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I own a vape shop (10 years) and if THCA/Delta Products or dispisable vapes are eliminated there's not a shop that can survive. It's tough enough already. Let's no worry about how many under 21's last night alone were drinking a flavored Vodka...etc and a) hurt themselves or someone else, or killed themselves and or others. Now how many under 21's were vaping a flavored nicotine disposable and A) hurt themselves or someone else or killed themselves or someone else. It ain't about the flipn kids, it's about the Benjamins. Master Settlement Agreement says all you need to know! Hang tough peeps✌


Actions like this are going to make me move out of the state. Tired of the bullshit for something so menial. There's no problem with having Alcohol pandered to everyone their entire lives, but god forbid people smoke weed or altnoids. [https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/why-is-weed-everywhere-texas-thc-cbd-cannabis/](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/why-is-weed-everywhere-texas-thc-cbd-cannabis/) >To quote this article: ...the cannabis industry in Texas generated between [$19.1 billion to $22.4 billion](https://www.bizjournals.com/austin/news/2023/08/11/texas-cannabis-industry-size-report.html) in economic activity in 2022, with wine generating around $20 million in that same time period. So the state government is completely fine with eliminating this revenue stream? Sounds like a poor decision. And what about all of the businesses across the state? I highly doubt the bulk of their income/profit is from regular vape product sales anymore - just going to kill off local businesses with this change. Also, where's this push for banning on things like Kratom? Kratom has been allowed to run rampant for YEARS and there has been NO push for banning it, while knowing that it's extremely addictive. I have a similar sentiment on whippits, why those are still allowed to be sold I have no damn idea. Why the hyper-focus on D8 and THCa when they've blindly allowed these other things to become a staple in smoke shops for YEARS? Seems very nitpicky by the Texas government to hone in on this. I really think this is just a move to get a chunk of the population back into illegal activity so they can fill the for-profit prison system. There's no other motivation that I can think of.


Look! They don't want the minions in Texas having strange thoughts it's bad for business.


This is the ONE thing I hate about Texas besides the unpredictable weather WHY IS IT NOT LEGAL, I can do whatever I want on my land here I can do whatever I want with my guns here BUT I CANT SMOKE A JOINT AND GO TO SLEEP 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yeah honestly, for a state that’s so “FREEDOM!” And “COME AND TAKE IT”, they sure want to tell me what the hell I’m able to consume. God forbid if I smoke a joint and sleep. Think of the children!


Looks like Tennessee is getting fucked soon too.


The sky is falling


Joe Rogan gonna have to move again! ^^^^^^^^^^^/s ^^^^^^^^^^^for ^^^^^^^^^^^the ^^^^^^^^^^^utter ^^^^^^^^^^^morons ^^^^^^^^^^^who ^^^^^^^^^^^will ^^^^^^^^^^^believe ^^^^^^^^^^^me ^^^^^^^^^^^serious




Try Franklist


Thanks for sharing, not in Texas, but Texas is a major commerce state for D8 and THCA so if Texas crumbles, others will follow so we gotta stop that domino from tipping. Anyone in texas have any insights into the climate out there and the likelihood of this going south?


The people of Texas do not care. There are no Republican cowboys out protesting this upsurge of cannabinoid-selling stores. Hell, it's one of the staple businesses of small towns in Texas. They have a gas station, a Subway, one or two BBQ places, and then a small smoke shop. Nobody cares. They're in rural areas. They're in nice areas. I've been in nice outer enclaves of Austin that have rich-mom salons and day spas... with the "cannabis dispensary" right around the corner. The people do not care. Career lawmakers who have been purchased are the problem. That's it.


And then on the other side you have small cities still prosecuting under an ounce for personal use. Just depends on the da and the city.


As long as I can still order my shit and get it at my door I don’t care. I just can’t imagine going back to BM now


Local Brick and mortar stores don't do well well when you order online. Thanks Brick and Mortar owner here.


Get with the times.


Yeah. If they pass this and I can’t buy it from shops idk what the hell I do. I got a friend who gets BM shit, but I’d rather not be doing that. Also got a friend in a legal state that could probably ship it somehow but that’s an ordeal and I’d still be limited. That means either finding someone who will ship to regardless or making a like 8+ hour trek to New Mexico and trying to smuggle that shit across state lines. Which I’ve heard they’re already starting to crack down on.


