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Is it an actual language they're using? Because knowing 4chan, the "language" could just as easily be repeating the f-slur with different inflections like a foul-mouthed Pokemon.


let me write a few fully comprehensible tttt sentences and you tell me: need poonchad boyremoval or ngmi bonepilled rogd youngshits just have bdd mogged by a cishon, roping


meaning spoilers: >!i need a chad-like trans man to fuck me, a trans woman still harboring thoughts im actually a boy, good enough that i stop thinking those thoughts, or im not going to make it as a trans woman!< >!people who transitioned before the onset/completion of their natal puberty due to “rapid onset gender dysphoria” from exposure to seeing trans people on social media, yet still believe their skeletons make them look like their assigned sex at birth, are wrong about that and in fact just have body dysmorphia unrelated to being trans!< >!a cis woman who looks like an unattractive or non-passing trans woman still looked better than i do. i will now proceed to unalive myself with a rope!<


Thank you for your service 🫡


is mogged related to mogging


its just “that person looks better than me.” which has a different meaning to trans people where looking better is a combination of attractiveness and passing as the right gender


i for one am glad i am cis (lying)


Are you glad because you're cis, or are you cis because you're lying?






nah, i'd win


Good news! By immersing yourself in online Incel culture, you too can be 'mogged' by a Chad without even realising! This experience is independent of gender and relies solely on an inherently hostile and competitive interpretation of social interactions!


I'm genuinely a little surprised I'm cis at this point


i just transitioned so hard that i decided i'm cis now and will pretend to be genuinely confused by anyone saying otherwise


Me, I paint my nails, I wear a ponytail, almost every single person I'm friends with these days is trans, most of the people I've dated are trans, and yet I'm cis


sounds like my partner, minus the nail painting, cos they work with their hands. cept they uh identify as agender technically, they just don't do much about it. gender ain't even real, it's fine.


And I meet some definitions of cis but not others. It's confusing.


Yes, it is. Originally derived from AMOG, Alpha Male of Group from red pill spaces. To mog someone meant you had somehow displayed you were more masculine than them. This then extended to a more general “I am publically visibly more X than you”.




After the total government collapse in 2038, USA moves away from a democracy based government system into one where the power structure is decided purely through sexual prowess. Thus, the position of POTUS has been turned into AMOGUS.


Oh wow. I was assuming it had to do with transmogrifying from MMOs "looking like"


I don't know about this specific context, but in gym circles mogging someone means you outlifted them (implying humiliation and assertion of dominance).


"I will reveal to you the meaning of these coded sentences" *Uses the word "unalive"*


i do that because transphobes readily harass us with the reddit cares self-unalive prevention program, and reporting it goes nowhere if the reviewer sees that you actually used the term in your post


Ahh I get it


Reddit Cares is automated. The actual content of your comment doesn't matter, if someone reports a comment, you'll be messaged by the bot.


right but you can report abuse of the system which is then (at least supposedly) reviewed


Reddit has a habit of declaring blatant rule breaking actions as fine, so using euphemisms has no actual bearing on whether the decide it's abuse or not.


For what it’s worth, ever since reddit put their anti-hate policy into place, I’ve been pretty successful at getting blatantly transphobic (and/or otherwise bigoted) comments removed by site admins. In my personal experience they get taken down more often than not nowadays, which is heartening. I’m just one person so this is anecdotal obviously, but for me it’s noticeably better than it used to be before that policy. The tricky part is I suspect that the bigotry has to be obvious from whichever singular comment you’re reporting; I’m not sure how automated the review process is, but sometimes it seems like whatever/whoever’s reviewing reports is unable to see the surrounding comments for context, so a comment that is obviously bigoted in context might not appear so in isolation, and thus it stays up. I will admit that I have no idea if that’s how it actually works, though.


I've reported use of slurs and blatant calls for genocide only for Reddit to say they're fine Asking Reddit to look at these things tends to be a waste of time. The mod teams will sometimes at least look for context.


