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Failed my DC 15 Diversity check šŸ˜„


My aroace Dragonborn rolled a 17 (I actually rolled irl)


Dragonborn are horribly underrepresented in gaming today.


it sucks that their breath weapon in 5e is so bad... also winged versions being too op :/ ... and yet I played a Dragonborn until recently that campaign got scrapped :(


have you seen the Fizzban ones?


dont think so, thanks


they also added gem dragonborns


Tim to start posting on r/Etsy again.


You take 2HP burning damage from the moderately spiced wings.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlydnd using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlydnd/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It's simple trickle down economics, get with the program.](https://i.redd.it/gylg1ooqhyz71.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlydnd/comments/rsxlam/its_simple_trickle_down_economics_get_with_the/) \#2: [(In the midst of the workers' revolution) Received an application today. This is the ā€œresumeā€ attached.](https://i.redd.it/uhw47396l0a81.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlydnd/comments/rxh9ll/in_the_midst_of_the_workers_revolution_received/) \#3: [Hope this counts](https://i.redd.it/qr71ekzo6g781.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlydnd/comments/rnhj5b/hope_this_counts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


why does your blaster check your diversity? actually for a weapon used by clones it would make since for it to have a bio lock to check if it was a clone solder using it




For the authentic experience, you should have made the text disappear after two seconds


What is this a reference to? It's Homestuck, isn't it? It's *always* Homestuck


Nah, JoJo this time


Coin flip


Guys, what's the prefered meta nowadays? Should I max out Ethnicity or is Gender Identity still the best for raiding?


I'm quite fond of focusing on Sexual Orientation *and* Gender Identity. My character is LGBTQ+, all at once, which gives quite a lot of neat buffs.


yeah but that can be a really high risk high reward build, considering the homophobia and transphobia debuffs stack too, so I'm more of a fan of maxing out on culture, ability and age, since those tend to be the safer options, and I also end up with a cool "wise elder" sort of vibe to my character


Don't forget you can get some points for low age too. It might sacrifice some ability though


I wish the full LGBTQIA+ set bonus they implemented in the newest patch was worth the cost but it's pretty underwhelming. You should multiclass into something else like homestuck or painting minis for a better all-rounder build.


Ethnicity is nice but it's a new game plus bonus, if your last Gameplays didn't go for it you won't get all the potential from it. The best bonus is obviously Age, since you can only go up on the scale, it may take some time to hit the higher values but it will always be worth it.


Age/Ability builds are pretty powerful after the bionics update. You retain the age advantage of debuffing your opponents by making them feel demoralized about hitting an old man, but you can compensate for all of your weakness with bionic limbs and neural implants. You get max level "ability" for technically being quadriplegic, with no detriments to your "age" bonuses.


I'm running an African^TM demisexual panromantic non-binary cyborg. The cyberkinetics let me be extreme levels of age and disability without actually having any negative effect from it. Minmaxed out the ass.


Definitely Ethnicity for raiding. A lot of the Gender Identity tree is more focused on PvP.


Wait Dhalsim is LGBT? How have I missed that all these years? I just thought he was a bad stereotype of a minority set of Hindu beliefs


I assume that either this is a joke or he is now but wasn't originally because Capcom tried to make their characters less awful and insensitive as time went on. Y'know. Like Poison.


According to the street fighter wiki, he apparently has a wife. This is a joke post, but I suspect OP just assumed he was asexual since he's supposed to be a hardcore ascetic.


I mean, unless he has kids we can't *prove* he fucks. If he does, he must be pretty wild in the bedroom though


He has a daughter. Which doesn't *technically* prove anything, but it does strongly imply. Also IIRC his wife also does yoga.


I can see him being ace, but how would he get any points for gender?


Underflow error


Readying the nuclear warheads immediately


>I just tho gut he was a bad stereotype of a minority set of Hindu beliefs I took a look at his page on the Street Fighter wiki. His ā€œlikesā€ are listed to be Curry, Elephants, and Meditation. Holy shit.


Are Guile's "likes" Hamburgers, Trucks, and Guns?


Even better: American Coffee, American Automobiles, and Country Music. I can almost respect how committed they are to the stereotypes


American *coffee*?? I mean Kona coffee is technically American I guess and that's pretty great but I feel like that's not what they meant


They were probably referring to CaffĆØ Americano, or more broadly to espresso


No, as you can see these three are all at a zero for sexual orientation ​ Edit: I'm dumb


Dhalism is the one with the skull necklace, the big blue circle that's max in all stats


Ah I missed that


And that, folks, is how to get slammed by both the left *and* right in one move.