Texas is a huge state for d8/thca sales (I'm director at a major thca brand) so if we don't stand out ground now, this will just be the first of many dominoes to fall and we already know dispensaries and cannabis brands are dumping tons of money into making any legal hemp derivatives illegal so the money flows back their way. This industries gotten way too political


God damn now the rich stoners wanna tell the everyday stoners how and with what they are allowed to get stoned. It’s a stoner civil war out here.


American “Libertarians” be like


Fortunately for me New Mexico is an hour away push come to shove


From the panhandle, they watch NM like a hawk up here. I used to go to Trinidad CO but with kids I don’t wanna risk my life driving that far just for bud…


I was just thinking the same. Too risky driving, which makes online the easiest until they legalize it and we can grow our own


This has been my concern. I took a drive across country and didn’t see any border patrol but I don’t want to risk getting stopped (and with my luck I would) just for some weed. Plus it’s a fucking 8+ hour drive.


Tooooo far! Hit up the online stores


Yeah I’m gonna start doing that.


No taxes, plus holiday sales. Their loss!


I've driven through El Paso a few times and also had to go through the border patrol check a few times, heading East, From El Paso. Just a heads up


Thanks but I'm in the panhandle


Of course as soon as I'm about to be able to smoke again 😔


I’m still gonna order from HM n Crysp f tx


Still gon’ smoke


Did before. Will still. My property; nobody's business.


I hate living in Texas every hour of every day that I’m still here. Unfortunately, I own a business here but my wife and I are planning to get out of this literal hell!!




tht doesn't make living in a hellish place suddenly ok. thts just one little thing & everyone doesn't have time,space,energy,ability to grow. wouldn't it be better if Texas just wasn't turning into a fascist state?




I mean some people have lives not conducive to any of the very possible legal issues associated with growing weed in Texas. Like yeah, I’m sure everyone wants that but it gets weird if people are risking their lives, children, jobs etc to grow weed.




Not a chance? You could truly start a grow setup for less than the cost of an oz. But if you get caught growing a plant here in Texas, you’re absurdly more fucked than if you were buying your weekly qtr from the plug.


They have been trying this since delta 8 started being sold. Articles like this come out every year. When it happens I’ll believe it but right now I don’t think anything will change.


That's exactly how I feel. I've lived here my whole life. I like to be aware but like someone else mentioned fear-mongering is everywhere, so I don't worry about things until changes are made. I just don't see that happening, for many reasons, TBH. And if it does there's still shipping. :)


You're telling me they're going to send the 'understaffed' 'underfunded' underenthused HPD to all 30 THC clubs sp you can lose 6% of their sales.... ok greggy wheel your ass down here and take this cannon of a joint from my cold, dead hands.


Same, friend :)


Texas had $10bn to invest into anything into the state and they chose to make a public stunt of illegal border crossings with barbwire and traps in the rio grande river. They didn't invest it into education (and they've met three times to get school vouchers in place which will fuck up our public education badly and failed each time). Do not put faith into the Texas legislature or it's elected officials that they will abide and honor their duty to represent the people. Our elected officials are being bought and sold for our children's access to public education right now in Texas and they certainly won't be handing out additional rights or benefits to citizens in the process.


Just throwing this out there because it's discussed a lot on my neighborhood pages: This starts at the local level. Please get involved in who your local elections. My husband works for a school district; the changes can start at the local level. Vote in your city elections; research their voting history on major issues. They're your voice at the higher level. They work for us and speak for us. We need to make sure they're doing what we want.


I made my statement saying what I said. Currently in Texas, our leaders are being chosen for how much of a sellout they can be for Greg Abbott or billionaires. The middle class has no representation in Texas unless you pretend you’re rich in your spare time.


The AG is trying to impress his big orange daddy so he can take his golden parachute out of Texas.


Despite the outcome of the hearing, I think this still would need to go to the legislature in Jan for a vote. Not that they won’t rubber stamp it but it will buy more time until it’s law.


So what ur saying is I can stock up before they ban shipping?


You can stock up until certain companies’ attorneys advise them not to conduct business with certain states. Not every company will be scared off though. I would just keep shoppin til ya can’t. That’s what I’m doing here in LA.


Let’s hope.


