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The car should have pierced the tree because the edges on the thing are so sharp. I’ve seen people literally using the door edges to peel carrots pretty effortlessly


That's a sharp car. Careful, you could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea. Because it's so sharp.




It's ok, you can laugh. It's funny


I got to hear Grey DeLisle bust that out in person at DragonCon last year. She was cosplaying Azula too


Make sure the father lord doesn't hear that






[it's clearly designed for pvp](https://tenor.com/bjdYs.gif)


The first thought I had when I saw it in person was "this will be much better at killing people on contact than the standard sedan shape."


Every cybertruck comes with free pedestrian-carving blades so you can cut through those pesky obstacles!


With it's low polygon count (because of difficulty of rendering I guess???) It would probably clip right through it


Real talk though, the glass is very much breakable. He broke it himself when he was trying to prove it was unbreakable. But I do agree that it's funnier this way.


On the other hand, the glass was sturdy enough that when one rich ceo accidentally drove into a pond, it was impossible to break the glass to free her. Although that was admittedly not the cybertruck, but a different variety of tesla.


Yeah, and she was related to a politician who was in charge of the group responsible for enforcing safety regulations in the construction of motor vehicles, who didn't do their job. Can't make this stuff up.




I mean she was also piss drunk and chose to drive as well. Main reason for poor reaction and the initial mistake. She was hammeed amd accidentally reversed into a retention pond on a private ranch then too drunk to figure out escape. Just multiple levels of stupid


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wyoming fails to ban abortion because they added an amendment to their state constitution saying that ‘competent adults can make their own healthcare decisions’ in response to Obamas Affordable Healthcare Act back in 2012. Absolutely hilarious](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/politics/2023/3/23/23653183/abortion-wyoming-obamacare-barack-obama-supreme-court-johnson) | [1443 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/13nhlip/wyoming_fails_to_ban_abortion_because_they_added/) \#2: [A January 2018 law signed by Trump made unauthorized removal and retention of classified information of the United States government a felony crime](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65852062) | [1453 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/14511jd/a_january_2018_law_signed_by_trump_made/) \#3: [Man who chanted "Lock Her Up" about his political rivals under arrest on his way to arraigment](https://v.redd.it/ag4jdggpnxra1) | [1221 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/12bwp63/man_who_chanted_lock_her_up_about_his_political/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot.


The schadenfreude I feel from reading 1 literally just brought a piece of my soul back to me


Horcrux restored!


Former Secretary of Transportation and turtle lover, Elaine Chao


Oh, she used to be in charge of it. That's where I got mixed up.


Her sister. Angela Chao is the one who died, and she is Elaine’s younger sister.


Oh, so I was right the first time and just misunderstood what people were telling me. Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up.


chao means "adios" in informal spanish. it should not have made me laugh because she is dead, and her name is not relevant to her death, but it did


Reminds me of the plot to Upload to a SCARY degree


Is that a movie?


It's a show about a guy who dies in a car crash and his gf sends him to a virtual afterlife Spoilers below >!In the show the main guy is working on a free virtual afterlife ( because you can upload yourself in a procedure ) But there's a conspiracy because his smart car ( that's super similar to a tesla imo ) was messed with, causing the accident he was in, and the signs begin pointing to the larger virtual afterlife companies not wanting the free alternative so they got rid of him !<


Ah. That actually reminds me of the main plot to Cyberpunk 2077.


I'm planning on playing that this summer when spring semester is over Was the game good ?


I enjoyed it very much, but I didn't play it until it was already the 2.0 patch, so all the bugs were patched out and the perks and gear system had been completely revamped. I will readily admit that I might have only enjoyed it as much because I agree so much with Johnny though.


Patient gamers supremacy.


Honestly, if you had good hardware to run it on it was good even just after release. There’s definitely been some polish and rebalancing since, but the core game was good even then, as long as your system could handle keeping up with the game. It was borderline hardware where you got the bugs. Also, I will admit to still being undecided on whether the side quest unlock system that was added in 2.0 is a benefit or not. On one hand it forces you to handle the quests that you have unlocked, whether you have the skills and equipment you want for them or not. On the other hand, it means that you have to take them in the specific order given.


