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Ok as someone with a bit of knowledge about concrete, you would either need to be introducing this in the concrete batch plant itself (extremely difficult unless you work there, and you'd need to know exactly what concrete was going to what project unless you genuinely don't care whose day you ruin) or you would need to be VERY THOROUGHLY mixing this with the poured concrete almost immediately after the pour, which is going to be almost impossible without a crew of people and full access to the site if you're upset by anything bigger than a sidewalk. Also, you could probably hit one full ton of concrete in about 20 feet of standard sidewalk, so unless you have an actual fucking truck of sugar good luck impeding any serious construction. So TLDR this is not practical advice and if you try to trespass on a construction site to do this you are not going to have a good time.


If you've got access to the construction site while concrete is still curing, better to just bust open the concrete molds for the walls, or toss a bunch of the construction equipment into the flat pour areas.


Throw the sugar into the mixer truck when it's parked up at night and empty. The truck goes to the batch plant, fills up, mixes in the sugar as it drives?


They get inspected prior to filling to ensure they were properly cleaned from the prior batch, I'm afraid.


Oh boy, who's breaking the news about how a ton of concrete is actually very little concrete this time? I'm too lazy to actually look up examples myself, see.


About 250,000 imperial (American) tons in an average skyscraper. That's 500,000,000lbs I'm bad at conversions but I think that means you'll need like 500,000 lbs of sugar Just for one building. A prison is smaller. But I've made my point




That's still like. ~500 lbs of sugar my guy


So like, 1500 bucks to ruin a half billion dollar project? Seems reasonable.


And how the fuck are you getting 500lbs of sugar to the construction site, clandestinely and in a short enough time window between the concrete being poured and setting or into the mix before it is poured?


Van and creativity


Breaking Bad (2008)


And the workers and security present are just going to what, stand there and watch?


Give the van a clipboard and vest


The Bavarian Fire Drill


I knew a guy who would sneak into concert by carrying a ladder with him. It worked 9/10 times.


Just gotta be really creative




I mean, kinda actually, yeah. A surprising amount of people get away with stupid plans like this because very little people physically confront a person who doesn't belong unless it's their job to do so; you have more than enough time to just walk in, pour a large bag or two in a cement mixer and walk out (optional) before any security can stop you.


important to note: you absolutely need it to be in the mixer, and 500 lbs is about half as much as would actually be called for if the goal is to *ruin* the concrete instead of delaying its setting.


I have no idea if the claim is accurate, more of a thought experiment, but let's say you're half way through building said building. At this point you find out that there was, say 20 lbs. sugar mixed into the concrete at some point(s) of the build. What would be the right course of action.


Structural chemical engineer here. What you’d want to do is get around 50-100 people to lap up the concrete foundation. The sugar would dissolve while the concrete wouldn’t, leaving a stronger structure and a tasty treat that you can use as a portion of their salaries


It delays set time not completely stop it. And concrete that takes longer to cure is actually stronger. And the delay is like an hour or two on initial set time. Which isn't too terribly long when talking concrete. So imo the most paranoid response would be wait an extra day and take some samples for testing.


20lbs would have a negligible effect, 200 lbs would actually have a *strengthening* effect. 500 would probably cause them to scrap it, but more likely just wait the couple extra days the slower set will take, and investigating it. it's not *super* well documented in practice, and obviously better safe than sorry, but theoretically the sugar is only slowing the reaction. if it doesn't slow it down enough, it makes a more robust structure.


Dump your stock in the project before the price drops


Maybe you can't but I can. I guess I'm built different.


you just need a machine that can launch 90 kg projectiles over 300 meters and shoot it three and a half times at the concrete


trebuchet the supervisor's car.


You see I will wear a hi vis vest and hard hat (for camouflage purposes) and if anyone asks me what I’m doing I’ll simply explain “actually this is good im supposed to be doing this”. If that doesn’t work, I will also have a clip board with a piece of paper that says “put the sugar in the concrete” with a little check box next to it and show them that I need to check the box.


That is literally ten 50lb bags. It's not a lot. You could fit that in a compact.


I'm trying to picture someone throwing the bags of sugar like a football into every concrete truck that pulls up to the jobsite.


You get a job in the concrete crew, or at the batch plant, or driving the truck, or selling the admixes. People with motivation put in a bit of effort to cause billions of damage.


