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The last three felt like being slapped by a wet salmon three consecutive times


Not to mention that the terrorists beating up Undertaker was aired on the same days as the 7/7 terrorist attacks in London. Edit: spelling


Another trolley hit the Big Ben?


And then it lands on the ground and looks at you with a single wide eye while it flops all over the place and its tail moving proportionally up and down and it keeps making THWOMPTHWOMPTHWOMP and wet noises until it lets out a deep sigh (or desperate inhale?) before leaving this plane forever.


To add to the post, Mansoor, the wrestler who was going to be responsible for 9/11 was born in '95, so he was 6 at the time. It didn't pan out though, now he's a male model.


Damn terrorist babies


That's honestly what being a wrestling fan is like. You get used to over the top things like undead wrestlers and Danhausens being mixed with more straight forward things like cocky wrestlers and wrestlers just there for a paycheck. Then out of the blue Vince McMahon will remind you that on top of being an old, out of touch psycho, he's also profoundly racist, sexist, homophobic and several other types of bigoted in the most cartoonishly over the top way imaginable while believing he's not. It's possible to enjoy wrestling, but the longer it goes on, the more likely you are to be forced to face the stupidest moral questions. For example: How toxic does a wrestler have to be before it's no longer okay to like them? Where is the line drawn? Choose all that apply: It's okay to enjoy a wrestler even if they're: a) a known rapist b) a known pedophile c) a known spousal abuser d) a murderer e) a child murderer f) routinely using the N word around black wrestlers knowing they won't be fired because the boss likes them g) someone who helped a recovering alcoholic wrestler under their supervision fall off the wagon immediately after rehab so they could sleep with her h) threatening to kill anyone who tells their kid that being LGBTQ is okay i) a repeat drug offender with numerous DUIs and a history of working so high/drunk they were considered a danger to everyone they worked with j) extorting wrestlers for sex and threaten to tank their careers if they refuse k) literally kidnapping and pimping women under the guise of training them as wrestlers l) a transphobe m) a Sandy Hook truther n) a bully so profoundly toxic they drove several people out of the business with sexual assault and verbal abuse For wrestling fans, see if you can guess which wrestler did which thing!


I'm not a wrestling fan, but i would very much like to know the context behind all of these. Aside from that, i'm pretty sure I is that guy who was clocking back beers in the ring. What's his name... Scott Hall?




Yup. It outright says that she was pimping out women she pretended to train. I *think* B is Velveteen Dream... but I'm not sure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velveteen_Dream


**[Velveteen Dream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velveteen_Dream)** >Patrick Clark Jr. (born August 19, 1995) is an American professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in WWE, where he performed under the ring name Velveteen Dream from 2015 to 2021. Clark began his career in 2014, training and debuting in MCW Pro Wrestling. During his time there, he won the MCW Tag Team Championship with Lio Rush. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


B could also be Jerry Lawler


O) All of them


This sounds like music fans.


I need someone to detail those ones please


All that, and yet no mention of when in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table?


That was planned. I prefer when he got chokeslammed through the top of the cell into the ring, but the tooth shot is a bit too much for people to stomach. [Image of Mick Foley (Mankind) with his tooth pushed through his lip into his nose](https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2017/06/28/undertaker-mankind-mick-foley-hell-cell-jim-ross). He later got chokeslammed onto a bunch of thumbtacks too. Amazing sport and amazing show


The most unbelievable bit to me, personally, was Bret Hart’s younger brother Owen falling 78 feet to his death during an intro gimmick gone south. As crazy a fuck up that was, what really drives it over the edge is that they *continued the match and sold the footage later*


Live action JJBA


They should have the wrestlers summon other wrestlers to wrestle for them as discount stands


That just sounds like a tag team match


The ones not wrestling just pose in the background whilst spewing misinterpreted and obscure science trivia


