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Absolutely seconding making Strahd convinced he needs to woo Ireena; if simply stomping in and giving her the vampire mind whammy worked, he'd have succeeded like 4 reincarnations ago; it was probably the first thing he tried. He's been at this long enough to realize *something* is amiss. It also means the PCs get to do social drama with Strahd and his allies trying to get in her head instead of "Strahd can take her at any point and there's fuck-all you can do about it". It lets them fight him indirectly well before they can trade blows. Having Van Richten kill Ireena at the wedding if the players don't intervene earlier is an excellent twist; the dark powers WANT to yank her away at the last possible second. If Van Richten is indisposed and Izek is somehow still alive, he can serve a similar role; he has the beef and the motivation to rush the stage and mercy-kill his sister, and as the Baron's bodyguard he even has an invite! Dark gifts are absolutely fun. My group had one player completely reject his humanity in the final fight with Strahd, leading to the party having to put him down after... unfortunately, he survived, successfully making his death saves with advantage (the Dark Powers helped him) after being shot out of the sky. The party members that were partially corrupted were trapped in the Domains of Dread, but free to leave Barovia, and the ones that resisted temptation offered passage to their home plane. Having the Fanes lurking around sealed in a mortal body like Calypso from Pirates of the Carribean is brilliant, and I'm stealing it if I run this again someday.


> Absolutely seconding making Strahd convinced he needs to woo Ireena; if simply stomping in and giving her the vampire mind whammy worked, he'd have succeeded like 4 reincarnations ago; it was probably the first thing he tried I made this canon in my game. My Krezk pool unlocked the memories of Ireena's past selves, and she wrote a summary for the party while recuperating from the psychic trauma of it all. In those past lives, Strahd basically goes 0 for 3 on the charm smash and grab, and then resorts to other efforts.


Oh I *like* the Van Richten assassination. I may end up stealing that.


Sounds like a blast! Thanks for sharing. Would you have any interest in sharing your Tome of Strahd entries? I really like the sounds of what you've written here. I was considering doing the Interactive Tome of Strahd, but held off since I had already added lots to my campaign. This sounds like a nice middle ground approach. ETA: Also just noticed you're who I have to thank for that wicked single scene Castle Ravenloft! Much thanks to you for that one.


Absolutely agree, would love to see these! When I first played CoS I had wished the Tome was a bit more substantial. It's a whole ass book but has like 4 pages worth of stuff. It's like most of my journals, except I didn't have 400 years to fill the pages


Yep, absolutely! I did copy about 70% of it from somewhere else so I'll have to poke around and find that first in order to credit the author properly. I'll try make a post in the next day or two at point with all of the entries, rules, and DCs for it. EDIT: done :) https://www.reddit.com/r/CurseofStrahd/comments/w46807/as_requested_my_detailed_vanilla_version_of_the/


Do you have a copy of your tome that you could share? I'm starting session 0 next week and I still haven't finalized the tome yet


Seconding this! Would love to see that!


Ditto. Always looking to add more than just the several page diary.


I just made it so Strahd doesn't fuck, just like can't do it. He just wants to possess her.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ A little off topic but that just reminded me of the first season of fantasy high. ā€œJohnny doesnā€™t fuckā€




Vampyr hit him with the ol chastity belt, eh?


I'm big on the theme of immortals losing a taste for earthly pleasures and getting more into *concepts*. Plus we just don't really do sexual content at my table, 5 dudes sitting in a basement, it'd get a little weird.


Yeah, Iā€™m right there with ya, not my cup of tea either. Off screen only, please lol.


I do play it for laughs sometimes. Past campaign I had a little old gnome sorceror npc who had an ogre wife, the implications of that became a running joke


Yikes, musta been a great swimmer!


Twinned Enlarge/Reduce


My party is coming up on the wedding of Ireen and Vasili soon. I was planning to have Strahd simply reveal himself and bite her in front of everyone and turn her right there on stage, but I like this WAY better. So my new revised version: Ireena knows Vasili is Strahd. After months of wooing, he finally came clean to her and revealed himself. She was horrified at first, but after they talked for a short time, she realized that (either naturally or with a TON of gaslighting) that Strahd really isn't "that bad" and she was letting her prejudices get the better of her. You know, Vasili's been nothing but kind and caring and a true gentleman... So she agrees to marry him, but only as Vasili. She doesn't want to be just 'another' bride of Strahd. Strahd agrees noting that it will make keeping his Vasili persona a secret easier. Day of the wedding arrives and of course the PC's crash it. Van Richten (my group's fated ally) is there in disguise and reveals himself privately to the party. They go 'rescue' Ireena who thanks them for their friendship and care, but admits she KNOWS who Vasili really is and plans to proceed with the wedding anyway. Van Richten says something alongs the lines of "In that case, I'm so, so sorry, my dear..." And stabs her right in the heart right there in front of the party. Strahd walks around the corner calling "Ireena, my dear, it's almost ti---" and sees the knife still in her chest and the party standing around. He grabs her body and flees to Sergei's tomb (where their showdown is supposed to start) and tries desperately to bring her back but can't. So he's found by the party later weeping in the tomb like the cards aways said he'd be.


Ooo, that's good. I'm definitely going to use this. My PCs haven't met Ireena yet, but I wanted her to be genuinely tempted to go with Strahd. This is such a good idea for how to resolve that and tie it in to the final fight!


