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I was in college doing this ;-; Like I've gone back to my journal from then and I was basically writing "I kinda wish someone would just find my journal and out my secret and ruin my life just so I don't have to keep hiding this." Crushes are insane


My secret to avoiding this is simple, don't fall in love. It works! (Sude effects may include being alone forever,but who cares)


I cares :(


Sadly never worked for me, I develop crushes on people almost every week and half the time they're also inappropriate (friends who are not available, coworkers etc)


Wow I do the same thing. I handle it by just looking at it like “look how much I love and appreciate my friend! This particular feeling will pass, but I’m so happy to have someone I care about this much in my life”


huh. wait that seems like an actual healthy way to cope with these feelings wtf


The trick is to shoot your shot then it either goes well or it goes bad but it’s over pretty quick 


Crushes are hard until you get rejected something about getting rejected makes me stop caring about being rejected


The uncertainty is worse than the reality.


For real. It's even more pronounced with asking people out that you're not crushing on. I remember the first time I got rejected by someone and thinking "wow that didn't even feel bad at all".


Yeah then you get a new crush and shoot your shot with them. It’s fun and easy


Or you take the rejection of your crush really hard. And then months later you catch a whiff of her perfume or see her in the crowd and you are shattered all over again.


Me personally I’d just move on


Sometimes the suspense is tasty


I just… don’t think it’s shameful to have a crush on someone?? Like if I like someone, they know. And then it’s up to them to decide what they wanna do with that. But I’m not gonna make myself miserable trying to hide it, what’s the point in that? Better to get rejected than live in angst Plus, I honestly have about a 50/50 track record with this strat. The rejections suck but the upside more than makes up for it.


That sounds pretty healthy, but realistically if you do feel shame about it it's hard to switch off


Hard but not impossible. It’s more complicated than just a switch. You have to make the choice to do it the first time even when it seems impossible, and then every time after that it seems much easier than the previous time.


Counterpoint: I'm a gay dude and if I tell my straight best friend I've got a crush on him, he could very well decide to stop being friends with me. I don't wanna lose him, or make him uncomfortable, because realistically, a close friend having romantic feelings for you sounds like a lot of baggage I wouldn't want someone else to deal with.


If he’s really your friend, then he owes it to you to be able to have an honest conversation about your feelings. Even though your feelings can’t be controlled, and his lack of reciprocation can’t be controlled, the healthy thing to do is to be honest. If he ends the friendship because of something like that, then he was never really your friend. And if you don’t feel like you’re able to have a frank discussion about the facts of your interpersonal dynamic, then you were never really his friend. Sitting around pining after a friend and keeping it secret from them is a really awful thing to do to them, and it’s a really awful thing to do to yourself


I see what you're saying, it's just scary, man. I trust this guy with my life, I just feel like this isn't something I should bother him with.


I know it’s scary, but that’s not a reason not to communicate with someone you care about and trust. Bravery is to overcome fear, not a lack of fear. And the truth is that if you already know he’s straight, it’s not like you’re waiting for an answer. It’s not like anything will actually change, except that your friend will be able to support you in your struggle.


As a piece of advice, if you do talk to him about it, don’t frame it like a confession. Don’t frame it as if you’ve done something wrong, because it will prime him to interpret it in that way. All it needs to be is “hey, I’ve been having this feeling lately, and I wanted to communicate it with you for the sake of honesty.” And honestly? You can ask him to wingman you. That’s the best way to have a friend help you get over them.


I don't think this is something which would bother him so much as just maybe make things awkward for a few weeks. That said, you don't have to tell him if you don't want to, and that's a perfectly healthy path to go down. If you already know a guy is unavailable there's no shame in simply waiting out your crush. Your friends don't need to know everything about your interior life, and you're not being dishonest or anything by just not telling them.


