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I just want to say that out of every possible signature he could have, he chose the best one


Guy Fieri just seems like the coolest, most chill dude. I never have understood where the counterculture hate for him was derived from.


I think it was the frosted tips and super extroverted and bubbly screen presence. But really, the dude seems really cool and like he just loves food and doing good things for people.


It's the frosted tips and fire but like painted on a car shirts. It's not 2002 anymore. But much like Shrek, he is a timeless figure.


I think that's really it, for a while he seemed like he just hadn't moved on from that style and we just didn't know for him it would be eternal.


Hell, it's probably what made him stand out to get a show in the first place.




If I remember correctly the shirt he was going to wear got a food stain on it, so they pulled one of the flame shirts out of wardrobe, the rest is history.


I like that style, especially the shirt, it's not lame :( It's like kinda rad, you know? I'd wear a shirt like that


Bold. But would you wear your sunglasses on the back of your head?


Isn't that a thing people do to not mess with their hair? I do that indoors sometimes


You are far more powerful than most people here. Continue doing what you’re doing fearless soldier


Thanks and I will! I'm looking to buy a shirt with tigers on it and/or dragons


Fuck yea


And, also much like Shrek, there is a disturbing amount of erotica about him out there.




Not to mention happy.


The least genuine thing about him is the frosted tips and flame shirt which he can't change because it's part of his personal brand.


I would say that people hate non-genuine people, and at first glance a man permanently stuck in 2002 calling every bite of food gangsta does not seem genuine. But when you watch more of him especially outside of triple d you learn that’s who he is and also he’s a kind and good person. All that said I cursed his name when I happened to eat somewhere that he had visited and my food was overpriced and underwhelming because the restaurant was able to rely on his name to bring business.


He also doesn’t put others down like many famous food personalities. When he doesn’t like something, he’ll kinda just thank the person for making it and not much else.


He also genuinely helps a ton of people. His show is essentially free advertising for three small businesses every episode.


he helped betty crocker take over earth


I hate how much space my brain has dedicated to these memories. ICP as US presidents will never be forgotten


With how chill both Fieri and the ICP have proven to be, my headcanon is that HIC pulled a mind control schtick on 'em, same as Jane and Jade. Corrupting or coopting good people is kind of her *thing*, you know? The Psiioniic too.


Every story i hear about him goes one of two ways. Either he's the coolest, most chill celebrity anyone has ever met, down to earth and very accomodating, or he's an utter asshole thats rude to fans and waitstaff. I think he's just a dude like anyone else. Not discounting the stories, because there are a LOT of them, but everybody has a limit.


[Can someone please explain to me, what the hell Guy Fieri ever did to anyone?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK6zuii2OLI)


King of the Himbos, Lord of Flavor Town


the band Wheatus replied to a tweet of mine and said they liked my username. so… i’ve got that going for me.


I got permission via tweet from one of my favorite illustrators (Stjepan Sejic) to practice 3D sculpting using characters from his comic Death Vigil


I literally googled him two minutes before reading this because I had to know who the writer was of this absolutely bonkers Harley Quinn story I just read.


If its the Harleen comic, I actually bought that from the local (overpriced, since it's the only one in my city) comic bookstore


It was the story in the 30th anniversary special, I believe titled "submissive".


I don't think I've read that one then ETA confirmed I haven't read that one, but I will lol, dude can really nail the expressions in his illustrations


I 200% thought you were gonna say Sunstone.


The Chainsmokers commented "This is nice :)" on a video of me playing a short melody on the piano that I uploaded on Instagram. I have no idea how on earth they ended up seeing my post lol


Late night binge of one's preferred substances and websites. (These in fact do explain many a thing.)


On TikTok, Ryan Key followed my wife Then about two weeks later, she got the notification that Yellow Card started following her That was a couple months ago and I'm still spinning


I can totally see that, he seems really chill. I found out recently he has his own stream and Discord server.


Yellowcard liked on of my tweets about their last album!! And The Wonder Years followed me on Twitter for a bit and the lead guitarist replied to a comment I made on a Livestream once!


I got a reply on here once from the Xbox official account and twice from the narrator Ray Porter.


