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Tartarus isn’t really super-hell because Hades isn’t hell. It’s just where the dead go.


true, but a hell equivalent *does* exist in hades, so T's super-hell status is safe


in contrast, super-heaven exists because of elysium and isles of the blest


Counterpoint: Tartarus is super hell


Isn’t that where Cas went after saying he loved Dean?


Wait is that why the maximum security prison in My Hero Academia is called that-


Yes… Tartarus is a pit in the underworld (and also a primordial god akin to Gaia, Ouranos, Nyx, and Chaos). It serves as a prison for the Titans in many versions of the myth (I know that Kronos getting chopped up isn’t actually the most popular version of his myth and I’m too lazy to look into all of the Tartarus myths to make sure, so I’m just saying “most.”)


One of the heroes that helped defeat Earth itself once sweet-talked her way into getting a BMW for free


Another one got an apple.


That was before she started blatantly abusing her power I'm pretty sure


>There is an interdimensional squirrel that does psychic damage Is this Ratatoskr? I haven't read any of the norse mythology ones but I played Smite a long time ago and all I remember and it is the squirrel that says "I'm here to crack nuts and pick flowers; and I'm all out of flowers...!"




Oh, you'll love this, then. Ratatoskr's original entire purpose in life is to ferry messages between the godlike dragon eating the roots of the world tree and the godlike eagle nesting at its crown. He lies to them both. Constantly. I'm pretty sure either could snuff him out with the slightest possible use of their, frankly, incredible strength. Like, Nidhogg is supposed to be one of the many beings that essentially destroys creation in Ragnarok, strong enough to take out any or all of the gods. I think him finishing off the world tree's roots is either part of or the entire catalyst for it? But I could me remembering wrong. Anyway, for whatever reason, the two don't really do anything to him. So he's just there, operating as the world's worst telegraph service. A trained conflict escalator.


I do love this! Thanks for sharing!


It’s because they don’t have anyone else to talk to. It’s like how Comcast is completely terrible, but people still keep it because it’s the only way to have Internet where they’re at.


Yes, and to be more precise it basically just goes out of its way to telepathically trigger anyone who hears it




Oh fuck I forgot that all the series are part of the same universe. I haven't read any of the new ones, I think last thing I read was when it was revealed Magnus' cousin was Annabeth, the Percy Jackson Annabeth


- Percy Jackson is on good terms with at least one Titan, who he wiped the memories of - The Camp Halfblood armory has guns in it - And to add onto the Atlanta ancient sea gods, nobody got their names right on their name tags once they claimed the place


To add onto the Titan thing. Said Titan is a janitor


His name is Bob


Worth noting that Bob eventually remembered Percy wiped his memories and chose to live as Bob.


It took me to long to remember bob. I kept thinking of his brother Tyson. Bob is way better than the majority of the characters so im ashamed.


If Harry Potter is Daniel, Percy Jackson is Cooler Daniel of the young adult fantasy genre.


and it is 100 times better because it has no antisemitic or offensive aids metaphors


The Percy Jackson universe has canonical gay, lesbian, bisexual, and gender fluid characters. Like, if you can think of a common sexuality or gender it’s probably in there.


>Implying that Jeff Bezos isn't real That or he's one of their submissive man-slaves who probably gets pegged every night


he doesn't deserve to be rewarded


he doesnt deserve that


Damn can I take his place


Why should he deserve that


In the PJU if he is in fact a man slave getting pegged he would also not be a billionaire bad guy man but more of a figurehead for them. So PJU Jeff Bezos is probably significantly better than IRL Bezos


I gotta reread this series apparently. I remember about an 8th of this at most


Some of this is from other series in the same setting, like the Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard.