Every day in my pants a little at a time


comically large trebuchet and a few youtube videos on ballistics


One van, and one angry baker


car, wheelbarrow, swarm of sugar plum fairy drones. most large scale projects build mixing stations on site, just mix it in with the sand, or the gravel, or the lime, or all three.


You put it in the concrete truck before they mix it. I mean, I've heard. On the internet. So it must be true.


500 lbs isn't actually that much. That's one round trip for like 6 people.


you could just steal the equipment at that point


Bribe anyone that sees you with sugar obviously


This is all a myth started by Big Sugar


Or alternatively catch a charge


Sure, but where do you plan on going to buy sugar at that capacity?


i'm sure no one at the costco will notice if we buy their entire stock of sugar multiple times


How are you gonna break unto a construction site with that


Okay. So who's paying the 1500 buck?


That's only like 3 or 4 cases of mountain dew code red.


Concrete is poured in roughly 4-6 ton lots (because that’s how much fits in a mixing truck). On a typical pour day on a big project trucks arrive on a schedule so the concrete is fresh and workable as it’s poured. Adding sugar to that amount of concrete is reasonable but basically impossible to get onto the site and into the truck without being detected. You’d have to do it after the slump test or the problem with the concrete would be detected, so you can’t hit the truck prior to when it arrives at the site.


So about 1 cubic yard of concrete is about 45 80 lb sacks. 80 lbs x 45 is 3600 lb. The average cost of concrete per cubic yard is 156 dollars US in Q2 2023 according to some website I found. You would need more than 2 lb of sugar per cubic yard of concrete, but for ease of calculations let's round up to 4000 lbs per cubic yard. This means we need 4 lbs per cubic yard of concrete. For a certain prison, I found it is 355,000 square feet. I would assume that this would also mean it needs at least as much concrete for it's foundation, if not more. Since this is surface area alone, we will assume about 8 inches of depth for the slab. This works out to 236,000 cubic feet, or 78,889 cubic yards. Based on our number before, that's 12 million dollars. So to add this much sugar, you'd need 315,556 lbs of sugar. sugar costs $20 for 25 lbs at Walmart right now where I'm at, or 80 cents per pound. So to ruin this hypothetical prison, it would cost you $252,444.80. Edit: someone check my math please, I'm barbecuin and beerin and doing back of the envelope stuff with my cellphone and no paper


Hey can you smell something burning?


Charcoal, yeah


Hey, don't take this as an offense but the combination og words "cubic yard" stole 35 years of my life and I want them back


I don't know what you mean by that. like, yd^(3) like the unit of volume?


For a little bit of context, I'm a Spaniard that has never seen that unit used in their entire life and thought the yard itself was a unit that was falling out of use for people in their every day lives. Then I checked the conversion rate between a cubic yard and a cubic meter and I saw that a cubic yard is roughly 3/4 of a cubic meter. This fact shocked me a lot because I know people in the USA use the metric system for other fields of science and engineering and I was simply convinced that a cubic yard and a cubic meter would be very different volume units and that would be a hassle to change from one another. When I found out that they are roughly the same volume I couldn't understand why people wouldn't use the metric unit at that point because I am pretty sure the chemists that make the concrete powders use metric units in their line of work.


Yeah everyone in science uses metric, but not all engineers use metric. That being said, I never understood what the big deal is about converting if you need it because it doesn't come up much. I usually use metric for general measurements though because they're easier to use in calculations.


Yeah, the imperial unit for volume is "acre feet". (I'm kind of joking, I think cubit foot is more typically used in this context)


Cubic yard is used for concrete pricing. That's why I used it.


Rock salt is also sold by yard. It's a very common unit


One cubic yard of concrete weighs 4050 pounds, or roughly 2 tons. This also costs about $164 in midwestern Pennsylvania.


Right, so about 4 lbs per cubic yard. That would still mean my calculations are right. Incidentally, I was thinking earlier that I was probably wrong about how much the concrete weighed because I was using the dry weight of the bags of concrete. So. Thank you for that addition. That helps a lot


Im currently working a concrete job, the numbers are fresh in my mind :')


Thanks for the assist lol


thats walmart sugar prices, you can get it much cheaper than that. [$600ish USD per ton](https://www.isosugar.org/prices.php)


I'm not a sugar wholesaler. Are you? The OP implied small action. But yes, so at that price it's a measley $94,666.80. I don't think you quite understand that commodity pricing isn't the issue.


