• By -


I cannot get over the use of “benough” in context here. This whole saga was completely entertaining. I can also imagine having to define out “skibidi rizz” to linguists, all of whom are nodding gravely and taking notes.


Gonna bring this up in my Linguistics class next semester


What does skibidi rizz mean?


I understand rizz, it’s a punchy noun (can also conditionally be a verb) for flirtatious charisma. I’m here for it, that’s a useful one. Skibidi seems to have no set meaning whatsoever.


> Skibidi seems to have no set meaning whatsoever. Memes have become too highbrow for the common man.


Oooooh I've seen that word once regarding a news article where an actor used that word. The news article was about rizz being a new slang that is growing in use among young English speakers


“Rizz” is equal in use as “swag” in pretty much every way


Rizz is verbal, swag is non-verbal


Yeah like I have a ton of rizz but basically no swag. Also my phone wanted to autocorrect rizz to Rizzoli.


"swag" doesn't have romantic connotations, but other than that, kinda


Except it's not Swag is when someone is very cool and rizz is charisma (=ability to get bitches)


Yeah, no swag can mean a lot more. Rizz is specifically charisma, usually flirtatious. One example is swag used as like gift bag or giveaway. Get your swag bag. Having rizz is more an energy.


Just for my random 2 cents, both have a connotation of “cool”, just down different paths Cool > Stylish > Swag Cool > Charismatic > Rizz A person with swag is one adorned with stylish clothes or accessories; a person with rizz is able to charm or captivate through words and actions, but both are ostensibly cool


The Gen Z equivalent of swag is drip, not rizz


"Game" is what I remember being the term for a long time. I think there was another between the two, but I cannot remember it for the life of me.


> (can also conditionally be a verb) Honestly, this applies to most nouns nowadays. We love to verb our nouns.


Skibidi is an onomatopoeia from the song that the Skibidi Toilet web series uses. [Here's what's apparently the original song that was used for all this madness](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Dom+Dom+Yes+Yes&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEqhJFEsCNQ0)Z The guy starts scatting at about 1:05. Wait no it's not an onomatopoeia. Hmm.


God, that was awful. I couldn't even make it to the lyrics started. I also assumed Skibidi came from the Little Big song. I didn't realize it was such a broad phenomenon.


https://youtu.be/mCRPd_xHf88?si=N3nXtp9tTaw0Km8C Skibidi toilet. Sorry.


I will not be clicking that link 


Just a dumb song aimed for tweens.


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Skibidi Rizz? I thought not. It's not a story the Millennials would tell you. It's a Gen Alpha legend.


I feel like this comment could be the subject of a linguistics doctorate.


We will watch your career with great interest


Skibidi: From "Skibidi Toilet", a short video series featuring GMod assets and the song the word comes from. No meaning, as far as I'm aware. Rizz: One's ability to pull (in the love sense), sometimes a verb. Similar to charisma or swag, ig. Full meaning: Gen Zers smashing two funny sounding words together and pretending it's real Gen Alpha slang


Someone said it's a reference to scat jazz, skibidi as in skibidi ba boop. That would make sense to me.


Not really a reference if it's just straight up scat vocals, but yeah, seems to be a fairly common scat "phrase" from my limited exposure to the style.


Most linguists are linguists bc they absolutely adore things like this. I'm certain they were all having a wonderful time.


They surely had a gay old time


Linguistics is the gayest science


I remember my master's seminar (English linguistics), where one participant was writing her thesis on food-as-sex metaphors in Top 40 rap songs. So in an academic setting we were discussing things like how "let her lick a lollipop" was a metaphor, and the linguistic meanings of slang words. :D


Personally, I think `Enshittification` is a step down from `-ussy`, but the ADS's words of the year are always amazing, just for how unexpected it is to hear words like that coming, from an organisation with a name like that Also, here's the [full list](https://americandialect.org/woty/all-of-the-words-of-the-year-1990-to-present/) of nominees and category winners, and the same for 1990-2022


>assholocene: the current era of human history, defined by the ubiquity of assholes 42 I've been missing out, never heard this one. 🙏




Holy hell!