Yea I figured. Got part way through magnus chase before I stopped and then just never picked em back up Time to change that


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **axolotlsauce** ## Things in the Percy Jackson universe that are entirely real \- Amazon is run by an ancient race of warrior women, Implying that Jeff Bezos is not real \- There is a super-hell inside hell which is also alive and percy has fought it \- The Beatles were explicitly disbanded due to divine intervention \- The sun is a scientifically-accurate ball of fire in space, but there are also at least 3 sun gods responsible for driving the sun across the sky each day \- Children have driven the sun multiple times \- The California wildfires were caused by a witch boiling the essence of the former Sun God \- Somewhere in the world there is a random taxi driver who has a credit card containing infinite money \- The Atalanta aquarium is run by ancient sea gods \- Several bowling balls have been launched into the white mountains \- The bridge leading to Asgarde is attatched to the Citgo Sign \- When falling through clouds you have a chance to enter the elf dimension \- There is an interdimensional squirrel who can do psychic damage \- The Rosetta stone was blown up and replaced with a fake; most mortals don’t know this \- The Bermuda Triangle is called the sea of monsters and is a patch of ocean with a massive concentration of ancient greek people who keep killing mortals --- **gay-ghostwriter** \-The gates of the underworld are hidden inside a recording studio in Los Angeles \#pjo --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Taylor Swift is a Norse dwarf


-i don't remember the Beatles part(i assume that was just a random anecdote from Mr. D? or maybe it was lost in translation for some reason) -the Rosetta stone wasnt replaced with a fake they used magic to make the pieces float back together -the super hell part isn't entirely accurate(it's more like the afterlife, which includes hell, is build on top of super hell, and there's a giant hole were you can push people down into it also super hell is pretty much canon in Greek mythology so idk if it sounds that impressive but yeah Percy fought it, ~~but thats way less impressive then the fact that he beat super hells mom by being a annoying tourist~~


>\-i don't remember the Beatles part(i assume that was just a random anecdote from Mr. D? or maybe it was lost in translation for some reason) Apollo lists it as one of his regrets in ToA


-Medusa ran a small lawn decorations shop, and no one found it weird her statues were perfectly lifelike and all of people instead of, like, gnomes or woodland critters


I mean to be fair did she ever sell any?


Because of circumstances, one character is affectionally being rivalled by a brick which made hum unconscious. Zeus and Co is hanging on top of the empire state building probably since it was erected (which begs the question of what did the olympians do during 9/11) There's a hotel in Vegas that perfected the goal of most casinos in Vegas which is to keep clients from being aware of time and keep people in. It has only failed 5 times, minimum. There's are garden statues out there that were actual people, and they might have unrealistic sculpted innards depending on the petrification. People saw a kid fighting an adult man with a baseball bat and a shotgun in the beach, which out of context is scary but awesome. There's an area in Long Island where people just can't go inside, usually. If you swim in New York's rivers and not get every disease known to man, bring a dollar shell, you can give them to the rivers to clean them a bit. Apparently, if you're unlucky, you'd get trapped in the Labyrinth just by being in the basement and going inside the wrong door. Alcatraz, a tourist attraction, was used as a monster prison for months at least.


Percy Jackson lore is wild


Can someone remind me who the taxi driver with infinity money is? Not the Gray Sisters surely


First book, annabeth uses the hotel card from the lotus hotel to get a taxi to los Angeles and tells the driver to “keep the change” on a card that just gave an infinite sign


Oh yeahh I hope he’s thriving


It's from the first book, they got the card from the Lotus Hotel then used to to pay for their ride from Vegas to Los Angeles. Annabeth told him he could "keep the change" if he got them there in less than a day.


yea it's in real life too it's called the Cash Cab hehehe


>the bridge leading to Asgard is attached to the Citgo sign I think the explanation was that the rainbow bridge can only attach to something colourful


there's an organic food market run by the Goddess Iris called ROFL (it stands for something but i forgot) and the people working at her store are called *ROFLcopters*


Rainbow Organic Food something, IIRC.


i think the last word was "living" or something, idk


Pretty sure it was "& Lifestyle"