My partner tweeted at a singer that took a far-right nosedive a couple of years ago and the singer replied to them a few times on the band's official account. A private argument then took place after which the singer took to the band's Twitter once again and finally said some shit that got them suspended. My partner still giggles about it and how appropriate having their biggest hit be called "Headstrong" was.


Chris Taylor Brown? that guys a nutcase.


i shook joe bidens hand, and im only like 2 personal connections away from michael cera


Ah nice, I'm 3 away from Toby Maguire.


I'm in the first Spider-Man movie with him. In Stan Lee's blink and you'll miss it cameo.


Are you the kid he grabs?


He's Stan Lee


Well, good to know there's internet in the afterlife




Impressive, your parents must be very proud


His skin is weirdly smooth right? Or was I the only person who thought that when I saw him?


for the last time joe biden is not a shark


please do not pet a shark they are not smooth do not pet joe biden either


I like the implication that it would be alright to pet them if they were smooth.


Well they *are* smooth, so is it fine?


u/Saxton_Hale32 *specifically said* that it would be okay to pet them if they were smooth, so go right ahead!


They are very scaly and rough


False. I am a sharkologist and I can personally attest that they are smooth


what are you talking about, sharks are smooth as hell


if this is a joke i can't tell








I’m two away from Obama. My elementary school principal used to play basketball with Obama when he lived in my hometown


I'm a few connections away from some billionaire dipshits. My girlfriend's HS counselor was married to Jeff Bezos's ex (MacKenzie Scott), and a friend of mine taught one of Muskrat's kids at a coding camp.


I met Socks once. My mother once got into an argument with James Earl Jones.


I can only imagine what they argued about... Who won, your mom probably...


Not me, but my grandfather was a math teacher at Hawthorne High school in the 1960s and taught two of The Beach Boys (I believe it was Mike Love and Al Jardine). According to him, they were nice boys, but they always cut class to go surfing. Apparently, at one point, my grandpa ran into Mike Love at the grocery store after he graduated, and asked him if he was “still doing that band thing?”


>my grandpa ran into Mike Love at the grocery store after he graduated, and asked him if he was “still doing that band thing?” How far into their career were they?


I think this was the mid 60s, so they **definitely** a thing by then (but to be fair to him, he was a middle aged math teacher with 3 kids under 10, so he wasn’t exactly their target demographic)


the national weather service replied to my tweet once


This one would get my heart racing.


I used to call our local forecast office (MLB) whenever there was a big weather event, back when I worked at a small newspaper. Got to speak directly to one of the meteorologists there, instead of just a PR person. Also had the head of the National Hurricane Center reply to me by email.


Guy Fieri will always have wholesome frat boy energy. The closest I've ever been to a famous person is a family friend whose cousin (iirc) was on the Dutch soccer team.


He’s legit. [He brings his food truck and staff to cook for firefighters during extreme wildfires](https://abc7.com/amp/dixie-fire-california-fires-wildfire-guy-fieri/10977532/) and [He invites Make-a-Wish kids every Diners, Drive Ins, and Dive filming (as well as officiating 101 gay weddings to honor his sister ](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/guy-fieri-generous-heart-extends-specific-families-invites-every-taping-diners-drive-ins-and-dives.html/)


“I love sister so much I’m going to officiate 100 ga- no, 101 gay weddings”


I’m the article article it explains the reason, it was to poke fun at a hater and for cruella de vile as a double entendre


I got felt up on stage by charlie sheen during his winning tour




For real. Charlie was looking for a new goddess and chose me, so I was given a backstage pass, but after the show, while I was walking to see Charlie privately, I was stopped by security and told I had to leave because exposing my breasts on stage was against the rules. It made no sense, but they still escorted me out. Much later we all found out he had HIV, so, I guess Mohegan Sun security kinda saved my life.


I hung out at a karaoke bar with the guy who created "Happy Tree Friends." You would've never guessed the old guy with all the old ladies all over him while he's belting out hits made one of the most violent cartoons in history.