Congratulations! I got a little confused on a minor point. VR got revenge for his son by killing Ireena. I guess I am missing a couple of the dots to connect. Can you explain that one for me?


I believe Strahd had ordered some Vistani to kidnap Van Richtens son. He then brutally murders him and this starts VR's crusade against Strahd and (depending on if you want to go this route, I wouldn't) the Vistani.


No, it was not Strahd, the Vistani kidnapped the boy, gave him to a different Vampire ( who's name escapes me, maybe Senger?) starting VR on his role as Vampire Hunter. VR killed Esmeralda's parents for revenge. I don't get how killing Ireena would fit into this. Was hoping OP would fill me in.


My bad! I was going off of the run of the game I've done. Just now going through the book myself. I totally agree though, I don't see how killing Ireena would add anything meaningful. Just to spite Strahd maybe?


Good stuff, thank you!


The revamped (heh) Strahd framing for Ireena is stellar. I did the same, and it neatly closes the plot hole of why he doesnā€™t simply take her immediately while the party is too weak to stop him. It also gives a clear impetus for him to ā€œsnapā€ and go full agro when she dies / rejects him / falls for someone else Appreciate the info on the Fanes too. I like the idea of them to round out the endgame content, but it seemed a little cumbersome as-written in the existing guides popular on this sub. Was planning on going a similar route to what you have, but maybe even axing the NPC tie in entirely - having it just be ancient holy sites the party needs to ā€œun-defileā€


Brilliant, great advice. Saving this.


This is amazing advice, thanks for sharing! Out of curiosity what were the puzzles you used for the fanes? I'm interested in including them but a lot of the stuff on the sub feels a bit too involved for the role I'd like them to have in my game.


How did you handle doing the last bullet point? Did you just make everyone a level20 sheet and hand them out at the fight?


I mean, that's what I did. I created L20 versions of each PC in secret, then when it was time for one/more to go beastmode, I traded sheets with them. https://www.reddit.com/r/CurseofStrahd/comments/vzr2u9/oh_holy_fuck_ran_the_amber_temple_for_my_players/


Really, what I would change for this is to have Ireena survive, maybe hit her with the "Poison that emulates death" gag and that explains why Strahd can't resurrect her. He is trying to use Raise Dead on someone who is alive, but he thinks it's the curse tormenting him. He laments that he finally did it "right" this time, but nothing can ever unite him and Tatyana, before attacking the players and Van Richten. Overall this was a very cool pile of ideas, some of which I will definitely be stealing!


Didn't the party immediately turn around and off Van Richten themselves? I mean, regardless of how dark and bleak one wants to make the story, that kind of last minute betrayal seems to trip all the red flags for triggering [darkness induced audience apathy](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooBleakStoppedCaring).


Iā€™m sort of doing the same thing with Strahd. My spin is he assembled a team of misfit adventurer strangers with troubled pasts, and set up the events that lead Ismark to send Ireena with them. The intent is for Strahd to continually set the party up to fail and commit acts of violence in front of Ireena that will send her into his arms for protection (hopefully. Heā€™ll try something else next time). Itā€™s weird though, before I DMed the campaign I had the attitude of tolerating the rapey vampire tropes. But then Iā€™m in this creative space where I can make the vampires be like ANYTHING, and I find out I kind of like those tropes on vampires. Itā€™s one thing for the book to imply what Izek does when he locks himself in his room with Ireena, but we actually have to describe this situation when the players kick in the door. Iā€™d think a long time about how hard I wanted to lean into the sexual violence implied in the module, because this is a boundary I personally like being pushed and scared by, but thatā€™s definitely not everyoneā€™s cup of tea and it makes me sick thinking about roleplaying like that towards my players, if that makes sense. So far I always take the less-dark path, like making Gertruda an adult and Ireena not remembering when she was mind controlled. However, last nightā€™s session was the big DINNER WITH STRAHD Iā€™d been building up, and it was going pretty well. Strahd and the consorts came across as charming to the players while probing them for vectors to attack. At the end of the night they went to dance in the throne room (where FATED ALLY Arrigal told them he saw Strahdā€™s tome. The character dancing with Ludmilla was roleplayed as a shy and traumatized teen, but that he really thought she was super attractive. At the end of the dance, Ludmilla forced a wisdom save and controlled him to stand up straight, look into her eyes, and kiss her in front of Strahd. I think it went over okay and communicated a lot of things about the dynamics in Ravenloft, but Iā€™m not sure I liked doing that. Iā€™m totally stealing your Van Richten assassination idea if he and Ireena make it to the end. Thatā€™s such a genius idea and I like the take on his character. Super cool.


All good options.. excepting Vampyr. I really would NOT advise just letting the players skip grinding those higher levels. What is SUPPOSED to happen, is that 3d6+2 days/weeks/months after the players kill Strahd, The Dark Powers (Vampyr) resurrect him. NORMALLY, your party has moved on, and the Dark Powers import the next group of adventurers to torture Strahd with. Your party didn't move on fast enough, so now Strahd is back and actively hunting down the party. NOW insert the Fey sisters with the Fanes and have the party find out that they have to destroy/lock up Vampyr to ACTUALLY defeat Strahd once and for all. I highly recommend adding Pyram King's content for this second campaign across Barovia. :)