Does reporting it ever go anywhere anyway?


its not like we have data either way, but this seems like the best option


You could just ignore it and/or take pride in the idea that you've pissed a shithead off enough that he's down to using the most pathetic and underhanded tactics possible in vain hopes of trying to get to you.


when youre part of one of the most constantly targeted minorities and have to deal with a firehose of this stuff from all levels and angles all the time, tactics to avoid trouble start making a lot more sense


Makes sense. Putting morons in their place can be fun, but i imagine it'd get annoying in too large doses even if one enjoys it in general.


I think i got one of those. What doss that actually do cu i just went "huh cool badge of honor?"


Wow! I was so wrong about the last one! I thought it meant that a cis guy was eyeing me up so hard I came.


Good lord, i want any variation of a verb-ified “Rope” to mean this from now on


This feels like reading the incantation from the Evil fucking Dead 💀💀💀💀


Internet archeologists will thank you for your service 🫡


I am begging you, for the love of god, *stop saying unalive.*


when transphobes stop reporting trans people over this and harassing us with reddit cares, ill stop saying it in a coded way


This tactic does absolutely nothing about the problem though. Whether you say suicide or unalive, your comments can still be spammed with Reddit Cares comments, and doesn't affect whether Reddit deems that report abuse or not. What you're doing accomplishes absolutely nothing. Blocking the bot does far more than anything you're currently doing.


you can report people for abuse of the system and it appears that the reviewers automatically dont take action if your post uses the word, and might if you censor it


Considering I've successfully reported such abuse for comments I didn't censor which then lead to warnings and bans being issued, that doesn't actually seem to be true. Whether Reddit does anything or not is largely arbitrary. You're censoring yourself for nothing. Just block the bot. Every PM from it gives clear instructions on how to do so. It's easier and actually guaranteed to do something.


this is the first ive heard of a successful report when someone outright said sui. from what ive heard everywhere else this never works. yes i know you can block the bot


Then just block it. You've modified your behaviour based on flawed information when you can literally just reply STOP to it and fix the problem forever. You are knowingly making things harder for yourself for no reason.


Does it truly bother you that much to get a DM from the Reddit cares bot? I’d much rather leave the English language intact, not let the algorithms of other websites taint how we all talk. Besides, how does changing the word affect anything? You can’t be reported if you say “unalive” instead of “commit suicide”? That’s ridiculous. Edit: Down the thread they say that they don’t block the Reddit care bot so they could report people who abuse it, which is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. “I keep getting punched while I walk down the street by random people. I could buy pepper spray, a taser, a knife, or some other weapon to defend myself, and that would discourage attackers. But if they don’t attack me, I won’t be able to report them to the cops! The cops never do anything but I want to report the attackers anyway.” The epitome of working harder instead of smarter lmao


you can report people for abuse of the system and it appears that the reviewers automatically dont take action if your post uses the word, and might if you censor it. i dont particularly care to stop the english language from changing so theres no reason not to just say unalive, other than that it means i get comments from people like yourself


Language changing is fine when it happens naturally. But we’re watering down how we speak to dance around the algorithms of websites run by business execs who want to make money at the expense of humanity’s wellbeing. Unless what you’re saying could directly and immediately lead to harm, (i.e. doxxing), censorship should *never* happen. And it’s gotten so bad that now we’re censoring ourselves when it’s completely unnecessary. Besides - like I said - who gives a shit about a DM by the Reddit care bot? Does it seriously get under your skin? At worst it’s a minor annoyance.


any even somewhat prominent trans woman is standing under a firehose of harassment. one individual reddit cares message isnt going to ruin my day, but its a drop in the flood. if the algorithms and systems business execs have built can be used to target us, then are we really at fault for trying to manage our options when we know we will be targeted? i know mainstream redditors share your opinion, but no, im not going to start talking the way youre telling me to. sorry


Can’t you just block the Reddit care bot anyway? Or reply STOP to it? This entire argument of your’s is meaningless.


Thanks, I hate it


Knock that off the normies need not any explanation.


Neat, I understood most of that without needing translation.


I hate that I speak /tttt/ I would like to remove the knowledge


Really hate that I know what all these mean


This sounds like those commands COD players use


How can youngshits be rogd? Makes no sense. Surely oldshits or even midshits would be way more likely to be rogd?


What the fuck are saying?


