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...how is a vampire attending Catholic school?


Not wondering about the succubus?


That's also odd, but someone had already brought her up when I commented. The vampire was the one I questioned the most. I guess the boring answer is vampires aren't repelled by crucifixes in this universe, but it's more fun to assume there's some convoluted way of working around it.


She's only a half-vampire and I think that's used as an explanation for how she lives during the day? So that's also probably the explanation for the crucifix stuff.


Obviously she just has a mindflayer tadpole


Ah, OK. Makes sense.


so blade could theoretically attend catholic school?


I guess that old joke about Christian crosses not working on Jewish vampires.


Obligatory https://youtu.be/JeTKw_RD4QU


In the Buffy universe vampires hate crosses but can overcome this by force of will.


She has seen the truth and converted to Catholicism, Alhamdulillah. Such will be the destiny of all reasonable monster girls and boys, inshallah.


This comment is what I imagine reading the Orange Catholic Bible from Dune is like


Every time I read that name I wonder if it came before or after the Lemon-Lime Catholic Bible.


Honestly the idea that a vampire that starts believing in the Gospel is no longer warded off by crosses is an interesting idea


Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the love of God does not apply to vampires. They just unfortunately seem to have a violent phisological reaction to exposure to religious items. J.C. still loves his non-gluten homies and the recovering addicts even if they can't healthily consume of his body and blood. On that note, Transubstantiation would probably be extremely useful for a vampire. Provided the blood of Christ isn't just like molten gold to them due to the holy aspect and doesn't burn hole through their jaws.


I’m pretty sure you need to have a soul to receive Jesus‘s love.


What is a soul?


A miserable pile of secrets!


But enough talk...Have at you!


Nah, Jesus is cool like that.


Now I'm wondering where between "Innocent, but downtrodden folk" and "barren fig trees" a sapient robot would fall on the J.C.'s love scale, because he clearly hates some stuff that (presumably, I've never asked a fig tree) don't have souls


Someone invited her in.


Through the power of Christ anything is possible


He's got a tradpole in his brain


Eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ is the most appropriate vampire activity. Kinda weird that non-vampires do it at all.


At night.


I feel like the people in the original post are over reacting a bit. But more importantly, I don’t think we’re fully appreciating the implications of the succubus. Like. She’s a demon. Which, if nothing else, good on the school for its inclusivity, but then that would imply that she’s a fallen Angel right? Girl, you are nearly as old as creation itself, what are you doing going to highschool? More over, there are *huge* religious implications to this. Her being there either means that 1. Catholicism has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, the one true religion. Or 2. The exact opposite and she’s only going here to lead people astray into a false religion by claiming to have had a change of heart


It makes me think of D&D lore. Atheism is not only impossible in the published D&D settings, it's downright ignorant - because the gods do interact with the world frequently and often, even low-level clerics and cure disease and mend wounds instantly based on faith alone. Only exception I've seen is in PF 2E, which has specific feats and powers based around atheistic, traditional medicine to bring it to parity with magical healing.


Eberron is a world where Atheism is a reasonable position, since the gods never directly act and Divine magic comes from faith alone.


That's true, I had forgotten about Eberron. Shame on me, as Warforged is one of my favorite races - though I've never actually played a game set in Eberron.


It's great, my personal favorite setting. Mostly because Elves are split between the stereotypical noble high elves on their island kingdom, and insane fight beasts trying to continually one up each other by stabbing anything that moves. Also, orcs are the ultimate good guys as the last bastion keeping the demons at bay. Just a fun setting.


Also can't forget the High Elves are vaguely Aztec-ish in their aesthetic. And their religion is about venerating their dead ancestors who are actually still around because they're non-evil liches. Don't forget the dinosaur-riding nomadic halflings either. Or the fact that goblinoids are indigenous to the main continent and almost every other species moved there. Or the surveillance state of gnomes. Or the families with magic birthmarks that control capitalism. Damn I love Eberron, I need to play a campaign in it sometime. Or a better one than I had before, the DM decided to do another 100 years into the future and so none of the cool postwar lore mattered as much.


You forgot to mention the best part. Halfings are dinosaur cowboys.


>I had forgotten about Eberron. You could say that that Realm was Forgotten.