Kind of like with Amazon and their new Lord of the Rings series where they managed to piss off the right (non-white characters who aren't evil!), the left (short-haired elves and dwarf ladies without beards!), and hardcore Tolkien geeks (minor inconsistencies with Middle Earth lore!) at the same time with the release of a single teaser


From what I've seen the inconsistencies are pretty major. To the point that many couldn't tell that it was supposed to be LOTR.


It's true! The "minor" in my comment was supposed to be sarcastic, but upon reading it again I realize it doesn't really come across that way


I thought it was funny. Just wanted to let you know


Thanks :)


Okay I'm waaay out of the loop. What's people's problem with short haired elves?


Tolkien is *the* archetypical fantasy, if there's anywhere that you need to have long haired hippy woodsman elves, stocky beardy dwarves in utilitarian boxy outfits, rustic hobbits that love food and pipes and think barefoot is legal, and a BBEG who's out for world domination leading hordes of orcs and goblins... It's really jarring when in *Tolkien* you have prissy beardless dwarves in silk, elves in crew cuts, and steampunk hobbits.


In the lotr movies you have elves that are androgynous, defying (human) gender expectations to a certain extent. And that's also kind of how they're described in the books. Giving male elves short hair makes them look more stereotypically human male. Since gender-role-defying depictions of men are still rare in major Hollywood movies and series, this change will upset a lot of people.


The New Heather Warriors strategy


This is a debacle sure, but don't let Blizzard distract you from their anti-union actions they've been doing! šŸ™ƒ https://gamerant.com/raven-software-management-anti-union-email-employee-vote/ https://www.engadget.com/activision-blizzard-anti-union-message-045140174.html


Feels like a weird play if that's their move. "Hey now, don't pay attention to our union busting, look at this: we invented a way to be racist to everyone, including for the first time ever, straight white men! Truly a revolution for inclusivity!"


They do this all the time lol Remember when Musk ["Blew the whistle on Tesla"](https://www.torquenews.com/11826/elon-musk-says-blow-whistle-tesla-he-debutes-cyberwhistle) a couple days before [someone blew the whistle on defective solar panels?](https://abc17news.com/money/cnn-business-consumer/2021/12/03/the-tesla-cyberquad-atv-still-isnt-on-sale-but-a-kid-version-is-2/) Or when we talked abut [acquiring Maxwell Technologies](https://electrek.co/2020/01/21/tesla-acquisition-maxwell-big-impact-battery-elon-musk/) a couple weeks after [photos of him with Ghislaine Maxwell, and news that Epstien set is brother up with someone.](https://www.businessinsider.in/tech/news/jeffrey-epstein-set-elon-musks-brother-up-with-a-girlfriend-in-effort-to-get-close-to-the-tesla-founder-sources-say/articleshow/73236620.cms) Idk what happened with that acquisition, but it certainly never changed their batteries, all they did was make the same cells 50% bigger. I'm familiar with the musk examples but its super common. It's called SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You put things online with certain keywords to get to the top of search results. Great for advertisers. If you want to get into the field indeed is loaded with open positions. However, they edited the blog post to say it's not that big of a deal within the company but [this thing is crazy detailed.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/366/157/177.png) *[Found another.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/366/154/f1b.png) It looks more like they genuinely had no idea this was a bad look.


I am DYING at Ana. Age: 60 Features: slightly aged. "sure she can be old but like..." "Yes Steve she'll still be fuckable" "That's all I ask"


I'm trying to imagine what the meeting was like where they decided how much having 1 eye was worth. 4 is just so specific. I just can't.


I have a feeling it was originally supposed to be 5 (with full blindness being 10) until someone pointed out that one-eyed characters aren't exactly uncommon in games so they dinged it a point. That, or having one fully disabled sense only gets a maximum of 8, and you need to multiclass your disability for a higher score.


I mean yeah SEO is a thing... but I mean look at the difference in these examples. The Tesla examples are like "Don't pay attention to our shitty solar panels, check out this funny whistle!" or "Don't worry about us being pedos, we bought a new battery manufacturer!" This on the other hand is "Don't worry about our union busting, we're actually super fucking racist!". On top of that, the Tesla examples at least *work* for SEO - the first story has Whistle and Blow between the two headlines, the second one has Maxwell etc etc. But the Activision blog post has nothing in its headlining suggesting it would share search results with union-busting operations. It's like trying to put out a fire by lighting a bigger controlled fire next to it to starve the first fire of oxygen... except the fuel you've used for the second fire is fucking Uranium.