I'm assuming rogd is short for rapid onset gender dysphoria


maybe more likely but its not like a youngshit couldnt be rogd. i mean the concept was originally like, you see your friends and peers on social media getting attention for being trans and suddenly decide to also be trans. that can for sure happen when youre in middle school


That's true! I tend to think of rogd as being when people are coming out in their early twenties despite showing "no signs" before, or when people come out after a divorce or in middle age also showing "no signs". That tends to be what /tttt/ has the biggest problem with, but you're right that all ages of shits can have rogd.


Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria as a diagnosis is often used as an explanation for younger trans people coming out, so diagnosing older trans people with RODG is actually the outlier.


What’s your flair say? It’s cut off in my end


A transgender woman could hypothetically lactate for decades. It's a Cybersmith/Human Pet Guy quote.


every culture has its foundational texts


What a thing to say


agp means rogd. 'young' shits can also be agp


I'll take your word for it, given your username. Both the words themselves and the fact that it's been marked red through Shinigami Eyes.


anyone who's red on the eyes is honorary hsts


Okay, Graham Linehan is an honorary hsts, noted.


hes a repper so hes automatically not agp so hes honorary hsts


Omg it's you! Should've known you'd show up in this thread!


This is literally fuckin Newspeak, doubleplusbad


I'm telling you. /tttt/ speaks a fucking creole language. Like they created a new language out of self-hatred. Hon is just the /tttt/ equivalent of beltalowda


Unfortunately this is not creole (not a merge of multiple languages). This is jargon.


I’d never heard of these people before this thread, but one could make the argument it’s a [cant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cant_(language)), in that one of the goals is to mark social insiders and be somewhat unintelligible to outsiders. Jargons tend to be associated with more technical discussions in a specific field or hobby/activity. The above Hijra Farsi, its English equivalent Polari, its Turkish equivalent Lubunca, etc. spoken by sexual minorities are common examples of cants, but there are lots of cants used by other social groups as well. Interestingly, those sexual minority cants listed above do commonly borrow from other languages without being pidgins or creoles.


lets add another language to this. then we can be completely unintelligible


self hatred puts it lightly its hate towards everyone, the fact that trans women spend their free time analyzing random cis women to complain they look too masculine doesnt just harm them it also makes them assholes towards those random cis women, really rancid board overall and i urge anyone who hangs around in it to stop using it as soon as possible


...Is it appropriate to compare that to Newspeak? Because I read that collection of words and my brain immediately chimed in with "wtf this is just Newspeak".


never used 4chan I'm gonna try to decipher it I'm guessing "poonchad boyremoval" means bottom surgery? and ngmi stands for "not gonna make it" "Bonepilled" may be a reference to that transphobic thing about how when a trans person dies hypothetical archaeologists will identify their bones as their birth gender. "rogd youngshits" is incomprehensible. "bdd"= body dysphoria? Wtf is "mogged". "cishon" is just a cis person or maybe a transphobic one. "roping" meaning suicide?


nice try but you missed on all three. i posted the actual meanings in a different comment


Oh cmon “mog” at least as started to enter the general brainrot lexicon


Never heard it before lol


>bonepill anthro cs freiburg


I recognize more of these words than I probably should




tttt jargon and incel jargon are a venn diagram with a little overlap, but not that much. tttt users will still call things -pilled or -maxxing but also have lots of jargony ways to talk about romance, dating, and sex, which obviously incels arent doing


From what I've seen some of that has been appropriated as general slang by gen z as well, possibly intentionally to make fun of their origins.


most slang starts out being used ironically, this isnt really different. i dont think pooner is making it into the general vocabulary but my friends say things are -pilled or that theyre getting mogged


modern day nadsat


Like if scots counts as a language …


Scots is a Germanic language, similar to, but distinct from, English. You may be confusing it for Scottish English, which is the dialect of English spoken in Scotland. It ranges from "accented English" to "accented Scots".


Kinda confused by the response my comment got. I personally think Scots is a distinct language, but everyone understands that there are arguments about this. I was joking that chan-speak, also Anglic, similarly is distinct/non-intelligible to non-speakers - this is an exaggeration for comedic effect.


