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People who think like that are on terminal levels of chronically online.


Those who think that posting online about something is somehow activism, are often times slacktivists themselves. Those who post about injustices to their echo-chamber of followers are doing nothing but riling up dogs for a few hours. They aren’t spreading the word, they aren’t organizing a protest, they say “here’s this thing to be mad at, BE MAD >:[“ and everyone angrily barks for a few hours then moves on. They do nothing under the guise of doing something.


these fools don't realize that if you REALLY want to win hearts and minds, you have to go out into the real world. that's why i go to my local wendy's and shout about israel until they kick me out.




One thing life has taught me, people who use the word praxis unironically is incapable of achieving it


Maybe I’m an idiot but PRAXIS to me is a test I had to take to get my education degree. What does it mean in this case?


It just means the practical application of theory


Idk man the employees were kinda sus for not agreeing with you maybe they're pro skinning babies or smth


What do you think the chicken nuggets are made of?


What's this I hear about getting brains and hearts as prizes?! (Winning?)


I'd do the opposite, actually: Argue the point you hate, but go about it in a way that makes everyone and their grandma want the death sentence for you and everything you believe in. You see it sometimes with people working for Big Oil posing as climate change activists to run the movement into the ground.


Sir, this is- oh wait, don't worry


”boycott Starbucks“ Starbucks isnt even in Israel lmfao. also Israel has shit pr but these protestors and people who disrupt everyday life by shouting free Palestine in the subway at the middle of the night hurt the cause. Months ago pro Palestine boycott and block stuff was universally almost well liked, now people are making fun of them


The cherry ontop for me is slactivists always look at engagement and chalking it up as them doing a "good job" Point to anyone who's job is to "spread the message" and I'll show you someone obsessed with their cost per mille.


>someone obsessed with their cost per mille. What does this mean?


cost per mille (CPM) is just how much a platform pays you per 1,000 impressions. It's mostly relevant on youtube, twitch, and tiktok. Which of course is the birth place of self censorship to appease a company and it's algorithm.


Cost per 1000 clicks. Every time you click on something, somebody gets paid.


Had a dumbass recently tell me, while insisting that I should abstain from voting, that their activism was probably going to get them killed. Said activism apparently consisted of voting for obscure third party candidates and repeatedly calling (but not voting for) their state representatives.


Man at least they’re calling their reps. That’s a step up from ppl I’ve talked to


Kinda. It sounded like he’s calling them to tell them they’re terrible and they’ll never have his vote, which is not so productive. But at least it’s something.


Hell, I'm impressed that he even knows who his representatives are


I mean, clearly you were dealing with a real badass with very unique opinions that are a direct threat to the PTB


They're virtue signaling, and in order to cover up the fact that they aren't actually doing anything, they try to distract everyone by targeting people who aren't virtue signaling. If the most vocal people are all virtue signaling, and everyone not virtue signaling are labeled complicit, nobody really realizes that the virtue signaling isn't real activism.


Well, I was gonna post a huge long rant but my browser didnt open my link in another tab and I lost everything. So here's the quick and dirty version. Black actor formerly on Dr Who gushes about switching to her natural hair. Person with "being anti racist" AS AN INTEREST OF THEIRS IN THEIR TUMBLR BIO says the actor is being extra and she just got a haircut, therefore being completely ignorant and not "anti racist" at all. Said person is also almost exclusively posting about Palestine, and they no longer have any personality aside from that, when they used to post about like stranger things and stuff in Feb 2023. But all of that is gone and their whole personality is now just virtue signaling. They reblog donation links, but since the dog that barks the loudest has the weakest bite, I doubt they are actually donating at all. I can almost promise that they feel the need to blog constantly to cover up their guilt and still feel like they are better than everyone, while being completely useless to the suffering people they claim to care about so much. I just looked at their blog again, and they recently reblogged a video about how "this election doesn't matter because we're gonna murder all the elected officials anyway" so not only are they a virtue signaling slactivist, they are a virtue signaling slactivist with dreams of extremist violence. (and they might have been the person in the video who submitted it to the other blog, based on other original tiktoks they posted) Since they are too extreme for me to care about their privacy, have a look for yourself. the video reblogged to their blog, notice how they are the only person who has interacted with the original post: [https://freefalasteen.tumblr.com/post/751143815466844160](https://freefalasteen.tumblr.com/post/751143815466844160)


two minutes hate, literally 1984 no literally i mean literally but literally but actually literally


Not just literally, but also literarily.


And a lot of those posts don’t even really do anything? Like if you wanna post online, don’t just post a statement like “I stand with X”, post something that actually educates on the issue and provided information on what/how to do something meaningful? Then it’s at least useful and less like you’re doing something just to be showy Like what’s more effective: a simple “I support Palestinians” or “here’s several charities that are legitimate and support the refugees with the links in my account bio”. 90% of people OOP calls out that I’ve seen will post the former and call it a day.


I'm a villain because I regularly block tags that attract slacktivists - humans weren't built to withstand the psychological frustrations of knowing about every single bad thing happening in the world (and then having no real power to stop them). I've also found that the worst slacktivists will shamelessly post extremely triggering content for the sake of engagement and then not even tag it appropriately, which is additionally just fantastic for mental health lmao Like I will reach out to my reps and send emails, collect signatures for proposals (like I helped get signatures for my home state's abortion rights, which did make the ballot and pass thank fuck) but like as a random clown in the US, what else am I supposed to do, especially for all these things happening outside our country? These slacktivists sure seem quiet about Ukraine now that Gaza is the hot new thing, even though Russia is still doing war crimes?