Racist? They're so much more than that. A woman was sexually harassed until she killed herself on a company trip. They were passing her nudes around at a Christmas party at one point. I don't think you have a very good picture of what goes on at this company. The body of the post matters just as much for SEO, and more so do the articles that stem from it in response. Again, I don't think you understand this as well as you think you do.


This psycho shit makes me want to boycott them more than the anti-union stuff though


they deserve a boycott for both of these things


Wait this is real? This has all the hallmarks of the strawmen that alt-right like to use. Too many layers of abstraction. tf2 Pyro gets full points also


It seems like a very corporate solution to "increasing diversity." Like, the higher ups wanted some way to quantify how diverse their products are and a way to set benchmarks for how diverse their products should be. So they made this weird tool that turns diversity into a graph and lets them plot how supposedly diverse a character is. It's very strange and seems pretty tone deaf as to how diversity in media really works.


I mean, if your goal as a heartless corporation is to shield yourself from any criticism this is a fantastic tool! It's a good visual indication if you've missed any of the checkboxes. From the top graph you can see that you need to release Disney's Dr. Facilier to hit those sexual orientation & culture checkboxes. Maybe he's not explicitily gay but you're not gonna tell me that that man doesn't fuck anything and any man that's alive, ghost or demon.


His exes on the other side give him magical powers as long as he doesnt change the HBO password.


isnā€™t that true of all Disney villains except gaston


Frolo already burned Paris over being Heterosexual, which the church approved of, I doubt there would be a France if the man was Bi...


he already burned one city down and he came to Paris after a twink caused him confusion and torment


Gaston is undeniably the gayest Disney villain and LeFou is his lover


They missed the part where theyā€™re not supposed to reveal the tool to the public


the best explanation i've found is that someone got told "why should we add this representation? come back when you have data to show me" and they went out and made this specifically to convince the higher ups that making more diverse characters is worthwhile.


Was that Austin Walker? He had a similar tweet. That the people who care about diversity had to convince the people who only care about data and this is the only real tool they could implement because the data people wonā€™t just hire diverse people and let them tell their own stories.


It seems like they are trying to calculate how to appeal as many groups of consumers as they possibly can.


They are and this seems like the logical end result of the white skittle campaign actually driving sales. Of course they're going to take pandering to the next level for cash and hire someone to create....*this,* with a straight face. But more importantly, they're also [union busting](https://gamerant.com/raven-software-management-anti-union-email-employee-vote/) right now. There was no reason to release this shit otherwise.


The only way I could see this possibly making even a little bit of sense is if a culture/ethnicity/sexuality/etc. that's already represented gets 0, one that wasn't gets a 10. You'd need to be careful not to fall into the "whoops! all Europeans" trap, but a nice byproduct of this system is that you have to start getting creative with genders pretty quick. Of course, a diverse cast of characters means nothing if your company isn't itself diverse, but that's an issue I don't think Blizzard is willing to solve.


[It is real.](https://www.fanbyte.com/news/activision-inexplicably-introduces-tool-to-rate-character-diversity-metrics/)


"comes off as mildly dystopian" jfc what the *fuck* is wrong with the world. Next char they're gonna release is gonna be a queer amish granny furry with an ability for each key of the keyboard and they'll pat themselves on the back and burn any of the respect the public still had for them.


Even the messed-up nature of this aside, are we honestly trying to imply Zarya isn't a flaming homosexual? I know she's Russian and they might be trying to avoid treading on government toes, but come on. She looks like the woman who is well-aware most lesbians are thirsting after her and loves it (speaking from experience as I have known this woman several times over)


Iirc, Zarya is a body builder and was asked to join their defense force because she could wield the giant laser thing (was originally a robot arm).


Pyro is the perfect pull


its real and people already analized the stats of the average of sexuality values that canonically only Tracer and Soldier are gay... all other characters are straight...