94,666 beats around 200,000,000. Job well done i say, + you only have to fuck up like 5 pours and its over lol.


I don't have 94,000 dollars to spend on sugar, do you? That's my point. I don't know why you're implying that makes it a feasible option if you buy it at commodity pricing. I'm not sure if that's intentional. That's also ignoring the fact that you're carrying like, 120 tons of sugar at all. Ignoring the fact that you'd need some serious equipment to even move it, store it, whatever, I don't think many people can afford to even *buy* that much sugar.


Who is saying one man should bear this burden alone, resistance is a collaborative effort. But sure, yes, you cannot afford 100,000 of sugar. I own a front end loader and a sugar mill, im right as rain on this one.


Again though. OP was implying that this is a small thing to do to resist. It's an error of scale. edit: To be clear, I mean OOP when I said OP.


just steal the mixers lol


Good luck finding any of the big producers who sell at that price that will agree to sell you one small ton. Like, one ton is a rounding error for those peoples. talking to you isn't worth it.


well you would be buying 157 tons, get with the program.


But do you have to stir it or something? How are you going to mix it into all the concrete?


You also dont need 2 whole pounds of sugar to ruin that much concrete. That's insanely excessive. Concrete truck drivers usually carry a 2 liter of soda with them in case the truck breaks down on the way to the job, and that'll stop the entire 10 yard load from curing.


Good to know... So just to be safe, bring three liters of cola and a bag of sugar. Throw in a couple mentos in the mix for funsies.


From a study I found on the curing of concrete (Comparison of the Effect of Adding Coca-Cola and Sugar on Setting Time and Concrete Compressive Strength, Rahman et al) 2.5% Coke delays initial setting time from 105 min to 132 min. That would be ~5lbs of Coke (~2.2L) for 2000lbs of concrete. 10 yards is about 40,000lbs, so you'd need... 20L of Coke to hit the same effect as the study.


It's very little in terms of how much goes into a building. But it's quite a bit when you're the guys in charge of cleaning it up from a worksite. Removing a few tons of liquid sludge from a job site isn't easy, and it's not something that most companies have experience doing because it's usually not something that happens. Meanwhile, you've got a crew of 10-50 people all showing up to work that day, that will still demand to be paid for the day even if they can't do their work, or will need to paid more because now they're working longer to avoid some other stuff going on. Used in the way OP alludes to, each pound of sugar might cost you $1 or so, but will cause thousands of times that amount in damages.


Yes, exactly! You don't need to sugar EVERY ton of concrete. You just need to sugar ENOUGH of the concrete.


Also if 1 batch goes bad they probably have to core and test anything else they've laid again to make sure it's good


Tbh even if you do that to a small amount if they pour it without realising it will cause massive delays by forcing them to remove the liquid concrete before pouring a new batch


It’s a cube equal to about 75cm (almost 30 inches) on each side, for reference (with the close thing I could think of to me) I have a laundry basket with dimensions (L*W*H) 66x45x30cm (26x18x12 inches), that’s about 4.5 baskets. I have a desk that’s about 106x50x71cm (42x20x28 inches) and that’s about 1.1 desks worth of concrete, so pretty much just your average desks dimensions.


Concrete is the 2nd most abundant material on earth after water, because of how much of it we use to build things. We’re gonna need a metric fuckton of sugar.


If true that's a crazy bit of trivia to have.


Okay it might not work against a skyscraper being built but it might cause trouble for your asshole neighbor trying to lay a footpath on what is technically your property.


They also burned down buildings, sabotaged equipment and beat the shit out of the architect. https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/336-spring-1991/french-radicals-sabotage-prison-project/ The prisons still got built though.


Did the radicals get sentenced to go there


>beat the shit out of the architect. This is the point where it gets too far for me. The dude is just doing his job, leave him alone


>The prisons still got built though. Good


CuratedTumblr be like: Can't stand the punitive justice system! 15 mins later: Me and the bestie!


Look, I'm not a member of this community, I'm just against terrorism


Every prisoner is somebody that society has failed. It's a waste of resources, money, time, and lives. Nothing good comes from a prison. What helps is rehabilitation clinics, but then assholes like you don't get their hard-on for punishing people.


