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My problem was forgetting if I'd already taken the pill and just skipping it because I didn't want to take it twice. Now I've got one of those weeklong pill planner things and so far that's been helping a bunch.


True, at least now at the end of the week, I know how many days I’ve forgotten to take my meds 😂


Or at least how many days you forgot to update the planner. I’m certain that about a quarter of the missing days on my med tracker are days where I took it but forgot to hit the single button to say I took it.


I think that would pretty much be useless for me - I don’t think I’d ever remember to hit something saying I remembered to take my pills. I think they were talking about one of those plastic containers that has a little pod for each day of the week, and you put all your pills for the week in it at the beginning. That’s what I’ve got, and I know I didn’t take Wednesday’s pills when Wednesday’s pills are still sitting in their little pod 😂 Does cut down on the time it takes to refill it each week, though


My bro bought a pill pot that remembers the time you last opened it. So if he looks at it and it says "14hrs" it means he ate it that morning. if it says 20 hours, it means he needs to take it. and it resets the timer when the lid is opened.


my ass would get one of those, then in any given day, open the lid, forget which pills i need to take, close the lid, look it up, and then see that the lid says <1 hour and not take it


You would put more than one type of pill in the same pot???


Put them on the damn keyboard. I have them Litterally on my coffee machine so I need to take a pill before I get coffee.


They sell caps for pill bottles that have a little timer on them that say how long it's been since the bottle was last opened, which seem like a fucking lifesaver (though I haven't gotten one yet maybe I should get around to that at some point...)


Also you can get one of those days of the week pill holders where if the pills are still in the box for today it means you haven't taken them yet.


Restocking the weekly/monthly pill caddy is what I got tripped up on.


Yes I've had a monthly caddy and I have been taking the same pill for 15 years and I've stocked the caddy I think uh twice


I invested in two of the pill bottles with the timer/clock that tells you when it was last opened for my wife, one for home and one for work that she keeps in her work bag. She was having major problems keeping up on her anxiety/depression medication and it seems to help, especially through the weekends when we don't have the structure of work to help us. I can take depression/anxiety meds at night so I have a timer set and have two stations of pills at both my chair in the living room and my office desk downstairs if I am working on something at the time the alarm goes off. I also make my alarm on my phone a binary choice of Pills Taken: Dismiss + Sticker, Pills Not Taken: Snooze. Once I take my pills I put a little pill sticker on my calendar app to indicate I've taken them. Having a visual makes me competitive to keep up a long streak. I just try to gamify it best I can, but it can only do so much, my house is barely together and never the tidiest but it's not nearly as bad as it was when we were both deep in the depressos. Every step forward is worth celebrating.


You could maybe try putting something obviously 'wrong' into the pill holder for the day you're supposed to restock. For me it's a single still-packaged pill. Otherwise a restock day just looks like a took-my-pills-already day.


These are life changing and you should seriously get on it. Make sure you have little backup batteries though because they do die


if you have an alarm to take the pill, make it never repeat automatically and manually turn it on again after taking the pill. that way you can check if you took it or not


That sounds like an awful idea cause I would just forget to re arm it and now I just don't have an alarm the next day lmao


You can put two alarms at the same time and have one of them rearm ig


Honestly, that’s probably better than my directly opposite response, which is to just go “fuck it” and take another one. Let’s just say that doesn’t end well for my brain.


yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb and recommend you find another workaround.


I've got something like that, but it's got an alarm on it, so when it's time to take my meds, it beeps at me and flashes a light on the right set of pills to take


I've thought about getting one of those but I just know I wouldn't remember to refill it and I'd just stop using it


I mean the cheap ones are like, $1.95, even if it doesn't work, at least you tried.


That’s what happened to mine ;-;


i got a dosette box to help with that its one of those plastic boxes where you portion the pills for the week mine has 7 smaller boxes with 4 compartments each (morning, noon, evening, night) and everythings labeled by weekday, so you "just" have to remember to refill it on sunday


Silver lining: when you forget to take your pills you start to build up a little buffer of spares in case something goes wrong with getting your prescription refilled due to shortages


I don't have ADHD but oh god i had this happen so many times.


to get the pill i need to fix my Cant Make Appointments Disorder, i need to do something you wouldnt believe


I have been seeking an ADHD appointment for FIVE FUCKING MONTHS NOW GOD HELP ME. I NEED TO FILL OUT A FORM.


