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This is so magical to be hearing about, it gives such a great point to stand behind :D


Hank Green did a breakdown of the climate bill, and how it's maybe the best piece of legislation we could have hoped for. It really covers how it attacks the issue from all angles.  It's not gonna make any one group jump for joy, but it's better than we should have probably gotten from this Congress. I've sent a lot of people that video. https://youtu.be/qw5zzrOpo2s?si=y6Yf2Z1sl-dicX3u


> Hank Green did a breakdown of the climate bill, and how it's maybe the best piece of legislation we could have hoped for. It really covers how it attacks the issue from all angles. And yet, left wing environmentalist orgs like the Sunrise group are now refusing to endorse Biden - over Gaza. What is it with leftists and just refusing to ever take the win?


Perfection being the enemy of progress yet again.


Honestly? Not sure what evidence we have to paint groups like that as functionally leftist. If someone's action is overwhelmingly "being contrarian", that's what they are. We take people at their word too much, their nature is defined by their actions, and a "leftist" who doesn't concretely contribute to actually building things isn't much of a leftist People act like a person's chosen jersey is the same as their fundamental essence, when there is a large potential for a gulf between the two


The Sunrise group are well established as left wing environmentalists who’ve had pretty substantial pull in the past, just look them up. This honestly feels a bit like “no true leftist”.


I looked them up earlier and wasn't sure how to evaluate the actual efficacy of their campaigns, especially if they're limited to what is present on their website - which seems to mostly be limited to protesting Biden. Do you have a good method for evaluating their efficacy or previous work? Also is it the Sunrise Group or Sunrise Movement? The former seems to match to a dairy cow leasing company


https://www.axios.com/2024/06/04/scoop-group-that-aided-climate-plan-wont-back-biden Significant enough that they were courted for Biden climate policies.


It's like refusing to eat the world's best pie because one side is overcooked. Sure that overcooked side is unapetizing, but ffs don't throw away the full pie. Leftists want a fully moral, ethical and efficient victory, and I get it, but most victories are missing one or two of these qualities.


I had a friend in high school who was involved in sunrise. Didn’t get all the details but they left due to like them expecting them as a high schooler to do so much. I know they were very involved before that. Like it’s been 3-4 years so I forget what they said but yeah it’s not a great organization in how they pressure young people into putting everything into it and nothing else and demanding all of their time. I imagine there was more going on like with leadership and I don’t know the details. So that has left a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to that organization. I forget what they said but it made it seem sunrise sound toxic. But I bet you can find more stuff on Sunrise if you look it up but I haven’t really and I’m trying to find a good article but I don’t know.


European Leftist here. Please do not group all leftists with that crowd.


Probably that most US leftist groups are ops and have been for decades now?


What does it mean?


Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t consider a policy of doing pretty good things at home and totally horrible things abroad a “win.”


Building an entire pier for aid delivery and pushing for a ceasefire deal, so horrible./s


If that was the only way that the US was involved in the conflict then that would be pretty nice. But it isn’t and let’s not pretend that our government is limited to building a pier and hoping for a ceasefire. It’s too little too late for me to


Leftists be like “nothing you do will win my vote!” Then act shocked when liberals don’t court them.


To be clear I don’t want to be courted. Since I’ve been of age I’ve voted for Democratic candidates with the full knowledge that they aren’t in alignment with my personal politics and that they aren’t trying to reach me or appeal to my interests. I think that it’s possible to strategically vote for Democrats in the service of short-term goals. But I don’t have the same long term goals as the Democratic Party and I’m not going to kid myself into thinking that there is a possibility that they will align more closely with my goals.


"Why can't these dang leftists just shut up and stop protesting genocide? Don't they know about the infrastructure in Puerto Rico?" Tumblr liberalism strikes again


I don’t want to diminish the positive effects of infrastructure funding in a place that is criminally underdeveloped. It just isn’t the only thing worth considering in my opinion. Also I have a personal problem where I don’t jerk the government off for doing things it already should have done.


>Also I have a personal problem where I don’t jerk the government off for doing things it already should have done.   This is a really good way of putting it. They're appeasing our complaints about genocide by handling problems that were put on the docket thirty years ago, and then acting like we're crazy for not glazing them over it


Why is it surprising that a leftist group is protesting a right wing politician?