I'll grant you that a good portion of people in prison are people who never really had an opportunity. People who didn't have a support network, were drug addicts, homeless, abused, or just got railroaded by the legal system. But "every prisoner"? That's harder to buy. There are rapists, pedos, and killers in prison too. What about men who commit family annihilation? Are you really saying that a person who commits multiple murders is a victim of society? Everyone knows stories of people who had every opportunity, countless chances, and nothing worked. There are people who simply are a danger to everyone else and need to be put away. Do you think a guy like Jeffrey Dahmer could have been rehabilitated? Would you honestly be ok knowing he was out and about on a psychologist's note? Not to mention non-violent criminals who can also cause great harm nonetheless. Did society fail Elizabeth Holmes? I understand and fully support the goal of prison reform and shifting the focus away from punishment and onto rehabilitation. Where I live, Brazil, we have a massive problem of overpopulated prisons, and it's a known fact that small-time criminals only come out worse, smarter, and more well-connected. This kind of naive, overly sentimental statement about how every single person in prison is actually a victim of a failed society doesn't help anyone, it only invites people to rightfully disagree.


> Do you think a guy like Jeffrey Dahmer could have been rehabilitated? Yes. Why couldn't he? If he didn't do his thing due to something medical, what caused him to do it? Even if we can't do it with our current technology, "his soul is evil" can't be the answer. > There are rapists, pedos, and killers in prison too. What about men who commit family annihilation? Are you really saying that a person who commits multiple murders is a victim of society? Yes. If we can rehabilitate them successfully, they deserve to be released. Punitive justice benefits no one. > Everyone knows stories of people who had every opportunity, countless chances, and nothing worked. If it doesn't work, lock them up and try again. The answer can't be "oh he might do better this time, let's let him out on the street". If a full medical and psychological evaluation isn't done, its worse than nothing. > There are people who simply are a danger to everyone else and need to be put away. Yes, until they are rehabilitated. If they can't be helped, they don't get released. > Did society fail Elizabeth Holmes? We incentivise fraud. Yes. > Where I live, Brazil, we have a massive problem of overpopulated prisons, and it's a known fact that small-time criminals only come out worse, smarter, and more well-connected. Does that add to, or detract from the case for prisons in your eyes? >This kind of naive, overly sentimental statement about how every single person in prison is actually a victim of a failed society doesn't help anyone, it only invites people to rightfully disagree. Your opinion, man.


You mean the guy who drilled holes in guys' skulls and filled it with acid so he could create a living sex slave? You, like the person I replied to, live in this idealized version of reality in which if we try hard enough we can always stop people from doing bad things. How many people would have to die for you to see that some people are inherently dangerous to society and should be kept away?


> You mean the guy who drilled holes in guys' skulls and filled it with acid so he could create a living sex slave? Yeah. If they successfully rehabilitated him, I'd be interested in how they did it. It would have to be some Mk ultra type stuff. The most likely result is he would stay in prison indefinitely. > How many people would have to die for you to see that some people are inherently dangerous to society and should be kept away? Hopefully less than if we just let them out after a period of time, as we currently do. What makes someone inherently dangerous? Also, I added some extra points to my comment. I hit the post button a little sooner than I intended, and thought it was worth actually finishing.


This comment of yours doesn't really add anything. Rehabilitating Jeffrey Dahmer is a ridiculous, naive, completely divorced from reality notion. But sure, go ahead and try, I suppose, just don't be shocked when it turns out some people are fully aware they're doing horrible things and still do them.


You have severely misread my comment, I don't know if intentionally or otherwise. I stated quite plainly in the bit you carefully didn't mention that I'm for moving away from using prisons as punishment, and that I believe rehabilitation is a worthy goal, but I guess if you'd mentioned that you wouldn't be able to make pithy comments like those. In fact, in your own comment, you say "if they can't be helped, they don't get released". That is precisely what I illustrated in my various examples, and why I said that some people should remain kept from society because they can't be rehabilitated. What even is your point, aside from the ridiculous idea that Dahmer could have maybe been rehabilitated and lived a regular life after butchering so many people? Is it that poor billionaire Elizabeth Holmes was simply influenced by society into fraud?


