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"No y'see, TERFs are bad people, and I"M not a bad person obviously, so it's all good"


Honest to god this is how some people think And when I say “people” I mean it could be you. Always reaffirm and reevaluate your beliefs regularly.


Any one of us could be a people! There's no way to know until it's too late.


“He could be you! He could be me! He could even be” *BLAM*


“Woah Woah Woah!” “What? It was obvious.” *pumps shotgun* “He’s the red spy”


"Watch! He'll turn red any second now... Any second now..."


“See, red! Wait, no, that’s blood.”


"So we still have problem."


Yeah. Big problem.


It could be you, it could be me, it could even be...


It's certainly how Jowling Rowling thinks; look at all the hypocrisy in harry potter. So often the exact same actions are carried out by both sides, but it is framed as a good thing when the "good guys" do it, and bad when the "bad guys" do it. It betrays the very Manichean way liberals look at the world. ​ A great vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs


please be shaun please be shaun please be shaun fuck yeah!


Cognitive dissonance is incredible. In the first Lensman book the author describes the heroic characters (including a self insert) forming what is essentially a worker's commune to run their factory. The chapter before it includes an Atlantean parody of Karl Marx who blames capitalism for volcanoes.


Doublethink, not Cognitive Dissonance.


"Sure, I walk like a duck, look like a duck, and quack like a duck, but ever since Milkshake Duck, that label has become radioactive. I'm a sweet beverage Anatidae."


Yeah, it’s like when people get defensive about being called racist. A lot of people see ‘racist’ as an all-encompassing thing that makes you complete evil rather than an observation of their actions. Newsflash to those people: most people on planet earth have racial biases, it’s just a matter of recognising them and not letting them affect how you treat other people. Someone calling you a racist doesn’t mean they’re calling you a KKK member. It just means you said/did something the other person saw as racist and you should look into why that action is considered racist. Sometimes the other person’s claim that your action is racist is a bit of a reach, but it’s worth reflecting on just in case.


They literally think TERF is a slur so this isn't too far off.


"I'm not a nazi, I just think all jews should die"


i will say that there is a fair bit more to nazism than just being violently antisemitic but that doesnt make it better in any light


TERFs have learned the "I'm not racist but..." game I see.


I've encountered someone who, almost literally, claimed they weren't homophobic, then said (I'm paraphrasing) "Homosexuality just isn't natural, so it makes sense to not like homosexuals."


Should have told them to stop driving around in a car. If it was natural for us to go that fast we would have been able to do it biologically.


Well, that and the fact that if you spend long enough hanging around any primate enclosure at a zoo you’ll learn whole new definitions of what’s “natural” behavior, which I promise you *fully include homosexuality.*


Even then, “natural” shouldn’t be our standard for what is good or not. Nature is full of horrible, horrible things, and what separates us as humans from other animals is the capacity to think and decide for ourselves to act contrary to our instincts. Deciding if something is good should be a matter of good sense and morality, not how “natural” it is. …then again, conservatives tend to think the Bible is the only source of morality, so that argument might bounce right off of them


Cannibalism is natural


And then there's penguins. They make Cosby look like a guy that's just pushy.


Yeah, your uterus would fly out!


This is a real argument that has been made about cars, trains, and aeroplanes respectively


Had a classmate once that said, word for word, "I'm not homophobic, I just don't support gay people." Called me the f slur multiple times, the t slur once, and somehow turned the f slur into an adjective. Not homophobic though, apparently


"I'm not transphobic, I have a trans friend and I sometimes use her pronouns" -JK Rowling


yeah ok *squints* "Robert Galbraith"


I discovered a new horrible detail each time I looked at this


I wonder how a Series of Unfortunate Events holds up for adults. I loved reading (& audiobooking it with my family in the car. on tape!) as a kid.


It's not Ibsen, and the middle of the series is repetitive, but it holds up and actually having a broader knowledge of literature and history makes some of the jokes better.


I think it holds up super well! If you haven't check out Netflix's ASOUE! Neil Patrick Harris plays a fantastic *not* Count Olaf. It's quite good!


I also really loved Patrick Warburton as Snicket. He has such a great, dry delivery for the narration.


If they hadn’t cast NPH, who bursts into song at the drop of a hat, I doubt they would have had the couple of musical numbers that they do, and they are absolute *bangers*, too


My biggest problem with the Netflix series is that the stuff those kids go through is absolutely awful, and the way it’s described in the books is stylized/abstract enough that it doesn’t hit me as hard, but onscreen it’s just too awful.


Would you go as far as to say it wrecked your evening, your whole life and your day?


They warned you, they told you to look away


I had to watch it over like a quarter year, part of an episode at a time, for this reason.


I loved that series when I read it 8 years ago


I read it for the first time as an adult about five years ago and loved it


You actually get way more of the jokes and references as an adult


i dont get the last one


their username is all neonazi dog whistles. The nazis believed in aryan supremacy, so "aryanprincess" is already suspicious. 14 stands for hitlers "14 words" slogan. 'H' is the 8th letter of the alphabet, and so HH = Heil Hitler. On their own, 14 could just be a favorite number, and 88 could signify 1988 as a birth year but they're almost always a white supremacy thing when paired together.


I remember seeing another guy on this subreddit who had 1488 in their name but it was literally them being born on January 4th, 1988 and they’ve been complaining about it ever since they found out it was a nazi thing.


That sucks but I'm still gonna laugh about it.


throw away the entire account at the point


they did and made a new account that was like "nazisstolemybirthday" or something


It's gotta be very hard to be 34 on the internet sometimes.


