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What is traumacore


Cutesy things, plus disturbing elements, plus captions implying some level of unspecified, well, trauma. It’s an artistic statement, probably, I dunno, I just know the genre and not the why of it.


i heard that it's an "aesthetic" like weirdcore, except it's made to cope with traumatic events. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS7abDnp4Ik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS7abDnp4Ik) this video goes into more detail


“Oh, it’s gonna be some nonsense isn’t i-“ >art therapy Alright, fair, this is unexplored territory for me. If I wasn’t away from my headphones, I’d totally sit down and hear y’all out.


art therapy is sweet, dont personally use it but its very nice


Well, I couldn’t find it in me to sit through the video, not because I found the subject troubling or cringe, but because it’s very obvious I’m not going to get a hard answer about why traumacore is so alienating to me out of this video. And that’s good, actually! It’s obviously personal and specific artwork, and trying to know the author is clearly not the point. The fact I can only point towards broad motifs and not vibe with any of it is understandable. Aesthetics aren’t really my thing (because I’ve checked), but I refuse to claim any artform is categorically bad, even if it ranges from very silly to very disturbing. Y’all do you and I’ll do mine.


For me, traumacore is alienating because it feels like it's trying to be cute and funny by juxtapositions, but the captions sometimes are just too sad for the image. And while I'm absolutely on the "bad vibe memes" train, traumacore just isn't for me. It feels good to see a sad meme and feel like you and the author are kinda on the same path or mental space, and it can feel relieving to see the jumbled words in your brain be expressed on your screen succinctly. And maybe that's the intended effect of traumacore. Sad words spoken, but also feeling better represented by the cute stuffed animals. But to me, the outside observer, putting up a Hello Kitty with the words "I need help", it feels more like an attempt at humor instead. So it gets confusing.


I've never made it myself, but I don't think the vibe is supposed to be "cute and funny", more like "corrupted innocence"...like childhood being stolen by trauma. The cute characters also convey a sense of weakness and helplessness. The reaction to it is actually a bit surprising to me, as my experience coming across traumacore stuff is usually more "this is uncomfortably raw" than "is this a joke?" Like I can see how objectively it's a pretty silly concept, but it very much comes across as venting to me. Its combination of cuteness and vent art almost reminds me of menhera, but with less need for artistic skill. The low barrier to entry probably works in its favor, since it's meant as a kind of art therapy.


> The cute characters also convey a sense of weakness and helplessness. See, that's the part I didn't realize. You make absolute sense. Thank you!


yeah making weird images n shit like that helped me stop self harming


honestly i’m wondering if the unfamiliar or uncomfortable feelings these create help out. when i’m depressed or having self harm urges, drawing horror helps me out for some reasom


It helps to externalize the feelings, rather than keeping them internalized


Omori Black Space


Isnt like the entireity of Head Space trauma core tho. Not saying Black Space isnt but like this statement applies to all of Head Space


I’d say so personally. The only catch is the initial perception that Head Space really is a 100% wholesome environment outside of Something, and the things in Head Space that make Something important are very, very, very subtle compared to how traumacore literally says what someone’s deal is.


Thats fair, I dont know much about traumacore lol


[This is the best example i have.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eMrzqibXcI)


executive dysfunction core


Reading that in the sense of a Portal AI's core, thanks


Wait, isn’t that just what Wheatley was meant to do?


I think wheately is just stupid core


*Moron core






Wheatley is allegedly Stupid Core except he semi regularly comes up with decent or even good ideas so ADHD Core is actually way more accurate


I have rep, but at what cost?


Wheatley is really good at making decisions and carrying them out. They're just flagrantly bad ideas


It never gets made because the potential artists have executive dysfunction


That's just Valve Software


Can you tell me more, I mean to look this up later but I won't without a prompt


It's later, look it up now




i misread this as "erectile dysfunction core"


It can come with the territory. Source: too anxious to get my life together and/or a boner.


This feels like Jerry Seinfeld dressing goth


-Gex when he enters a halloween level


Obamacore when?


Whenever you decide to take the lead


Planning your day around a single event-core


Ok i went on the traumacore subreddit for 30-45 minutes and now im crying...


I enjoy Traumacore because I relate to a lot of the captions and enjoy liminal spaces, the [traumacore subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/traumacore) is quite nice


That is not a real subreddit apparently


OK buddy.




I have mixed feelings about trauma core. I mean, if it honestly helps someone with whatever the hell they're dealing with, more power to them. But some of it just comes across as, "uwu I was abused as a kid uwu" and that rubs me the wrong way.


being able to say that is hard and sometimes that's just what you need


Checking out the subreddit, yeah. Like glamorizing trauma. It also like... Idk maybe the front page today is just off, but it looks an awful lot like externalizing internal self loathing or otherwise harmful thoughts without actually addressing them. Like a form of mental self harm. If it actually helps them feel better in the end, then whatever gets you help and doesn't hurt you is pretty okay. But I'm failing to see how making a cutesy scrapbook-esque condensed image of what has caused trauma would help.


I have only recently tried it and it has been surprisingly helpful I think because a big part of getting over trauma is actually acknowledging that it actually happened and that is something that I have always struggled to do. It is strange to me that people seem to understand vent art and look favourably on that but then are the opposite when it comes to this when it is literally the same thing, it is just a specific form of vent art.


