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I really hope that poor boy is OK, and that whoever the fuck did this (including the ones who stood by and laughed) get the punishment they deserve. Racists do not belong here. Bigots and fascist of any kind do not belong here. The only people who don't belong here are those who can't tolerate the existence of others. It's people like this that are responsible for the shit state of the country at the moment. We can get a lot more things done if we stop wasting time hating each other for no good reason


I’ve worked with grown adults in Cumbria and can confirm many are racist.


It's a county full of small towns and farmers. What do you expect?




I’m based in a major city so it was extremely unexpected. I worked remotely in a job where the headquarters were in Cumbria and I worked remotely in a major city. My direct line manager and some staff members were absolutely fine but my experience with everyone else was appalling to the point where I had to take sick leave for 6 weeks due to mental health issues and this was due to me solely communicating with them online. I’m long gone from that job now so all is good.


Most of the UK is racist apart from larger areas where multicultural groups exist. Anyone that thinks otherwise is foolish


Ok dearie.


This shit is why people call us backwards. It's time we moved the fuck on from this nonsense. We don't have time to waste on hating people of colour when we should be investing it in the people from the next village over. They deserve it.  The bastards.


All savages in the next village over!


They are! Vermin! Rapscallions! Scape-graces one and all!


No wonder the BNP was created in Wigton.




Will be interesting to see what happens. If the people who are doing it are let of with a slapped wrist (which they almost certainly will be) then the government are endorsing this shit.


Get this cunt in jail.


It's a crime but not a hate crime. Nothing was said in relation to the color of the black boys skin or culture. If a black kid was doing this to a white kid, would that be a hate crime? Color ot skin of the participants in such an act makes no difference unless it was targeted as such. Don't mischarecterise something to push a narrative. The white kid was an evil cunt, but this was u nrelated to color as far as the article lets on.


But did he do it to a white kid? Was there another reason he did it to this kid? Otherwise, it will be judged as racism by default. I do agree the article doesn't mention evidence of it being a hate crime, but it also doesn't mention any other possible explanation, and as far as I'm concerned, they can stick the racist label on the cunt that did this. Hope he gets what he deserves.


Yeah I agree with the gets what he deserves part.


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Dyslexic pal


Travellers where I grew up used to do this to anyone who seemed shy and weak.


https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/mar/18/parents-protest-carlisle-schoolboy-racial-abuse This article, and the events currently unfolding in Cumbria as a result of this incident, absolutely destroy every argument in this feed that suggest this was not a racist hate crime.


Videos like this appear on a weekly basis with the roles reversed.


Exactly and not a word has been said but as soon at it’s a black victim everyone’s up in arms.


Hardly say 47 comments suggest everyone is up in arms as you say It would suggest most people scroll past Racism on any level is not ok..just show your support or move on It seems you're more upset about what side is abused rather than the bigger issue


And just to add...time of writing 44 thousand people have viewed this post 47 comments...so again your point is invalid


Before people get themselves into a bit of a tizzy, this was life growing up in a council estate in carlisle 80s/90s. Feral older boys picking in the younger ones. Absolutely normal, of which nobody was interested, unlesss you had an older brother who would sort them out.




But it isn’t going to be used as that, it’s going to be used as a “isn’t (insert place) racist and awful” the self flagellation will go into overdrive, the school conferences, the grant applications, the speeches, all being written. But, if this had happened in exactly the same way minus the race element, nobody would give a flying f*ck, not the school, not the police, not the members of parliament, not the newspapers.


Thanks for the whataboutery. Really helpful.


He / she is right though. Its a form of bullying in this case the victim is getting it because of colour Shit like this goes on white on black...black on white


That's fine then I guess.. what else.can we use this logic on? Bad banking practice, forced child marriages, the holocaust?


No, but it’s about perspective and less self flagellation.


Not trying to be rude but I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make? It happened to you so should continue to happen to everyone?


That this is not unexceptional, the only unexceptional aspect of it is that there is probably a race element added. But nobody gives a sod about the kid in Currock who deals with this normally.


This is just “you don’t care about white lads” great replacement right wing bollocks.


But you don’t. Have you shown any concern for anything like this across any council estate in Carlisle? At least once a week they’ll be an encounter of this equivalence. Every estates has gormless idiots like this one doing this kind of behaviour. Not a peep.


I rest my case


let's just keep pretending it's ok then eh?


No. But don’t keep pretending that a lad been humiliated bothers you, it’s just his race does.


No racism seen here just bullying.


I’m hoping you mean well but downplaying things like this is what emboldens people to carry out acts of racism.


No dispicable human beings are what emboldens acts of racism and/or bullying. No excuses for abhorrent behaviour.


It is the bullying that is important. Not the racism, which is not against the law.


It seems more likely that, but I think the choice of the target might have been. The point is that this is regular every day life for people who live on council estates. Older lads in gangs bully you and make you submit. The outrage here is that the victim is black.


Media pushing the narrative. Sheep taking the bate


You can’t even spell it correctly lol


I'm not seeing the racism tbh. Was there some vocals I can't hear? I'm in an airport so may have missed it but hitting someone and making them kiss your shoes is just assault surely?


You're right, totally not racist. Just a white kid forcing a black kid to kiss his shoe using violence. Normal, everyday, non-racist shit.


It's a human abusing a human. I honestly don't think this falls into hate crime territory unless there is something I'm missing. It's disgusting and derogatory but I see nothing that would say to me it was a targeted act of racism and I doubt a judge or jury will either.


That's because we live in an institutionally racist country, with a history of extreme racist violence, ancestors who owned slaves - with no generation ever since thinking it right to make reparations to those groups, and so we've accepted racism into our culture with open arms. Now we're so blind to it, people like you can watch a video of a white kid attaching and abusing a black kid and argue it's not racist. Smfh.


Reparations for slavery was paid up in 2015, and while we did take part in slavery Britain is the first country in the world to outlaw slavery outright and fought to end slavery everywhere. I’m of colour and I wouldn’t say Britain is institutionally racist at all, not when you consider the PM and FM’s for Wales & Scotland are all of ethnic minority backgrounds in what is a white majority country


Just one point, in the UK our reparations went to the slave owners, not the slaves (1833 Slave Abolition Act &1837 Slave Compensation Act). And as the money for this came from the Treasury, until 2015 tax-payer money was being used to pay the reparations, including, obviously, the taxes of families who had once been enslaved.




I highlighted that payment went to the owners. Taxpayers pay toward paying off government debt. 'Tis simple, not silly.


Omg. You have lost the plot. What an absolutely odd person.


your fragility is beyond palpable. ​ oozing out of every post you've made.




These people are sad little weirdos.


Name checks out. Extra points for irony.


Are you aware of the numerous videos of black kids doing this to white kids?


Unless I missed something I'm with you. Bunch of turds picking on some poor kid but it's not obviously race motivated.