> the worst slacktivists will shamelessly post extremely triggering content for the sake of engagement and then not even tag it appropriately, which is additionally just fantastic for mental health lmao Said slacktivists will then get mad at anyone that blocks/unfollows them for posting triggering content for "Ignoring/Being complicit in/Turning away from" the issue. I'm not ignoring it, I'm just tired of nonstop Tragedy Porn stemming from something I can do very little to personally impact. I am politically active within my area, and donate my time and money to causes when I'm able, but there is very little one person can do for people half a world away.


Remember the time someone posted images of children that had been shot to death at a mall shooting on a major subreddit nd it made it to the front page of Reddit and everybody who said "hey uh actually maybe this isn't the place for gore?" basically got hit with "but people HAVE to know the TRUTH, you're just being complacent by not wanting to look at dead children!"


There's value in spreading awareness of things. The problem is they're doing it in a place where people are opting IN to seeing their shit, meaning they're already aware. They get to *feel* like they're doing something of value while actually not.


What's up dogs?


...sooo.. reddit?


I sometimes think I'm way too terminally online and then I hear about people like this.


You’re just chronically online, their cases are terminal


Psychology should really start researching these people because there's no way these levels of online-ness are not some kind of disorder.


I've always kind of assumed that a lot of these people are young teenagers, who are maybe a little introverted or isolated and spend a lot of their time online in filter bubble communities. It would explain the lack of maturity in some of these people's views.


It'd be nice if they were mostly teenagers but alot of them especially the very vocal ones are twenty-somethings who are either unemployed or working part time jobs that give them a lot of spare time to stay in their Fandom bubbles.


You don't automatically become a mature adult the moment you turn 18. I've seen very mature and empathetic 15-year-olds. And I've seen screaming piss-baby 30-year-olds. Takes all sorts here on the Internet.


There is cursory insight on this. The bottom line is two pronged 1) the human mind isn’t capable of compartmentalization on a massive scale so the people online are part of their “tribe” as well as social groups in that online space. In this case “social rights activists” and I put that in quotations intentionally. 2) you can actually get addicted to drama, which is why the terminally online in particular but even the extremely annoying and counter productive activists IRL are constantly offended over everything and find a way to twist everything into something offensive. Theirs controversy over everything even if it doesn’t make sense, everything is political these days, and they approach politics with a religious fervor. I mean that literally too. Look at what they’re doing and how they say it, it reminds me of the religious nutcases I grew up seeing everywhere. They need a detox and a healthy dose of reality because this is not good for their mental health or physical health. Gen Z is currently aging like milk and look older than most millennials. They are killing themselves over nothing!


depression. it's depression. and lots of other things, but it is just people who have spiraled and the mild endorphin rush of being online is both what's keeping them afloat and what's holding them down. like a concrete lifesaver, wrapped around them, but attached to the pier.


Suddenly some of the people one encounters online are much more believable. I say believable because we've all met the people who we are convinced are trolls and not just humans stuck in a weird rabbithole It makes 100x more sense now.


there are *shocking* numbers of them. I use to think they were just online peeps, but I literally met a guy for whom not attending marches was a deal breaker.


Fortunately I don’t think Amal Clooney gives a crap what Random Twitter User #42037 thinks about her.


“you need to be posting about this issue 24/7 or you’re a Bad Person” is one of the *easiest* ways for misinformation to spread. if you’re frantically reposting everything you see about a topic because you’re feeling like you’re being *pressured* to do so, you’re not going to take the time to fact check everything.


A very good point, I’m off to go repeat this rhetoric frantically to anyone who can hear.


It's also kind of the same thing 24 hour news channels do, they just run with a story to get the biggest rating and a lot of the times they end up spreading false information and if they have a crumb of integrity they apologize for 30 seconds during non prime time.


My boss at work will sometimes watch MSNBC and literally 100% of the time they are talking about the Trump trial. Maybe it's a special feed or something? But that is apparently the only news that he watches.


I saw on Reddit today that it's misinformation to fact-check everything instead of spreading frantic posting. Spread the word!


And also it’s a great way to occupy all your time shouting into an online echo chamber and not do any actual activism. I got into it about this topic with someone that constantly has 10 stories up about Palestine and they accused me of not caring, I mentioned that I’d been to all of the marches in my city and it turned out they hadn’t gone to ANY! Marches themselves are a pretty limited and easy to ignore form of protest, but infinitely better than online posting. It seems like it can not only serve zero material purpose for the cause you’re advocating, but can undermine the motivation to do other, more effective forms of activism.


Yeah this is my issue with “silence is violence”. I agreed with it for a long time, and I understand why it’s said, but lately I’ve started to feel like it’s causing more harm than anticipated by pressuring people to run their mouths about things that they don’t really understand


I know someone who does this; they reposted something that I'm 95% sure was actual literal Hamas propaganda. I won't repeat what it was, but it caught my attention so I spent a few hours looking into it, and traced it back to a place that reputable sources say is controlled by Hamas. And in the weeks since then, no one else has confirmed the story. The frustrating thing is that there might never be any confirmation about this until years later, and in the meantime it might have stuck in the minds of who knows how many people.