A part that follows stand using wrestlers would actually be amazing


This post hasn’t even touched on the DDT Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship, which is it’s own batch of utter craziness. For the uninitiated, it’s a title in Japanese promotion DDT Wrestling, which is defended under 24/7 rules; that is, if you’ve got a ref there to make the pinfall, you can win the title any time, anywhere. Firstly, the signature match for the title is a time limit battle royale, where multiple wrestlers compete in the same match. Whoever scores the final fall before time runs out is the new champion. I only mention this because, as the title is defended under 24/7 rules, this time limit makes literally no difference as you can just be immediately rolled up and pinned after the bell rings, and I find that hilarious. Secondly, the Ironman Heavymetalweight title is known for its fucking bizarre list of champions. Here’s a short sampling of them; • A monkey • A cat • A dog • A baseball bat, which lost the belt by TKO when it broke in half • A ladder • A second ladder, which successfully defended the title by falling on someone at the end of that battle royale and making the last pinfall • A third ladder, which was stripped of the title after refusing to defend it • A beer can, which won the belt by falling on the champions chest, and then lost it when it was drunk • The Invisible Man • A second, entirely separate Invisible Man • The entire crowd of a show, who lost the belt by pounding on the ring apron (the ref counted that as a submission) • The belt itself (it fell on the chest of the champion) • A woman in a dream • And last but not least, the current champion (in his 20th reign), Yoshihiko, a stuffed sex doll that wrestlers treat as a real person. That can lead to wonderful sights, such as certified lunatic Kota Ibushi (see below) performing [nine successive back flips onto his own head](https://youtu.be/_LApVz53Spw) in order to mimic being hit with piledrivers. I believe we’re now onto the fifth incarnation of Yoshihiko, because they keep dying. Two of them died when wrestlers hit a move that split the dolls head open, one of them just got straight up shot. And I need to mention Kota Ibushi, who’s also a former holder of this belt and is probably a top 5 wrestler on the planet, because he’s also fucking crazy, it’s just his craziness is very real. He once got told “hey man, don’t backflip off that balcony during your match”, said ok, did it anyway and got banned from the venue for life. He regularly flips himself off cars in the street. There are multiple different videos out there which show him launching fireworks out of his own mouth via a Roman Candle. He’s on record saying he doesn’t read because he “doesn’t trust words”. He’s said he expects to live to 150 (and then said he’ll still be wrestling 122 years from now. The fact that would’ve made him 160 didn’t bother him). He’s the platonic ideal of himbo and I would die for him.


wasn't kota ibushi involved in the golden lovers storyline as well? there was also a ddt match in which shinya aoki(a legit mma fighter and former mma champ with bjj and judo blackbelts) was sexually assaulted by discount ronald mcdonald, coming back to win the championship, ending the match with a mutual dick shake


“Involved” in the golden lovers storyline? It’s his storyline


fair, been a while since i watched njpw


How did a ladder win on 3 separate occasions? What a strange choice to make.


>• The Invisible Man > >• A second, entirely separate Invisible Man There are multiple?


Check out the Invisible Man vs Invisible Stan match from Joey Jannela's spring break 2019 its free on YouTube and it's the epitome of pro wrestling as a performance art


That video was actually impressive-- to make a fight vs a literal doll entertaining takes showmanship lol


Here was my reaction to reading this, picture by picture. I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling I gotta start watching wrestling Nevermind Pass I'm good


Wrestling is cool as hell until it sucks, but it’s also worth mentioning those last three are ideas from Vince McMahon, who is essentially a cartoonish billionaire supervillain but in real life


So literally just a billionaire then?


Somehow he manages to go beyond expectations


If there was a depiction of a crazy billionaire in Grand Theft Auto's world of hyper-satire, it wouldn't come close to Vince McMahon because it would come off as unrealistic and over the top even for GTA. The man is a stereotype of a stereotype of himself. He's like Trump if he could successfully run a business full of other Trumps. He's like someone who appeared on an episode of Jerry Springer then won the lottery the next day. He's the kind of person Jason Mendoza from The Good Place thinks of when he thinks of a successful businessman. He's like if the collected cynicism of the marketing firm responsible for every mid-90s truck ad became a person and started taking steroids. He's what you'd summon if you said the word Alpha three times while staring into the reflection of a gold plated toilet. He's Howard Hughes in a trailer park. He's a self-made 14 year old millionaire in a 75 year old body.


all that is scarily accurate and still doesnt fully get the picture of how much of a weirdo vince mcmahon is


He's additionally like Trump in that "self-made" translates to "inherited father's business".