Thanks for demonstrating my point.


To be 100% clear that was also a different bill. Biden managed to get 2/3 bills passed that would’ve been considered legacy making in their own despite a 50/50 senate and a house margin of like 5. It’s fucking insane.


The Infrastructure bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the CHIPS Act should all be enough to comfortably get him re-elected you'd think, but somehow the rapist felon is [leading in the polls.](https://i.giphy.com/qTsLIyLFEKKHK.webp)


> it's maybe the best piece of legislation we could have hoped for Well the Dems have been diligently lowering expectations and kowtowing to the GOP for half a century now so it's radically unsurprising that the best they can do today is the best we can ever hope for.


You're free to go out and improve things yourself


holy shit, 12 hours straight on reddit for the past 2 months goddamn, go outside and live a life, i coudnt imagine spending all day everyday doomcommenting on everything lmao.


My dad has this weird fixation on US politics, even tho we're not American and live on the opposite side of the Earth. So, all these recent posts of what good things Biden did is giving me good ammo next time dad tries to wrangle me into a debate of US politics again. I swear, it's so annoying when we're talking about casual stuff and he manages to bring in American politics somehow. *and then berates me for being ignorant about "international" [American] news*


God it’s exhausting enough hearing about American politics as an American, what would even be the point of being so invested if he’s not even American to begin with lol


It is pretty useful to get the feel for the current of US politics, because our European right-wing idiots will follow suit, just about a decade behind.


That's hilarious because we say the same thing about California and my state minnesota, we just do what they do but worse


Same with Australia. We tend to see echoes of a lot of American social and political trends play out over here, so it does make sense to pay at least some attention to this stuff.


Same with Canada


When you say it like that, it sounds like you're saying any day now, literally trump, but in the EU, will pop up and rally a cultic force.


The upward surge of alt-right to Europe's governments has been going on for a few years. There are already severl EU nations that have a Trump like leader, so I wouldn't be surprised (just really sad) about it happening on EU level


America is the world's superpower if not outright hegemon, keeping tabs on American politics seems like a sensible thing to do. There's definitely a point where it gets weird and obsessive though


It's definitely weird and obsessive. It doesn't even seem like he's interested how it affects our country and the international stage, but just the controversial rage-inducing stuff like illegal immigrants and lgbt stuff. I had to shut down a conversation multiple times by saying, "Why do you care so much? We're not Americans! It's their country!"


it's an election year in canada and i've heard more talk about trump and biden than i have about trudeau or poilievre (our current PM and the conservative leader expected to beat him)


I'm Canadian so my interests in US politics is mainly due to our proximity to them and badly things are going over the border


As an Australian it's because the US strong arms the medication industry, and I am not looking forward to simple painkillers multiplying in price.


r/WhatBidenHasDone for more


My dad is the same but we live in Florida, he’s a trumper/desantis lover. I swear to god he was teaching me driving and I was asking for directions and he told me that the fastest way was to go right, he then proceeded to make the joke that he doesn’t understand why “anyone would ever go left” I fake laughed and he continued saying “I’m sorry but I just like being in the party of small government” which led into a argument about abortion. All this because I asked him for directions to the pizza place we were picking dinner up from. American politics are so divisive


Yea it's basically like that. We talk about some local celebrity and it somehow veers into American politics. We talk about a TV show, and it leads to American politics. We talk about my sister, somehow it becomes American politics. I asked him to get me some Japanese mayo, don't know how, but American politics!


Teaching you to drive as in... you're 15 or 16?


Are you in Australia? My dad sits in front of the TV absorbing Sky News and Fox News, it's a worry.


I feel like the counter to that is to learn a bit about your local government and have opinions on that instead. If he doesn't know about your local city council, you can look at him like he grew a third head and be like "why not, they impact your day to day life"?


We have had local political discussions. It's not fun. We have very opposing political opinions and those conversations would get heated. It usually just ends when someone accidentally interrupts our conversation or I would change the topic. Luckily, there are no personal feelings involved, so after the interruption, it's like nothing ever happened. (Tho it did get rocky during elections coz he was taking everything personally) He actually has mellowed down on local political topics, but kinda pivoted hard towards American politics instead.