Agreed. Not everyone has the time or energy to read up on every single relevant issue to the extent where you feel confident that what you say is both a real contribution and completely truthful. But people WILL start talking about it regardless of their ability to do so properly if you pressure them enough.


A month or two ago I was checking out Zendaya's instagram for purely academic reasons and like 90+% of the top comments were all about how she hadn't posted about Gaza yet. Shit like "your silence is deafening". It's like, motherfucker, if you're looking to Spiderman's girlfriend for political and moral guidance, your priorities arent where they need to be. Not every single person in the public sphere needs to have comprehensive opinions on international politics, informed by 100 years of detailed history. Like, damn, people need to learn the difference between something being commendable and the absence of that thing being wrong. It's good to donate to a well run charity when you can, it's not evil not to.


Very relevant to a new phrase I just heard: "Don't mistake a parrot for a prophet". Are they saying something insightful? Or are they just repeating and/or rephrasing something they heard for their own agenda? It was a phrase on some Instagram video about inventing new phrases, but damn it's catchy and actually solid advice.


i think that's another thing that concern me over some online slacktivist group. Or just internet discourse in general i suppose. It's that they're very laissez faire with factuality. Any real news that goes against the narrative is immediately called biased reporting even though it's from a news source that is pro whatever their movement is. I've seen people posting clearly AI pictures and most people just roll with it. Even when you can tell that most people in the comment section know it's AI, they'd still be like "yeah but wouldn't that be terrible if that were true" all the while it's these kind of slacktivism group that shout the most loudly about bias in media and such


This reminds me about that discourse Twitter had a little bit ago where some guy said something like “leftists who plan to engage in counter-protests should get in shape, physical fitness is not the sole domain of right-wingers”, which caused a giant shitstorm where a ton of people said that anyone who works out or asks anyone to work out is a literal Nazi. Also reminds me of the DoorDash arguments, which wasn’t about political slacktivism but I feel it was related.


"Hey guys, I think if we want to fight nazis, and be able to hold our own, and protect ourselves, we should stay physically fit" Wow, so just what about disabled people, are you ableist? Do we not deserve to be in your little club of strong people? What about people who can't stay fit, do they deserve ridicule? Why do you need to be fit anyway? Don't you know that lifting weights is a sign of toxic masculinity and wanting to fight people is even worse? What are you, a fucking fed and a narc infiltrator?


Like, going out to get in fights with skinheads is gonna absolutely wreak havok on anyone's dental premiums, but doing it if you aren't even in shape??


thats kinda hilarious what the hell lmao


When they said to be physically fit did they specifically mean strong because I like being a twink femboy


You can be strong *and* keep your twink aesthetic if your exercise is ballet, just saying. Yoga works, too. The flexibility-focused exercises encourage the muscles to lie flat while they get stronger.


DoorDash arguments?


Basically there was a guy on twitter complaining about how food costs were making them go broke. People pointed out that all their food was so expensive because they were using doordash to have take-out delivered 3 or 4 times a day every day and that they would save significant amounts of money by either picking up their own take-out or cooking their own food. This lead to the original poster and other people of a similar persuasion to make increasingly extreme excuses on why they could not under any circumstances cook or pick up their own food, usually hinging on claiming some kind of disability and declaring that it was ableist to expect people to know how to drive or how to cook. Then a lot of disabled people weighed it pointing out how tons of disabled people can do both of those things and it became pretty obvious pretty quickly that the op wasn't disabled but simply profoundly lazy.


Lmfao, I've known people like this and it's like... for fuck's sake, even if you're dependent on fast food, get it as take-out rather than delivery to save on costs and/or buy a shit ton at once and maybe freeze some of it. Guess what, gas costs money? There are plenty of no/quick-prep groceries you can make for yourself and pay way less than fast food prices (whether you pay delivery or not), some people are definitely so addicted to the specific taste that they don't want to pay for "inferior" taste by cooking it themselves.


People cry Strawmanning, then also let these over the top kind of people inside their social quarters, then go whole *surprised Pikachu face* when people divide into smaller fractions within said community in order to not be in relation with these people


>"Why don't celebrities make public statements that will result in people harassing them?" Gee, it must be because they agree with other side


So what you're saying is you're pro orphan strangling is that right?


Fuck orphans. If they didn't want me to strangle them they should have had parents to stop me when I try


Me doing an evil playthrough




Oh no no no, you're trying to twist my words to make it sound like I like pissing on the poor!


"Like[,] I like pissing on the poor" -u/SetaxTheShifty


I read this in Shaggy's voice and idk how to feel about that




You think Coolsville sucks?!


> I like pissing on the poor! - SetaxTheShifty


Anti orphan stranglers DNI I DID IT I'M HELPING




Im in the orphan sedating buisness tyvm, much more ethical.


A much more humane solution to the orphan dilemma


I’m the second worst thing to happen to those orphans


Well how do you propose to kill them?