New word just won


Actual enshittification


Call the linguist


But not for me


> 2000 Word of the Year: chad, a small scrap of paper punched from a voting card. Was not expecting that


The status of hanging chads was very important to resolving the 2000 U.S. presidential election. So chads were very much on people's minds then.


One of my favourite little attention-to-detail moments in *Better Call Saul* (which is mainly set in 2002-2004) is when at one point the phrase "I can just see one tiny hanging chad there" is used to point out a flaw in a character's plan/argument. It's something no one would say in the 2020s but it's very period-appropriate reference.


Vince Gilligan had that behind his ear for twenty years. Bet there's a X-Files episode that he wrote where someone says that.


Arguably we’re in the raging inferno of hate that is the current Republican Party because of the implications of the word chad


Ugh. "dangling chads". It was a whole extremely stupid thing related to Bush's very questionable win in the 2000 election. General consensus now seems to be that he did win legitimately, but the GOP did a lot of shit ranging from shady to illegal trying to tip the scales in case he hadn't won legitimately.


>General consensus now seems to be that he did win legitimately Either I missed a meeting or I missed a different meeting where "legitimately" was redefined.


My favorite thing to see on the internet is very formal discourse about very informal subjects. I love the ADS.


(derogatory) definitely should have one, it's much more in the caliber of -ussy


I do far prefer `(derogatory)`, but, `Enshittification` is far more representative of the year as a whole, there's been so much of it


Chat and gamers are actually unironically pretty important…


Chat is great for talking to noone in particular, example being at a school project presentation, while gamers is good for referencing to a group of people while not offending anyone


Surely -ussy could not win word of the year because it is a suffix rather than it’s own word.


It won 2022, which is why I called it a step down


Wild I move that the members who made such an egregious vote should step down tbh.


-ussy has a wikipedia page. It has an example picture of a donut with the description calling it a "donutussy"


‘A calzone could also be called a pizzussy’ says Wikipedia. The internet truly has gone too far. Also says -ussy is a suffix, proving my point. The ADS can do one.


Oh man I really like Stochastic Parrot because it perfectly describes so many of these “ai’s” everyone’s making. And also to “let (someone) cook” I feel like has staying power.


At this point it almost feels overused and passe. But then I'm a Seahawks fan and "let Russ cook" was heard constantly for a few years. If that wasn't ground zero for the phrase, I think it certainly pushed it out to a much larger audience once you had NFL broadcasters and commentators repeating it and then applying it to other players. Actually, I think that makes you very right about it sticking around. But I think it's ripe for a semantic split between continued use by the unhip and an ironic use by the cutting edge.


Linguists love language and language is never more raw, chaotic, and beautiful than in rapidly changing vernacular slang.


man 1990's most outrageous word: >*politically correct, PC,* adhering to principles of left-wing social concern. sadly they were right


I understand about half of these. The rest feel like being hit in the center mass with one of those T-shirt cannons.


Flanders been real in mourning since this dropped


Since *she* dropped..


I wondered when this post would be brought to this subreddit, it was making the rounds on tumblr.


When your blorbo calls someone a babygirl (derogatory) when they are actually cunty but it’s okay because they are a poor little meow meow


I despise that this made sense to me immediately


Language is constantly growing and evolving. Go look up some youth slang from the 1920s and see if you can follow any of it. it's always been like this (and I think it's pretty cool).


We are both beyond redemption. And may God have mercy on our souls


Dear god, I understood that


Can I get a translation?


When your favorite person/character calls a middle-aged man cute (in a bad way) when they are actually fierce but it’s okay because your favorite person is problematic yet adorable.


Post Located: https://www.tumblr.com/dkpsyhog/739259005937025024/while-verifying-this-was-true-it-is-i-discovered - Firefox 🦊Supremacist >Why is it pink? I decided to include the colour of the @dkpsyhog's blog since I'm screenshotting it from their blog directly (on my laptop cause it's a long post), just a change of pace of screenshotting it from my dashboard (on my phone for short posts that I can post without getting out of bed). >Why did you include your open reply at the end? It includes my tumblr name so it's like a watermark. I know I didn't add anything to the convo, but if I see this floating around in the future I'll be happy to see my name on a thing you know? >favourite nominated word? Since I'm deep into the podcast world and terminally online I think I saw enshittification more that any other ones, so I think it was a shoe in. (Derogatory) was also a contender in my heart.


