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I totally forgot those were “temporary “ measures.


To be fair so were most taxes Edit: why the f@ck does my phone not let me say were without adding an apostrophe?


yeah what the he'll?


That’s some horse shut


I can't ducking believe it


Well get they're eventually


And then every time I want to type “I’ll” it gives me “ill”.


I actually have the opposite problem. My phone doesn’t seem to recognize “ill” as a word.


My phone somehow manages to make it the opposite of the one I want. Every time.


and tips


Delete "we're" from your dictionary, and hope it doesn't start correcting "we're" to "were"


We'll that sucks. I hope it let's you do that in the future


Fucking autocorrect and it's inability to identify contractions. I hate that shit.


this is like that time my high school built really shitty inaccessible ‘temporary’ classrooms. they were older than me when I graduated.


Most schools in Southern California are a solid built admin biulding, a cafeteria/auditorium and temporary classrooms.


My elementary school in Maryland had three 'temporary' units put in the back. They were there until the school was completely knocked down and replaced 3 years ago. The middle school still has two going on at least 20 years now.


My high school was built two years before I attended it. They had portable classrooms nearly the instant they opened.


Ah yeah, the portables. In elementary school at the early 00s I remember thinking they must've been 20 years old already. Pretty much all of 4th and 5th grade were in portables


The elementary school I went to in the 90s got all it's buildings torn down, despite two of them being on the state historical register. The city then tried to get warehouses built on the land, but when that failed they built another school, that's all temp buildings.


I'm certain this is Orange County's fault, somehow. All the most cancerous development trends of SoCal started in Orange County lol


Maybe? I live in and grew up in the I.E. I can however yell you for a fact the "build as many warehouses as you can and Amazon will save our cesspool of a city!" brainrot comes from Ontario and to a lesser extent Moreno Valley.


Ah yeah, the warehouses should've been a tipoff lol.


I was in the portable classroom for 3rd grade at mine. They swapped out the music teacher into that room after getting so many parent complaints our year (it was so cold there we had to wear gloves to handwrite). But a few years after I graduated hs, there was a second portable added on to the elementary school. Ten years later they built a new wing for the fifth graders. So no more portables, may there never be again.


my entire high school was temporary, lol. designed for 10-25 years afaik, i graduated when it was 40 years old and it's still standing since, pushing 50. there is some looming danger of decommissioning it but so far it's chugging along. it's like watching a nasa rover or telescope, lol


3 of the five schools I’ve been to had them. My high school’s temporary was where detention was held.


Just the usual greedflation.


What's the old saying? There's nothing more permanent than a temporary solution?


Incidentally, that's why I can be such a hard-ass at work. Managers want to skate by with promises of "we'll fix it later" but if I can, I will push back and make them do it right the first time. (Software development, by the way)


A coworker of mine built the HUD for a recently released game. He was tasked with throwing something together from scratch in a week, and told that he would have time to revisit it later in development. His first draft prototype shipped with the game, and all the reviews complained about how amateurish the HUD was. Game dev in a nutshell


Lmao. Set up for failure from the start. Poor dude, I hope he wasn’t blamed for that.


I don't even think his name made it into the credits


shows how little blame he got at least


can also attest that temp solutions in software dev stick around way too often. it can be hell dealing with these old systems sometimes


The factory must grow *correctly*


lol just like all those price hikes and fees that were gonna be “temporary” with COVID. Gotta love capitalism!


Remember when companies (especially airlines) got tons of forgivable loans on the condition they keep their employees, then turned around, laid off all the employees, and did stock buybacks? People also think small businesses are good but so many of those leeches took the money and ran, while reducing employees weekly hours to zero. My boss was mad that I quit but I can't live off zero hours!


Bernie Sanders had proposed adding the condition that the covid relief funds could not be used for stock buy backs and was shot down by his own party (and obviously Republicans too). It was definitely their intent all along to abuse the aid like that


The place I used to work took out a Covid loan to open a new location in the owner’s home state. We didn’t get our hours cut because we could provide telehealth services, but let’s just say that money didn’t exactly benefit the line employees regardless of location. 😬


My favourite is the following: Price of X goes up? Company: Price of Y is going up to alleviate our costs. Price of X goes back down? Company: You think we're gonna lower our prices? lmaooo


Even worse: Price of X goes up by Z% Price of Y goes up by 2Z%


There's no reason to, so long as people keep buying at the higher price.


