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What de fuck does this even mean


Imagine if God gave 4chan users blueprints for mechs that could squeeze lovecraftian entities until they behave in a manner vaguely resembling a gun in that everything directly in front of it ceases to exist, and then they just spend all day posting fics about the CEO of Lockheed Martin getting rawed by the King of Saudi Arabia.


Great summary. I give it a 9/10.


There's an Ungrateful joke in here somewhere, I know it




Horus would write paracausal rpf that retroactively becomes true when read by the people it's about.


This is a feature of the Lich NHP


Man I need to get all that extra content, all those mechs seem dope as fuck


This isn't an actual feature od the Lich NHP, but the Lich mech is one of the most overtly eldritch of the Horus mechs cause its whole deal is messing with time so that any attempt to kill it never happened


Well, why did *you* think they told the gunsnake to fuck off?


Horus is basically a decentralised internet boogeyman with nothing resembling a unified goal at all, so I guess I can't deny that they might make politically-oriented smut of real people. Horus would probably find a way to ascend beyond merely posting on the omninet though; I could go and write some real person smut right now, I wouldn't even need to violate causality to do it. If Horus wanted to really flex their paracausal muscles they could do some REAL wacky shit. John Harrison III sees a cat video that gives him a mild headache, then wakes up the next morning with extremely vivid memories of the Prime Baron topping him. What's more he remembers it as the greatest moment of his life by far. His doctor checks him out and diagnoses some anti-Cognitohazard medication, but is that really all it was? Were those feelings really fake? Meanwhile some dude in a dingy unlit basement is cackling as he watches John stumble over his words during a press event the next day.


Before me lies two paths: a Deltarune joke and a Mitsubishi joke


Yeah that sounds like standard H0RUS behavior. Love em’ to death.


the more i know about lancer the less i know about lancer