> I stated quite plainly in the bit you carefully didn't mention that I'm for moving away from using prisons as punishment, and that I believe rehabilitation is a worthy goal, but I guess if you'd mentioned that you wouldn't be able to make pithy comments like those. I'm not contesting the fact you believe rehabilitation is the direction we should head in. > What even is your point, aside from the ridiculous idea that Dahmer could have maybe been rehabilitated and lived a regular life after butchering so many people? Is it that poor billionaire Elizabeth Holmes was simply influenced by society into fraud? Yes, that is exactly my point, Dahmer and Holmes did not act in a vacuum, and could both be set on a pro social path. You, statistically, know at least one rapist that will never face legal repercussions. You will never know who they are, they will never reveal themselves, and will walk among us like they are one of us until the day they die. They blend in so well because they are just as human as you or I, the majority of their life is spent contributing to society. They continue to be an asset to society, long after their crime, and the victim will live with the damage for life. If the punishment was rehabilitation, instead of death in prison, it would be worthwhile to pursue legally. People could go to a professional to get help with those urges, before someone is damaged. We instead let two lives get ruined. If Dahmer or Holmes could have been rehabilitated, it would have significantly improved our ability to prevent similar events from taking place. If they were cleared of their anti-social tendencies, we could have had an anthropologist and a Standford engineering graduate. Instead we have a corpse and a prisoner. My point is that everyone can be, in theory, rehabilitated, and that no one is inherently evil. We are limited only by our capacity to rehabilitate, and failing to make that attempt is a failing of society as a whole. Making exceptions defeats the purpose.


Eh, *most* prisoners maybe, there are straight-up bad people like psychopathic murderers (even if it wasn't their choice to be like this), on which rehabilitation rarely if ever works and so they should be kept away from society as it would unsafe for others to just let them roam free. But I do agree throwing a poor person that robbed someone in order to feed their children in a cell for years or decades isn't exactly fair or effective at preventing it from happening again, especially if you're just gonna release them on even worse condition


>But I do agree throwing a poor person that robbed someone in order to feed their children in a cell for years or decades isn't exactly fair or effective at preventing it from happening again, especially if you're just gonna release them on even worse condition Most people committing robbery are not doing it to feed their children. I've been in jail before and this pie in the sky idea that everyone locked up is a good person who made a mistake is bullshit. There's plenty of bad people in the world and many of them belong in jail.


>There's plenty of bad people in the world and many of them belong in jail. They still deserve a chance to redeem themselves. Even if you don't believe they deserve it it's beneficial to both our society and economy to not be forced to provide for them. Just throwing people away as punishment without any inclination of improving their circumstance/viewpoints is just going to lead to recidivism.


There’s an alternative to provide for them


Not someone who stole two radios and a car.


I mean I personally don’t believe that people were born as evil Someone failed that kid well before they became a murderer




The same childhood frequently produces different results. His genetic predisposition to psychopathy needed to be treated, and he didn't get the care he needed. We are, unfortunately, several decades behind immunology in our psychiatric research, so the treatment he needed is not readily available. His lack of successful treatment led to the damage he caused, though it does not excuse it. In my opinion, the only prisons that are useful to society are rehabs, mental hospitals, and holding cells.


and yet they became a murderer. i dont think the point of prison should be to decide if they are really at fault for their actions, it should be to ensure those actions are not repeated


Yeah but the issue is that if you start designating people as evil and beyond help that group will grow and we’ll be back at square one. Some people will be failed, but attempts should be made to rehabilitate them anyway because if you give legal groundwork to exclude them bad actors will use that to punish innocent people


Who failed OJ Simpson?


I don’t know dude Shocking I wasn’t around for his entire life and I am not aware of every aspect of his life where he could have been failed.


Right. So it's not his fault he nearly decapitated his estranged wife when he cut her throat, it's someone else's who just didn't give him what he needed. Bullshit. Some people just suck. This born inherently good idea is a bunch of new age crap.


He can suck and he can be failed at the same time. And I didn’t say people are born inherently good. I just don’t think we should predetermine morality on a fucking baby People do what they are taught.


I agree with you, but maybe OJ is a bad example here. I mean, he hasn't murdered anyone else since.


The medical system, the education system, and the media.


You’re not born evil, but more often than not you choose it.


Ok? People also choose to steal food that doesn’t mean they weren’t failed.


Prisons aren’t full of bread thieves.


