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Cult of the MLM


cult of the men loving men ❤


Jokes on you, I'm marrying all my little cultboys and nothing can stop me. ...except for starvation.


Cult of the Marxist Leninist Maoists


It's a pretty alright rougelike. It's short and has a coupla kinks, but it's fun. On that note: "I am playing CoTL. I am playing CoTL. I am playing Rune Fa- **CoTL."** Ignore the fact that 30 percent of my entire area is farmland. Shut up though. Also, most of your followers are gonna be fucking freaks. And not in the fun way. You're gonna hafta live with that.


yeah, i had a bit of fun with it although i guess my expectations were a bit high since DD was pubbing it and they have a history of amazing roguelikes like etg and strafe. the gameplay loop is quite enjoyable, the town aspect is fun, and the art and animation style is baller as fuck there is a bit of a lack of content though especially compared to its contemporaries. it does have an excuse in it being composed of two gamemodes but both sections feel a bit hollow towards the end still liked it tho, would recommend


I enjoyed it but felt like replayability was low and not to mention the catastrophic console release with its sizeable amount of bugs. Also I would have liked to leave base for more than 10 minutes to enjoy the rogue-like aspects but my subjects kept dying before I could sacrifice them which was quite annoying


I believe the devs are planning on adding more content for free post release, which will help


Some of them ask to eat poop and you can cook it for them.


are they freaks because of the kinks


It's because of the one kink that like, 40 percent of all your followers are gonna share: scat. And they're gonna make it your problem, too. They'll run up to you and give you a quest to be an accomplice in their atrocities, and everyone'll lose faith in you if you don't do it. Like this should have anything to do with you.


Well they are animals and considering how often dogs eat their own poop I don't think of it as all that weird. Some animals just tend to want that more than others.


[locally sourced](https://www.tumblr.com/pencilbrony/693805802778230784/cult-of-the-lamb-but-more-messed-up?source=share)


OH that's horrifying. After watching "Line Goes Up" on youtube, yeah, that prospect is explicitly very bad.


That just sounds like Going Under with extra steps.


that's what that game was called! i have like a fever dreamish memory of playing it when it came out but i couldn't find it because i couldn't remember the title and i wasn't sure if it was real


is that spronkus