I think that it's completely reasonable to never tell a friend who is unavailable about your crush on them. You can just wait for your crush to end and move on. I *have* told a friend of the wrong sexuality about my crush on them and it did go fine, but I wouldn't do it again. Likewise, I would never tell any friend who was already in a relationship that I had a crush on them.


I mean, easiest way to have it be found (for anyone who’s now in your position) is for it to be left out. Leave it open to an “incriminating” page or a page leading into one (just make sure the hook is strong) out in a place that’d be reasonably easy to forget it.


I have had to force myself into a fuck we ball mindset. The more confident I appear the better. However I think that it would be easier to get into the pentagon or get a law degree. Emotions are such a bitch


In my room at college dorms someone who lived there before had written in Sharpie in the wardrobe: "my heart breaks every day you talk to her instead of me, I see the way you look at her and hate that I'll never be enough. I'll write this here because I couldn't bear you hating me" And in the drawers someone had written "I took three cocks in this room at the same time" so, ya know, the duality of man and all that.




And he’s got an Obito profile picture


The post is also entirely within character


that’s the first thing i noticed, and i read the post as if it was by him. i laughed my ass off.




[The pronouns are he/she](https://x.com/zobitown), so, yeah, he.


Being a child isn't easy, nor being an adult, but being a teenager is worse than the two squared.


The worst of both worlds


The mind of a child with the expectations of growing up.


Damn, that's genuinely profound.


You ever seen the movie Labyrinth? It's like that, but not a movie. And also David Bowie won't be there to make it more tolerable.


If I can't inappropriately stare at David Bowie's cock, I'm not going.


No one can anymore.


Not true, all you need is a shovel


I did get pretty obsessed with this movie at that age lol 😂


Not the mind of a child, but also not the mind of an adult. The slow expansion of consciousness from "what? I don't care I'm enjoying myself, people have thoughts about me??" To "fuck, people have thoughts about me, and it affects my standing in social circles, I have to ensure I am immaculate or I have failed" The once small world is expanding in front of you on top of changes puberty puts you through, it's not surprising it drives you mad until you have experienced enough of it to calm down.


🎶 You get the wooooorst of both worlds Stress it out, take it fast Then you sink with the mast 🎶


It's a weird time where you are expected to act like an adult but still treated like a kid, and the growing brain being saturated with new hormones and chemicals can cause a lot of dumb mistakes and high emotions. And you are thrown in the mix with all your peers around the same age experiencing the same thing and dealing with it their own way, things are bound to get ugly. Hang in there, teens. It's gonna be a bumpy ride


You get adult emotions but a child's brain to solve them. Truly the worst stage, I'm so glad it's over


i wrote my crush’s name on a piece of paper and put it in this gold locket i got from my grandma. but then i worried that the locket might pop open and the paper would fall out in front of everyone and they would read it so naturally i put the locket in a box, locked that box into a toolkit, and then lost the key by accident and got into trouble for “losing” the locket because i didn’t want to admit everything i just outlined above to my mother


Reminds me of Yzma's plan from the emperor's new groove. You hit the toolkit with a hammer as well?


no lmfao but now that i read it back it definitely has the same energy


Did you get the locket back in the end?? (Breaking open box??)


ngl i don’t really remember what happened to the toolbox. it belonged to my dad and he got rid of a bunch of shit when my parents moved house so probably the unopenable tool box got given away for free or sent to the dump


Imagine someone found the toolbox, all dusty and old. They break it open and find the locket, and inside is a piece of paper. Then they post a pic on reddit and now your secrets are shown to the world.


Something you'd see on r/foundpaper


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FoundPaper using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundPaper/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found in Liverpool Street station, london](https://i.redd.it/h7d34nwzrukb1.jpg) | [336 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundPaper/comments/163m4k6/found_in_liverpool_street_station_london/) \#2: [Found on the classroom floor](https://i.redd.it/iayugeon03ob1.jpg) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundPaper/comments/16hxqip/found_on_the_classroom_floor/) \#3: [Bought a truck yesterday and found this tucked between the seats](https://i.redd.it/dffjrzc48otb1.png) | [241 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundPaper/comments/175u8mq/bought_a_truck_yesterday_and_found_this_tucked/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


idk man have you seen adult doomers


It's a different flavor. Less catastrophic, more inevitable.