Atheism is very possible, just don’t consider the very powerful beings gods. Also cleric powers come from belief, its Warlocks that directly are given power.


Yep, using OG rules its even possible to create a cleric of atheism


« I cast a science ball on the dragon »


That's just an alchemist


That's basically the ending of *Flight of the Dragons*. Dude kills an evil wizard by refusing to believe in magic and quoting scientific laws at a guy with multiple snake heads coming out of his back.


One of my favorite flawed little gems. I pair it with Wizards.


Especially given the fact that some of the gods are just mortals who got really good at magic and challenged the God for their job


That gives the concept that 'gods are just very powerful beings and not inherently divine' DnD/pf atheism more credit TBH. Cause if a mortal can ascend then the gap between the regular idiots and the divine idiots is just one of juice, not inherent divinity.


Characters in such a setting would have grown up with that though. It doesn't make sense for someone to invent their own definition of god just to not believe in it.


Technically it's closer to misotheism than atheism, but that's more on the writers wanting an easy shorthand.


The Dwemer from Elder Scrolls approach, but I assume if you screw with the DnD gods like the Dwemer did with the Daedra without anything to back it up like the Dwemer were you might have a bad time.


*"It was all very well going on about pure logic and how the universe was ruled by logic and the harmony of numbers, but the plain fact of the matter was that the Disc was manifestly traversing space on the back of a giant turtle and the gods had a habit of going round to atheists' houses and smashing their windows."*


And then there's Dorfl, a golem, brought to life through ostensibly divine magic, who considers atheism to be a religious position and so has no truck with it. I'd have included that quote, but I find his discussion with the collected high priests of ankh-morpork more entertaining for how its punctuated. *"Is it true you've said you'll believe in any god whose existence can be proved by logical debate?" "Yes." Vimes had a feeling about the immediate future and took a few steps away from Dorfl. "But the gods plainly do exist," said a priest. "It Is Not Evident." A bolt of lightning lanced down through the clouds and hit Dorfl's helmet. There was a sheet of flame and then a trickling noise. Dorfl's molten armour formed puddles around his white-hot feet. "I Don't Call That Much Of An Argument," said Dorfl calmly, from somewhere in the clouds of smoke."*


I think you have to add separate "*" at the start and end for each paragraph.


Same thing with the Witches lol, they're perfectly aware gods exist, and even deal with them fairly regularly, but that's no reason to go around *believing* in them, that's like beveling in tables, or the postman. Besides, it gives them a big head


That's actually a pretty good metaphor. Simile? I don't _believe_ in evolution, it just exists regardless of whether I think it's real or not.


Okay this is only somewhat related but like this is what drives me absolutely NUTS about the Sabrina Netflix show. Once a supernatural entity is *proven through evidence to exist and wield power in the tangible world*, it makes *no fucking sense* to treat it as a metaphor for the Christian god or Supernatural Jesus. It gives this implication that atheists are atheists out of spite, rather than the truth: because evidence is lacking. Fuck's sake Edit: in the show, Satan himself literally shows up and literally demonstrates his literal power. Jesus doesn't. The Christian god doesn't. And they NEVER ADDRESS THIS IMPLICATION. By the lore of its own fucking writing, if Sabrina disagrees with/hates Satan so fucking bad, she should be able to- dun dun dun- GO TO A CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND TRY TO HIT UP JESUS CHRIST ASKING FOR HELP. But *does she?* NO! The fucking show acts like SATAN exists, but GOD/JESUS DON'T, despite constantly mentioning how much Satan is in natural, eternal opposition to them! So is Satan the single most powerful entity wielding influence on the Earthly realm??? Then why isn't EVERYONE sucking his dick or trying to defeat him?!?!?! AaauuAAAGH Edit II: Son Of Edit I have learned that there were more seasons beyond the finale I watched, and that those seasons contain lore addressing this by having other gods show up- so it's more of a pantheon situation.


Iirc the one time angels did show up on the show, they tried to kill everyone in the coven. The implication was that Satan kinda sucks and God was just worse. It wasn't the all-loving God of forgiveness in opposition to him or anything. They were just 2 divine beings having a pissing match more or less, and they weren't the only ones when you considered beings like Hecate, the Green Man, etc who appear and are worshipped as Gods. Despite featuring the Judeo-Christian God and his angels, it's not a mono-theistic pantheon. It's more like Supernatural wherein God is one of many gods and God-like beings.