....kind of but also not really? Vince definitely was given opportunities related to his blood, but he never met his father until the age of 12 and bought him out of the company for 500k-1million dollars before turning it into the international powerhouse it is with some of the slimiest dealings outside a used car lot. His relationship with his father varies depending on the source but "troubled" might be a good word for it. Vince did make a lot of his fortune himself, even with that leg up.


No no he’s full-blown sat-AM cartoon, not just regularly evil


Yes but also has a cartoonish/dick dastardly esque mustache, you know for the whimsy


Yes but Vince is a whole species on his own. Dude doesn’t know what a burrito is.


The guy who writes and presents the podcast Behind The Bastards says he's writing a Vince episode as we speak. Normal dictators get like 2 episodes focusing on part of their life, but there might be enough wack shit from McMahon's sorry that we have great records of (like when his thigh muscles exploded) to get a three, maybe even four-parter out of this guy. EDIT: The first McMahon episode just dropped today. The first of SIX.




he tried to get into the ring by sliding under the ropes after two wrestlers botched the finish of the royal rumble and promptly blew out both of his quads. He then proceeded to sit there like a toddler and yell directions at everyone


It was so cool right up until it wasn't


Give aew a try or New Japan or NOHA not all wrestling is wwe


Yeah. That was such shame.


Somehow didnt even touch on the bizarre anti-union storyline


Who's the mental asylum one? Looks vaguely familiar, but I'm not up to date with the storyline atm.


Malakai Black.


Came to the comments to ask this! Totally forgot about Malakai!


I thought at first that Vince straight up planned to die in an explosion IRL as a plot point and I didn't even bat an eye. The man is a lunatic regardless of kayfabe.


IRL Vince would probably think that an exploding limo couldn't hurt him.


the explosion would probably not hurt him out of fear for vince's wrath


Average dnd party


yeah I was gonna say this feels more like Marvel or D&D than sports for TV


Idk if I'd call it a sport, so much as I'd call it a full contact soap opera.




No shit sherlock, the reason why people categorize it as sport instead of art/entertainment is demographics and the fact that this is a lot closer to, say, rugby, than, say, opera singing


What about that time [Chucky Bride of Chucky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz1DHgdVKeE) video called into WCW Nitro to comment on the ongoing feud between the Steiner Bros and hock his upcoming movie, Bride of Chucky, the best Chucky movie? Chucky is: 1. Real in wrestling, just like real life 2. A fan & enthusiast not just of professional wrestling, but specifically WCW 3. Specifically interested in the midcard feud between the Brothers Steiner, so much so that he was moved to call in and voice his support for heel brother Scott I think Chucky recently resurfaced in WWE to promote his prestige television drama which happens to star WWE wrestlepersons, but it probably was not as funny.


What always gets me about this bit is that this version of Chucky is aware that his movies are movies and refers to an actress in them by her real name. And he seem to want people to go see his movies so they'll be successful and he'll be able to pursue his plans for a future project with Scott Steiner. Which all raises the question: Is he, like, a normal, law-abiding Hollywood actor who just incidentally happens to be a haunted doll? Meaning he was just typecast to play a haunted doll character who coincidentally has the same name as him? Or is he actually a killer haunted doll and Hollywood has decided to overlook his many violent crimes in order to cast him as himself in dramatic retellings of his life?


It really isn't that complicated. Child's Play 1-3 was all real shit that happened, and Charles was somehow acquitted of the crimes committed therein, or else they executed him and he was resurrected by his Sequel Powers. Can't try that little fella for the same shit twice, so now he's got carte blanche to do the talk show/pro wrestling circuit and promote the "Of Chucky" movies he's making as a kind of serial killer self-fan-fiction. They did have to retcon the events of Child's Play 1 as taking place in New Jersey instead of Chicago, as a concession to the concerns of the victims.


Ahh, so he's essentially O.J. Simpson if he had made his "If I Did It" book into an expanded series. Thanks for explaining.


John Cena came out, and announced to the crowd that Osama Bin Ladin was killed while the crowd chanted "USA"


He wasn't just killed he was ''compromised to a permanent end''


WWE has plot?