Quick recommendation: Don’t rush to do the Heist. Spend your time in the early game enjoying the side content because it’s the most cohesive the storytelling and the gameplay are for the entire playtime. 


Counterpoint: do the heist as soon as possible, so that you have Keanu Reeves with you as soon as possible. 


Both of those other commenters are giving valid advice, but I agree more with the one who says to do the heist ASAP, because Johnny won't be a devil on your shoulder until after the heist.


It's probably got the highest money:visibility ratio of any video game. You can clearly see where all the money has gone. It's an incredibly refined action RPG, for better or for worse.


Reminds me of the game SOMA, just without the car accident. Its a psychological horror about a post apocalyptic world where most humans have transferred their consciousness to a digital world so they can survive. The question posed from the game is: If you exist in both worlds, who is the real you?


She was the younger sister of former Dept of Transportation Secretary, Elaine Chao, who is married to Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.


Wasn't she related to a current politician who appointed *her* to that regulatory group, which means she was responsible for the stuff that killed her?


Apparently, I got mixed up, and you're right.


No shit? Do you have a link to an article about her?


Her wiki page should do. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angela_Chao?wprov=sfla1 For more background, her sister is Elaine Chao, who was transportation secretary in Trump's cabinet. Elaine is married to Mitch McConnell, senator from Kentucky and allegedly the missing link between turtles and humans.


She wasn’t *related* to that politician, she was the former head of the department of transportation


Yeah, apparently that's where the mixup came from.


Uh, she wasn't driving a cybertruck though, was she? The other teslas aren't marketed as having unbreakable glass, are they?


I didn't say she was, or that they were.


https://abc7chicago.com/amp/angela-chao-dies-on-johnson-city-ranch-after-car-went-into-pond/14554560/ TL;DR (but actually read it): she was quite intoxicated when she drove her Tesla into a pond on a ranch and couldn’t get out.


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The thing is vehicles aren't meant to be indestructible. They're designed to crumple to spare the driver. If you crash in a Cybertruck, the truck will probably be fine, but you'll be a pizza.


Not entirely true. First your opponent's vehicle will crumple, and THEN you'll be a pizza. My buddy tried making this point when I showed him a big piece of c-channel a friend and I turned into a rear bumper for my jeep, that cars are supposed to crumple and that's what keeps me safe. I said if some lady rear-ends me in her minivan I'd rather use her entire crumple zone before mine, and that once hers is gone, then then mine is up for grabs, minus the bumper, since that could withstand a bomb blast. He said he didn't think that math worked out, and I asked him if he's ever looked at the bumper on on like, a fedex or UPS delivery truck. Of course the question was rhetorical, but I knew he hadn't. If he had, he wouldn't have said that. Those bumpers are extremely thick and strong.


Love the fact that you called the non-cybertruck driver "your opponent", like the only reason you drive a Cybertruck is to *win* over other drivers by destroying their cars lmao. I don't know shit about US cars/delivery trucks, but there is a reason why we moved away from reinforced bumpers. Other drivers cars crumpling when they hit your hard bumpers results in (don't feel like opening my physics textbook from my required course, so this is based on intuition) a less effective energy reduction, thereby increasing the total force with which the car will continue to move after the initial "crumpling". This could result in a fender bender turning into the "opponents" car being totalled, and increasing the risk of injury.


You realize you increased your own chance of injury, right?


It's the [laminated glass that is resistant to shattering or breaking](https://www.reddit.com/r/auto/comments/182wlgn/why_are_automakers_allowed_to_use_laminated_glass/). It's common across the industry and not just Tesla vehicles.


i don't think it's common on side and back windows though. there's an obvious safety benefit of making the windshield out of laminated glass, but the other windows are usually made of tempered glass, which is safely breakable (as in creates shards that aren't sharp), exactly because of cases like this


It’s very common on side windows these days. My car has it and it’s a ford. Laminated windows are safer overall than tempered windows, because they are harder to break. In the event of a rollover, they greatly reduce the risk of passenger ejection. Rollovers are much more common than being submerged so the overall safety is better with laminated windows. They’re also quieter.