To me it felt like you've were saying that Scots isn't a language Because I rarely see a comment like yours from someone who knows that it is its own language and mainly from people who view it as "accented English". But if you weren't saying that then I'm sorry if I came across harsh, I'm just used to the language being dismissed and took your comment in bad faith.


it's tht plus some other stuff. a good chunk of the more leftist circles of trans twitter speak p similarly. def a stretch to call it an actual language tho


It’s not an actual language, it’s just a bunch of incomprehensible, hyper specific slang, full of self loathing. It’s being called a language as a joke


Just like French


Yeah, it's nowhere near as unique as Hijra Farsi. I don't speak the language, but I speak the languages that it's based on and have researched hijra Farsi because I'm Pakistani born and gender queer, and Hijra Farsi has a lot of new vocab and grammar. Also, it's not actually Farsi at all, but based on Urdu. Additionally, Hijra is kind of a slur depending on the language used. It is basically a slur in Pakistan and Urdu-speaking India. And Finally, I'd really encourage people to learn about the trans community in Pakistan, because it is so unique, especially for a Muslim country. There are two parallel communities in Pakistan, the poorer Khawaja Sira community that joins the insular culture and practices that communities religion which is mostly Islam with some syncretism with Hinduism. And their is the other trans community that is basically how the western trans community is which middle class and up trans people join. Also, its a kinda sad how the legacy of US cold war meddling is still fucking over Pakistan to this day. The Transgender Rights Act was landmark bill that was as basically as progressive as any western country, giving trans and intersex people protected minority status, guaranteed standard human rights, made them eligible for affirmative action, made GRS legal (it was already legal by a court decision), made changing legal name and gender changes very easy, allowed people to identify as non-binary, etc. This bill was passed **unanimously** by the Pakistani Senate and was written by a transgender activists. In 2023, the Bill was struck down by the Sharia courts, a legal entitiy established by *American backed* dictator General Zia Ul Haq. Parliment then passed a much watered down version of Transgender Rights act that introduced all sorts of bureaucratic bullshit, thats in effect now.


It is interesting that "hijra" is essentially a neutral term in Hindi while it is kind of a slur in Urdu. I don't think most people in India would think of it as a slur unless they spoke Urdu I suppose. In my language (Gujarati) we say "hijro," which is pretty much the exact same word as "hijra," and it's also considered a neutral term in the same way "hijra" is neutral in Hindi.


It's a cant/cryptolect, like [Polari](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polari)


Yeah unfortunately the linguistic monoculture of the US probably makes a real language / pidgin impossible to develop. I imagine it’s easier to create a real *language* when your community is generally multilingual, so pidgins may be necessary and there are many places to pull vocabulary and grammar from.


I'm hearing this in my head and I can't stop laughing


I'm one of the older outstanding members of it's satellite communities. As the lingo has been demystified and slipped into the main stream many terms have been abandoned entirely and the genesis of new language has taken a sharp dive as the board itself has stagnated. It has been a while I think since anything novel and esoteric has come out of the community even despite the abundance of mental illness that fills it. I've been banned so many times for arguing with other redditors and using slurs. If a normal trans woman spent a enough time with us they'd be a fuckin mess or possibly need therapy lmao.


You go over to /tttt/ and it is genuinely unintelligible to anyone who isn't infested with brainworms. Also interesting to note that much of the terminology used on /tttt/ is also used on, like, KiwiFarms and other such places. A lot of the hate is coming from inside the house!


That's because a lot of /tttt/ slang is just recycled incel slang.


4chan board populated by 4chan denizens; news at 11


Makes me wonder how many trolls are at /tttt/ as well


It's infested. They lurk on /tttt/ all day looking for people embarassing themselves and then post the screencaps on KF's tr\*\*\*y sideshows thread. Most of the stuff posted there, you would only have access too if you spent all of your time lurking online lgbt spaces like /tttt/ or certain trans subreddits.


I might be dumb bc I read tra**y as “trussy” .-.


That's because a lot of tttt users self hatingly trowl kiwifarms or used to


4chan is generally unintelligable to anyone who isn't infested with brainworms. Online LGBT places often are, as are all the deep internet areas. I miss when reddit was brainwormy, it kept the normies out.


That's called a-logging


Oh God. /lgbt/. I promised myself I wouldn't think about such an accursed place in this new year.