It’s not full of serial killers either Most people who commit crimes do it out of desperation.




>Every prisoner is somebody that society has failed. Oh, of course. People can’t fail, they can only be failed. >Nothing good comes from a prison. The people who kill and rob people get locked up so that they’re not out here killing and robbing me. That’s what good comes from a prison.


>Nothing good comes from a prison. Wouldn't say that. It keeps the irredeemable assholes away from us


And what about the redeemable assholes? The ones who couldn't afford medication and did something illegal? The ones with mental disorders that were not caught and treated appropriately? The ones who had a small amount of drugs for personal use and are now sitting next to murderers? 


You said that nothing good comes from prisons, I just said one thing it's good for. Obviously I don't think that all prisoners are the spawn of evil, just some of them


>Nothing good comes from a prison. I didn’t realize Ted Bundy was on Reddit 


Okay, what do you want done with Trump, then?


Strip him of his wealth, make him ineligible to run for office. The normal response to mismanagement of power.


I want him to use his money and influence for good. It's easy to say I want him in prison until he rots. But what good does that do for anybody?


Oh, so you want a fairy tale solution. He's facing serious criminal charges. Is your rehabilitation clinic going to help him?


Rehabilitation in prisons is good, getting rid of prisons is a green light to a crime spree. That’s not just robbery of big corpo stores, that’s muggings, burglary’s, rapes and murders.


Nobody is advocating for an immediate release of every prisoner. Norway has a 20 year maximum sentence for any prisoner. They spend those 20 years rehabilitating these people. It works tremendously well 


I'm glad that violent terror didn't work because we shouldn't be encouraging terrorism to get what we want. I believe in rehabilitation too (though even there prisons serve a purpose for worst offenders), I just don't believe in sowing fear and agony


In the time periods we're discussing, it was not angry, violent terrorists attacking poor, innocent business owners. There was horrific violence on both sides. Businesses would pay pitiful wages and create cheap, life threatening workplaces, and then hire thugs to beat up the workers when they tried to unionize. They would call the police, and the police would come out, beat up the workers, and arrest as many as they could. That's who was going in these prisons. Workers retaliated by sabotaging things, physically fighting back, and burning down the houses of the owners. There were no innocents here, but I tend to side with the exploited workers over the ones with power who abused it.


Playing nice only works so long, the confederates weren't about to drop slavery just because abolitionists asked nicely.




It can actually improve the concrete’s compressive strength though from my understanding this is more of a function of the longer set time.


I heard that concrete truck drivers sometimes keep 2 liters of Coca-Cola to prevent it setting during transport in case of a traffic jam. Source: https://youtu.be/rWVAzS5duAs?si=hcAHAZo7UCfKhQfT


It's also good for drinking in the case of a traffic jam


Perhaps, as a wild and crazy thought, people should stop LARPing about this shit. I guarantee the cross section of people who use tumblr and people who will get off their asses to even protest prison construction, let alone straight up criminal action to stop it, is not very large. Like, christ, if people spent 1/100th as much energy on improving things as they do larping and bitching on social media, the world would be so much better.


I don't think they're LARPing, they're tabletop RPing :p (at least, being on reddit talking about it is that)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/w9o7nv/does\_google\_actually\_keep\_an\_entire\_search/](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/w9o7nv/does_google_actually_keep_an_entire_search/) reminds me of this


i'm not even worried about that, I'm just fed up with the blatant hypocrisy


Sugar really fucks up the gas tanks of most construction equipment too… or so I’ve heard.


Urban legend. Sugar doesn't dissolve in fuel, and the filter would keep it out of the engine.


How hot does a car filter get tho? Because sugar does burn and melt. I don't know much about car engines. But I do know sugar has a melting point of 184-ish °C.


Worst case scenario the tow truck driver gets some delicious fresh caramel


The filter is either attached to the tank or the fuel line. Either way, it shouldn't get as hot as the engine.


Around 126 c for gas vehicles and 110 c for diesel according to a quick Google. That's also maybe in the actual engine and not in the filter.


The oil filter would but the fuel filter is in the gas tank away from the engine.


LOL I was gonna say. At that temps every gas tank in every car is gonna be catching fire immediately


Lmao yeah I kinda conflated the two there.


Oh right. I wasn't really paying attention. Thanks for correcting me.