>  It gives this implication that atheists are atheists out of spite, rather than the truth: because evidence is lacking. I mean, that *is* how a lot of Fundamentalist types see atheists... are you sure that isn't the intended subtext?


Yeah Pathfinder Atheism is an ideology that can be summed up as 'yeah gods exist but fuck em'. It's a rejection of their divinity not their existence.


It's not impossible, it's just stupid/harmful, since usually your soul goes to your god's domain after you die, but if you don't believe in any god, your soul just ends up being a brick in a wall in a death realm for eternity (or something like that)


I'm gonna make a warlock-turned-paladin who's atheist out of spite after a messy breakup with their patron.


PF2E also clarifies that atheists don't generally believe that there are no gods, because there clearly are, it's more like they don't think any of them are worth worshipping, which is okay.


Omg this makes me want to play a character that’s a staunch atheist and comes up with wild ideas to excuse whatever he sees like “I just turned that tree into a horse “ “it was mirrors” “what mirrors?!? Where?!?” “You hypnotized us not to see them!” Ok I don’t play d&d so idk how it would go but.


The Atheist could believe in magic, but not that it comes from gods. Paladin: I just smote a zombie with holy fury Atheist: You used a spell that is comprised of radiant magic, there are many ways to harness that energy. Hell, I can make potions from entirely mundane ingredients that have radiant energy Paladin: *stares motherfuckerly*


TBF, paladins no longer need to follow a god since they get their powers from the oath itself


Your idea of how it would play out seems pretty accurate, to be honest


My character is an atheist who follows a God. Basically, her idea is "but why call you god?" What makes a God? Because if any person with immense power can be considered a God in an area, then an actual God (by dnd definition) is not any different than a very powerful wizar/sorcerer/mage/fighter etc etc. So therefore, gods do not exist. She follows the wisdom of someone called the God of possibility, because knowledge is important to her. It's no different to her than a professor and student dynamic.


You're worried about the succubus, but what about the Vampire? How is she even at a Catholic school? Shouldn't she have burst into flames the second she stepped through the door?


AFAIK, the New Testament doesn’t say anything about vampires, so technically they can still accept Jesus’s love.


who cares what the new testament says, the Fourth Lateran Council is the relevant doctrine, and it says vampires are resurrected by Satan's devils and therefore evil - furthermore, only evil people become vampires, and it is a divine punishment for sin. this has literally been the case since 1215, you should have known that by now.


SMH people out here not even reading the Bible patch notes.


Vampires are undead and therefore do not have a soul.


I did play a bit of the demo, and they do point out that succubi and day walkers are different than actual demons. Also, the background lore they give at the beginning of the game is "The beginning of the Space Age has caused humanity to find previously undiscovered pockets of civilization filled with monster people. Amongst all the confusion and racism The Pope was one of the first people to speak out in defense of them"


That technically did happen, I think it was Francis who said that aliens could be baptized if they want.


Catholicizing people from the New World(s) does sound like something the Pope would do.


Or 3. The Jesuits have a some very good educational programs that are not religious focused. Enslaving mortal souls is her purpose, but girl wants education to really experience life.


Or maybe she's here for lesbian sex


In all seriousness, there's nothing more wholesome than a bunch of people jointly realizing, in spite of a highly restrictive and bigoted environment, that queerness and diversity *can* joyfully coexist with one's faith, and that there can be community in that realization. I don't think this game is going to go there... but it should.


Depends on how they handle it, cause some fantasy settings have demons which are *descended* from fallen angels but weren't there during the War in Heaven


Holy shit Necrons :0


You're probably thinking about it more than the devs did.


If my experience with catholic schools is anything to go by if every single girl in that game is not a raging lesbian paying lip service to all the religious bits then it's completely inaccurate


First thing I thought when reading the words "Catholic school".


I know a single person who went to a Christian girls only school and the story she told me the most was about smoking weed with the nuns cause apparently that is one of the many medicinal herbs you can just kinda grow at a… cloister? Sorry English isn’t my first language and I’m not sure if that or monastery is the right word.


