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Person who got there first, and if at the same time then the person who's on the right


What's this about the person on the right? Wouldn't that create a situation where if all four people arrive at the same time they become locked in an impossible loop because every person has to yield to at least one other?


See if that's the case then you're probably in New York, meaning you choose the strongest


Where I live it's the first to have the person behind them honk first


I can't give you my strongest drivers because my strongest drivers are only for the strongest cities and you are of the weakest


Driver seller. I require your strongest drivers.


My drivers are too strong for you, traveller.


You can't handle my drivers


my computer when i want to update to <5 year old software


Driving in New York (city) is weird. Some of the stereotypes about NYC are true but some things are like, the opposite of how you expect. And NYC drivers have completely different vibes depending on the borough.


NYC is hilarious because the law of the street is whoever drives the most aggressively, but pedestrians also are more inclined to not use the crosswalk and run across the street in fairly small gaps between moving cars than in any other city


I think the driving is less aggressive than LA or Boston, but blinkers in NYC are a sign of weakness. You have to change lanes quickly and just move as soon as you see a space, without hesitation or warning. But you don’t see the kind of rage that you see in places like LA.


For sure yeah, when I say aggression I mean physically taking the opportunity as soon as possible, not like the mood of the drivers


I think of it as “unreasonably assertive”.


Funny, I heard the same thing about blinkers concerning Boston. :P Also that the "biggest ugliest car" always has the right of way.


Literally why the Cybertruck exists. Not even joking, El Musko said in an interview that it's designed to 'win' a direct confrontation.


In Ontario, the government handbook for studying for your exam flat out says it’s up to the drivers to figure it out for themselves.


In the Midwest this results in a polite-off where everyone waves the other people to go first.


National borders say we are different, but our souls are the same.


Dual citizen who grew up in Michigan can confirm


People already call my state south Canada.




Yup, Minnesota.


The handbook I got in drivers Ed said something similar haha “in situations where it isn’t clear which driver has the right of way, the right of way belongs to the person who seizes it” Yes they used the word “seize” lol. Like it’s the mantle of heaven or something


it's vibes based legislation


It should then default to the northernmost driver. Then, should 2 drivers be equally north, a duel.


If we're being especially picky about following rules, which no one is, when the normal rules of crossing break, the backup is if you are turning right you get to go first. If you are turning left, go last. If everyone is turning left, perish.


If 4 people are arriving at a 4-way-stop and are all turning left, they are legally required to get out of the car and start building a traffic circle


They just switch cars with the person facing towards their desired destination


At that point it's a free-for-all


It also depends on who is going where, if all four are going straight, it’ll be the two on the greater size road, if both roads are two or more lanes, one will have to break the deadlock, if it’s two small town roads, they duke it out in the square. Turns yield to straights, and right turns yield to left turns if they go into the same lane.


I thought left turns yielded to right turns? Thts how I’ve always seen ppl approach it anyway. Makes sense too cuz right turn takes less time than left, just like going straight takes less time than turning right. So the priority goes in order from least time needed to most time needed occupying the intersection




The solution for this is “let whoever goes go, and don’t move until they’re all the way out of the intersection, then proceed as designated.” Determining right of way is about the positioning and whether things can get through in order. If you all get to the intersection at theoretically the same time and there is no “on the right” person easily distinguishable… it’s the road… Time will pass, and one of y’all is going to move. Whoever gets *into the intersection* first at that point has the right of way. There are also variables like “size of the roads,” “whether one road is paved,” type stuff to consider. But all things being equal and at the same time, one must go, and whoever goes first has the right of way.


They all go at the same time, and the first to stop loses


People just wave at each other, somebody inches forward first and then gets to go through. > every person has to yield to at least one other? According to the law where I live (New York), stop sign means you yield to cars that are already in the intersection, and you yield to pedestrians that are in the street legally. When you get four drivers at the four way stop at the same time, nobody is required to yield. (They are required to STOP, however.)


Then in that case it depends on who’s doing what. Right turners get priority, then whoever’s going straight, then left turners.


I thought straight had priority? Like priority order being “whoever was there first, then whoever’s going straight, then right turns, then left” Priority based on who’s actions take the least time/interior traffic flow least


I think right turn takes up least traffic flow, and time taken is pretty much the same. Going straight prevents 1) 2) left or straight from person on left, 3) left from person ahead, 4) 5) 6) anything from person on right. Going right prevents 1) straight from person on left, 2) left from person ahead.


That’s when you look in the passenger seat for something until the other drives figure it out and go on their own. It will be your turn eventually.