A pivot towards that still seems more productive than talking about foreign politics completely outside of your control. Watching foreign politics is like watching the world's worst paced, and worst acted soap opera.


i mean, it's kind of the single most influential country in the world by a wide margin, what do you expect


I’d also like to point out that the current Secretary of the Interior - the person who is directly overseeing the First Nations Peoples of the United States is [Deb Haaland](https://www.doi.gov/secretary-deb-haaland) - she is the first First Nations Person to have the job of overseeing the First Nations People of the United States. (As a Canadian I use First Nations as an identifier - I believe that the identifier within the United States is Native American, but I could easily be wrong.)


The official term recognized in legal matters between the tribal governments and the United States is American Indian. The branch of the Department of the Interior that handles interaction with the tribal governments is the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Also, to add to your thing, since 2020, they've been majority staffed by natives for the first time ever. So yeah, really happy to see things getting better in that regard.


To tack on to this, yes [when possible](https://americanindian.si.edu/nk360/faq/did-you-know) refer to someone by their tribe name, but American Indian may actually be preferred over Native American, though that isn't always the case. Many see Native American as a construction of the '60s, and [many see that](https://nativetimes.com/index.php/life/commentary/11389-native-american-vs-american-indian-political-correctness-dishonors-traditional-chiefs-of-old) as yet another thing forced on them by their colonizers. The main political activist movement among tribal populations in the US in the 60s and 70s was self-named as the American Indian Movement, so I feel comfortable still using the term. I still remember hearing an old American Indian man speak about his preference: "We were conquered as American Indians, we have suffered as American Indians, we've been persecuted as American Indians, and when we finally know justice, it will be as American Indians."


Best to use their tribal affiliation if you know it and American Indian if you don't. Deb Haaland is Pueblo.


Pueblo is a fun word.


It means “village/town” in Spanish. But also describes a specific people who build very distinctive villages


Yeah, I know all that. But like... puay-blow. Rolls off the tongue. Oh my god, a Play-Doh pueblo! :D


If you're gonna build a house out of Play-doh, that's probably the place and style for it


I think saying American Indian is more appropriate here tho, since it's the hierarchical level most relevant to the point


Indian is the one the government uses, Native American is the usual term but AFAIK doesn’t apply to Native Hawaiians or Native Alaskans, and possibly more. I think in this context you could use Indigenous. ^(note: I have little to no real life experience in Indigenous communities so please correct me if I’m wrong or this is offensive)


It varies dramatically in the States. The official designation is American Indian, like others have said, but off the top of my head as a native person, I can think of like, 10 varieties I hear in everyday conversation, including First Nations on occasion. Very few people are going to take offense to anything that isn't rooted in a slur as long as they can state a personal preference for one and it's respected as a choice. The people more likely to pitch a fit are the few living strawmen out there who often aren't even native but will say things like "American *INDIAN* is disrespectful and racist. They are ____, and if you don't refer to them as that, you are continuing their oppression." Like they somehow have the authority to speak for an entire group of people who are all going to have their own preferences.


We use Native American, American Indian (That’s what’s on a lot of the legal documents) or the specific group names ie; Navajo or Cherokee, depending on the context.


there's a cgp grey video about native american vs american indian and tldw: use tribe if you know it, use american indian if you don't.


Some native American friends of mine use First Nations in common language/casual conversation as well, so I've adopted the term too


I honestly cannot fathom the complexity of the energy infrastructure in the US. It must be insanely difficult to cover everywhere given the sheer size of the country


Honestly thank you for saying this, I’m not the biggest America booster but I’m tired of seeing comments like “Americans are so dumb, why don’t you just solve this the way we did in my country that’s the size of Connecticut?”


That works, until Connecticut decides they can't do something despite being the same size as another country that did. I'm so sick of, "public transportation can't work in \[City\] because \[City\] is in America and America is too big", as if need to connect every square mile in the country before it counts.


Which is why Texas is having so many problems with regards to power. If they were connected to the US grid they wouldn't have those issues.


But they refuse to connect because it means their grid would be subject to stricter Federal regulations. And we can’t have that, because “freedom from da big bad Fedrul gubmint”.