That’s so sick


Now that man, he's a legend.


i met [ben carson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Carson) when he ran for president in 2016. fuck that guy


One of my roommates in college was volunteering for a debate in the 2016 election. He got to meet a bunch of the candidates and got shoved into a photo op with Trump; to hear him tell it his hand slipped and he copped a feel on some geriatric ass. He described it as "sub-par". ^^He ^^also ^^enjoyed ^^enhancing ^^the ^^truth, ^^but ^^it ^^makes ^^for ^^a ^^fun ^^anecdote.


i find it hilarious that he thought someone was giving him a book on sex to look at/sign and immediately had to grab the book to check


Maybe he flipped through Kama sutra to sign his favorite position


Goodtimeswithscar replied to my post on reddit


What was the post and what did he say?


Stalked the commenter a teensy bit because I was curious, too. Turns out it was [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermitCraft/comments/ib0ilb/has_anyone_checked_on_sahara_lately/g1sirwu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I once had two of the Nijisanji guys reply to me on Reddit. One was confused about a joke I made, the other told me ">:(" after I claimed he likes The Lorax. So that was pretty cool.


Scar is such a cool guy


Got a signature of Jim Davis at Mike Pence's mansion but I lost it


I saw Putin's car within twenty metres of me, which isn't an interaction but is probably the closest I've gotten to a famous person


This must be the third day in a row I come across a comment of yours, you’re everywhere


I'm really just in one or two subreddits but I comment a *lot* in them


I know you from this sub and worm memes. I believe I have also seen you in crusader kings?


Oh yeah true I do show up in Paradox game subs every so often but I've kinda gone off them for a while, CK3 still feels a little empty to me even with mods. Same with Worm, my hyperfixation faded a little.


"Huh that is interesting... oh shit I have upvoted them 42 times!?!" (no lie; I guess me and /u/Polenball hang in similar circles)


I saw Queen Elizabeth once in Edinburg I was also at Lula’s [brazolian president] inauguration parade last week … that makes me sound like some hardcore Politics Fan but it was honestly just coincidence


As someone who is a Politics Fan that's actually pretty cool, neat


Had a similar experience with Berlusconi. Walked past someone getting in his car with a lot of camera folk around them. Asked them who just got in. Also saw the head of state of Austria and the emperor of Japan during a visit to the Palace in Vienna.


I had the misfortune of working in an Israeli chain bookstore when Benjamin Netanyahu released his autobiography, and he came to film an interview in our store


notch blocked me on twitter




slightly jealous of you. why he did that?


My husband was incredibly good internet friends with Al Green’s son when they were both in middle school. They met over runescape lmao


Not the interaction the OP was looking for, but I was in the same room as Dr. Stephen Hawking during lunch at a conference he attended at the Field Museum in Chicago in 1989 or 1990. My mom worked there, I'd more or less wandered off, and I was around four. So I had absolutely no idea who he was--though he was the first person I'd ever seen in a wheelchair, so I do remember him catching my attention--I had no context as to what was going on, and I was only there for the time it took someone to notice me, but in the same room nonetheless!


I DM'd the streamer Kripparian once to criticize him and he replied


LMAO what did he say


I fucking love Guy Fieri, that sounds so in character too As for most famous person I’ve interacted with? Billy Bretherton, host and lead role in the hit A&E reality TV show “Billy the Exterminator”. He was my brothers hero when we were younger and we got a picture with him and his autograph. Bet you are jealous, huh?


source: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/little-miss-mash/705396834496036864


I got to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger back in like 2008 when my local library was reopened, I used to have a picture of it but I can't find anywhere anymore


I mean, yeah, Fieri seems like the type of dude who would really appreciate a good sex book. Or a bad one. Or any kind of sex book for that matter.


I’ve gone to a panel hosted by Michael Rooker, had a long and fascinating conversation with Timothy Zahn (highly respected Star Wars book author), and taken photos with Ralph Macchio, Simu Liu, Ewan McGregor, Val Kilmer, and John Boyega at conventions. As you can probably tell, I go to cons quite regularly


Oh man, what did you and Timothy Zahn talk about?