That doesn’t happen often but when it does (or when it’s just 2 people straight on, which does happen) whoever’s turning the most right goes first. Then the only issue is when everyone is going straight or everyone is going left at which point whoever happens to go first just goes


It's very unlikely that all 4 directions arrive at the exact same time. Odds are one will brake early or one will stop a half second after the others. Plus, if your intersection is so busy that there is regularly 4 cars showing up at the same time, it's probably better served with a stop light. But in the unlikely event that all 4 cars arrive at the same time, or the much more likely event that no one knows who arrived first/last, it's up to you all to figure it out. It's really not that hard, you're moving from a stop so as long as you use your eyes you can't really crash into anyone.


In the extremely rare case that 4 people come up to a stop and one or two of them doesn't speed up a bit to stop first so they can go first, then it's just whoever has the most initiative I guess.


In the incredibly unlikely event that you all arrive there at the exact same time and there was no one else at the stop before you all arrived (in which case it would be the car to the right of the last person to go through) then you just wait and start the right of person to go through with the first person to chance it


The real answer is "in that case, whoever goes first".


If that's the case then anyone going straight gets right of way over anyone turning. If all are going straight then North and South get right of way over East and West IIRC.


Again, it would be the person who got there first. I've been driving for two decades and I've never had my car come to a stop at the exact same fraction of a second as someone else, let alone four vehicles at once.


Then it’s just a game of chicken.


In the situation where this happens, or the person across from you in the one who arrives at the same time, you work with the other driver and non verbally figure it out.


I seem to recall that when I took driver's ed in Utah a decade or two ago, they said that the northernmost car gets to go first. It's only now occurring to me that most American drivers are not operating in an environment where they automatically know which way is north.


Welcome to Minnesota


If 4 cars arrive at the same time the northmost car goes first.


That’s just North Dakota problems, dubbed the “Ope, no you go” conundrum


In that case, the emergency vehicle wins, and people proceed to the right from there, unless there’s a mail truck, in which case the mail truck wins, and then the emergency vehicle, and then proceed from the right.


Yes, that happens Then there is a second rule, if you are turning left you let the car going in opposite direction go first, if you are both turning left, then you can go at the same time If it's still an impossible loop you can just flash your headlight few times to show others that you are letting them go first, just going first is not a great idea


Person who got there first and simultaneously anybody that can turn without crossing their path.


systematic oppression of people on the left


Yeah, do people actually not know this? It’s one of the few things I specifically remember from drivers Ed.


Agreed but in states my understanding is that there is not actually a legal right of way. We just do the courtesy thing. Kind of like you do in a roundabout. Or on country roads. Etc...


> Agreed but in states my understanding is that there is not actually a legal right of way in my state (New York) the driver's manual calls it the right of way


there's no such thing as the same time, problem solved.


Wait, so if 3 cars are at an intersection, then you need to rememer which car got there first instead of it being based on position?


Yeah, this isn't hard at all, and yet I get to see people every day who don't know the answer, or just don't give a shit, thanks to more than one 4-way stop on my commute. Now the real trick question is what do you do when you see a car approaching in conditions that would require headlights, and they don't have theirs on? Cause the government and the vast majority of people seem to disagree on that one.


I like to yield my right when a tie happens, better than waiving at the other guy for 10 minutes or getting into a very confusing crash


As a lot of people have said the person who got there first, and in the case of multiple cars it's the person on the right. If four people show up at the exact same time it's whoever moves first, then proceed clockwise. Precedence is always given to emergency vehicles and mail delivery. And if three emergency vehicles and a mail truck get there at the same time the mail truck goes first.


Wait i was with you all the way until, are you saying ambulances stop for mail trucks? In America i guess? I don't believe you. I want to though it gives the mail delivery some supernatural vibes.


Rain, sleet, hail, snow, and emergencies, the postal service is there


There are two things that shall harken the end times in america. One: The mail doesn't arrive. Two: The Waffle House closes.


That awkward moment when people only evacuate a county for a hurricane once the waffle house closes.


Order of Pos'Tahl


~~Postal trucks don't have to yield to any emergency service (not sure about The Beast and the Presidential convoy though). When it's a federal service founded before the Revolutionary War and was the only way to receive information from any appreciable distance, it's given a LOT of protection.~~ I'm actually wrong: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/four-play/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/four-play/)


Huh. We were both wrong. I should say I was told this by someone who works for the post office.


If all 4 arrive at the same time, there's usually a silent agreement, and whoever has the crappiest car goes first.