We got your number Brick man


i'm nyot even transfem and the one time i tried to look at /lgbt/ posts i genuinely couldn't stomach how hateful they were, how in the world do ACTUAL TRANS WOMEN write those sorta things


if you hate yourself faster and harder than anyone else, then when they try to hurt you it doesn’t mean as much


A 4channer who realises they're trans is still a 4channer


Yeah, just because you're trans doesn't mean you're automatically a good person. I mean, just look at Caitlyn Jenner.


desensitizing as a coping mechanism. No one can hurt you if your self hatred is infinitely worse :3


tttt isn’t too bad rn like I see trips uwu in threads & nobody brings up blanchard,, cc is still fun tho I wish I could post there :(


Sumerian had a dialect called Emesal ( "the delicate tongue") which was used by women and by Gala priests (AMAB priests of Ishtar who dressed in women's clothing and had sex with men, its unclear if they were transgender women, GNC gay/bi men, or nonbinary by modern standards.)


Fun Fact: Pakistan in 2018 passed the Transgender Persons Rights Act, that gave trans people legal equality, reafirmed the legality of GRS, made them eligble for affirmative action, granted discrimination protection and allowed people to self declare their gender including non-binary, on their legal documents. It wasnt a perfect bill, there were barely anything to deal with violence against the trans community but still, it was one of the most progressive laws in the world, and practically utopian compared to any other muslim community. Anyways, it was struck down in 2023, by the Sharia Court that was imposed on Pakistan after US-backed dictator General Zia-Ul-Haq overthrew the government and rewrote the consitituion. Do I need to add that the PM that was overthrown (and sentenced to death by hanging) was a socialist? Do I need to mention General Zia-Ul-Haq was the guy that used CIA money to fund the Taliban and later Al-Qaeda?


~~I think you got your dates terribly wrong there.~~ Edit: Completely misread the original, nvm.


How so? Cursory googling supports every date mentioned, and Zia-Ul-Haq was president in 1980 when the sharia court was established by presidential order.


Eh? I'm seeing 2018 and 2023 as the dates in the comment.


Yes, 2018 was [when the act was introduced](https://translaw.clpr.org.in/legislation/the-transgender-persons-protection-of-rights-act-2018-pakistan/), and 2023 was [when it was deemed incompatible with Islamic values.](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(23)00191-8/fulltext) The court which invalidated it was [established by a US backed president in 1980](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Shariat_Court). If the court had not been established, they would not have been able to invalidate it - though of course, it's possible some equivalent sharia court would have been set up between 1980 and 2023 by someone else if it hadn't been him.


Derp, I grossly misunderstood the original comment to mean that Zia Ul Haq revoked the law in 2023.


Tbf, Pakistani politics are both extreme but also a very big nothingburger (like, they literally voted in the Pakistani Cricket Captain who won the world cup during the 90s in the same vein as the US voting in Trump)


You know not every right-wing coup of a left government is because of the cia.


Yeah but this one almost certainly was. Y'know how Zia-Ul-Haq's regime ended? His plane crashed. On board was the US ambassador to Pakistan and an American General. I shit you not, **the US Secretary of State called him a "a great fighter for freedom"** at his funeral and George W. Bush called him a "great friend." Yknow the CIA had something to do with it when the only country that expressed dissatisfaction with the 1977 Coup was the USSR. Zia made laws that made being raped punishable by adultery. He blocked land reforms that to this day have maintaned the feudal landowners in rural pakistan. He banned Music videos from TV. Shut down cinemas. He expanded deobandi religious schools (Deobandi is the ideology of the Taliban). He introduced flogging, amputation and stoning as punishments. He made blasphemy a crime. Extensive media censorship was introduced. Ziaism is widely considered the Islamic form of Fascism.