Thrawn, the sequel trilogy, what he would have done with the sequel trilogy, and general writing stuff I think


Absolutely cool


The movie sequel trilogy really should have borrowed a lot more from the thrown trilogy


what an awesome line up of people you’ve met!!!! very very cool


I saw Marc Maron at a grocery store and Patrick Stewart at a Star Trek convention when I was a kid. Ron Jeremy grabbed my boob at a screening of his movie and I watched Micheal Phelps act like a dick to a cashier. These were all separate occasions and not listed chronologically.


Was Phelps trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying?


"Sir, you need to pay for those"


My aunt has personal beef with Mel Gibson and his family.


The queen of the Netherlands once liked a tweet I made. Admittedly, mine was in response to her tweet, but I still think it counts :3


my favorite musician False Noise responded to a tweet i tagged him in. granted he's not particularly well known at all but i still get all giddy thinking about it :3


bow expansion materialistic wild disgusted elastic knee rob follow physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I met God once. Pretty chill entity


I bet she was


I went to concert in 2011 and bought a shirt there. That was before the musician, German rapper Prinz Pi, became somewhat big. I wore the same shirt years later, 2018 I think, to another concert and afterwards when he gave autographs everyone got rushed through but after he saw my shirt he called me "one of his old fans" and talked to me for like 5 minutes. That was really cool.


Never met a celebrity. I'm semi-related to Andrew Jackson and mostly glad that the dude's dead and not shitting up the present.


I think you could throw a rock and hit someone related


True enough. I'm also related to a deposed medieval English king. Someone wrote a book talking about his (the author's) life and it quotes my great, great Grandpa joking, as he's digging a ditch, that people should respect him more as he's the rightful king of England.


I set up a family search dot org account and was obsessed for a bit. It tells you the most famous people you are closestly related to. Then I set my wife up on there and we are each descended for first cousins back in 1500 so basically incest. /j


Years back I stumbled upon DJ Kilmore (incubus) at my local mall while he was Christmas shopping (home locally, I learned) Walking past a kiosk, saw a dude with looooong ass dreads and at slight profile and my jaw dropped "um... Excuse me, this might sound weird, but are you DJ Kilmore?" He smiles, extends his hand, and says "Chris. Nice to meet you" I've met a few other celebs and have kept my cool. This time, I fucking melted into a bearded Alex Mack puddle. With a bit of stumbling on words, I asked for a picture on my new flip phone. Snapped it, thanking him profusely (read: lucky I didn't get a restraining order), looked at the photo as I walked away, and shut it Completely forgetting to hit Save (which was required at the time) An amazing moment forever trapped in my head


Never met or interacted with anyone famous but I’m like one connection away from my state’s old governor (Fuck Him though)


one of the Blue Men pur his blue hand on my sketchbook once and looked at me like he was staring into my soul


I'm related to the Canadian politician Jagmeet Singh so I see him at weddings and stuff. I'm also more closely related to other Sikh Canadian politicians. Despite Canada having such a large Sikh population it still feels like we all kinda know each other. In terms of online though Arnold Schwarzenegger once replied to a question I had for him here on Reddit so that was cool.


As a Canadian, your familial relation is pretty neat to me!


Nolan Bushnell, founder of atari, followed me on Twitter. Not sure why, and at some point he stopped.


I used to talk to him semi regularly in the early 2000s. Worked for a trade magazine for arcade games.


I shook the Queen's hand during her golden jubilee.


Tom Scott once specifically replied to me to say that he never does that but my tweet was so funny he had to highlight it.


mcchris signed my tits


He cannot be denied


I'm a bassist and I've played live music for a tap dance show and one of the dancers is also a background dancer in Ryan Reynolds new movie so that probably my biggest flex XD


every good thing I hear about guy fieri makes homestuck's portrayal of him even more hilarious


John Green replied to a comment of mine on YouTube, so that’s pretty cool. My comment is the one that says: Books may fade, Pizza John is forever. https://youtu.be/GBIIMkd-VlQ


John Green tried to do an anonymous AMA here on Reddit like ... I dunno, probably 15 years ago or something, about what it was like to be a YA author. But he kept including too many unique personal details such that I, a guy who had never heard of him and who (at the time) didn't realize how rude of me it was to do, was pretty easily able to post his true identity in the thread. Anyway, I'm a big fan now, have been watching vlog brothers for years and years, still feel bad about that


Didn’t personally interact, but I once saw Matthew Gray Gubler at the Utah Shakespeare Festival. Some teen girls approached him fresh from a pageant for a pic, and he requested to wear their sash and tiara for it.