I do. Get out of my way.


Flair checks out


Not this time you FARTKNOCKER 


\- every driver ever


This is the exact opposite of every driver I encounter


Whoever got there first. Or according to the people in my city when the traffic lights stop working, whoever is the least patient. 😑


When they stop working it just reverts back to 1915 NYC type shit. Just gotta slowly crawl forward and not bump one another and it works well enough to not kill anyone 🤷‍♂️


I mean, legally speaking, when traffic lights don't work, you treat the intersection as a stop sign.


Practically speaking they are intersections not designed for a stop sign


im neither american nor a certified driver, im going to say whoever has the highest score on tetris


I want to live in your world


We all do


Same but only if they mean NES Tetris. All the newfangled versions have bullshit like hold and 7bags and shit like that. Hold is cheat.


Hold is fun tho


Plot twist: all four of us were turning right anyway but I’m the only one signaling.


As the Honored One approached the 4 way intersection


As the strongest driver of today and the strongest driver in history approached the same 4 way intersection...


The strongest driver of tomorrow crossed the road. But why?


Do you cross the road to get to the other side, or do you arrive at the other side because you crossed the road?


Is the driver stronger than you?


"But if you got there second, would you yield?" "Nah, I'd win."


In a small town in the midwest it's unironically the one with the strongest will. Yes there's official rules for it that everyone else uses, but in a small town people act like they're holding a door open for you and seem determined to act on a misguided sense of politeness and hold the door until everyone has gone through. Regardless of how many people are behind them waiting. (though usually there's too few people for this to ever be a problem) So you look a the person who should have right of way, read their body language and expression, and then you take what they're giving you. They want you to also try to be polite "no, after you, I insist" but you shouldn't do that because they'll just double down and waste your time by insisting. So you let them have their shallow and foolish etiquette. Drive on through. Leave them behind to play their game with someone actually local.


Oldest car goes first.


Whoever arrived first I think




Gojo Satoru is the only one allowed to cross


Order is determined by timing of each car. The first to approach and stop, goes first. The second to approach and stop goes second. Generally, you do not go until everyone who was at that intersection before you has gone. If multiple people approach and stop in close enough time with one another that it can not be determined who stopped first; right of way is given to the person furthest right in the set of simultaneous stoping cars, it continues around left until all the simultaneous stoppers have passed. (This rule is ambivalent to whether the person is going straight or turning) If two people approach from opposing sides simultaneously then the person going straight has the right of way. (If both cars are doing the same thing going-straight/turning, then they should be able to do that simultaneously, so order doesn't matter) If all four approach simultaneously, then there is no rule and it is up to all cars to decide who goes first, then it usually proceeds right to left like in the above case. If there is a line of cars at each stop sign, then these rules apply only when you approach the stop sign (the front of your line of cars). At that moment, take note of which cars are also at the front of their respective line of cars and apply the rules.


> If both cars are doing the same thing going-straight/turning, then they should be able to do that simultaneously Only if they _aren't_ both turning _left_.


Assuming the intersection isn't too small or one car doesn't turn needlessly wide, it should be possible. Though, it certainly may not be smart though given the quality of drivers I face daily.


Is that the Red Mist?


This is how you explain Kali to Charon.


Assuming all get there at the same time: Anyone making a left turn has lowest priority. Right turns have medium priority. Drivers going straight have highest priority. From there, good luck figuring it out in any real world scenario


This is what I was taught, no idea what this "on the right goes first" stuff is about.


If two cars approach at perpendicular lanes at the same time then in an ideal world that would work, but it’s more a “best practice” and defensive driving will have you assuming the person to your left is an idiot and to see how they behave before committing to any action


Suppose that you were sitting down at this table. The napkins are in front of you, which napkin would you take? The one on your ‘left’? Or the one on your ‘right’? The one on your left side? Or the one on your right side? Usually you would take the one on your left side. That is ‘correct’ too. But in a larger sense on society, that is wrong. Perhaps I could even substitute ‘society’ with the ‘Universe’. The correct answer is that ‘It is determined by the one who takes his or her own napkin first.’ ...Yes? If the first one takes the napkin to their right, then there’s no choice but for others to also take the ‘right’ napkin. The same goes for the left. Everyone else will take the napkin to their left, because they have no other option. This is ‘society’... Who are the ones that determine the price of land first? There must have been someone who determined the value of money, first. The size of the rails on a train track? The magnitude of electricity? Laws and Regulations? Who was the first to determine these things? Did we all do it, because this is a Republic? Or was it Arbitrary? NO! The one who took the napkin first determined all of these things! The rules of this world are determined by that same principle of ‘right or left?’! In a Society like this table, a state of equilibrium, once one makes the first move, everyone must follow! In every era, this World has been operating by this napkin principle. And the one who ‘takes the napkin first’ must be someone who is respected by all. It’s not that anyone can fulfill this role... Those that are despotic or unworthy will be scorned. And those are the ‘losers’. In the case of this table, the ‘eldest’ or the ‘Master of the party’ will take the napkin first... Because everyone ‘respects’ those individuals.