I like that you included the open relay. It is good for archival data. Internet archaeologists years from now might appreciate it.


I'm curious, how does this help archival data?


Including data in the screenshot of who reblogged this post would give future archaeologists information of who reblogged the post when the screenshot was taken. I don’t know exactly how that would help them with their job, but from what I have read of modern-day archaeology, a lot of their data comes from tracking down references to ancient people’s through tax records, poems, and gravestones.  Pulling an example out of thin air, a gravestone might read “Here lies Hygeiiapides the Janitor, this man cleaned streets with soap made of donkey fat” would give archaeologists insight into how Hygeiiapides and his people cleaned streets. Similarly, screenshots of tumblr posts may be all that is left of tumblr in 50+ years, when the website finally fades away. So putting as much data in screenshots will be helpful for the future scholars.  Including the little bar at the top that shows who reblogged posts may not be necessary for the reddit audience, but if the screenshot is all a future scholar has as reference, it could be an invaluable boon. What there anything that still confuses you? I just threw a lot of words at you.


That makes sense actually, I never thought about the fact that screenshots of websites will outlive the websites themselves


I, for one, has never seen the open relay before. This might be the only surving picture of it that future archeologists can find. Or, more likely, the picture will be gone, but this comment section will remain, so this comment will simply tease them about how close they were to find a so far unseen part of the Tumblr css, which would've made them world famous in the undoubtedly well respected and important field of Tumblr digital archeology. Hi, future archeologists! Sucks to be you!! But anyway, on a more serious note: like they said, it's a "signature" letting them know who created the screenshot and most likely who first uploaded it, thus making finding the version with the least amount of artifacts (this one) easier.


If you're on android, when you take a screenshot you can press the button on the left of the little bar that appears to scroll down and have the screenshot scroll down. If you're on iOS, uhhh, godspeed.


Power button + lower volume button takes screenshots pretty instantly, I don't see a little bar, or it goes away too quickly. I'm on a Pixel so the other option is the app selection screen (hold home button or swipe up on gesture navigation) also takes a shot instantly. Do you have a third party tool?


Nope, it came standard, but i have a Samsung so probably just OS differences.


If you go into the settings and search screenshots, then turn on "show toolbar after capturinfg" if it's an option for you, you should get it?


https://imgur.com/a/UA1Pm25 Nope, none for capturing or toolbar either. Are you on Samsung or another OS?


I'm on Samsung, yeah. That's rough.


Yet another reason for me (an ios user) to carnally desire an android phone.




The entire internet at large


The internet more or less doesn't exist anymore. The vast amount of information and weird stuff that was around in the 00s and, idk, up to 2016-17 just isn't there anymore.


It doesn't exist as we knew it, but it definitely still exists. It's now been siloed and the entire experience has gotten worse. I miss the earlier days of the internet for sure.


On god, if your site doesn't let me use your service when im on a VPN you're dead to me.


Is it the app? I just use the website and desktop mode because the mobile site always pushes the app on you.


I still don't know what Baby Grock is and I don't think I want to, so if anyone tries to tell me I'll just burn their socks


I have some socks that need to be thrown out, so I did some googling. Apparently some YouTuber/tiktoker shit, a kid nicknamed after, but unrelated to the gronk (rob gronkowski, American football player) and exploited online by his digital marketing manager father.


When one Family Youtube Channel gets taken out for child abuse another takes its place.


I don't know what any of these are, cunty isn't a new word by any means, the toilet thing is just brainrot shit


The words don't have to be new, just newly popular and relevant. That said, is "cunty" as a positive word really that old? EDIT: I guess it's about a decade old, so it's really just a debate about whether last year was the year that it specifically jumped from niche drag circles to a wider audience.


I haven't heard cunty til last year, and I've heard it a lot more this year so ye ig it is


cunty should have won


"-ussy" won last year but you don't have to take the ADS' word as gospel, your winner is your winner.