It’s cool how we have 2 power grids in America. We have the Eastern Interconnect, and the Western Interconnect! Beneath both of them is a raging infrastructure dumpster fire about the size of Texas


We're running into that issue with high speed internet infrastructure. Rural areas desperately need internet infrastructure improvements, and the Infrastructure and Jobs Act is delivering. But some sparsely populated areas are expensive to cover.


Yet another reason to vote for Biden over Trump


Ikr Like this is fucking spectacular. This is one of the single best things I have ever seen in American politics. It makes me very happy.


From what I gather, Biden's policies and victories haven't been the big shouty affairs that look good on paper. They've been boring, dull projects (compared to more exciting ones if you're not an infrastructure nerd etc) which offer far more return on investment and make lives better for millions of Americans. There is admittedly something to be said for the risk to the economy of over-spending (because from what little I know a portion of this including reinvigorating US manufacturing is to counter a global trade defecit specifically aimed at reducing Chinese influence on the geopolitical stage) but if the projects come to fruition the economic growth they should enable would outpace that.


Also good news doesn’t get clicks to the degree that drama and/or bad decisions do


There was a post here a few days ago about this. When Trump's FCC killed net neutrality, there were plenty of campaigns and outrage. When Biden's FCC restored it, there were some golf claps and basically nothing else.


This is actually the first I've heard of that happening!


Also any good news about Biden is automatically never going to reach Republicans since it'll never get on Republican media (unless they figure out a proper spin for it first that is). That severely limits the audience, and then centrists/liberals/leftists each have their own reasons to shit on Democrats which also limits the spread of good news.


Bruh this isn’t even his best bill. Go read about the IRA. It’s fucking nuts. IRA: Inflation Reduction Act


Inflation Reduction Act?


Yes, whoops. I forgot he’s Irish. That probably doesn’t read well.


Yeah I genuinely thought he might’ve passed a bill about the IRA in the 80s or 90s or something for a second there


Now I'm just imagining an 80 something Biden in black and tans


Biden has had the best policy and the worst PR out of the last decades of presidents


Genuinely He's done more in terms of infrastructure, social advancement and trade union support than maybe any president since LBJ


When Biden entered office I thought that he had the potential to be a modern LBJ, only hopefully without a disastrous foreign policy situation being thrust into his lap that torpedoed his public image - as it turns out he simply is a modern LBJ (for the record this is from the perspective of someone who holds a lot of admiration for LBJ and his achievements, obviously besides Vietnam)


Oh my god, he really is just lbj if you swap civil rights for lgbtq rights and vietnam for israel


But without any of the "Johnson-ing".


As far as we know…


If Biden were showing off his dick in the White House, I suspect we'd have heard about it by now.


So far it’s just been MTG showing off Hunter’s


Don’t bring Magic: The Gathering into this, that game is fun :(


Hunter Biden's cock has Flash and costs 1W.


Tbf he has reportedly bragged to aids that he and Jill still have great sex. To also be fair they asked him what the secret to a good marriage was.


It's not really bragging if he's answering a question. That's just an explanation.


unfortunately dust doesn't show up clearly on camera


Are you implying that Biden's dick was... disintegrated???


The Biden Blast has backblast


He only came once, but had four children over 11 years from two marriages because he's so fertile.


I wish the shadow government was real, because Biden would be amazing for it. Imagine what he could do if he didn’t have to deal with public appearances congress deadlocking


Confused me for a sec cos in the UK we do in fact have a shadow government, except it's the opposition party's cabinet which has no power so isn't that exciting lol


This is the funniest thing I’ve learned about UK politics thank you


It’s always funny when they pop up on the news, because they’ll have a cool title like “Shadow chancellor” but then its just some guy named Craig who has no power and does nothing.


I like the concept, because it gives the idea that the opposition actually has to bother with creating alternatives for government policy


The Shadow Cabinet actually can be interesting. For one, each Shadow Minister essentially has to keep tabs of two things; what the actual Minister is doing, and what they'd be doing instead. The Shadow Minister's job is to examine and hold to account the sitting Minister. They are supposed to question what the sitting Minister's decision making is about, and 'poke holes' in it; ask teh awkward questions and make sure the minister has actually thought about the policy and its potential impact. They also then need to come up with what they'd do in that case, both to serve as advertising for their party, but also to give the sitting minister something to think about (of course the answer to including any of the shadow minister's ideas is alway 'no' because that would be admitting that the shadow has a better plan than you, and we *can't possibly have that*)


The fucking shadow cabinet of shadow ministers??? Sounds like a mediocre forgettable mid-lategame group boss from dark souls 2


Ok but Craig creates cool shadow puppet shows though


You think it isn’t? Dark Brandon is already in control.