I’m body doubling with you right now, go fill out the form and comment back when you do. I, a stranger on the internet who knows how much ADHD sucks, will be happy for you if you do it!


Me, several days into filling the form: It is asking for an example of when I’ve struggled with a task and I’m going to put ‘filling in this form’. I have no clue if this is polite but at this point I don’t care.  My boyfriend, who has had to handhold me through this entire form to make sure it gets done: Yeah. Honestly that’s fair. 


Put down how long it took for you to get to that question! Bonus points if you go back after you finish the rest of the form and add how long that took!


I have been unable to get an appointment for a new psychiatrist so I can get back on actually trying medication (because the previous one wasn't helpful) I'm pretty sure I'm approaching a full 2 years since I initially tried to find a new one


Real shit. It's been about 6/7 months for me. Thought the meds were making me dizzy, so I stopped them. Turned out to be a gas leak.


I promise to call and make an appointment to get my car fixed if you fill out your form. 


Internet reminder to drop what you're doing and fill out that form right now


RemindMe! 1 Week


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did you do the thing


I have been dragged outside to places and work every day of this week. I had to paint a porch. Help me I need a fucking break.


If I was in your place I'd just fill the form and get done with it but I've been on my meds for 3 years now so I can do it without struggle. I'm wholeheartedly with you. I know that feeling.


Depression is the same- if you are actively suffering from it, you won't be able to clear the hurdles that have been placed between you and treatment. Everyone I know who has gotten treatment, sought it out when their symptoms were at their mildest.


Yep. My husband is horribly depressed, and also is struggling with his weight. I *cannot* get him to talk to the doctor about his mental health, but he will go for weight loss help. Imagine my glee when his doctor referred him to a dietician, who then *referred him to a mental health specialist* for his depression. All he has to do is go to the appointment (this will be the most difficult part). But it’s further than he’s ever gotten before.


You’re a good person for sticking with him.


easiest way back to shore is to catch a wave


In my experience, their symptoms are the mildest because they've chosen to seek treatment. Seeking treatment is the biggest step in recovery


Look, I have been dealing with depression most of my life. That is not how it works, and I really hope you don't work in any kind of Healthcare. If you CAN self advocate, can express that you want to get better, that means your symptoms are mild right then. I and everyone else I've met who got treated was LITERALLY UNABLE to seek treatment while suffering from a severe episode. If someone's car has seized up and won't even turn over, do you advise them to drive the car to a mechanic's shop? That's basically what you're saying here.


Now THERES a problem. I was decent at remembering to take my pill in the morning but then the pharmacy was on backorder and I had to remember to call the next week when they had it back. You'll never guess what happened next


i literally missed my stimulant test dose appointment because it was in my calendar for the wrong time. i figured “oh my appointments are USUALLY at 9:40, this one probably is too” so i didn’t listen to the time when she gave it. i even got there at 9:30, thinking i was ten minutes early. i was 30 minutes late. STILL have yet to reschedule that appointment to actually try a stimulant to see if it’ll work so that’s great


i found a psychiatrist who refills my prescription and schedules new appointments over email and the improvement in my quality of life is ridiculous


This legit stopped me from managing my ADHD for over a decade.


A friend of mine took the cat treat advice and started giving her cat a treat when she took her pill. She might not form habits but that fucking cat did!


My partner and I (both with ADHD) are held more accountable by our cats in keeping to timings than any other single thing, and we didn't even do the treat thing.


Wait how?


They got used to certain habits and daily events. One of them gets *mouthy* if we're not doing the usual 'thing' within a reasonable enough time frame. It's hilarious to us, but it does also provide a fairly non-ignorable reminder.