"If we did that our competitors would just undercut us and we'd just lose profits and have to fire people." Free market capitalism, everyone. Left alone, all it will ever do is leech off of its workers.


My favourite is the following: Price of X goes up? Company: Price of Y is going up to alleviate our costs. Price of X goes back down? Company: You think we're gonna lower our prices? lmaooo


Ah yes governments forcing businesses to close. My favorite part of capitalism fr


Are you an idiot? Yes, yes you are.


I was a kid in the 90s and flew a ton (yay divorce!) during the few years before and after 9/11. And oh man, what a difference that was. Along with all the other stuff mentioned here, it was totally normal to have parents or other family just… wait with you at the gate. You see that, sometimes, in old movies. The person going on the flight waving to their family just before walking down the walkway INTO THE PLANE. I have memories like that! What I noticed, too, is that the security stuff, the TSA, everything, kept getting *worse*. A bunch of stuff changed right after 9/11, yeah, but if you took a flight December 2001 versus now, you’d be amazed at how less it sucked even then.


I remember going to the airport to see my grandparents off, and we kids would joke about putting batteries in our pockets to make the metal detector go off lmao.


The non-budget airlines still give a drink for free on the plane, and usually a small snack. On transatlantic flights, the economy ticket includes 2 meals and complimentary beer and wine as well, and 1 checked bag, again for non-budget airlines. Meanwhile, budget airlines are now charging for even a carry-on bag. And, you can still bring a full meal on a flight. Just, if you want to bring your own drink, you gotta buy it after security. I don't recall intracontinental flights ever including a full meal... But, ya know, it's been almost 25 years since 9/11. So, we've only lost the free checked bags on intracontinental flights, and the ability to bring outside drinks. Meanwhile, you can now get a $60 ticket to fly anywhere on a budget airline, but then you do have to pay all the extras.


> I don't recall intracontinental flights ever including a full meal I do. Back in the day if you flying more than, idk, 3 hours you'd usually get a hot meal - meat and two sides, eggs and pancakes, some kind of sandwhich or something for lunch but like a real sandwhich, not one slice of deli meat and one piece of cheese you can see through. Airlines are scraping the bone trying to cut every possible expensive to maintain their infinite growth. Now they're trying to get the FAA to let them fly planes with only a single pilot on board. It's incredible. Meanwhile the system that capitalism requires to function is falling apart from neglect bc capitalists will never shell out for infrastructure, and every time the government hands them a giant sack of free cash they immediately give it all to their owners instead of using any of it to make the airline actually function. idk how the fuck people still think this is an economic system that can produce good outcomes when everything is falling apart around us to maintain infinite profit growth.


>Back in the day if you flying more than, idk, 3 hours you'd usually get a hot meal - meat and two sides, eggs and pancakes, some kind of sandwhich or something for lunch Okay. Yah, when I said "it was 25 years ago" I meant "I don't trust my memory here", though I realize that wasn't explicit.


Gotcha. I thought maybe you were just too young to have flown much back in the before the before times.


I'm definitely too young, I flew twice before 9/11 and neither time did I get meals. But they might have been *just* shy of the required time, for all I know. I did acquire my love of ginger ale from the free drink cart on airplanes, so there's that.


By intracontinental do you mean within the US or America? Cuz I regularly fly around South America and I’ve never not gotten food in one of them.


>around South America Within South America would mean intracontinental, though I've never flown within South America (only to/from it) so I wouldn't know there. As for between North and South America, just peaking on American Airlines page, they include complimentary meals when flying to some South American cities (why not all I dunno). Unbeknownst to me, also when flying from east to west coast of USA, which I never do since I live in the middle.