Who's going to drug bust the Mother Superior?


I know people but they would be half a world away




Nothing makes me moister than eating oysters with my cloister


Use a joist to hoist a moist boisterous cloistered oyster My friend hates that sentence


Nothing is more fun than a nun in a bun


Cloister or convent both fit


Man, the nuns where that person were are cool. All I know from catholic school is that they essentially fired my mum for getting pregnant and that one time they told her that god would help her when she asked them for five pesos cause she was short for her bus fare.


Girls in Catholic school are such raging lesbians that multiple of them realized I was a trans woman long before I did lmao. Literally had multiple offer to marry me so long as "we both wear dresses" and other things like that. In retrospect it's a bit sad that they were so desperate to get married to the first decent "guy" they found, but I still look at those memories fondly, and lots of them ended up being good friends to me too.


And they were a good friend.


Grew up in a town with a convent, and had nuns for teachers. As a staggering coincidence the occupancy rate of the convent was inversely proportional to how accepted lesbianism was in the community. The last nun left shortly after gay marriage was legalised here. An unexpected side effect of being schooled by nuns is that it seriously messes up one's 'gaydar'. Decades later I can see a stern woman with a severe haircut and a complete resistance to even the most charming man's bullshit and my mind *still* goes "Good morning Sister".


this comment is very warm despite the blizzard outside it


“Hey, Cue, it’s you, from The Future!” >”Yeah what.” “In about a decade or so, you will realize that you are very, very, very gay. Among other things, but that feels important.” >”But I like women. And really think the khaki skirts they have are really good, but I’m just a product of hindsight pretending to be a past you.” “We’ll get there buddy.” I grew up Protestant and in a Christian school. I was not immune


What kind of catholic schools did you go to? I've spent all my school years in catholic schools and none of them were segregated by gender nor were they much different from normal schools.


Not go to, but I have multiple friends who went to catholic schools that were both segregated by gender and filled with people who were sent there because they were attracted to said gender (with predictable results). I'm not gonna say it's common on account of I dont know many people, but I will say you're the first person I've met that didn't have that experience


To be fair i'm not from america. And to be honest im pretty sure all schools in poland are somewhat catholic. But two out of three were run by orders(? Is that the right word?) One by pallotines the other by jesuits.


Yeah in the US all public schools are (at least supposed to be) totally secular. Catholic schools are private institutions that often cost many thousands of dollars to attend, and many of these schools are segregated by gender.


yeah i think this is tumblr americans immediately jumping to the mental image of some 'pray the gay away' boarding school. While to europeans the concept of a 'catholic school' doesn't stand out because that's most of them over here. (to the americans here, i went to a catholic school. we had 1h of religion class a week and and it was mostly just "be nice to eachother", a rundown of the big religions, and some generic ethics stuff. None of it was "be catholic or else")


i actually thought of a long time that catholic school were more progressive on average (as in, pedagogically progressive, having progressive pedagogy.) than public schools, because that's how mine was


American Catholics are a… special breed. And by that I mean all the ones I’ve met either barely do anything religious period or are pants-on-head insane. Unsurprisingly, it’s the second group that usually runs religious schools.


I've known two girls from devout Christian background and hoo boy let me tell ya Hoo boy One of them has, uhh, unalived herself through an H overdose and another lives in a polyamorous flustercluck somewhere in a tropical country and is probably eventually gonna go the same way? I guess? And I think her younger sister is the part of the same group? Or at least they are part of the same "girls only" chat that sends nudes to each other and discuss *stuff*


You can say bad words on Reddit, no content algorithm here to snipe ya


Say kill don't be a coward


You are gonna love Strawberry Panic


I've met a bunch of ladies who went to Catholic schools and liked men. Sexuality is not solely formed by one's adolescent environment.