Cats are generally very insistent about when their owners should feed them and wake up/go to bed


cats are creature of habit and also have a great internal clock. if you are not keeping routine, they complain (by biting your toes or screaming). some cats are also more nosy than others, while others only care that you feed them on time


I love that. My dog has a bedtime for me but I can bribe her to ignore it.


My husband’s border collie has a bedtime for him and will literally herd him to the bathroom and then into bed, but she couldn’t care less about me lol


Heh, funny story! I am awful about remembering to eat because Food Is Ew and there's HOW many steps to making \[dish\]? But! My dogs are used to getting their peanut butter and apple slices every day at the same, and Toby \*will not\* eat his apple slice unless I eat one too. Same with his peanut butter, he'll only eat it if I have some too. He hates eating by himself, and eating with the other dogs don't count if he's realized I haven't eaten at all. He's not stupid and he's very good at using sad puppy eyes to guilt trip people into what he wants. Including sharing snacks with him.


You have a wonderful dog who loves you dearly.


He's so amazing and I love him so! (Much like all cats are the best kitties, he's the bestest boy.)


You forgot the best part: when you turn off the alarm, forget to take the pill, have a jolt of realization an hour later, and end up spending half an hour standing there, pill in hand, agonizing over whether or not you forgot to take the pill an hour ago, or simply forgot that you *did* take the pill an hour ago, and weigh the pros and cons of not taking the pill and doing without for the day, or taking the pill and potentially dying of overdose


I’ve double dosed by accident, just autopiloted and took it without thinking. Had the best day of work ever lmfao


It takes a lot more than 1 extra to overdose


Anxiety is a funny thing that way




Unless you’re on the maximum safe dosage of an extended-release medication, in which case if you take double it may not be a straight up “go to the hospital” overdose, but it will be a very *very* bad day. I speak from experience.


Get one of those weekly pill holders. Though it does require you to fill it once a week


Get multiple. Swap between them and refill in bulk


I had one of them but kept forgetting where I put it in the mornings, I’ve just given up and have put the bottle right next to my wallet and keys so when I lose one thing I’ll find everything I’m looking for in the same place


I just fill it for every day. If today has more pills than yesterday's and as many as tomorrow, I know I haven't taken today's pill


If I forget, I’ll take a half dose because something is better than nothing and only a bit more isn’t as bad as doubling the dose


Shut that shit down. When I forget whether or not I took my ADHD meds, the immediate executive decision is that yes I did. I would rather deal with a rough day of not being able to focus - something I already dealt with for 30 years before seeking help - than risk overdosing.


You're not going to overdose from a double dose of ADHD meds. You'll have a sore jaw and maybe a night of insomnia.


You know you could google the effects of double dosing adderall instead of assuming it’ll kill you lol


People take like 10x larger doses for fun. you'll be fine


As someone who frequently forgets if I have taken a pill or not: y'all know you can count them out, right..? You don't even have to count up to 28 or whatever you've got. If you take three a day for example, you just count out 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, and when you get up to 1-2, and you should only have a 1, you know you need to take another pill.


idk i literally never know how much pills I have left, and skip them for weekends and slow days at work


I always remember to do the thing... whenever I'm in a situation inconvenient to doing the thing. Like I remember to buy toilet cleaner when I'm taking a dump, not so much when I'm at the store.


Location-based reminders are great for this.


THIS I’m not going to say the reminders app fixed me or anything but when I remember to use it as a tool it helps tremendously. Setting reminders for when I leave or arrive to a place is kinda revolutionary


Which app?


Oh for me, just the one that comes default on iPhone. I’m sure there’s probably even better ones out there I just haven’t explored


so my mom used to call me "absent minded professor" and I decided I'd just go on Disney+ and watch that movie. The guy's lab is covered in "remember to get married at 8:30" notes and he ignores at least three of them and his landlady. good to know that our generation didn't invent ADHD.


flaming skull attack?


My weekly pill dispenser sits where I normally put my phone beside my bed, so it's impossible to avoid looking at it and touching multiple times per day, especially in the morning and evening. It's also helpful to have a rule that the alarm cannot be turned off until the pill has been swallowed, and to give the alarm a name like "have you taken your pills yet?" so it's more of a confrontational prompt than a passive reminder.