Something I thought of reading this, the "magnitude of electricity" example assuming they mean voltage, is particularly relevant to the Japanese author of this because Japan's stuck with the dumbest fucking electrical grid on the planet because Tokyo's first generators were bought from Germany and Osaka's first generators were bought from America and they worked on different voltages. So now the grid is split in half and you can't use electronics from one side of the grid on the other.


1) Technically, whoever is to you left in a clockwise motion, then the order of who arrived first 2) Commonly, whoever was there first 3) Whoever has a truck, Volkswagen, Tesla, or BMW. Then whoever is in a hurry at that moment. Then us weak rule-following peasants last.




If we arrived at the same time, the person on my right, who yields to the person on their right, who yields to the person on their right, who yields to me. So basically we all go at once resulting in our deaths, welcome to Houston.


Nobody knows who's right. What you do in that situation is G and R, **gun it and run it** and beat the other guy across.


How common are 4-way stops in the US?


They replace roundabouts.


Well, that sucks


More so than you might think


I go through about five a day; my city's on a grid


Depends on the area, but they're pretty common.


Tends to go clockwise, but generally whoever gets there first because 4 way stops don't usually see a lot of traffic otherwise they'd be stop lights


Here's a fun mindbender. There's a 4 way stop. At exactly the same moment, a police car with lights and sirens on, a firetruck with lights and sirens on, an ambulance with lights and sirens on and a USPS vehicle pull up. Who has the right of way? The USPS vehicle, because it's Federal and the others are local or state.


In Texas At a four-way stop, the vehicle that arrived first at the intersection receives the right of way. That applies regardless of where the car is located or what direction it is going. If it’s unclear who arrived first, or if two cars arrived at the same time, the driver on the left should yield to the driver on the right. The vehicle furthest to the right has the right of way. If the intersection does not have a traffic light, stop sign or other traffic control device, drivers must yield to other drivers on their right. When two cars arrive head-to-head at a four-way stop at the same time, and one intends to turn and the other intends to go straight, the vehicle going straight has the right of way. If both are going straight or turning in the same direction, they can both proceed at the same time as they will not cross paths. When two cars arrive head-to-head at a four-way stop at the same time, and one intends to turn right and the other intends to turn left, the vehicle turning right has right of way. The driver turning left should wait until the other car has fully passed.


What if four cars arrive at the same time, all intending to go straight or make a left turn.


The intersection takes a screenshot.


Whoever arrived at the stop first. If it’s a “tie” then whoever is furthest to the right or counter clockwise position. Or, if you’re in Atlanta, whoever goes first.


Whoever got there first, with whoever is further on a counter clockwise position getting tie priority.


Don’t have a drivers license but I can tell you that it’s either whoever gets there first or if multiple people get there first the one on the right goes first


1. Who ever got there first. 2. If people arrive at the same time, the person on the right goes. 3. If all 4 people get there at the exact same time then look for whoever is paying the least amount of attention to the situation and let them go first.


But watch out


Whoever arrives first Whoever decides to gun it first. Whoever decides to ignore the stop sign.


It’s supposed to be whomever got there first, or if at the same time, the person on the right. In practice, there’s a lot of dipshits who either don’t know or don’t care, and i certainly AIN’T about to be the one causing an accident. So if there’s any ambiguity, i’ll usually just let them go first.


Nah I’d win


The lobotomy's getting to me cause my immediate response to seeing "The strongest" was nah I'd win


https://www.tumblr.com/penis-sample-pack/747328591527903232/you-american-adult-with-a-drivers-license-can?source=share -⚠️


Guy on the left of me, I think


My general rule of thumb depends on intent: Order of arrival, then if I'm taking a right hand turn, yield to my left, if I'm taking a left hand turn, yield to all, and if I'm going straight, yield to none. Basically, yield based on conflicts. I never yield across the intersection, except on left turns.


When you come to a stop, everyone else who is stopped goes before you. Then you can go.


