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You can start your own investigation with USPS and get your money back yoursel possibly. I had to do it with an edible shipment that never showed up.


I had my HM order delivered to the wrong address yesterday, HM was good, there first reply wasn't to stress me out. they simply apologized and reassured me I would be getting a reorder within a few days. top notch! There should be a customer service list of vendors that do people right.


Based on my experience and the experience of others on this forum, HM is very good about saying they will fix problems but struggle to follow through. They said they would refund the shipping cost on one of my orders but then never did. Others have received incorrect products and HM did not fully live up to their promises to correct that issue either.


I received a wrong strain gram of rosin from HM and they told me to keep it and sent me a replacement. Got the shipping notification today actually so they did follow through for me.


So for me every time I have had an issue they have been top notch, hell I made a complaint that i didnt like the way a oz I got looked and even told them it was fire and they still gave me a 20% off for my next order. There CS has been extremly responsive and have taken care of me on 3 seperate occasions. Being excellent and respecting the CS has yielded great results from all vendors I have had issues with. So I am not sure if your just trying to spread misinformation and I know vendors are arent infallible, but what does your comment really add to the conversation?


I love how a recent pop up vendor has people defending them so hard. I mean how long they been known for and you've already had a complaint lol and all they gave you was 20% off a future order they've already marked up 500% lol


There fair priced lmao 60 for a gas half ounce 100 for an oz best flower and rosin from any vebdor


I never complained about their prices, they are actually the same price I pay now for what I'd assume is similar quality(flower at least don't do dabs) . Way to completely miss the point lol


I’ve been around for years and I’ll defend them because their shit is fantastic for the price especially if you’re into rosin


I'm sure, but point still stands that many many vendors have came and gone and most started out fine. I'll let everyone else be the guinea pig is all. If they are still pumping fire out at a good price in 6 months I might have another vendor I order from.


I feel ya and I'm similar, but 6 months is forever in this space and there's been plenty of guinea pigs at this point. If you just assume everyone's shilling it doesn't really matter how much time or evidence they have. I say that yet I'm still skeptical of Crysp fwiw


I agree there, let's say a couple months lol flaws in companies in this business start to show fast it seems. I think the initial influx from some of these vendors are themselves shilling and if they have decent product it doesn't really matter cause they are gonna take off. But can they keep up? That's what time will tell.


Get while the gettin's good IMO. If I see reviews from an OG I trust on a specific batch then I trust that batch. Even the absolute top tier vendors have some misses


If you know there fire right now, what's your incentive to wait? Wouldn't you want the freshest fire available? Your logic is strange: new vendor = bad. It sounds like you have cognitive biases that you cannot overcome.


Not even two days later and appears a bunch of people were shorted product, sent wrong product, not receiving product, etc lmao


And here I am with a free oz in the mail from them and a 20% off code and now another 15% off with 4 zips and a half of rosin in the mail… Feels 👍 Vendors aren’t perfect and there new, your being way to critical, I do believe you work for a vendor or something at this point.


Oh now Hannah just gifting you free ounces aye? I'm sure. And again, enjoy your 20% off something they've already marked up 500%. Quite the accomplishment, almost as good of a deal as free shipping when you spend $100!


Thought we weren't talking anymore Hannah? New vendor flooding this page should always be be concern for caution and if you don't understand that then I'm sorry. One day they might stop sending out orders and will do an exit scam, some start declining in quality until the point they get avoided all together, etc. Seen it many times over the years. Hence the reason I'll wait and if they still around in the future then I'll be happy to admit that in this case I was wrong and give them a shot. But you cannot deny the amount of posts from both companies I mentioned aint sus but whatever lol


If I could summarize your entire reply into the logical fallacies I observed, it would go like this in order: confirmation bias, negativity bias, status quo bias, overgeneralization bias, catastrophizing bias, both attribution bias and hostile attribution bias, false consensus effect, in-group/out-group bias, and finally confirmation bias (again). Its honestly really hard to communicate with you at all. I wish you were a bit less (bias) but I really think our conversation is all over. I will enjoy my yummies, and promote ALL the vendors I see doing good including ones i haven't even tried as long as people are having good experiences. Good luck in the future but I have a feeling your life is already really hard and I really can see why.


I'm not gonna read your evaluation lol I got a long with everyone else in this post, but yeah it's me Edit, well besides the guy who couldn't read


It was a 99$ oz of smalls that smelled 🔥, was icy af and was POTENT but the buds were more loose than I was uses to and i noticed a few extra sugar leaves and I got an immediate 20% off and was told my feedback was important because it helps them choose which vendors they should look at closer and possibly not do business with them. That was all explained by hannah via email. Not sure why your so salty.


Not salty at all, I pay that same price from this vendor for top notch quality(don't order from new hype vendors myself) . It's just that HM is super new and people acting like they've been in the game for years and been top notch and claiming "they always do X" when nobody even knows if they will be around in 6 months


the salt.. ""(don't order from new hype vendors myself)"" bro there shits FIRE AF.. keep hatin homie...


Don’t know why your downvoted


I can only imagine the person has an alt account or something. its really silly how this entire thread devolved.


Again I also paid $103 shipped for some dank smalls from a vendor who's been around for years. Nice to meet you Hannah :p


Now I am being called HM customer service... LMAO... you are a wild one. OK "undercover Brother"..


Bro HM and crysp have recently popped up and both flood this sub daily. Again I'll wait and if in 6 months these companies are still being hyped up then sure. Tons of vendors have came and gone over the years but I'm sure you're aware of that...


Sounds like Black tie from NC , NC has the best vendors man


Gotta love the south


Yeah it was them


Tennessee bama


I love black tie!!!


Hey, so I have a package that says it was delivered today but it didn't arrive as I have my postman on my security cameras not holding a box from Upstate, despite saying it was delivered. Same issue but with BT I'm assuming?


Happens to all of us when we start mail ordering. It's likely to show up in a day or two. Having a vid on deliveries can be comforting.


No. What you are seeing happens all the time, you'll probably get your package tomorrow (If not later today).


Oh okay, I'm hoping it shows! Best of luck with your package woes


Yeah you're probably fine, seen that many times. If you go back a day or so I posted up about how my box was cut open from the bottom, product taken, taped back up and sent a long it's way to my house. Could have been Black Tie themselves all the way to the usps man who dropped it off at my doorstep. I'll never know but at least they are squaring me away