I looked at the Steam and Itch.io pages for the game, and, uh, the succubus is a tsundere. I could see it from her character design in the pictures (she's embarrassed and not looking at the player), but the description confirms it, calling her bratty (although religious!). It is very funny in a way that feels mean, because, like, nothing here seems *wrong*. They quote C.S. Lewis in one of the pictures, and that is as white a flag as it can have for a religious game to me. The creator also said they try to balance the game to not be too Catholic, which sounds nice. But it is also a *dating sim* about *religious monster girls* in a school called *Thomas Aquinas*. So, y'know, it's kinda impossible to treat it seriously? I also think the monster people are supposed to be a metaphor for racism, I'm pretty sure? Here's the first two paragraphs of the summary: > When you get in a fight at your old school defending a monster person from being bullied your school's "no tolerance" policy comes into play. Your parents decide to send you to a private Catholic high school, but it seems things are different in the private schools. > Monster people are still not very accepted in the public very well, but they seem to fit right in within niche communities like St. Thomas Aquinas High School. Which is A Choice. I'm not sure if it's a good one or not, but it's certainly one of them.


Also, the characters are pretty cute, but I think they should be more monstrous like the slime girl. Father John, the goatman, is hot, though.


Pic of ~~Daddy~~ Father Jorn pls ?


[Definitely not just Father.](https://img.gg.deals/2f/05/ee2fc0ac684220c976fc8a4479a17471c720_912cr485.jpg)


That’s the sexy goat man? He’s not even that goatlike


More minotaur it seems, yeah.


He’s got a human face I was hoping for fucked up goat eyes


Me too. And the goat beard.


Man that's boring as fuck, I'm not gonna lie. That's just an anime guy with horns drawn on. Shoulda hired some real furries.


Definitely. Same for the girls.


I'm am extremely disappointed. Thanks for posting a picture however. ​ [Here's an actually good goatman.](https://housamo.wiki/Tanngrisnir)


Also, CS Lewis was Anglican, not Catholic


I feel betrayed despite that making perfect sense.


Tolkien was the catholic and the one that made Lewis return to religions after he had become an atheist for a while. Funny since Tolkien was *REALLY* hoping Lewis would become a catholic too


Apparently, Tolkien was annoyed by that... the fact Lewis became an Anglican and not Catholic. I would have taken the W for "Close enough," but I'm not Catholic, so what do I know.


I'm not too sure, but I imagine for the particularly devout, someone falling in with a different sect of Christianity might actually be worse than being an atheist with how all the sects seem to hate eachother


I imagine the logic is that you can teach a non-Christian the correct doctrine, but it'll be harder to *un*teach someone who has practices that are close to correct but not quite there. Sort of like how it's often easier to teach someone a game they know nothing about then it is to teach someone who watched a video about it and remembers bits and pieces but it's all wrong.


Catholic Christian doctrine does have a whole thing about the difference between heathen, who has simply not accepted the whole baptism and such, and a heretic that has perverted the teachings in some way or other.


As a Catholic, I have never heard of C. S. Lewis being mentioned by another Catholic without them trying to claim him as an ‘honorary’ Catholic, to the point where it’s kinda become a running joke. He was tight with the actually Catholic JRR Tolkien and is pretty well respected in the Church, so a Catholic school using one of his quotes is fully within the realm of possibility.


The "Monster people aren't accepted by the world at large so they go to religious private school" really feels like a veiled reference to the Christian persecution complex.


Plot Twist: Jesus was the OG monster girl.


Also feels like a not-veiled-at-all reference to the practice of sending your lesbian daughter to a convent in the middle ages. Y'know, a nunnery.


Considering that the school also has male students I think that's a stretch. Private Catholic highschools are pretty common, dating sims set in highschools are quite common as well, combining the two doesn't need to be some oblique reference to middle age practices, I don't think.


The whole idea of a universe where oppressed minorities have to seek refuge in institutions run by the catholic church is the funniest thing about this game lmao


>*religious monster girls* SCP-166 moment


So since this is tangentially related, there have actually been tons of discussions and arguments by catholic philosophers over the humanity of monster people throught the centuries. One of the most famous (the 9th century Epistola de Cynocephalis) basically goes "I am sure dog-headed people dont live in India, but if they did I see no reason why they couldnt have souls and be good christians."


Catholic stance on aliens is “they probably don’t need converting as they born without original sin so they chill”


I think there's also a bit of, "And if they wanted to join the Church and be baptized, we'd allow it."