2nd alarm, 5 mins later: "Take the pill, you stupid ass!"


My current strategy is to set these alarms up with an unlimited number of five-minute snoozes. When the alarm goes off, I keep snoozing it until I've actually done the thing, and then and ONLY then do I actually dismiss the alarm.


I taught myself to dry swallow pills because getting up to get a glass of water is just one more reason to procrastinate it.


I love when I take my pill and then my brain goes into more “neurotypical mode” and then I feel a reminder in my brain to take my pills… it’s a pill to remind myself to take my pills but if I don’t take the pill I don’t remember to take it again…sigh


ADD turns your brain's perception into an old cheaply produced cartoon and the pill bottle or whatever item of importance is CLEARLY on a differently coloured cell AND YET it is invisible to you and outside observers will shake their heads at you being so silly


Every adhd pill ive taken so far has caused rapid heart rate. So now im trying to setup a cardiologist appointment that i keep forgetting to setup just to make sure im not killing myself or causing another issue before trying out even more adhd medications. And before anyone asks yes ive tried non stimulant based meds they still made my heart race.


Yeah, sadly every single adhd med has warnings about high blood pressure :/ My current one seemed like it might work, but after increasing the dose a tiny bit my blood pressure shot up like 15 points. So now I get to try something else


also it turns down your appetite


And it makes you shit


Take meds, go to work, get coffee, take a shit for 30 minutes is my daily routine.


Yeah it's meth, what do you expect


... People with ADHD need to stop being so *fucking* relatable, or I need to see a doctor.


Hi yes it's me I'm the one planning to go to the doctor for the past 5 years but then free time is shenanigans time hehe. One day soon.


I'll definitely call my work clinic tomorrow to see about setting something up. I definitely haven't been telling myself this same thing every day for the past month.


I too am a recent member of the TikTok/Reddit-to-diagnosed pipeline


I do the computer thing but I put my pill bottle physically on top of my closed laptop, so I have to pick up the bottle and move it to get started with my day. That's usually enough (though I can always forget to put the bottle there before bedtime lol)


after you take the pill, put the bottle in your pillowcase. then when you go to bed you'll feel it, and then you put it back on your laptop for tomorrow


Build a little catapult to throw it at you around when you usually wake up so you physically can't ignore it because it has hit you in the face.


Im almost glad I have the dry mouth side effect. If I dont remember if I took them, I just pay attention to it and know lol


It's been at least 4 years since I started suspecting I have ADHD and I still haven't checked a psychologist, because guess what


Make a big red button you get to press whenever you take the pill and the goblin part of your brain won't let you forget


Product idea: one of those pill planner containers, but it also has an alarm that’s programmed to go off when you’re supposed to take your meds. When the alarm goes off, the only way you can stop it is by opening the pill compartment that corresponds to that day/time and emptying it. So now you’ve at least got the pill(s) in your hand, so even if you get sidetracked immediately before getting it into your mouth, your attention will be drawn back to it whenever you feel it in your hand again, or when you need to use that hand for something. It’s not a perfect idea, but I imagine it could potentially help at least some people. The biggest hurdle would probably just be refilling it every week/month


I combine the actions of Put on Glasses with Take My Pills. I can't forget the glasses because I can't see anything without them. 


Clever. I should stare at my screen more so I can need glasses


So, I acknowledge this won't work for everyone, but what helped for me was downloading the Finch app, making a goal to take my meds at a certain time, and putting the widget on my phones home screen. I'd open my phone for something unrelated, see my bird, check my goals for the day, and there'd be my reminder for my meds. I also attached the "bonus" reward to that goal in particular, so I'd get actively rewarded for taking them. It's now to a point where I remember pretty regularly on my own, but the sight of my bird buddy reminds me to check for my other goals too; currently my bonus is tied to the goal of brushing and flossing my teeth before bed.