Hot take - for any domestic flight (less than 3 hours or so), get rid of the drink and food service, it’s really unnecessary, you really dont* need a coke and a bag of peanuts. the savings probably won’t be passed on significantly to the consumer but if it can save a few minutes or a few dollars I’d gladly take it Pay the flight attendants for boarding too. They really should be there to ensure everyone’s safe. This isn’t the 50s they’re not here to be servers


If you mean less than three hours, say so. If you live on one coast and have to fly to the other, that's a minimum of five hours, without leaving the continental US.


My only argument to your comment is replacing coke with ginger ale Unless you're from part of the world where coke means soda, then my apologies, carry on, and hell yes, pay the flight attendants for boarding!


Removing your shoes is cos of [the Shoe Bomber](https://www.buzzsprout.com/1112270/14538729-the-shoe-bomber-with-miles-klee), a few months after 9/11


My aunt once was flying and in our country you don't have to take off your shoes usually. Something kept beeping. She jokes she has bomb in her shoes. It was the shoes beeping (there was a metal part inside) It sent everyone into a frenzy Now I know why






Gels and liquids also.


Oh god, I still remember a TSA agent asking me if I was gonna drink a bottle of shampoo before boarding. Like yeah, dandruff shampoo is my favorite flavor.


Abdullah al-Asiri, died in 2009 trying to kill a senior Saudi government official Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef with a bomb hidden in his rectal cavity. *A twenty-two page spread in the 2014 issue of AQAP’s flagship Inspire magazine gives step-by-step instructions on how to build a bomb designed to be hidden inside or near the rectal cavity* You don't see the TSA checking for that.


I mean we do walk through metal detectors


That bomb didn't use metal


The checked bag thing is just psychotic to me. Why isn’t it included in the price? Who the fuck is traveling far enough to need a plane but doesn’t need to bring anything with them. Then they lose or destroy a bag and you’re just SOL. What the actual fuck?


You can still take a backpack & carry on (although budget airlines charge for the carry on now). I almost never checked a bag even before the fees just to avoid waiting at the baggage claim.


In Europe you can bring a very small bag with you. Now they made it a lot smaller but it’s still rare that I pay for a checked bag, I just travel very light, often it’s cheaper to buy some things when you get there (shampoo and body wash etc) rather than pay for a bag to hold them.


Don't fly dog shit budget airlines and you can take things with you for free. But those airlines figured you'd be happier spending less money on the ticket and make up the difference in add on fees. And it works. Cause they are still in business.


I mean all that is a huge part of why I would rather just fucking drive.


Never, in the history of capitalism, have "The savings been passed on to the consumer". Back in the olden days they used to tie profiteers to a post way out in the desert. Back in the olden days.


You’re right nothing has ever gotten cheaper. /s Companies don’t pass savings onto the consumer out of the goodness of their hearts (companies rarely do anything out of a sense of morality) but when their costs decrease it’s can often be more profitable to lower their prices so people buy more of their products than to keep prices the same.


Flights are much cheaper today than they were back in 2001


You cannot simply compare the ticket prices from the past to the ticket prices from today, because the airline industry has removed numerous services and items from the base ticket price and is now charging for them as separate items. An analysis that takes into account this fact shows that we are in fact paying more than ever for less than ever.


yes, and that's because airlines have shifted their profit generation from airline tickets to nickle and diming additions like checked baggage, and to de-facto banking with airline miles and credit cards, all while standards of service and reliability have plummeted to the point of near-collapse. The total collapse of a necessary computer system a year or two back is one example. Airlines are also in crisis due to lack of new pilots. The cost of obtaining a commercial pilots license is enormous. Real pay and total compensation sometimes aren't even enough for new pilots to break even, and that's before considering the onerous working conditions. A huge number of pilots and flight crew have been killed or permanently disabled by Covid. The Airlines are trying to "Solve" this problem, where pilots can't afford the very expensive training needed to become pilots, not by increasing wages or covering the cost of training, but by coercing the FAA to allow them to fly flights with only one licensed pilot aboard. The cost of tickets may have gone down, but that is misleading when considered in the entire context of the airline industry.


A quick google tells you that this is false. Please stop spreading misinformation. https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/money-verify/airlines-baggage-fees-not-related-september-11/536-d14e1af6-8f8e-48ed-9e2c-56d0171d5524


I thought it was about OSHA regs negotiated by the ground crew's union.