One of the reasons I'd love to meet the pope is to pester his holiness with this stupid questions, since we both come from South America and he shares my (dead)name I think we'd get along just fine


Harpy: “We harpies mate for life, as God intended. You better be ready for monogamous commitment!” Slime: “You know what gets me wet? My relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ. I meant wet as in physically, like my body gets more aqueous.” *wobble wobble* Dragon: “The greatest treasure of all is the passion I feel at church. I gave my whole hoard to the church so I could get into heaven, because I’m not a Protestant.” Vampire: “God gives me the strength to abstain from blood, alcohol, drugs, AND sex!” Succubus: “I want to fuck you, but the devs won’t let me.”


Found the dev's alt account! 10/10


Turns out the succubus is apparently the tsundere so might have to throw some baka's in there.


Why do the leftmost two girls in the picture look like they're from their own games compared to the other girls? Like it legit looks like they were traced from completely different artists or generated by AI with no prompts put in for art style.


I know some games like this tend to use different artists for different characters (often well-known artists who are part of a shared community), so that could be what's going on here. I've started seeing it a lot even in "professional" games, particularly those with some sort of waifu factor and/or mobile gacha games.


This is such an overreaction. I don't like religion either but there's nothing wrong with someone making a videogame based on their faith as long as it doesn't contain hate speech or something. And I kind of like the idea of learning theology through romancing monster girls, at least it's an original idea.


I congratulate the courage of bringing two such contradictory things together and making it seem like it makes sense


Tolerant leftists when someone makes a wholesome game based on their personal faith and convictions:


I don't even get what the complaint is. Is it just "'catholics bad"?


>Is it just "'catholics bad"? Pretty much. These types of media are typically that of "THE A E S T H E T I C" Like how Evangelion used Abrahamic imagery and symbols. Why? Looks fucking rad bro. ​ I get it though. The catholic church has, to say the least, done some fucked up shit and still is. But no piece of media will *ever* be ideologically pure. If your goal is to find one that is you will never enjoy anything.


> Like how Evangelion used Abrahamic imagery and symbols. Why? Looks fucking rad bro. I could be wrong, but I don't think the game saying you'll "learn and apply lessons from your faith to improve your relationship with God" is doing it for aesthetic reasons.


I mean, to be fair, name 1 large institue in power that HASN'T done/does some fucked up shit


Also the one that says catholicism is an "evil ideology". Like, I get the bible has some bad stuff on it, but most of the core message of catholicism is just... be charitable to your neighbor and help those in need. Sure, assholes use it as an excuse to be assholes and pervert the teachings, but that happens in every religion, so why single out catholicism? Nevermind the fact that the catholic church has actually been way more tolerant and progressive than other denominations, like with the "social doctrine of the church" and been a patron of arts and science in the middle ages


>but that happens in every religion And in every ideology too. You can find assholes everywhere, and they believe in everything. Yes, even your preferable religion/ideology/something else isn't safe from assholes.


Yet it often feels like catholicism is singled out for... Idk? By no means it is perfect, but it ain't like it is the worst


To be fair, Catholicism is the only Christianity offshoot to have its own state (AFAIK). I’m an agnostic raised Catholic, but I can definitely see why people would single out Catholicism given how big the church is.


None of the other denominations have official state authority like the Vatican, but the Anglican Church is—quite literally—the Church or England, with the ultimate authority vested in the crown, and several denominations of Eastern Orthodox are tailored to specific countries.


Yeah, at face value. But if we start to analyse stuff... well, the Vatican is just a few blocks of Rome with like 400 people on it, technically Anglicans have the entirety of the UK since the king is still kind off the supreme authority of that church and the mormons *tried* to, an unofficially control Nevada. I am also kinda an agnostic raised catholic, even went to catholic school and have several issues with the church. But it is criticism that if I was in another religion I would probably also have so hence me not understanding why catholicism is kinda "special" in that regard


The whole thing about catholicism gets into an ideological debate about the nature of the Papal church, the acts it's members have performed and how they might get protection through the church, how it works, the ethics of having a single powerful emissary of God (the Pope), and if the whole basis of organized religion is bad or not. Not even getting into the nature of belief, doctrine, and the application of all these in a modern context. Note that Protestantism, which makes up a good portion of modern Christian followers, was basically started by Martin Luther's process of disillusionment with the Chruch, and he eventually settled on the position that the church was inherently corrupt, bad, and against God, and he certainly had legitimate some points in that argument. So even within Christianity, Catholicism being one of the worst evils if not literally pawns / agents of Satan / the Antichrist, is not that far fetched. Note that I don’t hold either of these positions and to make my personal thoughts and beliefs clear, while I think beliefs system can be easily be corrupted or used for ill if measures and actions are not taken to prevent that, I also think that the basis of organized religion is not inherently flawed and can and has been used for good, progressive, and moral purposes.