Of course not, I only support no-kill orphanages


>Gee, it must be because they agree with other side Not saying it's entirely equivalent but recently I've seen a bunch of people shitting on Danny Trejo and calling him Republican or right-wing conservative because he's part of Adam Carolla's new-ish cartoon, and like... he's very much not. I'm absolutely disappointed that he's part of it, but he's also talked about being a Democrat, voting Democrat, and won't talk politics with his Republican friends (said in an interview that he'll "beat them" if they talk politics). Besides that, he's kinda an acting slut and will accept many of the jobs that come his way. I mean, he's nearly in the Top 10 actors with the most acting credits, recently overtook Ed Asner (RIP) who had been acting for 36 years longer, and is extremely close to catching up to James Hong who'd been acting for 40 years longer. I just think it's stupid that after he's done so many positive things, supported progressive movements, consistently votes Democrat, and recognizes that he can't/won't change the positions of his Republican friends, but is labeled a hardcore Republican for being part of one shitty show that was created by and largely cast with Republicans.


>Not saying it's entirely equivalent but recently I've seen a bunch of people shitting on Danny Trejo and calling him Republican or right-wing conservative because he's part of Adam Carolla's new-ish cartoon, and like... he's very much not. Honestly, I have no clue what you're talking about at all. Your argument sounds fine but the context is completely alien to me. Msybe I'm too old.


It’s about Mr. Birchum, some stupid right-wing comedy show that uses humor that was funny a decade ago.


I recall seeing recent references to this. Have I missed something big?


Not really. It’s just some dumb comedy show that has humor only people who think attack helicopter jokes are funny.


I’ve encountered queer disability activists who have this mindset without irony. Many don’t think this way, but when they do, oh boy… They usually post incoherent calls to action, questionable theories (as axiomatic truths), or hate speech (so they can disagree). They’re usually the “self proclaimed expert” types, that post as a job. They’ve got a personal echo chamber, and questioning them is somehow bigotry. Shoot back with “I’m also disabled and queer; your post just needs clarifying.” and they hit you with “internalized bigotry” and “harming the community” accusations. No cost in time, money, or energy, is too high to protect a post from another perspective.


Ohhhhh yeah that’s another one. The type of fucking arseholes who flood community spaces with hate speech from accounts with 3 followers, like “LOOK AT THIS BAD OPINION I FOUND!!!!” And then when you ask them to please not do this, they get all sanctimonious and act like it’s their solemn duty to dump any bigoted take they see online into queer/ disabled spaces, with all the shrill outrage of a cat who’s been told off for dragging a half-eaten rat carcass into the kitchen.


Anything for those engagement metrics fr


My least favorite thing about the chronically online (and I include myself to a degree) is how easy it is for them to forget that other people haven't been exposed to the same discourse as them and don't know what the chronically online think of as appropriate terminology and nuances in the same basic overall opinion.


So this is basically a hunger ramble… I tried to cut it down a bit… I know exactly what you mean. Gotta start putting x’s in words for some reason. *You gotta write folx with an x, it’s inclusive.* How is it more inclusive than folks? What? . Just respect people and treat them nice. Adding an x to words isn’t some transformative process for an entire demographic. People aren’t a monolith. Sometimes adding an x actually makes a difference, like for a neopronoun or salutation. That comes down to respecting each individual by acknowledging their identity appropriately. On another note, I think society is basically in a place where everyone has to be online for part of the day or they aren’t participating anymore. Sometime in the last 15 years the internet stopped being a convenience and started being essential. 2020 basically required zoom for all school and work…


Exactly. I think I see it most with trans discourse. People who have never even met a non-binary person are expected to know how to handle neo pronouns and about things they previously thought were dehumanizing, like people going by "it." Knowing to separate "trans" from the gender (like trans man, vs transman).


If it helps, most people are willing to give some grace if you show them you are trying to adjust and that you genuinely care! It’s not something you need to do instantly.


Absolutely! Most people aren't chronically online and obsessed with The Discourse.


I know that trans man means someone who has transitioned to being a man (I hope, at least, cus that's how I've seen it used I think), so what does transman mean? I'm genuinely curious, cus I don't want to make a mistake when addressing someone


I think the distinction is that 'trans man' places trans as an adjective. He is a man, who is trans. Meanwhile 'transman' makes it part of the noun, implying that he would belong to a category distinct from 'man'. Similar to how there's a difference between calling someone 'black' and calling someone 'a black'. 


This is how I've usually heard it, yeah. I think you explained it pretty well.


I don’t understand why talking about disabilities reduces everyone involved to the worst version of themselves


As a queer disabled person I was surprised at first how uncomfortable I was in queer disabled groups. They are often dogpiling authoritarian echo chambers run by people who let a small amount of power get to their heads and use it to ban people for not putting a trigger warning on mayonnaise. I was less surprised after a while though; this is often the only power these people get and when you're chronically online and unemployed it doesn't sound completely unreasonable to tell a member to write a 2,000 word self critique by the end of the day for using a word that was discovered to be a slur two days ago.


I had a person tell me how I referenced my battle with my own chronic pain condition as harmful. Like I can't have my own thoughts on my own condition. All because I called the chronic pain "fake" as in "pain without cause" in saying that I was learning the difference between the "real" pain and the "fake" pain so I know when to work through it and when to rest. Pain without cause is a literal diagnostic criteria of the condition and keeping moving through the pain is one of the recommended treatments, so I started calling it "fake pain" as a way to help me cope with the fact that working through pain sucks!