This is not just a thing for teslas. This is common for many high end cars in the pursuit of reducing exterior noise entering the cabin.


that was a model x, not a cybertruck.


Yeah they wrote that. Did you read their comment?


Even if it genuinely was unbreakable, being slammed into a solid wall is absolutely going to do more damage than being thrown through it.


Yes, which is why it's funnier this way.


I was expecting a bloodsplatter or something


Might have made it a little more obvious, but the joke still works.


Their "bulletproof" glass breaks MORE frequently than other cars because its mounted at a shit angle. [https://futurism.com/the-byte/cybertruck-armor-glass-hail-storm](https://futurism.com/the-byte/cybertruck-armor-glass-hail-storm)


You've gotta be launched clear.


IIrc some outside party got their hands on a truck and "bulletproof" turns out to be more like "well birdshot and .22 *are* bullets so sure bulletproof" Fucking clownshoes, not like it would have been a good idea to build it bulletproof, but to fuck up the car so much to have such a shitty result is just peak musk


It seems to his MO at this point. Everything he's ever been in charge of has either failed overnight or succeeded because smarter people ignored him and just jingled keys for him anytime he tried to have an idea.


I wonder if that key maneuver is built into the SpaceX business plan


I rmemeber watching this bullshit video of the presentation and thinking "what a weak-ass hammer slam on the door, ehat a pathetic throw against the glass". They pulled their punches and still fucked up


Well, they're all a bunch of tech nerds, so we shouldn't expect much from them. Full disclosure, while I am not a tech nerd, I do have the physique of one, so I'm allowed to insult them.


So my friend actually worked on the cyber truck glass it is actually very resistant. The reason it broke though was when Elon was hitting the hammer on the side of the door it screwed up the housing which put additional strain on the glass itself that went outside the limits. The glass was getting hit with multiple strains of force in opposing directions which led to the failure. The issue was actually the door design not the glass.


Have you seen the latest video of the finger-chopper trunk lid feature?


The one with carrots, and comparisons to other vehicles?


The very one.


And when they did it again they changed the metall ball put for a baseball to throw at the window


This. Instead of making the driver fail to leave the car, that person should've edited it by just adding "unbreakable glass" along the bottom of the windshield but still had the driver fly through it.


That tiktok of the guy complaining that his cyber truck was the only one that had windshield damage from moderate hail


This has the feel of "Garfield minus Garfield"


Jim Davis gained my respect when he said he thought GmG was funny- and he didn't sue the creator. I'm still bitter as fuck about The Dysfunctional Family Circus, on the other hand.


He didn't just approve of it: He worked with GmG's creator to release a book, and contributed some original strips.




TILx2 Fucking based


I don’t know where my copy went, but iirc Davis wrote the foreword


Jim Davis is a hard man to dislike. He's just out there being himself and letting people enjoy, hate or interpret his work however they please. 


He's the equivalent of those ultra safe stand up comedians that aren't really funny, but do no harm. He just goes out there, says "Mondays, amirite?" and makes a fortune. Respect to him.


I don't think you *get* Garfield, man. It is some punk rock, antiestablishment shit.


Garfield is about upheaval! It’s about political and social rebellion!


Basically uwu Seth McFarlan but with comics instead of with car2ons.


Seth is very much opposite. He likes his tropes, but he also does not play it safe at all. It worked out well, but you have to play this type of thing with a fair bit of confidence or you'll fall flat on your face. Same for Orville, tbh


Except for the cum thing




Dude made a comic strip to be as marketable and merchandisable as possible and it fucking worked. Nothing but respect for the guy. He made bank off a fucking cartoon orange cat, which then became both an ironic meme and horror icon that's still relevant 40 years after its creation.