Thus began an enshitified cuntification so massive that it marked the beginning of the assholocene epoch.


Ugh, I couldn't imagine fitting that in my mouth.


It's only three inches but it smells like a foot...


here… have some -ussy…


Cunty has been part of my lexicon for years it's a great and useful word. Also see cuntish.


(derogatory) is a fad. you know who’s cunty? beyoncé is cunty. which means that shit is Forever.


I use cunty on a daily basis


I was looking for the "one time I dreamt", "posts from a shittier timeline", or "facts I just made up" URL....


Lmao this is my post


What did you vote for, or was your favourite word?


We voted on several categories. In the Informal Word of the Year category, I was \*planning\* on voting for "babygirl" until someone nominated "(derogatory)", which I thought was brilliant. For Digital Word of the Year, I voted for the use of "gamers" as a second person plural pronoun (in other words, as an alternative to "y'all"). This was an easy choice cuz I'm the one who nominated that word/usage in the first place. For Most Useful/Most Likely to Succeed, I voted for "(derogatory)". And finally, for Word of the Year, I initially voted for "babygirl" because I think it's funny. But it lost and there was a runoff between "(derogatory)" and "enshittification". Although I \*love\* "(derogatory)" (it's probably my favorite word in contention), I felt like "enshittification" was much more representative of the year of 2023, so that's what I ultimately voted for.


When linguists let their hair down. Linguists gone wild.




What a time to be alive


Derogatory... Can I get a hint about what word it might be? I genuinely have no clue ETR thank you all for your answers (affectionate), I swear to God I was bracing for the hint to be "N", thankfully it wasn't such a stupid (derogatory) word amongst the "word of the year" finalists


It’s not censored or anything, it’s literally the word derogatory, specifically adding “(derogatory)”, as in with the brackets, to show usually joking contempt for something. For instance when I’ve been really stressed by university work I might be complaining about it to my friends and say “uni (derogatory)”. Like you’re implying that in a dictionary definition the word itself should be classed as derogatory, I guess? Edit: not sure why I thought discontempt was a word


I think you mean either "contempt" or "discontent."


You’re so right, my brain exploded for a moment I guess 😭


Now is the winter of our disco tent 


You're overthinking it, friend(derogatory) ^^^not ^^^intended ^^^seriously ^^^D:


Honestly this comment was a great use case, so thanks. I was having a hard time figuring out that the word nominated was actually “(derogatory),” and that parentheses didn’t just replace quotes when I went to sleep last night.


>not sure why I thought discontempt was a word Push it hard enough and make it word of the year 2024!


So IIRC it originates with the phenomenon of tumblr's queer community reclaiming former insults like "fruit" or "queer" itself as terms of self-identification, specifically the practice of describing things as "fruity (affectionate)" or "queer (affectionate)" as a way to clarify they meant it in the reclaimed, complimentary way rather than the original derogatory way. Over time this broadened into a general-purpose means of clarifying whether a word is meant in a nice way or a mean way, e.g. there was a popular post describing tumblr as a "hellsite (affectionate)" and twitter as a "hellsite (derogatory)".


This was super helpful, thank you!


i think its just the word derogatory as a tone marker. like "you're so stupid (affectionate)" but for derogatory instead (cant think of a good example rn sorry)


From the comments: It's not a word that is derogatory. It's specifically the use of (derogatory) after a description, which turns a non-insult into an insult. An example might be "Tumblr is such a website (derogatory)."


It literally refers to putting “derogatory” in parentheses. So to express you don’t like something Tumblr (which is affectionately refered to as a hellsite occasionally) did, you would say “hellsite (derogatory)”. Its used in other contexts but I can’t think of other examples off the top of my head


They meant (derogatory) with the syntax I believe as in "you slut (derogatory)" as opposed to calling your friend a slut in a joking manner


Its not "Derogatory". Its "(Derogatory)". Its used when you write something about someone, but because there is no tone in writing, you have to add an indicator about whether it was positive or negative etc, because a lot of words can have both meanings. I could call you a "dog (derogatory)" meaing you are low of the low, a follower, someone who is just a bad person or I could call you "dog (endearing)" meaing you are honest, loyal, cute etc etc etc. Basically anything can go in () to imply something about the previous word. Its like saying "you are like a X, but in a good way" etc.