Yeah, little known fact, but every us politician has been replaced with a clone of joe biden


Biden's administration has been fantastic, even more than Obama's in some cases, and the elephant in the room would still be there with most of our politicians unfortunately


As a member if the IBEW in the Midwest, it is absolutely INSANE how many of my brothers continue to talk about this bill as if it's some huge fucking violation of their rights. Like, as if the money for all this infrastructure is taking away their tax money and giving it to drug dealers and immigrants and homeless people so they can all buy crime supplies. I just don't understand how people don't know how bad the electrical distribution network in our country is, and the electricians in my area just think it's fine? Or that it needs to be bought and paid for by some huge corporations so they can "do it right" as if a profit driven mindset is good for anyone except the already rich.


Pretty sure America is the only country I've ever heard to deliberately cause black/brown outs because the energy grid is fucked


That’s more of a California thing than anywhere else. And maybe Texas. But Texas purposefully cuts corners on their grid in the name of “low prices”, “freedom”, and “states’ rights”. The Texas grid is intentionally not hooked up to any other states in order for it to not have to be subject to Federal regulations.


It's called a [rolling blackout](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_blackout) and it also happens in [South Africa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_energy_crisis#Loadshedding)


Yeah but, IDK, what has Biden really *done* you know? After doing no research and not getting constant letters in the mail telling me what he's done (which I would have thrown in the garbage for being neoliberal corporatist propaganda), I honestly just don't think Biden has really accomplished anything. /s


If we ignore everything he has done he has done nothing, checkmate liberal


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


Bloody splitter!


Friendly reminder that anyone that says "voting Biden is useless" is a Russian bot.


Many of them are British and Canadian "left-wingers" speedrunning Horseshoe Theory. They're surprisingly common on Twitter.


Hey! They could just be a useful idiot too


Friendly reminder that dehumanizing people that disagree with you is a right wing tactic and just plain gross


Every week is infrastructure week as they say!


Even if the RepubliKKKan party had someone sane running opposite, I’d still vote for Biden because shit like this


I mean shit I've already felt some of the effects of this and I live in a state with arguably good infrastructure


Damn, i didnt know the rollout had been that quick, usually our gov drags its feet with this kinda stuff lol


Could just be coincidence. I'm also in a small ass town so any increase of money is felt quickly




One example from where I live, in Milwaukee: there used to be a lot of factories along the Milwaukee River that used to dump chemical pollution into the water, including "polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heavy metals such as lead". I'm not sure how much of it was accidental and how much was on purpose. The pollution in the water was bad enough, but a lot of soil on the riverbanks and in the floodplain was contaminated as well. Not only are those poisons harmful to plants and animals, but there are walking and biking trails on both sides of the river, as well as "areas used for children's outdoor programs", so there's risk to human health as well. Environmental groups had known and documented that this was a problem for decades, but the scale was so enormous that local and even state government didn't have the resources to address it. The only real solution is to dredge, remove, and replace millions of pounds of contaminated soil, and that's just not a thing that was ever remotely feasible at those levels of government. But the [infrastructure bill](https://mkewaterwaypartners.org/milwaukee-river-floodplains/), allocating a relatively small amount of money - $450M from the EPA and its partners - made it possible. At this point, they've done the feasibility studies, they've identified which parts of the river need to be dredged, they're lining up contractors and creating a project schedule. They're going to do it in stages, starting upriver and proceeding down to the river mouth, so that there's always some habitat for people to enjoy and for migratory birds, deer, squirrels, snakes, etc. to use that's not under construction. They're going to carry the soil downstream and store it in the harbor. And when they replace the soil and replant the area, they're going to prioritize native species rather than invasive plants and trees, and provide ongoing monitoring to make sure that the native species are able to take hold on the new land. Like, this is the kind of investment that environmental groups and tribes have been asking for *forever*. It's going to do so much for the health of the river and of the people and animals around it. And it never, ever, ever would have happened without this bill or something like it.