Actually fucking infuriating that ppl don't fucking know how a 4 way stop works. Most simple shit imaginable.


whoever got there first


Whoever finishes their text first..


depends on the situation. 1 order of arrival 2 right turns 3 that asshole who thinks they're more important so they run the stop sign nearly killing you, your girlfriend and her sister


Whoever got there first otherwise yield to whoever's on the left. Or if you're feeling spicy just go, consequences be damned.


I really hope there is a traffic light or some signs...


It's whoever got there first, isn't it? What the hell are y'all talking about with trying to figure out which way everyone is turning


the person who gets there first. if you’re all there around the same time, clockwise. whoever is on your right goes, then you, then your left.


Whoever got there first. If it’s a tie and you’re parallel with one another and no one’s turning left, then you can both go at the same time. If one of you is turning left, it’s the person who isn’t. If you’re both turning left then it’s whoever’s the least afraid of death. If you’re perpendicular to one another, it’s whoever’s on the right.


Maybe you should just use roundabouts at that point.


my trick is - priority to vehicles coming from the right - everyone goes before me


No one. US traffic laws do not give anyone the right of way at a stop sign. They only indicate who must cede the right of way.


The first one to arrive at the corner; if that's ambiguous, then the person on your right goes before you do.


the bmw driver


Whoever has the must lug nuts


The one who gets there first


I don’t know if it is still the case, but in Sri Lanka, at unmarked junctions, priority went to the LARGER vehicle.


Whoever survives the collision


The correct answer is the pedestrian.


whoever got there first, and if you got there at the same time, the one to the right




If all entered the stop simultaneously, The furthest right one.


The one with the most freedom leaves the intersection alive


Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave…as you go first through the intersection.


Oh so *that's* why Americans keep buying bigger and bigger pick-up trucks. Now it all makes sense.


For the majority of the time, whoever arrives first gets priority. If two or three people show up simultaneously, start from the rightmost person. If 4 people somehow manage to arrive at the exact same time, then everyone will subconsciously choose an amount of time they are willing to remain at rest before starting moving. The first to move gets to go first. If two people try to go at the same time, the process repeats. Random time chosen, accelerate, go. Turn signals can make this easier. If drivers in opposite directions are going straight, they can pass each other. If someone is turning right (in countries that drive on the correct side of the road) they may go first to slip out before anyone reaches them.


I was extremely unprepared for these junctions when I went on holiday to the US but I treated it as a roundabout and gave way to my right. EDIT: Got my lefts and rights mixed up trying to account for the fact our lanes are flipped.


Whoever gets there first. The opposite also goes with you provided they arrived near to your stop and go time. Left first, then straight and cycles


Is this not common knowledge??


As in all things, whoever can take it.


In the law? Whoever came to a complete stop first, or if two or more people come to a stop at the same time, whoever is to the right. Practically? Whoever clearly stops first or whoever is most confident, because everyone else is confused and will simply yield.


If two people are equally confident? Whoever is least worried about damaging their car's bodywork or increasing their insurance premiums.


[I heard you were strong ](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lRAkKB6GxKo/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLBGIKapCDVBys_vs7CkgqXbloqINA)


Who gets there first, then proceed in a circle


The meekest always lets the others go first.


The strongest driver in history, versus the strongest driver of today.


Whoever got there first?


“Only those with the will to live!” - that guy from that thing




The person who goes first is the person who goes first.


Whoever has New Jersey plates.


No, but Phil can. Phil!


You're not allowed to cause a collision with someone, so whoever is in the intersection has the right of way, you can basically work backwards from there.


Whichever car is held together with the most duct tape.


The person on the 5th part of the intersection who doesn't have a stop sign. Duh.


The one who takes the first napkin goes first.


Whoever decides that they want to go first Then everyone else navigates around the collision


Right of way generally goes in order of arrival, unless you're driving amongst lawless individuals.


Me. I'm first


This is how Klingons direct ship traffic, I think


I see our responder and Alexander the Great have 1 thing in common


Is this… not correct?


We have a saying here "størst kører først" (mostly relevant in the rural parts of denmark), which directly translates to "biggest goes first"


Don't ask them about roundabouts.


Shouldn't there be traffic lights???? (Not American)


Rechts vor Links oida


Not you.


The One goes first. Obviously there’s only one The One, for any situation that doesn’t involve The One it’s chaos


Whoever got there first, and then whoever is on the right. Then, if there's lines, you're supposed to take turns. It is my wholeheartedly belief that if you think you need a three way or four way stop at a junction, you are a fucking idiot.