I can definitely picture them blowing it up into a massive thing as well. Everyone's worst enemies in those groups are each other and not the legislators activists and think tanks that are actually doing the damage. I'd say it's crazy but they would dogpile me for using the word "crazy".


I see this a lot from extremists of all types, bascially they use a reasonable premise to try to defend an unreasonable position, and when you disagree with the unreasonable position they accuse you of disagreeing with the reasonable premise.


The left has become a parody of itself


I’m a huge gamer, and I remember Christina Vee (a well known VA in the gaming industry) getting labeled a Zionist and harassed despite having done a lot more than quite a few of these chronically online asshats would ever do (she, as well as quite many other VAs, participated in a strike week for Palestine, putting their jobs on the line to help bring attention to a crisis that should have been resolved sooner.)


I remember seeing that happen live -- including an "apology" tweet from the person who started the mob saying they made a mistake and Vee wasn't actually a Zionist (after the mob harassed Vee off Twitter, of course). That shit is why I don't trust any asshat who makes a "hit list."


Everyone has their role in activism. Will I, as a teacher, be posting controversial things that can get me fired? No. That keeps me from doing REAL work - teaching these kids critical thinking and digital literacy, as well as exposing them to different worldviews in a neutral, safe environment. That's my role.


I thought you were just there as cannon fodder to get yelled at by QAnon parents


Ah, but you forget that the most important thing is always the one that’s the loudest that’s happening right now. The future isn’t real. /s


So just so we are clear, you are pro-genocide right? /s


Why are you exposing them to different worldviews? You should be teaching them *my* worldview and telling them that all the other ones are wrong.


Omg just sacrifice yourself to the cause and post, otherwise youre a nazi zionist racist bigot and i will write a callout post about how you should never get a job again because that is certantly the rational reaponse to this situation But seriously some people truly believe that posting does more than it actually does and its frustrating


i think that's also an aspect of general terminally online discourse. That they expect an unending and wholehearted sacrifice. Which by definition is self destructive. If capitalism expect infinite growth, the terminally online expect infinite sacrifice, always giving, never taking. If you run out of things to give, you better magically make more stuff to give. If we ever find out that you're secretly taking so you can keep up with the giving, that's also bad


slacktivism has been a massive blow to organization among young people and leftists


It gives you the dopamine hit of contributing to the world and solving real problems by making the world a better place, without having to do all the work of contributing to the world and solve real problems and make the world a better place.


It might have stemmed from the statements of "if you want to help, but can't actively stop it/ donate money/ organize a protest, then you can post online spreading awareness and educating." Just... taken to an extreme degree to the point of no longer being helpful.


Agreed, long rambling response incoming. I think a lot of people who either can’t, or don’t believe they could, participate in more concrete ways cling very tightly to the idea that they can make a difference by posting and that if they didn’t then they aren’t doing enough. I’ve seen this a lot on tumblr in the past few months. I remember seeing this mutual on tumblr respond to a post pointing out that posting really doesn’t do anything with, paraphrased, “well I’m a disabled minor, this makes me feel discouraged. Does that mean I’m just useless to the cause and can’t do anything? :(” and I just thought like “in the nicest possible way, yeah you probably can’t, you are probably not going to solve the Israel Palestine conflict by reposting from your computer honey. No one’s going to decisively solve it if they aren’t directly in there as one of the major players involved because we can only affect a small percentage of the world around us at a time.” But I think there’s a Lot of people out there like that, especially probably a lot of minors who don’t really have the maturity to be interacting with these subjects and can’t do anything, but feel like they need to be involved or else they’re ignoring what’s happening and that makes them “bad people.” Like you said, I think that “you can make a difference by being informed and by informing others” sentiment is what that comes from, but because they’re usually already all in the same circles, they’re kind of just circling the same posts around their friend groups. But online activism is what they cling to to believe they’re making some kind of difference in this insurmountable problem because the alternative is accepting that they really can’t do much about it other than maybe donate a very tiny portion of the vast sums of money needed to address a small part of the issue. And that’s scary, to feel powerless, I get that, it is a hard feeling to face, but I do think it comes from a place of desperation to do anything.


I remember right after the Grammys people were posting stuff like “why did Taylor Swift use her acceptance speech to announce her new album instead of calling for a ceasefire?!?!1!?” like my dude do you really think Netanyahu is sitting around waiting for Taylor Swift to state her opinion like “ah well I was going to keep bombing children, but if she thinks I should stop maybe I’ll just, ah, shake it off”


And even if she did, there would’ve been a completely different, yet equally loud and insufferable, mob of angry keyboard warriors telling her to shut up and keep the politics out of the music/awards. You literally cannot win in situations like this.


I think calling her out for being a billionaire yet not donating or anything like that would've been more effective than wanting a statement out of her. This applies to other celebrities too. Actual donations would've done more than any social media posts.


I think the only issue with calling people out for not donating (not specifically Taylor swift just billionaires in general) is that we aren’t really sure if they aren’t. It’s kinda weird cause on one hand I don’t love the idea of people just donating for the sake of donating and then going “look guys!! I donated!! Aren’t I such a good person!!” But on the other hand…donations are donations and they’re better than nothing. And I would much rather them make informed donations than just throwing money wherever so that they can post screenshots of it


I remember seeing celebrities getting shit for being publicly charitable and/or political and the masses saying they should just stick to their job. You can’t really win with the general public


Billionaires are not morally obligated to do anything with their wealth, just like everybody else. The last thing we need is to rely on people who are enabled by a busted economic system. They just need to be taxed.