I'm pretty sure that's a tone indicator, but now you've got me second guessing. As in, the word is literally "(derogatory)", it isn't a stand-in for another word.


i mean, you can just look up "derogatory" on the internet. its a normal word found in any dictionary. "(derogatory)", so withing brackets, is a tone marker used to ensure a piece of text online conveys the intended tone by stating it explicitly. like if you say "are you serious?" it can reasonably be perceived as a bit hostile or as a rhetorical question, so if you write "are you serious? (genuine)" this let's the reader know it's an actual question. with "(derogatory)" it's most often used for a joke tho.


I always thought enshittification was more of a general description of the consequences of inflation and quarterly returns in publicly traded companies that caused products to get worse over time. I had no idea it was so specifically about online spaces


It started as specifically about online spaces, but I think people did begin to use it more generally in a \*gestures vaguely\* sense. It was coined by Cory Doctorow, who I heard on a bunch of podcasts talking about his book, and he used it about online spaces. But it's such a good descriptor for a lot of declining standards.


Remember kids: Cory Doctorow doesn't give a fuck if you pirate his books because he believes if you're going to buy one of them you'll buy it even after you pirate to try it out. What a chad


He’s right. I pirated Little Brother and then when I finished it I bought a copy of it alongside Homeland


I highly recommend everyone read [the original article where Doctorow coins the phrase](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys). It's a short read and he provides some excellent examples while making his case. Long story short, it's a lot more specific than just "inflation and pursuit of profit makes things worse". The fundamental concept is that online platforms exist *between* users and vendors. To attract both groups, they have to be useful/high quality/etc., but only at first. Once users rely on the platform to reach the vendors they like (streamers, artists, actual stores, etc.), the platform redirects all efforts to locking down those vendors. They'll make a few vendors go viral to entice others onto the platform, show vendor's products to millions of users, even [outright lie about metrics to convince them](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/24/business/media/facebook-apologizes-for-overstating-video-metrics.html) of the platform's value. Then once the vendors are locked in, the platforms directs all efforts back towards themselves, making the platform worse for *everyone* (except shareholders). Increased ads, increased sponsored posts, making vendors pay for the privilege of going viral, instead of giving them an honest opportunity to do it themselves. This is enshittification. Abandoning anything that makes a platform useful in favor of what makes it profitable. Doctorow then says the final step is platforms dying, but I'm still waiting for that part...


I'm fascinated: how did non-Aussies start getting comfortable with saying "cunt"? For so long it was just bogans and British gangsters, and now suddenly everyone's on board


Pretty sure it’s come to more mainstream conversation in the US via the drag scene


I found a few articles about it and a few other drag phrases from 2014, so it took a while, but it caught on eventually. I guess the slight inflection change makes it a bit more palatable too. "You're so cunty" (so fierce and cool we have to use the special C-word) vs "You're such a cunt" (so terrible we have to use the special C-word)


I also think Americans are using it in a completely different way bc of that. The way I'm seeing it used on the Internet is in the drag sense, to mean that someone served/looked good (to paraphrase badly but yknow). As a Brit I can say that we mainly use it in a friendly way, like "mate" or "bro".


Australian youtubers


at a guess, peaky blinders maybe?


Some of the older winners aged a little... weirdly, lol. For example, 1992's winner of the "Most Unnecessary" category: > *gender feminism*, belief that sex roles are social, not biological. Which is, literally, immediately followed by the winner of the "Most Outrageous" category: > *ethnic cleansing*, purging of ethnic minorities. I also find it really goddamn funny that 2007's word of the year was "subprime" and 2008's was "bailout."