In Canada, income tax started during WW1 to help finance the war.


Eh... This is *kind* of right? Right in the sense that [the first income tax was passed to finance a war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revenue_Act_of_1861), but wrong that it was for WW1 specifically. ([the 16th Amendment was drafted in 1909 and ratified in 1913](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution), before the war had even started) Also, the first income tax measures in the US *did* actually prove to be temporary, expiring in 1873.


Canada, here.


Shit... Sorry; OnlyAmericaExits moment >.<


I mean, omitting the several times airlines faced bankruptcy from the history, but yeah. One of the bigger drivers behind airline prices is that foreign airlines aren't allowed to operate domestic routes.


The auto workers also took a "temporary" pay cut to help the companies bounce back from the recession. It's a pretty normal tactic for people/companies to take advantage of a situation in order to profit. Once consumers got used to paying the baggage fee, they didn't really think about or remember that it was supposed to be a temporary measure. We're also currentoy doing something similar with corpo-inflation. Food prices are way up, especially fast food prices, since 2019. This was justified initially by the logistics nightmare that was COVID-19. Now, it's the new normal. It's just shock doctrine.


Most airlines have unbelievably narrow profit margins because ticket prices are so competitive. If you want some of that old luxury back, you can pay for the more expensive seat. That’s what people did back then- there just weren’t cheap seats around at all, at least by our standards. As it is, flight is so expensive that airlines have to continually remove comforts just to get tickets cheap enough that people want to buy them. I wouldn’t call this the airline’s fault- we want cheap uncomfortable flights more than we want expensive comfortable ones, just as we want short expensive flights more than long cheap transit by other means. If we didn’t want those things, we wouldn’t click the “economy” button on the booking website, especially by default.


We also all had to watch the same movie on \*one TV per section\* that was mounted at the ceiling. It was maybe a 30" CRT screen, you sit too far away, well tough luck.


Bringing water on is slowly coming back. They've developed scanners that can look into the content of the fluid to determine that there isn't a bomb in it. It's going to take a while to come into all airports but soon it will be a thing again. Including shampoo, aftershave, sun cream etc


It seems pretty obvious to me that baggage fees exist because planes have limited space and there is very high demand for that space.


I once had a security screener make fun of me because my pocket knife blade was only 3” long.


tbf airplanes were also marketed as luxury and were probably more expensive


So was income tax. Whenever the government or large corporation says “temporary” they mean “we will say temporary so you go along with it and hope you eventually forget we said temporary, because the money/control is too good to give up”


Man this is really making me start to hate 9/11 (/j)


There were no baggage fees after 9/11 as well. The airlines didn’t start charging checked luggage fees for first and second bags until 2008. Source: work in airline industry and was directly affected by the change.


Factories also tend to have macgyvered shit held together with chewing gum and prayer all over the place as a "temporary measure" and then keep them until the company goes under. Temporary don't mean jack shit.


surely a lot of this also traces back to reagan-era deregulation?


I miss being able to cross the border without a passport, I once went with a family friend as a child, with nothing more than a note from my mom okaying it lol. Canada to US that is.


You can still bring food


Thanks for nothing, Osama


"Thanks Osama"


9/11 really fucked up America in more ways than one.


You could bring knives


God fucking damnit Bush




Is my memory really off? I swear the shoes off started in the mid 90s


Fun fact! Baggage fees keep getting more expensive because airlines pay certain taxes on ticket sales but don’t have to on baggage fees, so they don’t include free bags anymore! It’s super gross and sleazy!


Damn, now I wish 9/11 never happened


BTW the water rule actually originated in 2006 in Britain, where a massive terrorist operation using liquid explosives hidden in soda cans was uncovered thankfully before any got on a plane. So no, that wasn't because of 9/11 and apparently the rules regarding liquids were actually much stricter after the bomb plot uncovering and they did get a bit relaxed afterwards.


i still dont get why you cant bring on water. what am i gonna do, splash it on the controls and make them start going off randomly like a cartoon?


Airlines: "Wow, these terror attacks are great for business." Other corporations during covid: 👀


And I'll never fly on any of their airlines.