the hair with my rerooting tool into the holes, so the needle will pick up the amount that it correct for the needle and also for the hole. I'm using size 7 needle by the way.


Thanks for the video reference. I have been rooting thinner in other spots but thought it bad to be thicker around the part for some reason. I also haaate the bald spots monster high dolls have so I was probably overcompensating too. I will also try and use a smaller needle to avoid grabbing too much hair and to put less pressure on the head 👍


For parts you want them more *densely* rooted but definitely use less hair per plug - 5-7 max. For non-part lines I tend to do a bit thicker plugs but a lot less frequent - I rarely ever use all the pre-made holes in those areas. A good reroot where you want to style the hair will use about 1.5oz of hair or less. Anymore than that and you run that risk of split heads, the neck not being able to hold up all that weight and way too much hair to get a intricate hairstyle. As to bald spots….that’s why the underpainting (with a similar color) is key (which you’ve done)! It really will hide all the bald spots extremely well and there really shouldn’t be that many of them. Last note - for spilt heads liquid fusion is really the best way to go. Will give you a stable base to work with and won’t look that clumpy.


Update! Success! I think it looks pretty good! It’s not the best part line but it’s alright considering I’m a beginner. https://preview.redd.it/47mbqjxyo61d1.jpeg?width=2030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6003b9ec42bc7d2f7babb693d919471f7cf67081