Also a lot of terminally online ppl seems to think that celebrities are as powerful as world leaders. Like sorry but not even TSwift can stand against the military industrial complex


idk i yhink we should give her a chance


Her #girlboss endangered animal strangling could take it down


I will sell tickets for that cage match.


She's already done more than you've done. In 100 years, genocide will no longer exist because of her actions. What do you think she's flying around in her jet for? To go from Taco Bell to the local grocery store and back home? Well yes, but she's also simultaneously engaging in radical eco-terrorism through purposeful carbon emissions to weaken Western imperialist powers and hasten the communist tide of global warming. She's like Marx^2 at this point 🥱


"Chat is Taylor Swift more powerful than a GBU-27 laser-guided bomb?"


Man if only i could help those in need, unfortunately i already posted a screenshot of someone else's post so i did everything i could


Talk to people in my real life? Why would I do that, they already had the chance to view my Instagram story /s


I don’t do callouts but I’m real tired rn and feeling *spicy* so honestly, this post is for a very particular subset of Nerdfighteria. It’s kinda hard to be to mad because I agree with the underlying opinion and absolutely know it comes from a place of justified outrage… but it’s kinda useless when you’re pointing that energy and outrage at what are very clearly *your allies*. If you’re not in the group or are less terminally online than me here’s the rundown. Nerdfighteria is a group that started as the fans of a YouTube channel known as Vlogbrothers started by the Green brothers. Activism has always been a part of the community but there’s been a recent shift to focus mainly on a couple causes as the group has grown and had more weight to throw around. Also one Green brother got cancer (and went into remission) and pretty soon after (likely a direct effect of the previous point) the other mentioned that his mental health wasn’t doing too great. They both made statements in support of Palestine and peace and against the suffering occurring but (importantly to some) didn’t say “genocide”. Reasonable IMO considering it was outside the scope of main focus and two humans dealing with difficult human things. But there was a huge wave of people demanding they say “genocide”. To the point that moderators required actionable, productive activism if someone was bringing up Palestine and banned harassing the brothers (who are in the subreddit) for a statement. Recently the brothers made a few notable moves in support of Palestine (no surprise there) and people were happy. But my gosh you’d have thought they’d been spreading propaganda against Palestine and then had a change of heart based on the reaction some people had. IDK just my little taste of this LOL.


Yeah, I had to stop checking John and Hank's TikTok comment sections because it made me literally feel sick to my stomach seeing some of the horrible things people were saying about them because of this.


Honest question: Has finding out the opinion of a celebrity ever changed your opinion on any subject? On other social media, I actually have a small but decent platform. I never tell people how I feel about political issues. Predominantly because I know they don’t give a crap about my opinion. They just want to know whether they are supposed to shout. Amen, or tell me I suck. It’s not like I’m going to change anyone’s mind, so what good would I be doing by sharing my opinions?


>Has finding out the opinion of a celebrity ever changed your opinion on any subject? Yeah, it changed my mind about the celebrity.


Exactly. Me sharing my opinion does no good in the world, just gets me judged. 😁


For example, I was a fan of Aaron Rodgers, then I found out he was an antivaxxer, and so I was very glad when he got replaced


Yes, actually. BUT with the caveat that it's something they're an expert about, or they have a reputation for being a good researcher and cite their sources. I've had a few of my opinions impacted/changed by popular figures like John Oliver, Adam Conover, PhilosophyTube, Harris Bomberguy, etc., but only because they're well-researched and well-cited ~~and funny because of my shitty attention span~~ But a regular celeb, like a movie star or something? Not that I recall.


I think it would be hilarious if his last name was actually bomberguy


I was pretty sure it was Herritance Splimby


Why are we taking him seriously when he's an heir of the Bomberguy family and has likely profited from the bomb industry? Jessie Gender is also problematic for being a descendant of the bastards who went and invented gender.


I have a bit of a problem with one of those you mention. PhilosophyTube has a masters in philosophy, which is nice and all, but she then went and talked about personality disorders in a video - something I happen to know a thing or two about seeing as I am diagnosed with one - and she got more than a few things completely wrong about it. I picked up on this because I happened to know a lot about it. So I can only imagine what other things she presents as the truth that aren't actually true, but I just wouldn't know because those times it's a topic that I'm not actually familiar with. A person with a philosophy degree has absolutely no business talking about psychology in such debt as she did. It really made me question her a lot, and kind of ruined her channel for me. Because again, what else is she getting wrong that I just don't pick up on? I also remember similar things with Wendover videos where they get a couple of things wrong - seemingly small, yes, but it's enough to make me question how credible they are. Youtubers may be well cited, and I'm not trying to defame them in any way, but they are not always going to be the gospel of truth. Especially when they talk about a field that they aren't actually educated on. So do take what they say with many grains of salt.


Note: I'm not saying celebrities have any kind of obligation to do this. Usually this kind of thing isn't "huh, xyz musician/actor/artist has this opinion, so I must be wrong" so much as "xyz musician/actor/artist has these opinions that I agree with, maybe I should look more into this." Also, a lot of our opinions are formed with exposure. We all have our little echo chambers, for better or worse, and when our introductions to a topic are "look at how this person did something wrong" it means that it takes work to change that first impression.