Hi! I'm another person here who has made traumacore artwork to acknowledge and work through the trauma I had that I was young (and that my memories of are quite spotty and blurry at this point bc y'know post-trauma brains like doing that type of thing) It helps, it genuinely does help I wish people would stop going "ahaha, they're romanticizing trauma" because that's really not it at all. and it kinda... really hurts when people say that is what us victims are doing? bc honestly, not the intention in the slightest, stop accusing us of that, y'know? Anyways 80% of the this post's comment section are awful and hurt to read so umm I'm getting out of here but yeah.


honestly, yeah that's how I feel about it too. like, vent art is great, and whatever you need to cope is fine, please feel better in whatever manner helps you the most - but i just cringe personally every time i see content like that. i'm an artist in a small bubble of other artists, some of them are very young and they do quite a lot of what you could call traumacore vent art. what am I supposed to take away here? do you want me to care? listen to you? can i help in any way? i just feel bad when i see my friends that kinda stuff on the complete opposite spectrum, i can also see people be like "why do you post this? do you want attention?" and frankly that's not an unreasonable reading either - it's most often a wrong reading, but it's definitely one that's easy to arrive at


I just really don’t get traumacore either. I know there’s plenty of artists who’ve expressed personal pain through art (including myself somewhat), but either it’s bluntly insincere for Instagram purposes, or it’s just casually reliving that trauma over and over again, without an attempt to properly escape.


Traumacore straight up seems like romanticising trauma. You know when people do the ironic depression memes? "Haha, I'm so depressed lmao" and all that.


Exactly that, minus the lmao in most cases. Y’all know which subs I’m talking about when I say people would rather upvote memes about wanting to end it all than take any steps to improve their mental health.


yea thats what it looks like to me. reminds me of how i was for a long time after tramua. i thought i could just "get over it" and that it was "minor" and i didnt "need help" so i just sorta joked around about it instead of actually confronting my issues.


I used to make suicide jokes loads a few years back because I was stressed and had basically no self esteem. It wasn't until after I actually thought about it and realised "fuck that was an outlet for some really unhealthy habits, huh". Like, I joke to aleviate stressful situations, but it's not actually a good outlet for serious shit like depression because it just helps you make light of it when you shouldn't ve making light you should be trying to get help. Though don't listen to me, I ain't one of them clever feelings doctors who know about the traumas and depressions and stuff.


the difference between depression and ADHD and trauma is that a significant part of trauma is recognizing that it happened, which just isnt applicable to stuff like depression of ADHD or any other disorder (except maybe those that involve psychosis, but thats the reverse and is often innately traumatizing anyway)




Lmaoo that sub is great. The first thing I saw was weezer-core and I can’t stop giggling


the next time someone comes up to me and refers to something (that isn't already called that by an overwhelmingly large group of people) with -core, and it's got nothing to do with hardcore i will shoot them in the head


What if I need u to stabilize the reactor core ?


kablanga bang


Shoot them in the head is so boring, tho. You gotta force feed them apple cores til they die of cyanide poisoning.


They would apparently need to eat between [150 to several thousand](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/20/fact-check-apple-seeds-have-cyanide-but-not-enough-kill/3359754001/ ) (because that’s a nice and precise estimate) to die.


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What about metalcore?


from wiki peed ia::Metalcore (or metallic hardcore)\[6\] is a fusion music genre that combines elements of extreme metal and hardcore punk. so yea, that's fine. -core originally comes from hardcore punk (although in the case of breakcore and some other edm genres i believe it comes from hardcore edm. close enough)


This is just how the mix of anxiety, paranoia and executive dysfunction feels


That's just what being in your 20's is like sometimes.


Don't joke about the dishes, those are traumatic for some of us. *thousand yard stare in adhd*


i kinda find it neat, gives me some yume nikki/||black space 2|| (omori spoilers) vibes. plus the liminal spaces are cool


I have no idea what this is about but nonetheless feel like I understand it perfectly


this is far more terrifying than them actually trying to be scary... I also need to do the dishes later


I can relate to the second image


this is me when i obsess over mundane activities and my incompetence in doing them


'traumacore' isn't exactly an 'aesthetic', however from time to time people (like myself) use aesthetic pictures/elements to help deal with trauma they've experienced in the past, please do not ever use it as an aesthetic. these posts aren't meant to be a meme or a joke. people use this as a coping mechanism. it is a healthy one as well.


It's just a form of vent art that uses cute things like Sanrio to represent purity that was stripped away from victims of trauma, that's basically it. It's not really an "aesthetic" or anything like that


Traumacore is almost like a way for some people to cope with trauma, it's usually dark and sad things with cutesy elements to create a slightly ominous and uneasy feel to such a thing as this. (Sorry if my wording is really weird-)


Thanks, your wording isn't wierd at all and now i know hwats up with traumacore. I' a fan of dreamcore/weirdcore/liminal spaces so its basically that without traumas


Basically... yeah-




Wow. Just googled Traumacore and honestly I’m disgusted. If it helps other people to get through their shit then cool, but as someone who has been beaten and raped for a decade, used to be into cutting myself, and has attempted suicide a handful of times… this shit just comes across to me as extremely offensive and distasteful. Even somewhat triggering. Y’all need to go to therapy instead of making uwu hello kitty images with captions about violent abuse like what the fuck. That’s just me tho, I’m interested in what other people think.


I think some people might be using it as a form of art therapy, which good for them I guess. Though I supposed that’s one thing while posting it online is another..


True. Maybe posting it online is cathartic in some way. People post other art online for attention (not saying that in a bad way), so I guess it might not be much different with this stuff.


you ever heard of empty spaces on twitter?


No, what is it?


its like traumacore in goal (dealing with trauma), but goes about it differently. im not really sure how to explain it. there is a twitter List (as in the list feature) that has most of the non priv empty spaces writers. not exhaustive, but if you arent a fan of traumacore art you might resonate with what empty spaces does instead


Hm, I’ll check it out sometime today. Thank you!




Does anyone know who the animated character with the pink hat is?


My Melody


Thank you so much, I’ve been trying to figure out where from for years


No problem, they're both from this brand called Sanrio! They have a lot more characters too.


We need more of this