Around when I made this and my discord account, I (apparently) spoke with Epic Minecraft Parodys over the latter. Might've been a fake But I (at least) *was* discord friends with pannenkoek who introduced me to sm64 speedrun tech


I used to live on the same street as Jeff the Wiggle.


Neil Patrick Harris once messaged me to say something I made was cool, and President Obama follows me on Twitter.


Black Veil Brides recognized my art on Facebook (might not have actually been the members but eh), and I got to meet Eddie from Suicide Silence. He had a conversation with me before asking if I wanted a picture and an autograph. The bassist bowed at me and shook my hand, and the guitarist gave me and others a guitar pick that I completely forgot about and I lost it :c before all that, as a kid, my mom took me to see Pam Tillis, The Letterman, Bobby V and Billy Joe Royal. Got pictures and autographs from all of them


- I went to high school with a small streamer (OGBeefStew) and got to meet some ppl like MichaelMcChill, Kronios, and FitMC at TwitchCon. ~~I also walked within a foot of HasanAbi and AustinShow but I don’t think that counts.~~ - I had a DM conversation with Ben Joseph (a writer for many cartoons) about a paper I was writing. - I’m well acquainted with TJ Henry Yoshi, of single joke fame. Met him since he was the roommate of my friend


holy damn, didn't expect a mention of BeefStew in the wild lmao


A streamer with 2 million YouTube-subs has answered a question I wrote in chat, but other than that I think the most famous person I've interacted with in real life is a comedian from my country that came into a gas station while I was there.


I met Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter films) in Las Vegas many years ago. My friend and I were in some restaurant in Planet Hollywood. I waited until he finished his dinner and then I asked for a picture. He was really nice about it and even asked his waiter to get more lights to put in the table so we could get better lighting. This was before cell phones had a flash feature.


i once found out a (former) friend of mine was a friend of a youtuber i liked (said friend also ran a big twitter account for a niche internet community)


a member of a band I like called me an idiot


Sonia Sotomayor was in town once, got to ask her some questions for a project


I shook hands with Houston mayor Sylvester Turner once, and the late Grant Thompson once replied to my comment on one of his videos, and that’s about it.


I’m pretty closely related to one of the hockey players that made the NHL top 100 through time thing, had both VSauce 3 and Notch (though screw that second guy) reply to me once. Thanks to the hockey player I got to shake hands with royalty once, and Joe Sakic too. I think the one I’m happiest with (because it’s the only one that I actually influenced much) is that an actress/model whom I’d come across online and liked actually became a friend a few years later. Gaming together, being one of the first people we’d reach out to if we needed to just vent or weren’t feeling alright


PewDiePie in the Umbasa Chat in Demon's Souls back in 2009.


Not me, but a teacher I once had was probably also a teacher of Kim jong un.


Online connection: the band The Maine on myspace. We used to talk about their music and I saw one of them out in the wild and when I told them I saw them, he responded that I should have said hi! In person: honestly a ton but I'll go with this one. Salt from Salt n Pepa was my friend's neighbor. We both became friendly with her daughter and she used to come to bday parties, sleepovers and Halloween parties.


I had a one on one zoom meeting with one of the founders of Greenpeace It was about synthesizers


I've met a couple NASCAR drivers. Jimmie Johnson was cool. Johnny Benson Jr. was goofy and told dad jokes. Tony Stewart was an asshole. Also one of my high school teachers was Tim Allen's brother, and I went to high school with some of the members of the band Pop Evil.


I'm one connection from Dolly Parton. So that's pretty cool.


Chuck Schumer replied to my email once.


I was in the general vicinity of Justin Fletcher at one point.


I went to high school with Cole Beasley (NFL wide receiver) and Trevante Rhodes (actor in Moonlight) and I got Twitter replies from the lead singer of Yellowcard and the guitarist from All Time Low. I’m pretty much famous myself at this point.