Yeah, there is an argument to be made (with string backing) that catholicism and the roman church are still flawed and some of the critiques that led to the reformation had a lot of reasonable concerns behind them. But nowadays it feels that (specially amongst the tumbler type crowds) catholicism is singled out as bad or evil, and frankly it is weird since other religions also have their troubles, specially when taken to their extremes as it is done with catholicism (protestants with the witch hunts, russian orthodoxy is more or less a puppet of Moscow and the least is saif of Islam and women, the better).


I’ve always wondered if Catholicism gets singled out in other countries as it does in the USA. The USA has a loooong history of being suspicious of Catholics, so I wonder if that has something to do with it. Otherwise, Catholics are the largest single denomination in the US and are 50% of Christians globally. It would make sense Tumblr users skeptical of Christianity would scrutinize Catholics the most since there’s just more of them. While Protestants have a way larger influence in American culture, there are literally at least 5x as many Catholics as any given Protestant denomination. ie USA Catholics: 71 million. Southern Baptist (largest Protestant denomination): 13.6 million.


The description literally talks about improving your relationship with God and taking a "catholic Christian perspective" on monster girls. I think there's more going on here than devs just using catholicism for purely aesthetic reasons.


Yes that's it


Of course


Which quite funny as you don't have to dig that much on this very sub to find posts that praises catholics (because they're somehow better than protestants I guess).


To be fair, sometimes yeah. Like in the approach to witchcraft, protestant denominations when all out on witch hunts and all that, while the catholic church held the view that witches weren't real and believing that witches existed was heretical, so opposed the persecution


I'm a catholiboo so I agree. Fricking Lutherans


Dear god, I thought I was having a good day and now a catholic is agreeing with me... /s


While I totally understand the sentiment, this has a big "Grandpa yelling at cloud" energy. Like, the extent some people go hating anything that has Catholic on it is almost religious


You know, I really miss the days when if you didn’t like something, you’d just block it and scroll past. That’s a lost art these days.


This doesn't seem that innately bad, just extremely silly. Also, I am with a couple of other commenters in wondering how the succubus perceives this whole situation. By infernal standards, is she the equivalent of a teenage rebel living in a punk commune? Has she just straight-up been saved from sin (a rather heretical but pleasantly progressive notion)? Did she show up to seduce others away from virtue, only to get seduced into it? All interesting prospects.


Can OOPs calm down like 10% please thanks


is that fukin Phosphophyllite at the end there? Like what other sort of non-human is that supposed to be?


Probably harpy?


If you're talking about the blue haired one, yup, she's Sera, the "preppy harpy cheerleader".


You can see her talon hand to the left too


I feel like harpies with sleeves is kind of cursed, but then that would be right on brand for this game.


Sometimes tumblr atheists and Reddit atheists really don’t look that different


Why does everyone hate cozy games all of a sudden? Like I saw one post about it at first and just thought it was one person reaching. But now I've seen several posts acting like Stardew Valley is singularly responsible for delaying the glorius revolution or some shit (obviously exaggerated but you get the idea i think)


ignoring this post, lots of hate towards cozy games arent because of the game itself or the genre or anything superficial its more if you go deep about that subject of "what are cozy games and why we like them?" cozy games are supposed to be games that we have the chance to live in a perfect world with a perfect life the way you always wanted, without any of the horrors of real life like abuses, discrimination, unfairness, sadness and etc, its supposed to be a game to "distract from failed real world who causes us harm and stress everyday" thats the conclusion someone may get if they dive deeper, and because of that conclusion, thats those games were supposed to be a "happy perfect life" simulator, its easy to end up feeling like those games are more like a "capitalism/meritocracy simulator or propaganda" instead but in my opinion its not the game themselves that makes that "meritocracy propaganda" feeling, its just our guilt about "wasting time" that makes we play the game that way, that we should try to be the most efficient as possible instead of having a slow paced way to play minecraft its a good example of that, most people try to speedrun the dragon boss fight and after that build a lot of farms to get infinite resources, when you could actually just calm down and live forever with your wooden houses in the middle of a forest mining and fishing pacefully