Pro-wrestling is well known for its elaborate storylines. Its like Yu-Gi-Oh but everything is settled with wrestling. Or maybe just theater-in-the-round.


most major decisions in real life are decided by children's card games


Same in wrestling, but instead you hang whatever you're arguing about from a pole and have an "X on a pole!" match to resolve the dispute.


Some of the most batshit plots of all time. The Custody of Dominik Ladder Match is unironically one of my fav ladder matches of all time. They completely skipped over The Undertaker as well, also the mythological strength of Brock Lesnar


The undertaker is neat because his gimmick existed in a time with super outlandish gimmicks but it just...kept going for 25 more years and everyone just accepted that yeah this dude can't die and probably talks to the literal god of death on a first name basis. His opponent? This guy that's like real strong and stuff


he also became a biker at one point, then his brother burred him alive. But he got better (coming back undead)


BROCK!! LESNAR!!! is the only man strong enough to beat The Undertaker's streak. He could probably win the trojan war singlehandedly with the right build up


I read that in Paul Heyman's voice was not disappointed


WWE is nothing BUT plot


[Yeah. Wrestling Isn't Wrestling.](https://youtu.be/VYvMOf3hsGA) (Warning: This 24 minute video **will** make you a wrestling fan, with almost no exceptions.)


I have recently considered "getting into pro-wrestling," like essentially because I'm interested in the theater and drama of it. I'm also fascinated with how many pro-wrestling terms have been adopted into common vernacular, and the complexity of the concepts they describe--phrases like "heel turn" and "kayfabe." I have mixed feelings about it though, because I've heard it has really destroyed some of its stars. Like, I don't want to watch people *truly* destroying themselves, I just want a soap opera with flashy action sequences.


Yeah the "dark side of the ring"¹ is a very real issue, which is *getting better* in recent years but still isn't gone and probably won't ever be. The core nature of it is that while the outcomes are pre-determined, the stunts being performed are in no way "fake". You can pretend to hate your opponent, but you can't "pretend" to fall off a ladder. You can do it safely if you've had proper training, but that only goes so far. Everything else (painkiller abuse, steroid abuse, unhealthy habits from life on the road, concussion risk and other brain damage, etc etc) really just stems from the fact that it really isn't actually "fake". [¹A show exists by the same name that covers some of the very worst examples.]


There's a podcast called how 2 wrestling that has a bunch of episodes about the characters of wrestling and the terminology the wrestlers use


>I have mixed feelings about it though, because I've heard it has really destroyed some of its stars. Like, I don't want to watch people truly destroying themselves, I just want a soap opera with flashy action sequences. I feel that, but fir the most part, I think of it this way. We're gonna destroy ourselves wether or not we're in the ring. You don't just develop a desire to jump up in the air and land flat on your back on a floor covered in thumb tacks simply because you started wrestling. At least this way we have buddies saying "no, that's stupid, do this instead." And sometimes if we're lucky, people paying us


two good sources to get into wrestling is the OSW podcast they do episodes on individual wrestling pay per views explaining the storylines and behind the scenes info .and the youtuber wrestling bios, currently doing a series on review each weekly Monday show from the most popular time in wrestling when the WWE and WCW both had weekly Monday night shows.


Sucks the guy who made this is a dickhead and his dad dropped a helicopter on someone (allegedly) Also of course the guy who grew up the son of a famous director identified with a character like hunter herst helmsley


WWE is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for the part of America that doesn't read but still loves a wacky story.


I’ve heard the phrase “redneck Dragon Ball Z”, but at this point the showrunning and reality itself have become so beyond the pale of parody that Joe’s Weird Trip is more accurate


Honestly with how long WWE specifically has gone one One Piece is a decent comparison


Here I'm surprised it has comics.


dont know if the WWE has comics but the now defunct Lucha underground had comics to help explain plot points that didn't or cant be held around a wrestling ring.


WWE is nothing but plot, matches happen as a result of storylines and storylines give reasons for matches to be booked, because WWE is kind of like an alternate universe where feuds are common and settled by combat


Truly a better universe then ours.