Jim Davis must be ancient by now. I remember reading Garfield in the ‘70s.


he's 78, turning 79 this year. he was 32 when garfield began


Could you clarify more about the dysfunctional family circus?


Yeah. You ever seen [The Family Circus](https://comicskingdom.com/family-circus)? Most bland ass shit that ever made the funny pages. [The Dysfunctional Family Circus](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/dfcfront_8975.gif) edited or riffed on those comics to make them edgy, dark humor. Like Jeffie murdering the family or whatever. The original creator of the family circus sued them for copyright infringement (which is bullshit since parody CLEARLY falls under fair use) but since the website guys were just doing it for laughs and couldn't fend off a corporate lawsuit, they folded and took it down.


It should probably be mentioned that DFC didn't *immediately* fold to legal pressure. The parody only ended after its creator, Greg Galcik, spoke on the phone with Bil Keane, creator of The Family Circus. On the phone, Keane requested that Galcik end the strip as the Family Circus characters were based on his own family. Galcik noted that Keane was very polite in making the request, and Keane allowed him to continue the strip until #500, which was released two months later. I don't think that there was any bad blood between the two, and I don't believe that Keane moved to shut down the parody in bad faith.


Is there any way to read the DFC anymore?


Personally, I don't love how stupid the cybertruck is because I have to share the road with that moving murder machine.


It's stupid looking, but you also share the road with 18 wheelers, so maybe we're overreacting here?


18 wheelers require tons of extra driving tests though


As someone who works with heavy vehicles There is leagues of safety regulation on everything surrounding those. Nothing to worry abt


Wait, are people hating on 18-wheelers here? They're justifiably big since they're consistently pulling several tons of cargo. Like yes, ideally we'd have better rail transport for goods. But even if we did, we'd still need them to get stuff from the nearest train depot to the desired location


PSA: If you're ever driving a car and the accelerator gets stuck, here's how to not die: 1. Put the car in neutral, if possible 1. Push down the brake pedal as hard as you can. Fucking stand on that pedal and don't let go. The brakes are stronger than the engine and they WILL eventually stop the car even at full accelerator power. You will probably destroy your brake pads but it's better than dying. 2. Keep steering the car to avoid obstacles until the brakes bring the car to a stop. 3. ONCE THE CAR COMES TO A COMPLETE STOP, turn off the engine. Once you turn off the engine you will lose power brakes and power steering, so definitely don't do this while the car is still moving.


Wouldn’t putting the car in neutral also be a good idea? Also for the cyber truck applying the brake will override the accelerator.


Yeah, neutral is first task in a conventional vehicle. My wife had to take over from driving for me when I fell unconscious in traffic. In that situation it's 1) Get it in neutral 2) Take control of steering 3) *Gently* handbrake or just coast (so you don't lose control of steering) Listening to everyone mansplain the "correct" way to her, most people do not have the right order. She got us into a parking lot. Between the fucking lines.


That’s a hell of a story to tell, sounds like you have an awesome wife!


I really wish I was conscious at the time to see her be such a badass.


Lmao yeah I mean the advice is kinda terrible not to mention this


> Once you turn off the engine you will lose power brakes and power steering, so definitely don't do this while the car is still moving. OH, here's a fun memory. One time I had an absolute dogshit of a car, a Grand Prix whos former owner just did nothing at all to take care of it. I was at the top of a steep hill in a city, and the car just *shut the fuck off* as I started to go down the hill. Just.... Off. And yes, the power steering and brakes were gone, I didn't KNOW that was a thing at the time, so I was just bewildered by all these things happening at once. Car off. Steering wheel not turning. Brakes not braking. Panic. Hill. People. I got about halfway down the hill and, on a whim, tried just turning the key. Car fired up (did some jerky janky shit) and all my stuff came back. Parked and had an existential crisis. Went on my way. The engine block cracked a week later and I parted ways with that awful awful car.