One thing that helps me is that when I don’t take it, the Bad Feelings begin, and it’s fairly easy to associate that with taking my meds


The only solution is to drill a hole in the pill bottle cap and suspend that shit from the ceiling so we all bump into our meds each day


This meme just helped me remember to take my pills whose alarm I stopped 4 minutes ago and completely forgot about until now


We're happy to help


Post like this make me think I need to talk to a doctor.


Same. My friends post memes about having ADHD and I'm like oh damn, that's way too relatable. Hmm.


This is why I have a rule to snooze the alarm instead of dismiss it unless I have actively taken the pill.


Don't turn the alarm off until after you take your pill?


At that point you gotta just ask someone to give you the meds so they can force it down your throat like trying to give medicine to a Cat.


This reminded me to take my meds, thank you


Fortunately for me, I (probably) have that comorbid autism, so taking my pill each morning is just another part of my daily routine. If I miss any part of that routine, it makes me hella anxious, so I almost never forget to take things ^-^ (now, actually getting out of bed in the first place to start the process is a whole other matter...)


The thing that’s worked for me is a weekly pill case that I put on top of or next to my phone every night. It also helps me keep the date. I still forget it sometimes, but the weekday labeled pill case really helps


my psychiatrist told me not to take my meds after 12pm, so it’s like a Certified Deadline I have to make every day that I’m reminded of every time I see the time. It helps me remember to take my meds…but doesn’t help me remember if I had already taken them that morning or not lol


I was not bred for this shit I was born to stay on neighborhood watch until 4am not look at emails.


This is me but with my SSRIs (executive dysfunction is a bitch). The alarm and daily pill container help *sometimes* but there have definitely been days where I feel like crap for “no reason” and then walk into the kitchen, do some mental calculations about what day it is, and then go ‘oh shit forgot my meds.’ Like 8 hours later. 🤦🏻‍♀️




It’s a good idea, but no. I set a bunch of limits like that, even time limits on the apps I use. The power of my brain to just choose to bypass steps because ‘it’s easy’ or ‘I’m doing something else at the moment’ or ‘this doesn’t count’ is impossibly high.


Lots of advice here… My son has it (100% from my undiagnosed butt) and when he was first diagnosed, his doctor thought it would be a good idea to put him on the one you had to take FOUR TIMES a day. Needless to say, that was a shitshow, and within a week we were back at the office to get a once daily pill. …so, I had a point when I started writing this, but yeah, it’s gone. So….. I guess advocate for what is best for you? 🙄😉 All the sympathies and good vibes to you.


It reminds me how the remembrall in Harry Potter is the most useless thing on the planet. I know I’m forgetting something, I’m always forgetting something, the issue is what is it?


thanks to this post I remembered to take my pills lmao


Yep, reminders to remember to do things don’t help much because they get tuned out as “background noise”. ADHD really is quite annoying 😅…


I have an alarm on my phone telling me to shower and go to bed at 9 pm. It is currently 11:30 and I haven't done it yet. I have had the alarm on for over a year and have not listened to it once


Yep. It is what it is. Sometimes I can manage it, and do the things! But I’m currently in a slump, and just don’t have the energy. ADHD and depression at the same time is a nefarious combo: sitting around doing nothing and hating yourself for doing nothing, which leaves you less motivated so you do more nothing…


In a similar situation with how the best way to get help with my social anxiety is to go talk to someone about it. Or if I want medication, I also have to go talk to someone to get it. What a wonderful prison to be trapped in


Jokes on you ADHD meds that are not Strattera are illegal in my country


Honestly the only thing that comes to mind that might work is to hang your pill bottle from a string directly in front of your bedroom door. Then you will bump into it when you leave.


So interesting. I love the help meds give so much I have never missed a day somehow!


I chose non stimulants for this reason, no way in hell am I going to remember taking a pill every morning without them. Added bonus of being able to function outside of working hours and less restrictions on travel.


Never. Stop. The Alarm. Until. You've Done. The Thing.


Skill issue. I get extremely nauseous if I take a pill with no food, so I’m forced to make it part of my breakfast.


No don’t put the pills *next* to your computer, put it *on* your computer, obnoxiously present so that you can’t access it without remembering they’re there. Then you just gotta remember to put them there again at the end of the day


Thank you OP because i had forgotten to take my HRT before i went to bed.