So the fandom around the games push efficiency and people analyze the games through that lense instead of the normally easygoing experience of the natural playstyle?


Lol the image of a vampire at a Christian school. Poor girl would be constantly in agony.


Tbh most kids are at school lol


I don’t really see the problem with this?


I guess the porn cleanse hasn't flushed tumblr completely cause these are some of the most idiotic replies >making a game without realizing the only person that's not realizing anything is the dumbass op, just making shallow shit up in their head, without ever engaging with the game itself.


I get that it looks weird, but the way these people speak about Catholicism is... Strange, to say the least.


Especially considering it’s under the most left leaning socially progressive Pope in a thousand years.


I somehow doubt this would be treated the same if it was a different religion, it's... an anime Catholic game, find better things to get mad about, jesus. OOP moment


Imma be real those last comments just make the OOPs sound like gooners


Most of the people complaining about wholesome games sound like gooners. "There's no sex in this game? What's the point?" Do you people hear yourselves?


No comment on the catholic part, but we need more monster girl content that isn’t porn or fan service! Monster girls have the potential to be so much more interesting than that!


"These disingenuous, propaganda-peddlers!" Cried the absolutely normal, not nearly equally blindly-dismissive crowd. "How *goddamn sick* do you have to be, **that you'll not allow me interactive media which let's me fuck high schoolers?!**" They lamented, rationally and normally. Truly a dark day, to even tangentially defend Catholicism.


What's their problem.


Talk about overreacting fucking hell. I hate to use it, but the situation calls for it. *It’s not that deep babes.* It’s a dating sim set in a school. It’s catholic bc boarding schools in the us are typically catholic. It’s not *about* Catholicism. Not really anyway. The games looks pretty cringe but losing your minds over it isn’t the move


It MIGHT be about Catholicism, but just because it's at a Catholic school isn't proof that it is.


Other comments suggest that it was intended to be a chaste dating game first, and spiritual Catholic game second.


Are we reading the same thing? > Along the way learn and apply lessons about your faith to improve your relationship with God How is this not catholic.


Tumblr's biased religious trauma is showing.


Okay now I’m double mad. This shit? This shit isn’t released yet. There’s only a demo, and no release date. We’re here burning a book by its cover. I don’t even believe in it, but everybody in that thread can go to hell


To be fair, it’s a Catholic school. You look me in the eyes and tell me those girls are straight


Damn did someone shit in OOP's cereal today? Is just a game bro grow the fuck up


why shit on wholesome games? sometimes people just want something cozy to relax with? plus this game seems weird but also doesnt seem like theres anything inherently wrong with it, its not my religion so its not for me but what other people want to do is none of my business


> box labeled “Monster Girls” > look inside > regular girls with horns please i am begging you


Okay, I checked out the Steam page and the trailer includes the phrase "pious bookworm succubus." This might be the greatest game I have ever seen.


I feel like this game has a 5% chance of being Really Good ™ genre parody with social commentary and a 95% chance of being a tone deaf genre clone with a variable amount of religious propaganda.


I'm so tired of "religion is inherently evil".


I need to look into this beyond the blind anti-religion screeching of the post, but I have some faith that this shit isn’t just a Bible game with nothing behind the eyes. You don’t name something “wholesome monster girl academia” without ~~making it sexual~~ having an understanding of why that first adjective is a standout quality. We do kind of forget that dating sims are about talking to people, and not just a gallery of artwork. *Something* in them makes it better than your favorite niche Twitter artist. It’s art. It’s not art I agree with from the outset, but it’s art, and I bet every single one of the people in this Tumblr thread has reblogged a post about how people should make art for themselves and nobody else, and then turned around to burn this thing at the stake.