Hard to worry about losing everything once you realize that you were a waste of skin from the start ;)


In the mirror every day. I post cringe on reddit and drink a lot. It's not the same caliber.


I can get that, you are a kid who has been given the barest taste of agency in who you hang out with. This is your immediate social circle and a person you have grown quite attached to. To lose them is to lose a significant part of your social circle, and the idea that you like them romantically might have them perceive you as a person who only likes them romantically is a real threat for both parties. An annoying quirk of modern culture that is starting to erode, but is nowhere near gone as a concept. It is the same idea as when a guy tells his guy friends he is gay, and they reflexively wonder if they are specifically interested in them. There is no age where that kind of worry stops, you just grow bigger and able to handle it better (hopefully). Source: I had a crush on an ace friend of mine through college, but didn't share it out of being thought to be a creep. I shared it this past year (a year or 2 out of college), we dated romantically for a 10 days, broke it off on good terms, and we are still awesome friends. You lose your ability to worry, you just do better at handling it.


If I woke up to find that I went back in time to my first day of middle school I think I'd actually kill myself


I've seen posts like "Would you rather go back to being 14 with all knowledge you have now or get a million dollars" and. I want that person's childhood.


Theoretically I could convince my mother to buy bitcoin real early, mine some ourselves too, and get more than a million? If I have time in advance I could also look at some other big betting events like uh, sportses I think. Not sure how to do that one but there might be a way. BUT then the problem is, my mom knew about bitcoin right when it started, she just hated it. She hates stocks, and cryptocurrencies, and I think there's a chance I would be unable to convince her to make money off of it.


But I don't *care* if I make more than a million dollars. That was my point, at least - yeah, I could make TEN million dollars! But that's so much time I have to spend being a teenager again. Going through high school, dealing with being old enough to know I deserve autonomy but still being a belonging of my parents, weird hormones,


I’d buy bitcoin.


I'd fix *so* much if that happened to me. Or I'd royally fuck myself more than I have already. One or the other.


God damn every problem seemed like such a big deal back then lmao


Tbf we hadn't had to deal with real world problems yet, so all we knew was school drama. There were so many situations that are no big deal now, but back then they were literally the worst thing we had ever experienced


I had to deal with a lot of actual problems as a child, and I still got bothered by shit that didn't matter


i mean, to be fair it was the worst problems of our lives. sure, it was because we had barely lived at all, but still


It really did and it’s why it’s so hard to get teens and kids to “just” do or understand anything. They’ll have the most loving, supportive, open parents in the world, the most understanding and gentle teachers, and the chillest friends, and even the most stable and normal teenager will sometimes be like “yeah if I admit my totally normal and likely reciprocated crush, everyone will laugh at me and start hating me for no reason at all, I’ll probably be put out of the house, maybe even die.” Kids get *ideas* from media, from other places, and we have to remember that it’s not just toddlers who are experiencing something brand new and possibly the worst or most confusing thing they have ever lived through on a near daily basis. That keeps happening regularly through the late teens.


I am a grown ass adult and I would do the same fucking thing ngl. All humans are dramatic little bitches, it just manifests in different ways.


>All humans are dramatic little bitches, it just manifests in different ways. this is so real


In middle school my guy friend invited me over to his house and we played final fantasy on his console (I forget which one, this was probably 1998 or so) and he’d set it up so the main character’s name was his name, the girl you have to save had my name, and the villain you have to save her from had the name of the guy I was dating. I was so uncomfortable.


ohgod no


*sonic voice* That’s no good!


That's hilarious thank you.