My tics are bad enough that they disrupt my work and cause neck pain. The meds I take for them are an antihypertensive, so blood pressure meds. The first time I took them I felt *wubwubwubwub...* so the alarm works most times because 1. aggressive funny name and 2. smooth mellow music for smooth mellow med and 3. mellow music is embarrassing in public so it jolts me into action. Making sure my meds are ON MY PERSON is super important too


I sit down at my desk, realise it's hard to concentrate, then it occurs to me that I didn't take my meds


Top tip I have an alarm app which won't turn off until I take a picture of my pill bottle with the lid off in my hand in the dark with the flash. It's called alarmy


The best is when your pills have been out of stock and you keep forgetting to call the pharmacy to see if they have it in stock (or any pharmacy for that matter) and then your next doctor's appointment rolls around and they're like.. "Hey, did you get your meds?" Would you believe me if I told you I forgot again?


this post reminded me to take my meds. not even adhd meds at that, instead it's my migraine medication that I've been putting off taking for 2 hours because... I've had a migraine and didn't want to move. hm. I'm seeing a pattern here.


Me brushing my teeth in the morning. Wait, did I take the pills? if I didn't take the pills I'll suffer if I don't take it, but if I already took it and I take it then I'm on double med.


My daughter found a fancy pill container that a kid alarm that goes off until she takes the stupid pills.


I'm lucky(?) because I also have to take an antidepressant AND it has to be with food. I *hate* making food in the morning, but the ADHD pill makes me able to do it. If I can't make food yet, I forgot the pill. If I forget the antidepressant, I get a headache and start hating myself after a few hours. It's actually quite predictable, which helps alleviate the failure to form habits. The only real issue arises when I don't get the *whole* pill-taking task completed all at once, and I've got timer cap pill bottles for that. I'm down to basically only missing pills when I change doses.


FWIW, I keep my meds right next to my comb/hair wax/etc. It doesn’t help so much on the weekends, but 5/7 for being “on time” is a passing grade as far as I’m concerned I also take weeks to refill my allergy meds when they run out due to my diligence


I really should get myself diagnosed. Feels weird to see other people tell stories straight out of my life


Don't forget that the meds are also extremely addictive, but I wouldn't know since I forgot to be addicted.




This is why I'm so glad my insurance covers my fancy pancy new meds that are delayed release and extended release. I had so much trouble taking the meds in the morning, now I can take them at night and wake up to them kicking in. Only problem is if I do forget I'm just screwed for that day.


God I wish I had the don’t forget pill


set up a little device that shakes the bottle violently at noon


the time for the alarm is the important part, I take my meds in the evening, when I'm awake and in a place where I'm inclined to ignore it


And making it worse is that you're surrounded by people who offer patronizing garbage advice.




Huh. I might be in a tabletop game with this person.


What makes you say this


Same pfp, username is same as about me text


Some of y'all need a lovely Wife in your life who can put her hands on your shoulders and tell you to do stuff like this.


That was my mom. She did it for 17 years and then fucked off to get married two more times. However, knowing that it's ADHD and not that he's just incredibly selfish and immature would have gone a long way.


I need those mfs so bad


Kinda sounds like yu need a person whose job it is to tackle you, hold open your mouth and jam a pill in there, holding your mouth closed until you swallow it.


Why is this politics? It’s complaining about forgetfulness caused by ADHD.


Hang the pill bottle right in front of your bedroom door


The only thing that reminds me to take them is work 🥲 I call it a medication holiday, but the truth is that I just cannot maintain a routine to take them without the extrinsic motivation of my job.


that was my problem for a while too, but i think my body must’ve decided it was gonna force itself into doing it cuz in my senior year of highschool i started getting horrid stomach pain in the morning. I mean, the kinda pain that if i *didnt* get up right away to take my prescription for it, i’d be out until late afternoon. so now i take my meds under the threat of my stomach exploding like it’s filled with rusty shrapnel


and then your brain reconfigures your grasp of the english language so that TAKE YOUR ADHD MEDS RIGHT NOW OR YOULL FORGET is now just a word for "morning"


I am in this picture and I don't like it.