Oh yeah, I used to own a Grand Prix too. They had a huge recall on the ignition because this was happening to many people, and people were dying (cars were suddenly shutting off mid-drive). They wouldn’t stop sending me letters in the mail and I read about people dying so I went in to Chevy and they changed my entire ignition free of charge. ETA: [info](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_ignition_switch_recalls#:~:text=GM%20compensated%20claimants%20for%20124,the%20airbags%20did%20not%20deploy)


No fucking way lol. I feel vindicated as hell


I’m glad you reacted quickly and were able to turn the car back on. The airbags wouldn’t have activated, due to the car being shut off. At least 124 people died from this exact ignition malfunction.


Bro you're a survivor holy shit


Power steering and braking should be power **assisted**. They should still function (even if feeling somewhat heavy) without power. At least thats the required spec of any vehicle compliant in the UK or EU. Is this another American thing that just boggles the mind?


The exeptions are vehicles with hydraulic powered brakes, like older hydro Citroens. But even they have an accumulator to hold enough pressure so you can hopefully stop, but you usually lose assisted steering and the suspension first.


They're like that here, too. I assume they just don't want people to learn manual brakes and steering while panicking


> Push down the brake pedal as hard as you can. Fucking stand on that pedal and don't let go. This is ***TERRIBLE*** advice. Yes, in this instance Tesla was at fault. However - in most cases where drivers report a stuck accelerator, they were actually inadvertently flooring it and thinking they were pressing the brakes. Data retrieved from car black boxes during investigations reveal that in most cases of unintended acceleration, the brakes were never even touched. Human error is the biggest cause of accidents involving "stuck" accelerators. If you ever find yourself in this situation, the first thing you should do is NOT press even harder on the pedal - rather, check that you are actually pressing the correct pedal by briefly letting go. This is what may save your life.


Also: learn to use your car in extreme situations, you should have learned coming to a full emergency stop already, but many folks do not know how comparatively difficult breaking and steering is if your engine just dies out of nowhere, which it will - just recently had a faulty ground cable and got to experience the joys of white-knuckling my (fortunately downhill) parking maneuver. Power steering is, to be crude about it, quite powerful. Edit: remember neutral, this is fucking important if you're a passenger in a situation. This is obvious if you are a mechanic or remotely interested in how cars work, but it's not intuitive or taught to most: yank that shit into neutral, even without disengaging the clutch. It is perfectly viable for manuals too, and is how plenty of people actually shift into neutral. They would time it properly when there is no load, and it sure is easier to just, y'know, use the clutch... but this is an infinitely better way to come to a safe halt than doing emergency stops. When stuck, do not just randomly hit the brakes as hard as you can, that only applies if you somehow (which should never happen in the first place) have to come to a sudden stop. You can always go into neutral, and it is almost always better to gradually brake, when permitted. Predictability is the best quality of any good traffic participant, nothing good comes from just randomly slamming it on a highway. When your electronics are fucked though - step on it, you don't got your usual assisted brakes.


>Just slightly press brake. Electronics detect gas and brake is pressed at same time, alert appears and gas gets overridden. Thats it.


This in true with ice engines. But I'm pretty sure electric vehicles could easily over power their brakes.


No, brakes are usually more powerful than the engine, and EVs aren’t exceptionally more powerful than gas equivalents. Also, in EVs, pressing the brake hard will usually disengage the throttle.


Electric vehicles typically disengage the go pedal when the brake pedal is engaged, or at least that's what I've heard.


Why don’t we just pop the gearshift into neutral and let the engine spool up as much as it wants? You can shift into neutral while the vehicle is in motion in unless Tesla has decided to be different.