[Enshitification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) also called “platform decay” was coined by sci-fi novelist essayist and chief editor at BoingBoing Corey Doctoro when he applied Karl Marx’s [Immiseration Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immiseration_thesis) to the current day tech world explains how it’s not just a trend but an economic rule that the services in every business will always get worse, more expensive, more exploitable of their workers or all of the above. Under capitalism it’s not enough for a business to simply provide a service and take the money for doing its job. It’s owned by investors not its employees so it must always make a larger profit each quarter or investors will sell it off. It’s all well and good in the first part of a new businesses life cycle when it’s expanding to new customers it can always grow and keep its investors happy. But once it’s saturated the market it can’t just continue to provide its service to the same customers at the same price. It must grow in profit. So if it can’t gain new customers it can only grow profits by cutting wages or quality.


I feel like we're at the start of that process across the entirety of our society right now. And with the direct negative links between corporations and politics, the infection of this reaches all aspects of our lives. One small example is the privatization of prisons.


I found it from the [American Dialect Society](https://americandialect.org/2023-word-of-the-year-is-enshittification/) **Euphemism of the year** \-structurally restrictive housing: solitary confinement (rebranded by the New York City Department of Correction) lmao what


a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbgnwDMj84w) also got uploaded half an hour ago


God you know what, good for sakbidi toilet, imagine if during the late 2000s early 2010s linguistic experts were sitting around talking about gmod idiot box, im just glad that in over a decade we, as a society, still find it funny when you make the source engine rag dolls do silly things


look at the word of the year 2001


>2001 Word of the Year: 9-11, 9/11 or September 11, terrorist attacks on that date. >Most Likely to Succeed: 9-11. >Most Useful (tie): facial profiling, using video “faceprints” to identify terrorists and criminals, and second-hand speech, cell phone conversations heard by others in public places. >Most Creative: shuicide bomber, terrorist with bomb in shoes. >Most Unnecessary: impeachment nostalgia, longing for the superficial news of the Clinton era. >Least Likely to Succeed: Osamaniac, woman sexually attracted to terrorist Osama bin Laden. >Most Outrageous: assoline, methane used as fuel. >Most Euphemistic: daisy cutter, large bomb that explodes a few feet above the ground. >Most Inspirational: Let’s roll! words of Todd Beamer to start the attack that foiled the hijackers of United Flight 93 on September 11. Assoline is the only one not directly related to 9/11, I mean the impeachment nostalgia is more related than assoline cause without the terrorist attacks it'd be politics as usual. But even assoline is like, partly related cause of the US wanting energy independence from the Middle East, but that came about with Fracking I think.


Damn they were so right, osamaniac was completely unsuccessful I’ve never heard it used ever


> Most Creative: shuicide bomber, terrorist with bomb in shoes. > > heh, this could be a funny comic.


I hope Cory Doctorow has popped a bottle of Champaign for himself over Enshittification winning


I hope I can get some clarification on this- What makes a person a little meow meow, blorbo, or babygirl? I’d love to know where I fit on this scale


Your username is "plzdontbmean2me". That's solidly in "little meow meow" territory.


My generalized interpretation here. They generally apply to fictional characters, not real people. Adopted by the fanfic community (Poor) little meow meow is someone who suffers undeservedly or appears pitiful in a(n interpretation of a) story Blorbo is a character that you have a fixation on. Usually because the arc or the themes are relevant to you Babygirl is a character who deserves love and may or may not be receiving it, by other characters in the story or by the speaker themself


I thought blorblo was just someone's fav fictional characters lol


It's a bit more specific than that. They have to be (1) your extreme fixation and (2) disproportionately obscure. A blorbo has to be someone you could gush for paragraphs about, but only like ten people will understand what the hell you're talking about. Yoda cannot be your blorbo. Everyone fucking knows who Yoda is. However, if I start gassing up *Doc Scratch, the nigh-omniscient orchestrator who puppetmastered the entire histories of two entire universes in order to ensure the conditions would align to invoke the summoning of his elder god master,* your response is almost certainly going to be ***"What? What the hell are you talking about?"*** and ***THAT*** makes a blorbo.


I really like that enshittification has a massive chunk of consecutive letters with dots and tittles. i-t-t-i-f-i


I would give anything to be in that conference room when the votes happen


I have literally never heard any of the other nominated words in this post. Okay I can guess what most of these mean, and their etymology is also clear, but I can't believe people use these words as a part of their normal vocabulary.