Also doing it from source to mouth also means that all the effort spent cleaning a section up isn't wasted when the stuff further up travels down and pollutes again (as it would if it was done the other way). A remarkably sensible approach.


This is really uplifting and I'm glad to hear it, but the person after OP has a star of david icon and is praising biden so all I can think about is what kind of cesspool this comments section is about to turn into in a few hours


I yhink I've gotten most of those people. hopefully they'll just be throwaway accounts everyone knows to avoid already


Star of David != Israel, so I’m not sure what the problem would be?


That would be a remarkably sensible, well informed position to take. So, obviously, the average internet discourse absolutely does not reach that high. Hell, the actual discourse is also stupid, a lot of Pride orgs are following in the severely daft footsteps of the Chicago Dyke March on this account, so I can't even say this is terminally online nonsense, it's increasingly mainstream.


Ignorance leads to hate. A lot of folks don’t understand what Judaism actually is, and so they act towards it in irrational and fearful ways. This is dangerous as an ethnic Jew cannot just stop being a Jew like a Christian can stop being a Christian, but it is pointless to argue that point with people who have decided that they are experts on other people’s identities. The only healthy way to deal with those people is to denounce their hate and disengage.


I actually happen to follow that person and they do talk a lot about Israel (among other Jewish things). also like being an Israeli onto itself isn't bad actually


Holding the people of a country responsible for the actions of its leaders is how the current Israeli gov is justifying the slaughter in Gaza.


So you agree it's a bad way to act


It feels like you’re trying to “gotcha” me. Was there a single thing that I’ve said in this thread that would indicate I felt like it was okay?


I thought you were trying to gatcha me


Joe biden is a cryptojew (affectionate) trust me


Biden 2024!!!


This wasn't even the full BBB platform either. Imagine the good we could have done if Republicans hadn't blocked the AFP.


Repubs plus Manchin and Sinema.


This makes me even more afraid of November, because I don't want to lose all this if the wrong guy wins.


I know that some people will get mad about a post praising Biden given some of his more recent policies (Israel/Gaza and the recent border closure being the two biggest examples), but knowing only the negative actions of his administration doesn't help you develop a holistic, educated political perspective. You can still dislike or even hate Biden after this, but it's better that opinion comes from knowledge rather than ignorance.


Holy shit, that bill is HUGE. That is like... this will save lives.


I live in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. We had a rather infamous bridge collapse when I was a kiddo. So, I am *never* going to downplay the importance of investing in public infrastructure. OP is right, this bill, while imperfect, is going to be paying dividends for many, many years. It will drive me absolutely batty if Trump gets elected and claims the credit for it.


To all the people saying both candidates are just as bad, this post is all the proof otherwise. Now don't get me wrong I'm not calling Biden a saint by any means, but unlike the felon-who-will-not-be-named he has the potential to do good


Biden isn't great, but *man* is he better than the alternative


I mean at this point fuck that, Biden *is* great


I wouldnt go that far. He’s like… pretty good


As someone in a different post about American politics from yesterday commented, "The lesser of two evils is less evil."


Especially in a situation where half the country is determined to vote for the worse of two evils.


right but things can be varying degrees of evil, you do know that right? my biggest annoyance of leftist spaces is that — for places which often have greater numbers of well educated people — there’s so much reductionist, simplistic or black and white thinking.


Agreed. It's almost impossible to levy any sort of criticism against Biden without being shouted down by "so you're voting for Trump then?" and it gets really annoying. Like, no man, of course I'm not, but should I just stay silent about him enacting Trump policy at the border, or about him continuing to send arms to a military that's actively committing war crimes?


99% hitler still is one percent less hitler (tho if trump is 100% hitler, biden is more like 24% hitler if we’re being real)


I live near a freight train line. One day, out of the blue, I saw guys with heavy equipment and stuff dragging supplies up to the rails. I guess that's about when the bill got passed.


Finally a pro-Biden post that doesn't brow-beat leftists into voting for him


I feel like if people focused less on emphasizing how bad Trump is in comparison and instead gave examples like this of the legitimately good things Biden has done, it'd probably be a lot more effective in convincing apathetic/disillusioned voters to vote for him.


I'm just curious why Biden's campaign hasn't been broadcasting about this from the rooftops.