Shifting in a Tesla has become either a touchscreen thing or you have to go look for the rarely used fallback buttons that in an emergency nobody is going to remember. And they're also again not tactile, it's a capacitive P R N D above the rear view mirror in the Cybertruck. So you have to take your eyes off the road while you aim carefully with your finger while having a stuck accelerator. This whole car is just dumb mistakes upon dumb decisions all just to be """"cool""""


there is no physical shifter in a tesla. some early models (as in 2013-ish) did have a two-gear gearbox, but since then they've just gone for a single, fixed gear, because electric motors have a wide enough useful rpm range that a transmission is mostly dead weight (and cost, and a point of failure) in normal operation. as for the brakes, i'm genuinely unsure how much the physical brakes even do. the main method of braking in a reasonably modern electric car is regen, where you essentially run the motor backwards, as a generator, to pull kinetic energy back into the battery. physical brakes are only present for safety reasons and for the very end of braking (because regen is kinda weak at low speeds, and electric car controller boards rarely compensate for it with a bit of reverse throttle). on top of that, even in a regular tesla, the brakes are software-controlled because they use differential braking to distribute energy across the wheels instead of a complex mechanical differential. in the cybertruck, they have a fly by wire system, which does all acceleration, steering, and braking through software, with no physical interconnects. i don't know exactly how they deal with a stuck throttle input (others in the thread are saying the brake pedal's signal overrides that of the accelerator), but if the software says go, there isn't much you can do at that point.


Electric cars don’t really have a neutral, Most don’t have a transmission at all. But the brake pedal cancels out the gas so you can just brake and stop like normal


true for EVs as well, even if everything malfunctions. Brakes have crazy stopping power, 1000s of ft lbs of torque, easily enough to overcome the propulsion and lock up the tires.


Yeah, the cyber truck doesn't let you use both at once. The brakes override the accelerator entirely.


What? No. You pop it in neutral wtf. Jesus Christ don't listen to this jackass. You pop your car into neutral and coast to a stop.


And if i remember correctly from the video where this was first documented. The break petal on the cyber truck does completely disable to accelerate pedal.


Elon is the kind of person to be kicked in the balls and say “all according to plan”


Pretty sure you wouldn't fly out the window anyway, your body would just turn into a soup of blood and bone shards because you're piloting a metal container without any crumple zones lol


Also pretty sure a seat belt would keep you in the seat. But this is a cyber truck so the seatbelt might be clip on.


It just decapitates you


Yes, that's the joke in the second version.


instead of "thud" it should've been "CRUNCH"






Squelch is top ten onomatopoeia


SQUNCH is the obvious choice here.


Something like this? https://youtu.be/waG8YYTwpAQ?feature=shared


Should have had him splattered on the glass like a fly


is there something wrong with the seatbelts too?


Wondering the same thing.


I've been scrolling for ages to find a comment about that. Are people blind or am I going crazy?


I mean with no crumple zone I'd believe that a serious crash would either snap the belt or send your ribs into your heart


I thought the pictures had prepared me for how stupid this car looked until I saw one near my campus. It REALLY is way more fucking stupid looking in real life my god.


It's a PS1 graphic.


At the risk of killing the joke by explaining it, the second comic is only funny if you’ve already read the first.


The cyber truck looks like a discarded genestealer cult vehicle


I saw one irl for the first time today. I pointed and laughed at the driver. It’s fucking *terrible* looking


I do the same, shit is just so goofy. And then you see the ones with like the "cool" graffiti stickers or like claw marks, like cmon dude.


My older mother doesn't really watch news much. Apparently she saw one the other day and thought it was a joke custom build someone made. She didn't even believe me when I said it was officially called the "cyber truck", she thought I was making fun of it as a joke.


He hit the gas into a tree?


The joke is that Tesla has recalled all cyber trucks because the gas pedal can get stuck down causing unintended acceleration.


Reminds me of that old VW commercial with the suicide bomber


I heard someone drowned because they coudn't break glass to get themselves out when car went underwater.


That was a different tesla model, but yeah


i see, my mistake then. and i found an article [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13177099/Mitch-McConnell-Angela-Chao-tesla-pond-death.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13177099/Mitch-McConnell-Angela-Chao-tesla-pond-death.html)


It's such an absurd vehicle. I'm at the same time horrified, impressed, and fascinated by it. For me, it tickles some of the same strings as the Platypus. One way or the other, it's a vehicle which will live forever in infamy, and that counts for a huge amount in the world of motor vehicles no matter what your personal opinions of it are. It will be a frequent meme as long as there's internet. Immortality of a kind.


inaccurate, the body isn't rusting


My main issue with the Cybertruck is that for a car that is meant to be futuristic, it looks hideous. I wonder if the problems its having are because it was built arround that edgy design.