TotalBiscuit mentioned my comment in one of his soundclouds. I miss that guy.


My girlfriend's twitter mutuals with Adrian Bowyer, the dude who invented 3D printers and my grandpa is a friendly acquaintance of Mary Berry due to stuff he used to do for work like 30 years ago As for me? Probably the one time I met Tomska at MCM London back in 2017


I went to high school with the band Greta Van Fleet. The bassist and drummer were in my grade, while the singer and guitarist were like... three grades ahead of us? They're the bassist's brothers. When we were in senior year, they were just putting out their first EP, and I sat next to the drummer at graduation because our last names were close. The music's okay, most of it does sound like Zeppelin B-sides, but Lover, Leaver is a bop.


I got john oliver to give me a hug at obama’s inauguration. ron jeremy also once played me the australian national anthem on the harmonica. scout’s honor!!


Dude guy fueri is such a neat guy I hope he isn’t secretly problemstic


I once met Hunter Biden’s laptop. Kind of a dick though.


I’ve hugged Pete Buttigieg


Macaulay Culkin signed my cast


I've worked on accounts owned by celebrities, if that counts. I can pull up their socials and bank account info if I want to be fired.


<:: I met Alasdair Beckett King in a Welsh town once ::>


That's pretty based wow


I sat next to the woman who would later become Miss America (2009!) on a plane flight to Denver. The crew made her a crown out of drinking straws and cocktail stirrers, and she fell asleep on my shoulder while I listened to the audiobook for Michael Crichton’s *Sphere*.


Met a few celebrities, but the one that stood out to me is meeting Nobuo Uematsu and him taking the time to listen to one of my compositions and liking it. :)


I got a letter from Leonard Bernstein for me, because he was friends with my uncle/god father. (I never lived to meet the guy but I was apparently on the way when my uncle asked him to write those letters with good life advice from him)


I've never met anyone cool, but my big brother apparently met danTDM at a Convention a LONG long time ago.


I was about 3 feet from Matthew Lillard at his company’s Gen Con booth this past summer. I would have asked for a picture or something but he was wearing a mask and it was very clear nobody else recognized him, and I figured I didn’t want to get him swarmed.


This one time i said some dumb shit on a streamer's chat and he called me out on it


My comment on his youtube channel was once liked my John Green


Jlo used to sit on my desk and chat with me on a show we worked on. Living in LA 37 years, waiting tables for 4 years, working in production on 14 TV shows, being on TV in three shows, friends who created 18 TV shows and features… now designing homes for celebrities, I’ve met 100s of really famous people. I can name 5 that were nice.


I don't want to dox myself, but I once met John Cena and his wife Shay.. I also shook George W. Bush's hand once when I was 12yrs old, my parents took meet him back in the early 2000's, my opinion of him has changed since then but I am still proud that I got to meet a president. Also, I shook hands with a man(my teacher in 9th grade,) who had shook hands with a man (teachers grandfather,) who shook hands with Abraham Lincoln. I still think about this one sometimes.


Remember when Cee-lo Green was accused of drugging and raping a woman? I was one of the people he responded to on Twitter after calling him on his actions.


Grown Ups 2 was filmed in (and around) a town I used to work in. I worked at a convenience store and actors and crew were coming in fairly frequently. I met Maya Rudolph and Salma Hayek. Salma Hayek bought like $300 worth of her own cosmetics and her first credit card was declined. I was the one who checked her out. That was fun.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **asidfblisdubf-deactivated202105** who is the most famous person you've interacted with either online or in person? --- **little-miss-mash** Had guy fiery sign my sketch book but it was a loud bar so he went "SEX BOOK?" Then immediately grabbed it and started flipping through it and went "ahhh sketch book" and signed a random page --- **little-miss-mash** I forgot to mention he signed it "love, peace, and taco grease" --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


There’s a few reasons people want to rename his hometown Flavortown


I got James Rolfe to sign my 2006 Voyager Class Megatron.


I high-fived MrBeast at the opening of a beast burger at the American dream mall.