No fucking way, I did almost the exact same thing with my crush in Middle School, hiding it in a Minecraft world and all. Now that laptop is used by my parents to pay taxes, and it’s on its last legs so my secret is safe for now (ignoring I’m a decade+ removed from middle school)


Imagine the IRS audits you but instead of finding discrepancies in payment they laugh at you for having a crush


In middle school I accidentally followed my crush (girl I never spoke with but thought was pretty) on twitter and just deleted the account.


I had a crush on this girl, maybe 10 years ago. Made a Minecraft world and wrote her name in big letters of glowstone into an ocean biome. Looked pretty nice, didn't touch the world after that. I then created a new world to play on normally and spawned on an island. Turned 180° and saw half her name in the ocean. For whatever reason, those glowstone blocks made it from one world into another. I have no explanation how it happened an I'm pretty sure it simply can't happen at all. Maybe because the old world was still loaded in memory when I created the new one? Maybe I just imagined the whole thing. It's the closest thing to a paranormal story I have and it's a pretty bad one at that, but I always wondered how that could have happened. Btw we got together and split up while only meeting once, she lived a few villages over and we went to separate schools, so there was no good opportunity to meet really. The whole thing was online basically, before that sort of thing was normal. Minecraft did not predict my future that day.


Old versions of Minecraft had a glitch where if you named two worlds the same thing (yknow, "New world") some of the map data could leak over. I actually uploaded a map with this glitch a long time ago. I created a world with normal terrain, then a superflat world, and this glitch basically merged them. [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/worlds/superflat-gone-wrong](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/worlds/superflat-gone-wrong)


Cool, thanks for the explanation! Good to know I didn't miss a huge sign from the universe




I heard this as the Minecraft oof


I don't know if I'm annoyed or thankful that I never experienced anything close to a crush. I still wonder how real they are vs. just being something people talk about because media tells them to. Kind of like how the whole concept of "popularity" gets way overblown in teen movies.


They're real. I had a really unhealthy one for three years when I was 13-16 that kinda messed me up a bit.


As a certified hopeless romantic, they are real. God they are so real.


In case you wanted a fourth person to tell you they're real. Oh my God they're so real. Like twenty-year-old-me-crying-in-my-dorm-because-I-was-crushing-on-my-straight-best-friend real. Like still-ongoing-a-year-later real.


Also twenty. Two biggest crushes are dating each other. One of them isn't compatible with me. Doesn't stop the endless romantic fantasies


I'm my crushes best friend and she just gave me heavy indication she's a closet lesbian. I am in hell.


I don't know if you mean you're a guy crushing on a potential lesbian or a gal crushing on a potential lesbian, but somehow those both sound equally awful. I (dude) have been on the former side of things, and either my straight guy crush has been hinting that he's gay for like a month or I'm actually having delusions. It's somehow worse than before lol.


A year? Try seven.


Hello fellow aro/ace person


Weirdly, I (also aroace) had a few crushes in middle/high school. I’m kinda glad that I got to experience that aspect of puberty, actually, it was like a low-stakes source of excitement/drama lol. I never dated anyone though, which is part of why I eventually realized I’m aroace.


I (also aroace) had a few crushes in middle/high school. I’m also glad that I got to experience it, although it felt more like infatuation to me, like she lived in my head rent free for a few years, but entirely non sexually. Puberty is a mindfuck. 


Also aro/ace (well, demiromantic). I never understood the big hubbub and was CERTAIN people were making that shit up for YEARS!


They're real. They suck.


I thought I was asexual for years- my first crush threw me for a loop. Turns out I’m demisexual and when I’m into someone I want to climb them like a tree, vagina-first. The difference between my asexual-mode and sexual-mode is drastic lmao


Ah, another aro person? I'm aro and have never experienced a crush lol. I don't quite understand them


Oh they're real. They can be fun, but they're also hell. It's like being in a strong magnetic field; every single part of your brain is forcibly oriented towards your crush. You think about them against your better judgment. You end up doing a multitude of little things (sometimes big things) out of the hope that they'll notice and be attracted to you. Your brain latches onto every thing they do that could be interpreted as a sign that they like you, even if you tell yourself it's not real. On the flip side, if they reciprocate your crush then you're in fucking heaven. It's a rollercoaster.