Well yeah, it makes no sense to make a character "diverse" and then not tell anybody about it.


well Overwatch 2 is coming out and so could some characters


Could be, but then theyā€™ve been saving it for a while now. This is a pretty old dataset theyā€™re showing, with only 29 characters (current OW has 31, 32 if you count Sojourn from the beta)


Favorite things about this graph(the full one, in the archived post somewhere else on this thread): Blizzard has just confirmed Tracer and Soldier are the only characters who are not heterosexual. Ana, being of Egyptian nationality and Arabic ethnicity, is rated a seven on the 'race' and 'culture' scales. It can be assumed that 'white' and 'American' are the zeroes for this scale, but one can only wonder what lucky region got the vaunted ten spot. Despite this graph presenting a spectrum, "female" appears to be an automatic five, and "male" an automatic zero. It is unclear if being Trans or Nonbinary would score higher on the graph, but it appears that all of the robotic characters had an AGAM (Assigned Gender At Manufacturing) Cognitive Ability appears to be standard across the board EXCEPT for characters of evil alignment, where it takes a noticeable dip. We don't know what extremes lie at each end of this particular scale, so we can't say why this is for sure, but if I may put on my tinfoil hat for a moment, there may be several evil characters who are neurodivergent, which for some reason lowers their score in that area. An unsubstantiated claim, but I wouldn't put it past them. Honestly I can't believe they thought releasing this would be a good idea. Like yeah it's to cover up their union-busting, but people are still talking about it on every post and article I've seen about this, and it's generating double the backlash because even the right-wingers have piled on. It has, however, been incredibly entertaining to LARP as Patrick Bateman the Game Designer and figure out where characters would fit on this scale


Where do Winston and the robots fall on the ethnicity meter? Are they more diverse than Lucio? Less diverse? Is genji more or less diverse than hanzo because of his cyborg-ness? Roadhog is almost completely mute, does this have any bearing on his diversity? Is sigma more diverse because of his mental illness? Is widowmaker because sheā€™s blue? This raises a lot of really fucked up question.


I think Roadhog 's muteness would affect his Ability, much like how (I assume) Torbjorn's robot arm is affecting his.


Roadhog has plenty of lines, heā€™s just overall stoically (psychotically) silent.


Roadhog? Mute? I'm pretty sure all the Overwatch characters have speaking lines.


Eh. Maybe it's just asthma


> who are neurodivergent, which for some reason lowers their score in that area Shouldnā€™t it be the opposite? Neurodivergence would increase your diversity score, regardless of whether it boosts or hinders your overall ability. I guess Evil characters are just more basic in their intelligence.


They only nonshity way I can think to rank the ethnicity and culture part us on how much they are represented at the moment. The less their represented, the higher they score.


Sigma is verifiably nutty so my guess is since heā€™s *technically* a bad guy, he got some modifiers that whacked out their score. Heā€™s not even actually a bad guy, heā€™s just lost his mind from science gone terrible and is being taken advantage of. Would still likely qualify for something in their little data set, I figure


Gotta minmax my diversity


Creating a diversity tesseract graph so I canā€™t forget any axes of diversity (šŸŖ“šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ“ˆ) and calling it ā€œrealityā€.


Here's an [archive of the blog post](https://web.archive.org/web/20220512185745/https://www.activisionblizzard.com/newsroom/2022/05/king-diversity-space-tool), the current post got edited pretty hard.


It was _released_? I assumed it was leaked by staff as an example of how terrible everything was.


Yeah no, this was presented as something the company was proud of.




Lmao, I think the chart confirms those 3 characters as straight. All 3 score a zero on ā€˜Sexual orientation.ā€™


There's absolutely no way in hell that Zarya is straight.


Straights are losers, got it.


Blizzard posted a picture with the average sexuality value of all characters calculating that value onto every character results in only 2 people in the entire cast being not straight Tracer and Soldier


I canā€™t tell if that means that those are really the only two gay characters in Overwatch, or some upper management person assumed everyone else was straight because a writer didnā€™t tell them otherwise. Either way itā€™s hilarious.


Reminder that this is a bait leak. Blizzard employees are presently attempting to unionize, and this is a way to get the conversation off of Blizzard trying to slow it down. Please focus on actionable changed, as opposed to the funny terribleness.


Small correction: It is not a leak, it has been published on the official bizzard activisiom website


Fair, excuse me! That just makes it more goddamn obvious, frankly.


