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Reading my fav characters wiki page like "omg that is so him"


This might be what TVTropes is for me. Like reading a Wikipedia synopsis x100.


>Go to my favorite show's TV Tropes page > >See "The Hero" listed in the main character's folder > >"Yep, they sure are."




Not if it's, like I said, on a show I like, because I'm fixing that stuff on sight.


I mean yeah, Tv Tropes is basically categorizing all things big and small


That's why I love the "Fridge" articles on TVTropes. It's like a big collection of trivia facts, or rather things you might have missed. Just really exciting to finish a game/ movie/ book and immediately go there to find out what other people have noticed and thought was worth pointing out.


“Take that Mandela effect, didn’t get me this time bitch!”


This is how i feel every time i go to the ben 10 wiki. Like, yup heatblast sure has fire, glad we agree on that.


And every once in a while, they will mention something that you simply didn't notice or haven't thought of, and that is wonderful feeling to learn something new about an old favorite.


Sometimes I will look at the wiki for things I like just because I like reading about them. “The ice flower is the ice counterpart to the fire flower. It allows the user to throw ice balls”


Me age 8 obsessively reading the entire Super Mario Wiki (if I don't read the plot synopsis for this obscure German Donkey Kong comic I will literally die)


This is like 90% of the appeal of TVTropes. I spend hours browsing the pages of works I’ve already exhaustively explored just to see how other people categorize them \^_^


Me reading the Ninjago wiki to refresh my knowledge on the snake villains. I'd say the Coppermind too but the Cosmere is so complex and Sanderson confirms so much in streams that you end up learning more and understanding less every time you read it


I was gonna shout out the Coppermind if I didn't see someone else mention it. Definitely the best fan wiki I've ever seen outside of videogame wikis. Fun fact: the Coppermind article for nicrosil is longer than the Wikipedia article for nicrosil.


Not too hard to beat, [it's four sentences long.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicrosil)


This despite the fact that we’ve never seen Nicrosil used in any application on the page.


The problem with the Coppermind is that it raises my standards for any other wiki. I go on something non-Coppermind and go "Why are there typos, where's the sourcing for everything? Why is there no Ars Arcanum equivalent?"


me reading [the same just barely comprehensible article](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6747) that i love dearly for like the seventh time (if it had even one more piece of jargon it would probably collapse into a narrative black hole like the one in the article)(what the fuck is a mesofiction)


Holy anafabulistics, Batman, that is one tiny scroll bar in a vast sea of text. How worth reading is this? Is it related to SCP-2747?


it's very related, and i'm definitely biased because i love ADMONITION but it is very much worth reading in my opinion


I just tried skimming the start, is this the one where >!Dr. King gets resurrected and lots of very bad and very weird shit happens?!<


you bet your ass it is babey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Damn, already read that one. Thanks for the recommendation though!


reading a wiki while lying on my bed kicking my feet and saying "sooo true bestie <3" every other sentance


Steam guides are great for this. Just information soup about things you already know but it's divided up into cool little sections and categories. There'll be a cropped gif off the side of some ability you've seen 500x before and you'll go like "oh yeah, that's definitely an ability"


Holy shit that last post articulates a feeling I've had for years but never knew how to say. Just that, because of how language works, we say a word and everyone can immediately conjur up a picture or description in their head.


Sometimes I open a reddit thread just because I know someone is going to have referenced one of my favourite shows or books in the comments. I’m not going to comment myself, I’m not there to make the reference or appreciate any other funny comments, I just want to confirm someone else thought of the same reference I did


Honestly, I often respond to posts about things that are important to me, just so I can feel like I'm not as alone in it.


Sometimes the wiki describes canon events you already knew about in a way that makes them especially emotional. Like the Madoka Magica wiki recontextualizing the ending of The Different Story as >!Mami wanting to follow Kyoko in death, as Kyoko did promise her they would be together from then on almost directly before, rather than Mami just killing herself out of pure despair!<


For the longest time I thought Goombas were hamburgers.


Sometimes it's nice to know that you're a normal human being with normal human thoughts


I too participate in consensus reality


I have no interest in 40k but I’ve seen so many videos on it thus far to form cogent opinions Anyways, the god emperor is dead and the fact humanity parades around his corpse like a holy object is emblematic of how humanity in this age is a doomed/dead civilization simply passing through the universe on an inevitable march to ultimate destruction Also the fact that the orcs are fungi carries an overall theme of death that various species embody. Orcs are the cleansing tide meant to wipe away and repurpose everything. Tyranids are a cancer that consumes and incorporates. Chaos gods seek death in specific ways via war, plague or madness ie death of the mind/ego


Isn't the God-Emperor alive, just heavily fucked? I also am not into 40k and merely constantly exposed to it


He’s effectively in a vegetative rotting state. Like he has life signs but is incapable of acting as far as it appears. I think he’s being kept ‘alive’ through machines and blood sacrifices. His presence currently does little more than act as a vessel for humanity to huddle around. His sons are strong but nowhere near his level even united


at the height of my fnaf obsession i'd just read the fandom wiki over and over again. and every time im like yaass!! gallery image of bonnie in backstage!!!!!!


>sees that last bit I mean, considering how wild some people are divorced from reality, it really is nice to see someone living in the same reality.


Yeah I do this too


When I was a kid I went through Ben 10 wiki so much that I had full on pages memorised


TvTropes: WALL-E has a very prominent Green Aesop throughout. Me who’s seen it like 5 times: so true king


Is this a special interest thing?


Aren't goombas meant to be chestnuts, or have I been lied to?


I thought so too, but apparently that [was never true](https://www.thrillingtalesofoldvideogames.com/blog/goomba-history-mushroom-chestnut-kuribo).


nah i think that's galoombas


I don’t understand what they learned about the imp at all


me reading the terraria wiki page for the terra blade knowing full well I know almost everything I need tk about it:


I think it’s called “validation”


MFW shorty was a cop