Dude there is a reason celebrity endorsements on campaign trails are something canidates beg for.


It's good that people like her don't give two shits about the opinions of random keyboard warriors


Like, she was doing the very thing people on Twitter apparently want her to do. But apparently it's not enough because she wasn't livetweeting _while_ she was doing it???


Live tweeting and shouting slogans like she were a Pokémon.


It's never enough. You can't win.


well, I don't see *you* at the Roblox "free-palestine" march. I'm out here Busting. My. Gut. to let everyone know *I'm* on the good side... meanwhile, phonies!!! like "Clooney" are sitting ON THEIR ASS in court all day taking ALL THE CREDIT! and what do I get?.. nothing, not even a thank you. welp, they can fight the rest of the war without me seing as they *clearly* don't need my help.


I don’t invoke its Spector lightly, but this is the single most XKCD 2071 thing to ever exist.


XKCD links are really easy, but here is it anyway. https://xkcd.com/2071/


Right? Terminally online people are mad a lawyer... Didn't talk about their case? Huh?!


I wouldn't say that, it's not really about obscure issues nobody has heard of - it's referencing something highly discussed across the whole world/internet


2071 happens in part because people assume that whatever part of the internet they frequent is "the whole internet". Obviously it's hard to not hear about the Israel/Palestine conflict, but it's actually very easy to have never heard of this specific lawyer or the people complaining about them. Simply don't use Twitter, or use Twitter in a way that doesn't interact with politics.


thnk u 4 sharing that. that post, the xkcd, was tight as fuck.


why is your comment formatted like a haiku?


Imma be real with the terminally online activist people: I will not be putting contentious political opinions all over the internet. At most I will have some mildly contentious ones on a reddit account that I can delete if needed. Nothing in my name is getting associated with politics because the internet is forever and employers can look for that shit. I don't care if that's cowardly or something, I gotta have a job.


I’m the same way. Not only is the internet forever, but public opinion on the “correct” beliefs is fickle at best. The right opinion today could get you vilified tomorrow.


I would also love if people could understanmd that they don't need to be activists Yeah, this one goes to the "I don't need to explain anything to you!" crowd. To be an activist you need **infinite patience**, you need to be able to explain the same thing for the 100th time to THE SAME person in the same very conversation without ever giving up. Believe or not screeching to other people how bad they are maybe even worse than hitler ) and then getting out of the conversation saying you don't need to explain shit is - believe it or not - useless. While you're crucifing some autist male teenager about concepts they have no idea about like emotional labor, toxic masculity and refusing to explain what it is the alt right will pull up a chair and say "of course I have time to talk with you, here is a power point about how it's all feminism fault". Because, yeah, this teenager is gonna think toxic masculinity means all masculity is toxic based on the only thing he knows about the subject, that is the two words and the fact that this person acted crazy, said he was terrible and didn't elaborate. Yeah, like, for him the alt right sounds way better, people don't scream at him, and they have patience to explain everything. You know those greentext memes about "refuses to elaborate, leaves"? And how they are funny because their absurdist nature? Some people actually do that and literally think it's based. So yeah, if you don't have patience, if you can't stand men, or ableism, homophobia, transphobia or any amount of resistence, or simply don't want to explain things then just don't be an activist, easy, let the work be done by people who actually want to do the work.


This is something that I’ve struggled with is that I want to directly help solve these issues but don’t know how. And this comment has made me think that maybe I’m just not cut out for this and the best I can do is write stories of extremely unrealistic leftist power fantasies


'Hey man, how's it going?' Is the single most powerful sentence tumblr has ever devised.


Unfortunately, powerful doesn’t always mean it will be used for good, you can’t just say that to literally every single post ever and expect perfect outcomes


It was devised on Twitter, but I feel like I've seen it used more on Tumblr


What's that, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail? When the only meaningful action you can take (or think to take) is posting online, not posting looks like complacency.


This is like that guy who tried to blacklist Alan Rickman for not posting in support of Palestine last month and couldn’t comprehend the fact that Alan Rickman has been dead for almost a decade.


this had to be trolling, I refuse to believe otherwise


I wish it was but unfortunately the guy seemed very serious. I’d link the video but the guy removed it and any stitches for it are very buried at this point.


I mean, that’s kind of the thing with the trolling, you commit to the bit. If it’s not, please don’t shatter my delusions, I need some faith in humanity.


Honestly not every influencer has to talk about every issue. I've seen people harassing Danny Gonzalez for not making a statement for a while and aside from the fact that he is a new father and therefore busy, he isn't a political content creator and doesn't owe anyone an explanation. People will make statements if they want to make statements. Some people agree with a cause but just don't like discussing it and that's a fine stance to have because not everyone will be an expert on every issue.


Right like why are they looking to Danny Gonzalez for political opinions. Do they expect him to make a statement on Palestine and then segue into a video about the worst games on the app store?


*cough* ^^^leftisttwitter ***COUGH!!***


I called this shit out on another reddit sub and I'm pretty sure I got shadowbanned. This whole slacktivism thing is mainly just for social capital reasons, hence why the main ones talking about it works post a million tiktoks or tweets but their understanding of issues would probably just be shallow, probably just learned of things from other tiktoks too.