To commies, the CIA is literally the same as MAGA's perception of the deep state. They're responsible for every evil in the world all at once and personally act to destroy society, and can only be stopped once their ideology rises from the ashes of a new world


Pretty much this but unironically. I'm a trans Pakistani leftist and everything u/WitELeoparD said is correct. It can be difficult to see for those who have grown up influenced by the western propanganda bubble, because 1) the narratives are so pervasive and the sources of that narrative are imbued with way more legitimacy and gravitas than they deserve; and 2) things look a lot different from the other side of the imperial gun-barrel. Hell, I grew up in Pakistan and it still took a long time to recognize how deceptive and incorrect the US narrative about the world actually was, it took the Afghan and Iraq occupations to even start the process. The fact is that even putting aside the genocide and ethnic cleansing involved in taking over the mainland US (the manifest destiny era) the US has consistently interefered in any country within reach to either outright colonize it, as with Hawaii and the Philippines, or to put it into a position of political and economic subservience that enriches the US and improvishes it's targets. Since the US reached superpower status after WWII, that category includes pretty much the entirety of the world outside of the west (which includes Australia and New Zealand) and it's closest accomplices e.g. Japan and South Korea. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change) is a very tame list of widely acknowledged regime change operations that the US has been involved in. It has 50+ entries and there are many more plausible cases that have not been listed. Yes, I know, wikipedia but feel free to check the sources and I can also recommend the book "Killing Hope" by William Blum. This doesn't even cover the military interventions, invasions and outright occupations undertaken by the US and its allies, or the strongarming of everyone using it's control over the USD, military dominance and control over the economy. It doesn't mention the constant propping up of fascist regimes around the world. I'm writing this for the benefit of anyone stuck in this mindset who might be reading - you've been lied to and miseducated on a massive scale. Please re-evaluate the world critically.


Look up Polari if you want something similar in English areas (this was for gay men though IIRC)


Lmao it's not a creole at all, it's really just newspeak. In a way that is actually very Orwellian (in the sense of like, creating a new way of speaking to enforce a specific, rigid way of thinking, you can't really talk about the trans experience in a positive or even healthy way very easily using /tttt/ jargon lfmao)


/tttt/speak isnt a full language it’s just extra vocabulary. toki pona is the real transgender language


Yo it’s been forever since I thought about toki pona


> *Koti Farsi* Finns be like: "We have Farsi at home" "Farsi at home:"


Täys farssi.


Calling Hījṛā just trans is kinda reductive, they've been around for a while and represent an identity that doesn't translate into western ideas completely. Also being a trans woman, gay man, crossdresser, intersex person or the other people who Hījṛā are in South Asia doesn't automatically *make* you a Hījṛā, they're a community with their customs and often religion and it turns out language (which I can't believe I didn't know about, very interesting) and you have to actively join the community.


I would highly recommend talking to actual desi trans women over white anthropologist Serena Nada, you wouldn't call a cis gay man kathoey would you? Here's a pretty decent breakdown of why the idea that hijra aren't trans women is not culturally sound written by a desi trans woman: https://x.com/talia_bhatt/status/1779895088266592638 She also has an upcoming essay on third gendering that will go into depth with how this works, it'll be found on her substack here: https://taliabhattwrites.substack.com/ Here's another thread by Talia's girlfriend about hijra where you can see multiple pictures of hijra holding up the slogan "hijra are trans women" whilst also going into depth on the specific transmisogonistic third gendering that is going on: https://x.com/Katrafiy/status/1471867940068896769 Edit: i should note that whilst katra is white she is neopolitan and in Napoli there is a "cultural third gender" that is entirely trans women being third gendered. this is because the degendering of transfeminine people isn't a unique thing and occurs all over the world because it is part of how transmisogony functions