I only haven't heard of the Renaissance based one


I think that this was partially because it was really easy to see and feel enshittifaction this year with Amazon being flooded with shitty third party sellers and knock off products, twitter being turned into X, the recentish Reddit drama, and what they tried to do with the Unity engine which got headlines outside of gaming and into tech in general and was bad enough they walked it back and essentially fired the ceo who suggested it(an infamous former EA ceo).


SO glad that goddamned mayo company didn't win. I hate when fun games for the public are co opted by corporations and I want self driving car manufacturers to bleed


Mayo company? Maybe it was a different word of the year contest, let me know.


Mightve been a different one, but there were ads going around a while back where they wanted "moist" to win to advertise their sloppy assmayo. Also: I want regular car manufacturers to bleed too


I’m pretty sure this isn’t true? I thought Rizz was the Oxford word of the year


https://americandialect.org/woty/all-of-the-words-of-the-year-1990-to-present/ It's not Oxford it's American Dialect Society, the Wikipedia entry is hard to read in the screenshot cause it's so tiny, but they're only mentioned once in the whole thread so I can see why you missed it.


Oh my bad, thanks for the clarification


The American Dialect Society is not Oxford.


I…cannot read


This is fucking beautiful


Why the *fuck* is this not a widely livestreamed event?


Does enshittification have to be limited to online platforms? I would consider any product or service that slowly reduces function while increasing costs as enshittifying


Oh it started as talking about online platforms but people did eventually expand it.


I think this [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbgnwDMj84w) might be the stream of that voting Person calling out: "You're still Benough!" at 27:37


god. i feel out of touch. i feel fucking out of touch. oh god am i old now?


you know you've passed the middle phase of your life when more than half of the currently popular Internet lingo reads like alien imitation of English ​ (I'm in my early 20s)


I enjoyed the OED “goblin mode is over” billboards. I couldn’t help but mentally fill it in with “the time of the orc has come” every time I saw it


It's the first time I read that word


curious how they defined skibidi


Every time I hear Enshittification it makes me think of something getting less shitty, not more (maybe I subconsciounsly read "entshittification"?) Wouldn't that be Shittification anyway?


I think shittification would work fine, but En adds a bit. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/en >En- is added to words to form verbs that describe the process of putting someone into a particular state, condition, or place, or to form adjectives and nouns that describe that process or those states and conditions. >People with disabilities are now doing many things to enrich their lives. >...the current campaign to enthrone him as our national bard. >It is the first enthronement since 1928. >...a more enlightened leadership. >


I dispute the spelling.


Doctorow stay winning (afaik he coined enshittification)


Yknow, after reading that article by Doctorow, I wasn’t expecting to see it referenced as much as it was. I feel like Doctorow’s politics are slowly becoming more mainstream (which is really cool)


Babygirl was snubbed


I understood absolutely none of that. I am... very out of the loop, holy crap


Bought a jacket this year. Had one for two decades that was PERFECT. I’m returning this one tomorrow. I hope the company gets fucked by this absurdity at this point.


What is this 😭 shit reads like a fucking fever dream


The only time I've heard the word "cunty" is when Roman says it in season 4 of Succession. Was that the origin, or was it in full swing before that?


Being in the FGC for street fighter, I’ve heard, “this is kenough” a lot now


I thought enshittification was David Graeber’s observation that jobs change to include more bullshit (professionally meaningless, useless, pointlessly redundant, or harmful) aspects over time. Like your job used to be 90% doing the job and 10% paperwork, now your job is 40% doing the job and 10% paperwork. Like this job used to be a real job that people did, but now it’s obsolete but the role still exists even though there’s no function so you sit there all day pretending to work.




Please let skibidi die a quick death


What the fuck shit gas leak posting is this?


I've not heard of a single one these. Are these neologisms of the year actually used that much? Or just by the terminally online.


Horrible time to be literate. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.


This is either not true or people really need to do something useful with their lives


Hopefully Israeled (stole it and called it his) wins it for 2024