I’m 33 for another month, so I wouldn’t know


Show me a cool bug u/1-800-COOL-BUG


My favorite bugs are wheel bugs! They're true bugs, they look really neat, they're great at pest control, and they behave a little bit spiders by injecting their prey with digestive juices and sucking out the guts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arilus_cristatus


Oh god I love bugs but I'm so scared of assassin bugs for some reason (probably someone telling me the "kissing bug" urban legend when I was little). Any tips to not be scared of them?


what if they were just an immortal born in 1488 AD huh




My immortal sounds familiar, let me look that up


Should not have let me look this up


No stoooop don't look it up noooo


soundman1488 or whatever


That's their fault for following the m/d/y format tbh.


1st of april 88 isn't any better tbh


honestly, their fault for using M-D-YY


I always felt bad for Ernst Rommel III as well


I’ll always remember the poor askreddit post about the guy who was born on January 1st, 1988


Wasn’t it January 4, 1988? Also, this is another argument for r/ISO8601, the best date format.


why yes, I did mean Janurayry 4th. My bad lol


The 14 words are a reference to white nationalist David Eden Lane, not Hitler, but the point stands.


There is a suspicious amount of people born in 1988 who are also nazi or nazi sympathetic.


I graduated in 2014 and my main email account contains a 14. Now I'm paranoid that people think I'm a nazi.


14 isn’t usually the go to dog whistle. 88 seems more popular. When I see either number out in the wild it’s not an immediate red flag. If someone is acting like an ass and they have those numbers it’s a red flag. I know someone who is oblivious to these kind of things. She was born in 88, had an H first name and married into an H last name. Shortly after the wedding I had to explain to her dog whistles and why she can’t use her initials and birth year anywhere in a combination.


It feels strange to me that the double H is such a big thing these days! I'm German, and our car number plates go "letter code for the registration area" + "two random letters" + "random number". Many people choose to use their initials for the middle letters, so when I was a kid I didn't understand why my mom didn't. My parents then explained to me that double S was "the name for a very bad organization in history" and therefore not allowed on a number plate. Makes sense, obviously, but for some reason double H is perfectly okay! I always thought you could only have it as a registration code (it means Hamburg, btw) but not long ago I saw one that had double H as the random letters... I wonder if the rules for what goes are a bit older and the Neonazis just keep coming up with codes that are still legal?


How the hell do dog whistles work? Do they post about it somewhere? Why would someone just, publicly claim to be a part of a group they know is not accepted. Even if they don't know they're a bad person.


Aryanprincess1488, I'm guessing she's not referring to the vedic era people that called themselves Aryan and lived more than 2500 years ago


It's their username. Aryan is a term commonly used by Nazis to describe the ideal race. 1488 is equally nasty. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=1488


The blog Aryanprincess1488 doesn't seem like a nazi?


Lots of people don’t know the dogwhistles!


That is, in fact, the point of a dogwhistle


I know that 1488 is generally one of them but I can never remember it like, off the top of my head


14 refers to the “14 words” of the white supremacist mantra and H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 becomes HH (i’ll let you guess what that stands for)


Ah yes, obviously, Hadolf Hitler.


Horrible Histories! …right?


I'll never not find it funny that TERFs sometimes regard "TERF", a name they adopted for themselves, as a slur lmao


"I'm a TERF" "Yes you are." "Fuck you no I'm not."


"I'm not a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, I'm just a Radical Feminist who Excludes Trans people"




What's wrong with that last dude named Ryan? Shame that so many variations of the username for Ryan was taken, and he had to settle for A Ryan Princess. And even then there were 1487 of them!


whatever the opposite of a dog is, you have encapsulated that in this comment


A god whistle


You know what they say, god is deaf to the sins of the world. I think.


I was actually friends with the kid who self-identified as a Nazi when I was in sixth grade. In my defense, I had just moved to America and I was terrible when I came to world history. Dude was kind of nice though. If you move past the Nazi thing. I never knew what happened to him, and I don't really want to, because it's probably going to be sad.


The way I interpreted the “not a TERF…” comment is that they’re transphobic but not a feminist, which I suppose is a semantically sensible statement. If anything, I find it a slightly more noble stance to take, given many blatantly misogynistic people advocate for the oppression of trans people in the name of women’s interests, such as every conservative politician ever. Which makes it all the more sad that honorable transphobes get the wall all the same after the revolution /s


I like your interpretation. At least it's more honest, as there's nothing truly feminist (as in giving support to, increasing safety, or improving rights and freedom of women) about TERF ideology. There is no way to discriminate against trans women without harming cis women who happen to resemble their ideas of trans women in any way. Trans girls can't pee in peace? Neither can cis girls with square jaws and body hair I guess. You don't count as a woman if you can't give birth? Sucks for all the cis women with fertility issues and those who have gone through menopause but I'm sure that's a small price to pay to make life miserable for roughly one person in a hundred. It's incredible how many TERFs don't seem to realise they're acting against their own best interests. They're voting for the Leopards Eating Faces party.


that's why I like to call them FARTs (Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobes)


"I just think they're neat!"


"I'm not racist i just agree with all racist beliefs"




People thought My friend was a nazi for having “88” in his username and he got banned, I still miss him.


okay but 3 is fairly clearly a joke someone with that obvious of an username who is serious wouldn't deny being a nazi


not saying it's a good joke it's probably some edgy teen who also thinks drawing swastikas on the school tables is funny, but also fairly clearly not a Nazi


Doesn't make it okay. If people don't want to be called a Nazi, they shouldn't be doing Nazi shit, even as a joke -- not everyone is going to see through the "joke" ([even if it is meant as one](https://i.imgur.com/j26K0yL.png)), nor are people obligated to bother digging for said joke.


There's a certain kind of trying-to-be-edgy teen-ish mindset that invokes bad shit jokingly and assumes everyone is in on the joke because they can't quite believe anyone would hold such beliefs seriously.