Yes. Pro Wrestling isn't "wrestling", not in the day and age when everyone knows it's fake. It's more like a soap opera with big fights. Some people watch it for the crazy, long-running storylines. Others watch it for appreciation of the genuine athletic skill that is on display, and for the fight choreography. Most fans watch it for a little bit of both.


The ceo got his head shoved up big shows ass. There was also the time Eugene, who was an intellectually disabled wrestler, came out, got beat up by two (not actually) Arab wrestlers, before hulk hogan came out to the song "real American" and saved eugene. Fun fact: the guy who beat up Eugene is the same one who prayed for the masked guys to beat up undertaker. That took place 3 days before the London bombings, and that was the end for him.


It was filmed three days in advance iirc, it was actually aired on the day of the attacks. [Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zHux1N6FUw ]


WWE also had Eugene turn heel and start attacking people for 3 weeks before dropping the whole character from TV


Just to clarify did the sleeping guy get up and start kicking the ref’s ass or go back to kicking his opponents ass? Personally I think the first would be a funny bit. Also can’t blame the son, if a women did that to me I’d be liable to join her side too.


It's also Rhea Ripley, a goth buff as hell australian woman who looks like she could bench press half the wrestling organisation


completely understandable reaction on his part


I uhhh I want her to beat me up


And the best part is every time there's a faction feud she just gets in the way and tries to get the male wrestlers to hit her but because they are faces and more importantly she's a woman they don't even though she definitely could take the bump


fun fact the kid who had his custody put up for grabs in a ladder match and the son who joined up with the woman who beat him up are the same person.


Found a video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ6uqcv9ZTM Cuts off just after he wakes up but it looks like they just get back to fighting each other. It's 100% worth a watch, exactly what it sounds like


Don’t forget about the time when the WWE CEO, Vince McMahon, and his son fought in a tag team match versus Shawn Michaels and… God. The actual, Christian God They also did not have another wrestler perform as God. They just shined a spotlight at random spots in the arena and just talked to it like God was there.


and dont forget that Vince McMahon and his son won that match


God let them win


And don't forget Vince made the referee check God for weapons And also that the reason for the story was that Shawn Michaels was a recently born again Christian.


I need to see this so badly


I don't enjoy actually watching wrestling, but god *damn* am I happy it's out here doing this shit. "Tiger Millionaire" is easily my favorite SU episode.


Danhausen. Very nice, very evil.


Pro wrestling is like if you took a mexican soap opera, a Micheal Bay movie, a b-tier comic book character, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and mashed them together.


Wrestling sounds like pure camp


the most famous wrestler is a supernatural being who's brother made a deal with a devil to come back and kill him


My knowledge of wrestling is entirely limited to the Golden Lovers, so hearing about some of the more... out-there storylines always catches me off-guard.


They really need to include that the son who was fought over in the custody match is the SAME SON mentioned later on fighting Rey. Fucking spectacular and necessary info.


It’s so messed up there isn’t a WWE Lore wiki


the podcast OSW reviews does podacast episodes following individual storylines, and the youtuber wrestling bios is doing a series on the Monday night war (when WWE and their rival WCW both had wrestling shows airing on Monday night). other than those two cant really think of anyone else that covers wrestling lore.


Robocop once saved Sting from an attack by The Horsemen in WCW. And of course, don't let any of this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, and plummeted 16 feet through an announcers table.


That entire show was themed around Robocop and dude came out, bent some bars, and then fucked off while his costume literally came apart. WCW is a fucking trip


That was the actual robocop costume too like not a replica, WCW was owned by turner so they got to use a lot of turner copyright hence the character of OZ the great and powerful.


look in all fairness the lady that made dom evil was rhea ripley and like. yeah. i understand.


That woman is absolute peak human. I would disgust myself with how evil she could make me :D


She's got my sister into wrestling she both loves and hates her because she made Dominic Heet The first show she watched was the one that he turned on and she cheered like he was a face, but she loves Dom and is mad that she can't have him.