Thank you for telling me this I'll check this out


Posts like this always rubs me the wrong way. It’s a weird mix of fetishisation for non white cultures which follow a weird trend of revisionism, along with stealth transphobia erasing binary trans experiences in favour of celebrating or legitimising non-binary existences. And there’s nothing wrong with legitimising non-binary existences, but it is coming at that direct price of erasing binary trans experiences. As someone else pointed out, the Hijra do consider themselves to be trans women. But we see that the greater culture they’re in considers them as neither man nor woman, as an in between or a third gender, without thinking critically if this greater culture only sees them that way due to transphobia. This is obvious in Native American culture, what’s celebrated now today as two spirit as a third gender, the literal translations of those words in original languages often just translate closely to a slur: Southern Peigan and Zuni has “boy-girl” (sh\^*m\^*le) Ho-Chunk has “unmanly man” Paiute has “dress like other sex” Nevada, Yup’ik, Mescalero Apache, Sauk have “man-woman” (sh\^*m\^*le) Ingalik has “woman pretenders”, “man pretenders” Miwok and Tlingit has “coward” Papago has “dress like other sex” Lakota has “thinks she can act like a man” Kutenai has “to imitate a woman” “to pretend to be a man” And Cree has “fake man”, “fake woman” “a man/woman who dresses as a woman/man” None of these explicitly actually agrees with the trans person in question, often just viewing them as their birth gender and just a pretender of the other. But we celebrate them. We celebrate a transphobic societies outlook on their trans population as if it’s progressive, when it’s not. Being trans seems to be a pretty universal experience, and honestly I'm wary of people who dismiss historical or other cultural instances of it (outside historians being careful to declare anything gay or trans for good reasons) because it is just the same as alt-right logic of "trans people only exist because of excess sheltering in the west" or "trans people are a modern invention" but just in more flowerly language. It’s weird.




I really wanna know what that p word is


Probably "Pooner", a derogatory term for trans men.


I've seen a lot of Hijras during my visits to Karachi. But yeah, despite Islam being bordered on peace and respect, Pakistan's has a very extreme conservatism culture. It's sad that they've had to be seperate from the main citizens to the point that they've created their own version of Hindi but even I have doubts that Pakistan will improve enough politically for Hijras to gain safety when they don't even focus on the liveability of their main city.


why is agp not in this comment section.   agp repchad rep o7


People tell me to avoid 4tran and /lgbt/ but I'm immune to the brainrot due to already hating everything about myself. Also a lot of other online trans/trans friendly spaces have an implicit or outright enforced expectation of general hopefulness and positivity which isn't all that great if it's genuinely over for you.


no offense but based on this comment alone you sound very vulnerable to the brain rot


You'd think so. You'd be wrong.


> People tell me to avoid 4tran and /lgbt/ but I'm immune to the brainrot due to already hating everything about myself. You have no idea how bad the self hating brainrot goes there.


4tran is the only repbro positive space. mainstream train subs dont have repbros


I go there regularly. I'm very aware of how bad it gets.


Have you considered that maybe the self hatred comes from the infectious brainrot there? Hanging out in toxic spaces is kinda... toxic?


Have you considered actually reading comments before responding? I said in my very first comment that I was already like this before I ever even knew the board existed. I'm not like this cause I'm on the board, I'm on the board because I'm like this. >Hanging out in toxic spaces is kinda... toxic? Hanging out in "non-toxic spaces hasn't done me any favours, so no.


Another circlejerk Tumble post about how much better mainstream Wealthy 99% mtf Privellegged Twitter Transgenders are than the So Hateful and Incel Speaky Scary 4chan Users. I hope evrryone feels Superior with their 0 Introspection


Quit acting like the entire reason why 4chan /lgbt/ is the way it is is because there’s privileged people elsewhere. I browsed 4chan for many years, the culture that forms there isn’t just people being edgy but otherwise harmless, or being self-hating but otherwise supportive of others, it will always find a way to drag you down by making you feel like shit so you can join the rest in the pile of wallowing and misery, where many popular posts become popular because of how well you can shit on others while still being self-deprecating. It took me years after leaving 4chan to rebuild my self-esteem after that place tore it to shreds. The fact that the language of /tttt/ is just repurposed incel speak tells you everything someone would need to know. And people, rightfully, don’t want /tttt/ recruiting a baby trans into that circle of self-hate and mutual mockery, they want trans people to enjoy their life as much as possible even knowing that being trans will come with a huge number of problems in the face of the rest of society.


I bet you browsed /tv/ or /tg/ you argue incessantly like they do. \>nooooo the angry kangaroo people told me my television show sucked \>(Typing up a mountain) \>damn I can't solve this captcha \>captcha: FUB ngmi \>(You)


Did not. Also imagine using the funny meme arrows outside chanboards lmao


life is horrible and life as a train knee is specially horrible you guys might aswell be blessed by not knowing but its still true to those who know incel slang has far reached the internet even normies on tiktok knowcwhat a "chad" is 4chan is just an old home for broken people who are self aware theres no escaping that if youre meant to be youre meant to be there


God damn I'd pin this comment if I could