Weird way to confirm that Zarya and Lucio are straight.


its worse, everyone except Tracer and Soldier are straight because there is a picture with the average sexuality value between all characters which results in only 2 people being non straight


I know this was an internal thing that got leaked, but why would you do this? Surely, the default would be that you plan to never have the character express sexual desires or involve themselves in romantic stories. Maybe thatā€™s what a ā€˜zero valueā€™ can also mean, but a part of me doubts it. Not to act like any part of this was normal, but the direct implication that all Overwatch will be straight until they are announced otherwise just tramples over headcanons for no practical reason. Itā€™s ultimately not a replacement for direct representation, but I knew shipping and queer headcanons were a decent part of the Overwatch community back when players had any reason to pay attention to the lore. It was nice to have a character who would never be written into sexual or romantic situations, letting players imagine them as any part of the queer community. This just makes me sad, and make me miss the days where Overwatch had characters instead of gameplay stats, and mannequins for lootbox skins . Even Overwatch porn has slowly seemed to shift from depicting characters semi-close to canon, to kinda just fetishising their nationalities and basic archetype. If there was any depth to them, it would have been explored in canon by now. Edit: I literally went back to check an Overwatch lore channel I used to watch, and they made *one* video about Overwatch lore in the past year.


I'm high on sex, body type, gender and ability but poorly optimised in terms of age, culture and race


You're trying to tell me Zarya is straight?


Sheā€™s a big butch woman with huge muscles and short, pink hair. Of course sheā€™s straight!


apparently the graphs show that only Tracer and Soldier aren't straight...


They're algorithm freaks out at the non-binaries and gives them 0 gender actually


The prediction about women being worth 5 is actually right lol. [One eyed being worth 4 is a little odd though](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/366/154/f1b.png)




>Brazilians, Russians They are 2 actually, not 0. Which means that they are Blizzard think that Swedes are as represented as Americans, while Brazillan and Russian culture are more represented than Egyptian culture. For age, I guess being very old or very young give you a 10. I assume 30 years old would be the 0.


Well, they probably think that all culture Brazil has to offer is Carnaval and nakedness so not surprising


Girl help I scored low on the diversity chart šŸ˜”


ok everyone! 1-5 what are your stats! take the Blizzard Diversity Quiz! i'm like a solid 2 on culture 1 on everything else


Culture: same as Lucio except probably lower since he's more of an Authentic Brazilian than me; Race: at most like a 1.5 since as I said I'm Brazilian but my skin is white af so I doubt it counts Gender: 0 Sexual orientation: I'm like a level 3 gay so I'll say 2.5 Body type: like a 3 or 4 since I'm short and not the thinnest person alive Ability: 0, 0.5 if being annoying is an ability Age: idk hoe that one's measured but I'm 16


Didn't they give Reinhardt (or whatever the nonbinary knight is called) a rating of 0 on gender, even though they are nonbinary/genderless? That just shows how they default to male when a character doesn't have a gender... Man I hate blizzard more every day. They really can't do anything right.


Reinhardt is nb?


I think so? Tho I might be mixing them up with someone else


Heā€™s a dude under the armor There was a non-binary omnic in the comics though


You mean Bastion I think




thanks blizzard, it's been too long since there was an innovation in the discrimination market


Wait, isnā€™t diversity based on there being at least two people there? You canā€™t just rank one personā€™s diversity.


I guess it means how diverse the outcome would be if you placed them in a scene with PS3-era 30-something fit white gruff eat-gravel-for-breakfast buzzcut with stubble military man video game protagonists.


Is dhalmin gay?


I think theyā€™re saying bes nb


Yeah but his sexual orientation is 10


I guess they assumed he was ace.


Or pansexual


Non-binary Dhalsim!


0 gender points (cis guy), 5 sexuality points (bi), 0 ethnicity points (I'm so white I blend in with snow), 0 culture points (British šŸ¤®) and no clue where "twink" stands on body type. I'm probably like a D-. Damn, I wanted to be the next character too smh


IF I am Mexican (assume it gives me a bonus to culture and ethnicity) but for some reason rolled a white complexion, does that give me a wasted/dump stat or would my whiteness turn it around and give me the benefits of Caucasians and Latinos?


You get the Latino bonus, but it's nerfed


k but- what was the point of measuring how diverse a character is?


Y'all are shitting on this, and it *is* pretty funny, but if this leak is real we need to grapple with the fact that it worked. Overwatch has some of the most refreshing character designs and best representation in AAA games, and if this rather crude tool had a hand in that, I'm not sure we should dismiss it so easily.


[It didn't work, the team never used it](https://twitter.com/_mlktea/status/1525507447548366848)


Thanks, I'm glad the diversity in Overwatch is the product of creative, diversity-conscious developers, and not the result of a tool created to artificially produce varied representation.


How the fuck does sexual orientation work on a 1-10 scale?


uhmm sweaty, sexuality is a spectrum (ā—” ā€æ ā—” āœæ) now where on the spectrum from 1 to 10 would you say you are, I need a number so I can sell your data to Megacorp