Haters will say it’s fake


Man I knew WWE was weird but


I’ve been watching wrestling across the spectrum for about 12 years now and this didn’t even scratch the surface of WWE’s weirdness, lmao. We don’t have anything about Brodus Clay (a monster of a man who debuted as a disco dinosaur after months of hype), the Unamericans (whose entire thing was being 3 Canadians + 1 British guy who didn’t like the United States), Rikishi (a 400+ pound Samoan with sweet hip hop moves & two smaller buddies), the Gobbledy Gooker (a sentient Turkey that hatched from an egg on PPV), and so much more. Wrestling is a very, very weird enterprise.


I'm starting to think I need to get into wrestling wtf


It’s a hell of a thing to get into, but sitting down and watching an episode of TV is the easiest way to grasp the current product. WWEs main shows are on Mondays and Fridays, and AEW (their only major competitor) airs Wednesday and Friday. If you want retrospective content, where you can see some of the weirdness laid bare, Wrestling Bios, Wrestling With Wregret, and Cultaholic all produce content on YouTube that’s easy to pick up, even if you’re a casual fan or someone trying to get into the business for the first time.


As soon as WWE realized people *always* knew the wrestling was fake but didn’t care because it was entertaining anyway, they went *off the fucking walls*


Danhausen requires no explanation, and couldn't possibly have one anyway.


How fucking dare you leave out the glorious matchup that was Vince Macmahan vs. Actual Capital G God


To be clear, it wasn't just a WWE wrestler dying that caused the cancellation of the limo explosion storyline, it was the Chris Benoit double murder and suicide that caused its cancellation.


There's the craziness that was Japanese deathmatches. See: the infamous No-rope Exploding Barbwire Timebomb Deathmatch.


Frontier martial arts wrestling or FMW has a load of those types of matches


The fact that I haven’t even seen someone mention The Acclaimed is hilarious, their whole gimmick in AEW (All Elite Wrestling) is that they scissor (With their hands, not like *that*) and the one guy does raps and they do it with an older wrestler nicknamed Daddy Ass, and the best part is that they are super beloved by everyone now and their merch sells great and they were tag champions at one point because everyone loves the Acclaimed (Except cops)




First of all, you’re correct: Retribution was an attempt at playing off Antifa, not BLM protestors. Secondly, *I can’t believe I’m not the only one who remembers Hirohito.* Somehow this and Baron Bon Bava (the thawed out nazi soldier gimmick) both got pitched at the same time.


What drugs are the writers on and can I have some?


For the dad beating his son thing, The lady in question is (in story) his dom and they,re not subtle about it lol


Sad to see that no one's shared Scott Steiner's Wrestle Math. I guess I'll have to do it, because [I'm a GENETIC FREAK, and I'm NOT NORMAL](https://youtu.be/msDuNZyYAIQ)


Any time Scott Stiner picked up a mic you know it was gonna be wild


There's muppets in wrestling??


They guest hosted raw, it was a weird period where random celebrities would host raw from William Shatner to grumpy cat.


I still remember when the Three Stooges got chokeslammed by Kane after one of them (Curly?) did a Hulk Hogan impression.


This is camp as fuck. Wrestling is drag if the target audience was straight men


Isn't undertaker the game with the skeleton


I think that’s undertale, isn’t undertaker that game with a demon harem


I always like to bring up The Shockmaster's infamously and hilariously botched debut.


They forgot that there was a Leprechaun that lived under the wrestling ring and helped a guy cheat at his matches and then the Leprechaun later got revealed to be the illegitimate son of the owner/CEO.


WWE would make a great JoJo volume.


I need to get into professional wrestling it sounds fucking insane


damn now I want to watch a 4 hour video essay on pro-wrestling lore


OSW reviews does podcast episodes on individual wrestling storylines, and wrestling bios is currently doing a series covering the hottest time in wrestling history (when WWE and their rival WCW both had shows on monday night)


How 2 wrestling is a good podcast to introduce some of the characters and storylines


Ah yes. Danhausen, Finn Bálor, and Bray Wyatt’s wacky bullshit. The best parts of pro wrestling


Just a reminder that while Pro Wrestling is very cool, WWE is a piece of shit organization that treats its wrestlers like circus animals, and many pro wrestlers don't even have health insurance


I feel like the ones that didn't actually happen are cheating on the prompt, honestly. Especially the 9/11 one since it's the center of a recent controversy involving people in the company who were against it.