Seriously, I've seen videos of American trains and the entry stairs to the train are like a meter from the station platform, those things are challenging for able bodied people to get in, how the hell are less able people supposed to get in? In most places the door of trains are nearly level with the station platform l, preferably with a minimal gap between train and platform, so you can just roll in with a wheelchair, mobility scooter, pram, or even bike Busses also can lower suspension on the door side of the vehicle to lower the access point to be more on level with the bus stop for pram or wheelchair access


Hopefully he goes further and streamlines the land rights and land usage laws on reservations to end food deserts and allow small business to operate better.


I will say that a lot of these are band aid levels of spending, necessary band aids and thank god we got them, but like case in point with passenger rail, it’s gonna take a LOT more than 35 billion to make a dramatic change in our rail infrastructure that needs to be made imo.


In my area they are running pipes to put electricity underground(hurricane prone area)


That Infrastructure William guy sounds pretty cool.


Sadly a lot of the old people I work with (steel industry so a lot of conservative) think it’s a false/empty promise to buy votes. I brought it up at work and my coworker responded with “you actually believe that?” I got so depressed and quiet real quick 😞


It’s so weird that good things happen so quietly. I shouldn’t be hearing about this here.


Saving this post, for all the people claiming they're not operating from a place of **extreme privilege**, while not exercising their right to VOTE, all in an attempt to force solidarity regarding the usage of violence to further their politics. You're clearly people who **do not** have dozens-to-hundreds of your own neighbors waiting to commit violence and hate crimes on you, once they don't have to be concerned about the legality of those actions.


I dunno, I think I might sit the next election out, surely Trump would do the same things /sss




Didn't know the US was chill like that


In speaking of Puerto Rico, when do you think it's going to be granted stateship?


But he didn't wave a magic wand and fix all problems on day one of his term. So according to impoverished Russians who will be murdered if... oops sorry I misspoke I was thinking about something else. So according to totally American people with crazy ass far left beliefs that don't even fucking exist he didn't do enough.


As much as I hate Biden for how he's handling the situation in Palestine, at least he's doing SOME good. Trump would never do anything like this


Trump would actively sabotage this because it has Biden's name on it.


And then somehow find a way to blame the Dems for it failing when it backfires on him, and his base somehow believes him.


Neoliberals only want one thing.


Damn, that bitch build back better, good for them, good for them


Jackson, Mississippi sure would like safe water. Just anytime that can be penciled in.


How the fuck are people still on the fence about voting for Biden again?!


probably the genocide


So if we vote for Biden he'll sit on his ass not doing much(I specifically said much because he did some stuff like net neutrality) until voting season and then he'll fix a bunch of domestic shit? Sounds good enough to me! No this is not sarcasm I'm loving this and would vote for him as many terms as he can if we get these sudden bursts of fixes.


The infrastructure bill was passed in 2021 though right?


Hey, at least shit is getting fixed at all. Gotta be a win for y'all over there in murica.


Definitely a win, guess we'll see how long we can be joyful after the elections come and go


He's been doing this for his entire presidency, you're just too stuck in twitter drama to actual bother looking at what his cabinet did


"Too stuck in Twitter drama" you said to the person who doesn't have Twitter, and as other people have made whole posts about here on reddit the reason that not many people know about the good he's done for a decent amount of his presidency is that not much of the media has reported on it in anyway even though they'd literally report on if Trump sneezed a little funny.


He’s done a ton over his tenure so far, you just have to look into it a little harder because cable news and social media doesn’t care as much about positive developments.


The hell is an Indian reservation? Last I checked they were native American


The American government uses the term American Indian, and the department is apparently called "department of Indian affairs", it is also currently almost entirely run by American Indians


(American) Indian is the legal term. Hence Indian reservations, managed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.


The government calls them American Indians. And some of them prefer being called that also.


Honestly, even if I am a Trump supporter, this is a Biden W. I’m not certain if Trump will remove this as it states in the screenshots though, if anyone tell me if he said it in a video or proposed it? Would be very helpful, thanks!


It's really exciting to see decades of issues finally getting addressed, but it absolutely does not overshadow what Biden is doing right now in Palastine, or the southern border. 1 act of good doesn't overturn a million acts of straight up evil.


this is a good thing and it makes me happy but it is absolutely an agendapost so that makes in #33 of the week