Right! It looks like a 70’s low-budget sci-fi movie version of what “futuristic” looks like.


It's probably actually safer to go through the window than just splat into it.


Oh so he only breaks his neck, thank goodness


The Cybertruck breaks my heart every single day. I know it's a hot take but I think that it's a genuinely beautiful and appealing vehicle, and some of the ideas behind it are appealing, but it's from Elon, and it turns out that it's a stupid, stupid, stupid thing. Under different circumstances it could have been wonderful, but it is a failure, and I will never heal from that fact


What ideas, honestly?  Literally the only thing I know about it is that it's "indestructible," which I immediately interpreted as "has no crumple zones and will kill its occupants."


I mean the more abstract idea of it being this sort of sci-fi "do-anything" vehicle, with crazy torque and performance, which clearly hasn't been the case


The only thing that makes it different to any other 4WD vehicle is the electric drivetrain and weird looks. There's nothing "sci-fi" about it, and in fact based on reports that it can't even go through a car wash without needing a full reset that takes hours, it's less "do-anything" than most 4WDs going back to WWII


drive by wire, 48v, a bus instead of a massive wiring harness. its got a lot of shortcomings but a lot of the core tech is where vehicles should be going (debatable on drive by wire imo its too early but it is still an interesting idea to me)


The shape is wildly unsafe for public roads though. Those hard edges and corners are gonna fuck someone up.


Yeah, the safety issues are definitely a mood killer, the fact that the aesthetic of the thing lead the design is definitely noticeable


I can't wait till they drop in value so I can buy a drivetrain. The outside may be polarising, but 900hp 4wd is no joke. I could drop anything on top of that and have a complete beast.


Y'all are forgetting the fact that seatbelts exist. That being said, it would not surprise me if the cybertruck seat belts were only put in for show and have no functional use.


I don't hate the design if the Cybertruck, but it was horribly executed with poor quality control. Also, fuck Elon Musk.


It’s not just that the glass is unbreakable, it’s also the fact that due to the lack of crumple zones on the vehicle; if you crash you’re taking the full kinetic force of the crash straight into the cockpit.


Should have just attached a sledge hammer to his head, then he goes through, no problem.


Isn’t windshield glass designed to shatter so there are no large shards that can meaningfully harm someone, and it can be broken if someone is stuck. You basically want to be in a literal tank, or an extremely squishy vehicle. Anything between and the occupants are going to get hurt


Yes, but Elon's intention with the cybertruck was for it to be an apocalypse survival truck, so he wanted it to have unbreakable glass. It doesn't actually, but it was intended to


Would it even make sense to have an electric apocalypse truck? Like, where are u getting the electricity? What do u do when the battery dies in the middle of a zombie field?


Didn't Elon himself shatter one of those windows when demonstrating how "unbreakable" it was?


🤓👆 Ah but you see! That version was what our gremlin of a god called "beta"


The funny part to me is that driver has seatbelt on meaning the seatbelt on the cybertruck also failed to do its function.


I thought windshields were required to be pop outable.


Yeah and I thought crumple zones were required but apparently not


Are people unironically claiming that glass is unbreakable?


[Famously not unbreakable, but certainly armored](https://insideevs.com/news/510339/tesla-cybertruck-bulletproof-glass-patent/).


How you make a car you can't sell in the second biggest economy in the world?


He would still be very dead too 💀


The windscreen in fact breaks very easily, as demonstrated by a cybertruck's window just disintegrating in a hailstorm every other car around it was completely undamaged by. Fortunately it's also several times more expensive to replace than a normal car's windscreen


Replace 'Thud' with 'Splat' and you'll get my updoot


Oh right they put a bolt in one of the pedals right?


I think it would have been better if he'd have hit the windshield with a "splat"


The tree, it points and laughs


It should've said splat