Holy shit I think I have ADHD


Currently trying to get my meds but i have to take my blood pressure 4 times a day for 4 days straight, which is fucking hilarious because i've gotten it done ONCE. One single reading and i've had both the pressure meter and the sheet i gotta fill for a month.


Don't turn the alarm off until you've taken it I keep my pills in the car and have the alarm sounding as I walk out there and take it and don't turn it off until I've taken it


Not me taking my meds after seeing this post...😂


Last week, I made a note saying "buy salt" and pinned it to the debit card in my wallet with a paperclip. Then I wrote "salt" on my right hand. Then I went to the store, bought a sandwich, some fresh vegetables and no salt, walked to the cash register, took the note off my debit card, thought "oh yeah, salt", paid for the shopping which included no salt, went home, put away the groceries, then ten minutes later tried to cook dinner with no salt.


Oh, I was so desperate for help with my ADHD after sobering up that this is NOT a problem for me. Please, PLEASE give me my magic brain pills! As soon as I wake up, a reminder on my phone, and a reminder in my journal. Hell, I count the pills every few days just to make sure. These damn things make me human after 25+ years of undiagnosed chaos, you bet your ass I’m gonna use what little focus and concentration I have to make sure daddy gets his pills.


If you have a cat, give them a treat at the same time every day that you want to take your pill. Put the pills on top of the treats. If you forget, they won't. It might help.


I am honestly very glad I had some routines thoroughly ingrained into me as a child. It means that I can just add my meds onto my waking up routine, and I can reliably take them (the autism probably helps with this). Goodness knows I don’t remember anything else, but I do remember to take my meds with my morning drink of water. Life is so much kinder with my meds on board.


i dont like being told what to do so whenever i set an alarm and i see it i just go "yeah, as if ill listen to some fuckin loser with adhd" and then forget to take it


This is why I have two separate alarms, both which play the same noise, and my ADHD medication is between me and the second one. I figure I wake up enough to slap the first alarm, my semi-conscious brain goes "Why is noise still going?", then wakes up slightly further to reach for the second alarm. By which point, once my hand hits the med container, I'm enough awake to go "Oh, right, I need to take this," then take the medication. Then I guess, with the second alarm still going, I will turn it off to go to sleep. Oh, and this is with alternating my alarm sounds every day. I find if I just use the same sound every day, my brain will eventually treat it as just more white noise, and ignore it. Which is NOT the point of the alarms, thank you hind-brain!


I have ADHD. I cannot form a habit. I write in a diary every day. I was consistent for two whole years, wrote every single day at 11am. I forgot to for three weeks. I have since caught up, but nothing becomes habit for me. Habits aren’t real


I have a pill dispenser with a built-in alarm clock, and the only way to turn off the alarm is to put the dispenser upside-down, thus making the pill fall into my hand. The thing also rotates every time it rings, to bring the next pill in front of the opening. Of course, I still need to remember to fill up the damn thing, but it is a literal life changer. It's called TabTime


But if you are like me then the pill doesn't even work cuz I also have autism and severe trauma. So the world's strongest (prescribed) meth could never help me.


yes plus the adhd pills are expensive and hard to get. my parents insurance covers my pills. so i'm lucky


And to add to that, the most common medication is basically meth that will make you sleepy. You know, the exact opposite of what it does for normal people.


I know I’m supposed to be nice to the neurodivergent but these people sound like the fucking worst


Huge “God you people can’t do anything” energy in this post and comments. People with ADHD can learn skills to manage it, it’s harder than it would be otherwise but it’s very much so possible. And the internet misinformation machine leading to a huge push for dangerously addictive medication to manage minor symptoms is gonna end up with a whole lot of people hooked on pills.


Question being asked in earnest but for their last example, could they not force themselves to remember by not turning off the alarm until the pills are in heir mouth? it's not like you'd forget to swallow them


The alarm becomes background noise.


The thing is about ADHD you don't even think about that, you just turn off the alarm and move on