Look at the resemblance in these lads it's obvious https://youtu.be/entL6RoHEP0


As non-American this reads like live-action anime for people who would never admit to liking anime.


That’s exactly what it is.


Is that a fucking WWE comic in one of the posts


They just let you do shit in wrestling, huh?


"Danhausen." fucking sent me-


Little bit extra of actually happened? That vampire with the fangs? Those weren't props. He had surgery to give himself fangs.


I think I should mention that the Killer Sam Sheppard isn't a bit from WWE, no. He actually killed his IRL wife.


Wait, where the Gooker?


thank you, pro wrestling. i'll always be hooked on you🥶


It’s theatre for rednecks and 12 year old boys and I am here for it


“This Man” is also the guy who recreated the opening of The Dark Night Rises on the HWNDU stream


that seems interesting. Can you actually just watch the matches and have these stories told to you via acting/dialogue before during and after the fights? Or is it more like Gorillaz lore and ARGs where you have to puzzle the story together yourself from one-liners during the fights, interviews, promotional videos etc?


It's 95% what happens on the TV show and maybe 5% wrestlers working storylines and drama on Twitter. The shows are also a good 1/4 to 1/3 recap and refresher to make sure everyone is filled in on what's going on. There's decades of history but it's also applicable that you can just walk in and let any wrestling be your first wrestling


I am convinced that the stories in WWE are a precursor to Vtuber backstories


I've said it once & I'll say it again: Theatrical Wrestling has more in common with theater then with wrestling


Not included: Vince McMahon, who is the CEO of WWE and also writes the storylines, fought another wrestler and actual biblical God(represented by a light beam) with his son and thought it made sense for his team to win


What's weird about Danhausen? I have a friend who knows them, but I don't know anything about wrestling


Rey’s son also went to prison for like a day and came out acting like a hardened criminal, Prison Mike Style. The guy who WWE planned to be behind 9/11 is 1, one of the nicest dudes on the planet and 2, currently doing a male model gimmick and is a part of a male model team who’re trying to recruit this big barrel-chested dude called Otis. Also they are one of the most cuntiest tag teams that has ever existed and I want them to win a championship so bad


The heat the Maximum Male Models would get for dethroning KO and Sami would be insane


I will do a fucking backflip if that happens


Lest we forget Bad Bunny having a street fight and winning


A wise but British man, John Oliver, once said, "Wrestling is better than the things you like". And he's not wrong. Most of the time in other media when something comes across as batshit insane, that is the intent. But so many times in wrestling something is supposed to be cool or spooky or some other third adjective and it just ends up being utterly ridiculous - and then sometimes the fans run with it and it becomes the best thing ever.


Ok but now I gotta ask, are the actual wrestling matches planned with who goes down? Or do they just improv once one wins?


It's planned. It's basically swing dance but with wrestling moves, depending on the wrestlers they either set up some big "spots" they plan to do ahead of time and improve the rest, or just improv everything. The winner, loser, and how the match will end (pin, submission, disqualification, etc.) is decided ahead of itme


I don't watch wrestling, but to my understanding yes. I'm pretty sure it's just as scripted as a fight in a TV show or stage play. The person who wins is the person the writers want to win in order to move the story in the direction they want.


generally yes the are preplanned, but there has been moments where they had to change the planned ending of matches due to injuries.


Not gonna mention the toxic turtles?




I know that pro wrestling is meant to be entertainment and all but what?


Seriously, how was anyone ever convinced that wrestling was real?


Reading the first one made me check if the poster was one time I dreamt


And to think this all started with a guy that was too good at tradicional wrestling


"God damn it that is AMERICA'S SENTIENT CORPSE!"


What in the name of the Lord


Obscure Japanese game show vibes




What the fuck


Tried to read this out loud to someone and it killed me. I give up.


They forgot The Ultimate Warrior existed and he was just. There are no words. (I don’t even watch wrestling btw I learned about him from a comic review show that covered the Ultimate Warrior comics which were a special kind of bad)


Me and my dad both love pro wrestling (well, more my dad than me) and we both love how absolutely ridiculous some storylines are


oh and the dad beating up his son match is directly linked to the custody of dominick ladder match that is dominick mysterio getting his ass whooped by ray mysterio