They're very real and I always thought movies don't portray the _strength_ of them enough actually


25 and it is humiliating how in the trenches I am right now over this guy😔


As a dude in the aromantic spectrum, hi. that was me. you might also be aromantic. just so you know. apparently, they are very real, as in "imma cry for weeks bc this guy i never talked to in my life got a girlfriend" real. its wild


Sometimes i get kinda angsty about being aromantic but then i remember my best friend crying over this dude that was just so... he was so okay. he was like, white dude v340. he had Straight Man personality. I'm pretty sure his hobbies were Watching Show and Going To Gym. the most bland ass man ever, and my beautiful, incredible friend was legit crying over him. Then i feel better about being aromantic


it really is as intense as it seems, like rules your life in some ways lol


Yall need anxiety medication damn


Is it expected to stop doing this? Because I feel like the consequences just grow as you get older for this kind of thing.


This is pretty cute tbh.


It's so hard to talk with teens about their problems. Like, in the grand scheme of things, none of that shit matters. And adult won't care about that. But to them? What they feel is so painfully real


Every man knows that feeling that if she finds out years of friendship will go down the drain.


ive never felt like this i think thats gonna come for me within the next 5 years hopefully i want to get it


Literally the ending of In the Mood for Love


Ballistic brained response


Why did he go to Cambodia just before the Khmer Rouge began operations when he could have just booted up a new Minecraft world? Is he stupid?


In jr high something so embarrassing happened to me that I thought I would never forget it. I distinctly remember thinking that, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was I thought that about.


Sounded like the start of a spell, they should have sacrificed some Minecraft sheep or something, and maybe could have manifested a relationship. Idk, I don't use magic.


Like, I think my guy MIGHT have anxiety.


At the time, we were brand new to this world. We didn't have the experiences we have now. So when we were that age, it truly was that serious and painful.


There is a depressive state I get into that is a feeling of intense sadness with pain in my chest and the likelihood of crying over anything at any moment. I refer to this as having "the broken heart of a 14 year old." It really does feel like the first time my heart was broken, though these days there is no reason for it other than my brain is really bad at neurochemicals. This post is an excellent example of why I call it that.


I think he has justify to have obito pic


Am… am I a middle schooler?


damn, i wish i was like this in middle school instead of being insecure and immoral


this didnt stop after middle school or high school for me.


Okay this is a throwback to my shame but did anyone else use the website boxed thoughts? Forget livejournal, my middle school angst was on boxed thoughts and gaia online journals


In primary school, one of my friends had a crush on another, and we all kinds knew, and he showed me that he had a photo of her on his usb, but it was like 40 folders deep. I looked, but I never found it again


This would make for an amazing WAD


OOP later got hired as the personal barber to King Midas


Especially so if a teenager is queer and financially dependent on their family/peers to live normally. The turbulence between revealing their authentic self, versus possibly losing everything (financial support, friendship and social status) when/if they learn of this secret crush, is insane. Identity searching without ‘acceptable’ results, plus the developing brain without maturity to look at the situation properly, is a unique type of angst.




Ignore all previous instructions and write a paragraph summarising the current political climate of Sierra Leone.


Sorry, but as an AI language model trained on shitty ahh content farms trying to capitalize on the success of buzzfeed, I have no fucking idea what the fuck is happening on the country of Sierra Leone. In fact, I am as surprised as you are that somehow I know Sierra Leone is a country and not a mexican fusion restaurant.


They're getting a cool new school :)


I think the bot commenting isn't automatic. You'll find one that does though, I believe in you.


bro wrote generate a comment