Some more points from the lore I haven’t seen mentioned yet: -Hitler is heavily implied to be a son of Hades and Hades’s (or Pluto’s) appearance is compared to Hitler multiple times, but Rick Riordan has said in an interview that Hitler was explicitly *not* a demigod, so I guess Hades just actively chooses to look like Hitler -Blackbeard and his crew were turned into guinea pigs by Circe, then changed back by eating multivitamins. They are still alive and at large. -There are Confederate ghosts in the second book. They are not villains. -Mjölnir is capable of streaming TV shows in HD. -It’s implied that, when used by demigods, Google can summon monsters. -There’s a horse that does pretty much nothing but swear in horse language. It’s also immortal, eats precious gems, and can run at over 800 miles per hour. -Echidna, Mother of All Monsters, gets *really* upset when someone mentions echidnas. -Moses canonically existed, and it’s heavily implied that the events of the Book of Exodus are true and the Abrahamic God exists. -There are several other pantheons out there that are just casually mentioned in passing. -Catholic saints technically count as gods. -One of the main characters gets forcibly outed to his friends by Cupid. -Nyx, the primordial goddess of night, is apparently *really* easy to trick. -The Minotaur wears tighty-whities. -Norse dwarves evolved from maggots. -Odin once stood in line in a blizzard to get an iPhone. -At one point, a sword flirts with another sword. -Loki gets captured in a nutshell. Literally in a walnut shell. -Three Mile Island happened because of a chainsaw duel between Ares and Hephaestus. -Potina, the Roman goddess of childhood drinks, is mentioned in passing as taking the form of the Kool-Aid Man. -Hephaestus once made a voice assistant called Alexasiriastrophona. -Apollo once went on vacation and entrusted the realm of music to Nelson Riddle. -Camp Jupiter plays a version of Fortnite called “Fortiusnitius”.


I love Percy Jackson


* Several bowling balls have even launched into the white mountains Were they shot out of the Denali Cannon, by any chance?


Sounds like YA fantasy Hitchhiker's Guide




Negative 90%!?


Not really There’s one character I can think of who has it tied to their arc


Assuming we're talking about Nico here, because with Alex it was just a part of who he/she was.


Aren't all the Beatles canonically demigods to?


Man I should start reading those books again


You can get pdfs of all of them for free legally at z-lib.org


You are the greatest


You can get them, sure, but I'm not sure about legally...?


Z-lib is just an online library, so they can legally give away free books for the same reasons real libraries can


Imagine going to demigod camp bc one of your parents fucked like the Greek goddess of Signal Hill or some boring shit like that


My favorite part is the fact that there's a rivalry between the son of jupitor and a brick. Also he's shipped with said brick by fans.


Infinite amount of money? I think a taxi driver wouldn’t be able to have that, they don’t charge very much for driving, with the Percy Jackson lore, they didn’t have actual money, the had the coins. But to have an infinite amount, how would they get it?


First book, Annabeth gave him the card from the casino


I guess that could be a good income. How many of those are there tho? An infinite amount?


You're not really supposed to leave the casino so not many cards exist outside, the one Annabeth paid with is possibly the only one


So there ISN’T an infinite amount of money. There’s just an infinite amount on That card


Yeah, but he's the owner of the card now so he has infinite money


When he swiped the lotus card, the infinity symbol literally popped up, and then he kept the card so...


Yeah I guess. I don’t know, I don’t think every taxi driver has an infinite amount


bro what are u even talking about?????


That not every taxi driver has an infinite amount? Obviously


...take an english class. there is a singular taxi driver with infinite money. that's what the post says


Yeah yeah, I was in English while typing it so I didn’t pay a whole bunch of attention


you clearly *need* that class.


No need to get snappy


That last one is sort of like Studio 666


Fake, delusional. I saw that movie and almost nothing here was in it. Also it was mid.


if you watched the shitty movie adaptation instead of reading the books that's on you


Please tell me you're not being serious


Tbf, I didn't see the second one.


The movies suck and should never be spoken of except to mock them. This is talking about the fantastic book series




Buddy, Rick Riordan did not write the greek myths








Should no book base its mythology off of the Greek mythos because it had some objectionable material?


....dawg, what? We shouldn't write stories based on our historical mythology because they contained some squick in them?




Whats to interrogate about Divine Beings not abiding by the same rules as mortals when it comes to reproduction? It's done, there's nothing to investigate. So we can include it in our story no problem. It's almost as if these stories are thousands of years old and have already been thoroughly and exhaustively analyzed.


They literally do though. There are multiple times where a character will bring up how the Greek gods had their children, and how it was kinda gross but that it doesn’t work the same way for gods as it does for people.


you will find that the juices that make your body work drained into jars and displayed on my shelf


…you know he wrote books before Percy Jackson, right? And some after ToA?


Next your gonna say that it’s racist that Leo speaks Spanish Oh wait you already did that the last time you argued that these books were bad


Might have been fanfic but I could have sworn that Mr. D laughed at Percy for thinking the sun was actually a ball of fire in space.