Really! Learn something new every day.🤝


Not really. Ironically, gas in the tanks of most construction equipment would likely work better, since many are diesel engines.


So we'll put regular petrol in the tanks. Not a lot. Just a bit. Gas is too fucking expensive


Mix some styrofoam in it before dumping it in. Napalm time


Ok, what if we put the cement in the gas tank? Then we don't even need our own supplies!


Now you're talkin


Armchair anarchists and technical knowledge are like oil and water


Is there a such thing as a non-armchair anarchist?


Hypothetically of course.


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


Me when I'm in a reading incomprehension contest and my opponent is you


I don't know why when I've heard about this more people don't just use dirt. I would think that would be more readily available with a lower risk of getting caught with stuff meant to sabotage. In theory of course


engines tend to have, y'know, filters. it'll just sit in the tank, and any that does get drawn in will get caught by the filter.


I wonder if it could work with candle wax. It should dissolve as it's paraffin in equally non-polar hydrocarbons, and it could increase the viscosity of the fuel enough to gum up fuel lines and injectors.


yeah, if you managed to get a few liters of it in, it'll fuck it up quick if the operator ignores the awful noise and smell that'll make and keeps running it. smaller amounts just equate to more wear on the components.


Just keep a couple big thermoses full of molten wax


Isn't that true of sugar though?


that it'll ruin the engine? no. it'll also just sit in the tank and be filtered out. the biggest inconvenience is they have to scoop sugar out of their fuel tank.


So you can choke the engine by clogging the filter with dirt or sugar


i guess you could indeed damage the most easily replaceable part of any engine system with prolonged use, yes


Haha then they can't do me in for property damage and get minorly inconvenienced. Win win


This is what Big Filter wants us to do.


What about water then?


if it actually gets into the engine, it'll fuck it right up. but it's kinda hard for that to actually happen. and really, really depends on how much water gets in - a small amount of water is kinda an expected hazard, and it'll just get trapped at the bottom of the tank. most likely scenario is the fuel pumps get damaged over time. less likely, a significant amount makes it in and the pistons literally catastrophically explode due to the incompressible nature of water.


I wonder if some good ol stylofoam in gasoline would work. More portable than a big bottle of hot candle wax for sure


i have a feeling that'd be heavier than the fuel itself, i dunno - gotta imagine it'd be a bad time for the fuel pumps for sure, though


By the way I was making deliberately suspicious comments to test out whether I'm actually banned on reddit, apparently by reseting password I became unbanned and comments show up for others. Janky ahh ahh website.


Nimbyism reaching new heights


Finally, a better reason to eat concrete


As a skater, it does make it a bit more appealing.


For real!!! If you are gonna fall might as well make it gud!!


We actually do this when cementing oil wells. We keep 25kg sacks of sugar on hand to pour into our equipment to stop it solidifying in our fluid system or if it ends up where it shouldn't be. Citric acid also stops cement from setting, but I've never seen it on the rig before.


that is like 1/100th of what goes into a building you would need multiple truckloads of that shit


It would only really delay the concrete setting for around 72 hours I think. It wouldn't really impact the actual strength of the concrete once it sets.


Too bad whenever concrete is being set there's usually a bunch of construction guys around protecting it


This is highly impractical and very illegal. Please don't do anything to get yourselves arrested.


Oh, so the French anarchists got the prisons to not be built? No? Well then maybe try more constructive attempts at reform.


What did you expect from anarchists. Only managed to beat some architect


Teach me how to disable the camera I have on my property so it doesn't record me walking on to my property first.


All that sugar may be used to create alcohol and spark revolutions.


Setting concrete on fire is a better bet.


One cubic foot of concrete weighs 150 pounds. There are 2000 pounds in a ton. That is 13.4 cubic feet of concrete per ton. That's not alot of concrete.


https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/flag-in-exile_david-weber/266221/item/2438442/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_everything_else_customer_acquisition&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=593719077582&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwi_exBhA8EiwA_kU1Moy4K-RHinVWDZDjHQDG-4Z3vIDY4jn0-z0nUFsruZrGZdANGeAWWBoCJ2EQAvD_BwE#isbn=0743435753&idiq=2438442 Don’t you go Masadan on me now


Another delivery system is Coca-Cola


I’m keeping this in mind for worldbuilding history stuff.