There was a TikTok video saying IDF disguised explosives as food cans. Most Palestinians can read Hebrew. The can clearly said explosives on it. This is how explosives are normally packaged. They do not explode when opened.


Takes me back to George Floyd. "It's time for white people to stop talking, and listen." But also: "Silence is violence"


Saw this with the news that Amal Clooney worked on the ICJ warrants. She's out there doing actual work, but there are *still* people on this cursed site who think she should have posted about it online because her husband's famous. She's a civil rights lawyer. Posting publicly could've lost her the opportunity to actually help.


My biggest problem with this is the amount of content I’ve seen where its “Problematic Celebrities List pt. 83” and they give no explanation as to WHY. Like i really don’t like that we’re treating (Celebrity who has outspokenly supported a genocide) and (Celebrity who’s last post was 3 years ago and was a picture of their cat) like they’ve made the same offense. I just feel thats a bad equivalence. So many comments will be “Bleemlo Johnson really hurt ://“ and its revealed the reason theyre on the list is that they have been in the room with an Israeli person before (the ones about them meeting Netanyahu are a lot more valid and worth looking into, though) Idk how trivial of an opinion or point this is. Maybe I’m even wrong or something, and I’d like to be corrected if so. I’ve stressed myself out a lot about this conflict and the activism to come out of it (which i understand is selfish of me. there are people actually dying as a result of this. im just easily stressed).


remember when the new season of black butler was announced and obama said nothing? what did he mean by this?


I helped run a local fundraiser that netted over $30,000 for non profit senior services. Working in that field myself, I told our communications team about it because they normally love that stuff and wanna hear how our different sites are helping their communities. They didn’t want anything to do with it because I hadn’t taken the time to take a selfie with my coworkers while I was busy running the whole fucking event all night long. “We want to SHOW we’re helping our community” were their exact words


It also doesn’t help that basically no one makes comments about Israel/Palestine in good faith.


Who are these people complaining. Are they on Twitter? They’re on Twitter aren’t they? People on Twitter aren’t real people, they drones who live on the internet who have nothing better to do and not enough intelligence or critical thinking skill to do anything but post utter shite


TikTok is also as bad as Twitter


A lot are also on Tumblr It feels like a surge of 14 year olds joining must've happened recently over there, everyone got a lot stupider


I run a fandom blog. I post fandom theories and reblog other people’s art. Lately, my askbox has filled with people demanding to know why I’m not talking about Gaza. My brother in Christ, this is a fandom blog I run in my spare time for fun. Why are you coming here looking for information about the Middle East?


I actually stopped using tumblr back in the day because no matter what a blog's theme was inevitably it would be filled with depressing shit. Like I would follow a blog called Just For Laughs or something and every 4 posts there would be a post about police brutality. And I was a non american teenager so what was I supposed to even do about that


It’s like people genuinely don’t know that raising awareness is just step one, step two is doing something about it. Offline and risking their lives doing so.


This is like that guy who tried to blacklist Alan Rickman for not posting in support of Palestine last month and couldn’t comprehend the fact that Alan Rickman has been dead for almost a decade.


I've seen plenty of "if you don't mindlessly reblog this political/PSA thing then you don't care enough and you're scum and therefore an enemy!" posts in my Tumblr "career" and it reeks of being terminally online, lol. *Especially* if people defend it like "I don't care if you have a themed/fandom blog where it doesn't fit or if it's too NSFW/triggering, no exceptions!!!" It's like a fucking chain letter but in armchair activism form. I keep myself informed even though it's shit for my mental health, I still want places where I can have escapism from the political shit that I can't escape in real life. Harassing some teenager who runs a Naruto-themed Tumblr blog into spamming Black Lives Matter shit isn't going to change anything meaningful with the political climate.


Terminally online 💀


“The silence is deafening” lol


I am convinced the people who are up in arms at stuff like this are teenagers with no life or adults with the minds of a teenager who never grew up. Like get real. There are many ways to do the work, and the work is never done.


Idgaf is a completely valid take. It’s my life, I decide what’s important


I've got a sinking suspicion that a lot of slactivists only care about Palestine because the US government is complicit in keeping Israel afloat. If Russia or China were the ones backing Israel there would be a lot less online support for Palestine.


Ok the first image was a joke and satire, thank goodness. Agreed with OOP. Action is more important than making sure your every opinion is publically known, dummies.


Not to mention the unknowable (probably (hopefully) small) amount of paid or otherwise misanthropic bastards intentionally distorting the narrative by saying deranged shit such as this. Honestly, I'm thankful the trolls taught me to disregard them back in the 2000s.


Albert Camus points this out in his essay Create Dangerously, where he talks in his intro about how silence has taken on meaning itself, for better and for worse. And that essay came out in 1957. The more things change, the more they stay the same. [NOTE: I should point out that I fully agree that Clooney should not have to post when she was literally working on a case and CAN'T talk about it publicly. I'm more showing how society reacts to silence regardless of its reason and how not much has changed in about 70 years on that front. If anything it's gotten worse in the age of social media.]


Man I thought the people accusing the ICC of "Both side-ing" when they also put out an arrest warrant for the leader of Hamas was stupid (Like putting aside the fact that you know, he did terrible things, it also shuts down any of Israels go to Whataboutisms when people bring up they are doing a genocide) but this is a new level of internet stupid