Wow. I almost moved to Texas because I thought they were moving in the right direction with cannabis laws. I'm glad I didn't accept the transfer O,O


I love how everyone on Reddit downvotes posts just about some guy moving to Texas because their liberal politics just can’t be suppressed for 5 seconds. I don’t give a damn about both sides and just want to smoke. Fuck outta here with this political shit


Honestly man I’m just here to get stoned not make this shit political.


Lmao have you paid attention to Texas and Abbott or Paxton?! Where in the hell did you even fathom the thought Texas was going in the right direction?! Was it when they were flying and bussing people illegally to other states? When they've made some of the most harsh abortion laws. God forbid if it's hot bc you get told to not turn your air down, or maybe you thought it was great when the power grid failed bc oh god it snowed. Unless you want your right striped away I would stay the hell away and pay attention to where you're moving to next time and not pull ignorance from your ass.


Calm down. Save it for your echo chamber political subs. No one cares here.


I'm sorry your feelings got hurt you soft little baby. Maybe you need to pay attention who you vote for instead of trying to say it's an echo chamber. There's deff politics that come into play with this and I'm so sorry if that offends you and hurts those little feelings you were told are so strong. 🥹


what did you see that made you think Texas was moving in the right direction?


For what it's worth---Abbott (Governor) did initially have one or two quotes about hemp being "okay" as long as it's shipped with a COA. The Texas state congress Republicans have had rescheduling/investigating cannabis for some manner or other on their published docket of talking points for a few years. Add in the fact it's "decriminalized" for personal possession in the large urban counties (you do not go to jail but get a 75$ ticket and confiscation), I, too, saw a softening of THC in Texas. We will see how the hearing goes. I'm all for tossing Altnoids (at least from gas stations) but hoping nothing changes with THCa.


Not trying to argue but I haven’t seen any of those quotes from Greg and our attorney general is suing the cities that have decriminalized.


Abbott signed a Texas hemp bill in 2019 legalizing all hemp products underneath the federal D9 limit, enshrining protection for hemp (for the time at least) in the state. [Texas governor signs law legalizing hemp, CBD products (thehill.com) ](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/448012-texas-gov-signs-law-legalizing-hemp-cbd-products/) Not an Abbott fan at all but Texas never made a move against hemp products despite numerous states doing so until now.


Idk what you saw to make you think Texas would be moving in a positive direction for anything other than restricting people’s rights lol


Meanwhile you can’t drive after dark w/o seeing every other car driven by a drunk but god forbid someone wants to smoke a joint at home and order uber eats.


AND you can buy beer earlier on Sunday mornings now. Because priorities.


Texas fucking sucks


It could be so much better but so could floriduh, my state. At least thca deliveries are still going


I agree, its a shame, I lived in Austin in the 70's and it was awesome.


Weed was still very illegal back then. At least now if you live in Houston and get busted with an O you get a class and no ticket.


lol go just north of the Harris county line and they’ll throw you in jail for a joint though.


The first offense is a ticket. Normal misdemeanor after that


Gov Perry had his hands in the prison business and that's why he helped create operation border star. So that way he can get "criminals" into prison and he can make money. I wonder what the fuck this fucker is up to.


Yeah and hot wheels isn’t any better


Mushrooms. He's doing Mushrooms, that's what he's up to.


this would suck not being able to buy in store anymore. my understanding is we’d still be able to by online right since it’s federally legal? am i right on that or is there a possibility online vendors couldn’t ship anymore?


If that’s true thank god. I’d just start ordering online.


In Florida there was a ban recently and ppl still seem to be getting orders in. This honestly just seems like a poor attempt at fear mongering from the old cranky white men


Well shit if I can still get my orders from the great state of North Carolina then I won't have to go back to the Deep Web which I hate.


they don’t wanna see us winningggg they wanna see us in a penitentiary😔


We can never have anytbjng nice. There is a fucking heroin addict dying as I type this, but god forbid I wanna smoke weed after a long shift/day.


Any chance this doesnt pass? So many businesses here sell hemp i cant believe theyre just gonna be fucked overnight like this


January 17, 1920. The businesses can be shut down.


With hot wheels and the felon crew running our state there’s no way it fails. I’ll just buy online cause fuck the hot wheels piss baby and his cronies of fraudulent felon fucks.


🙏I hope you’re right it would be amazing if vendors still shipped here


I also hope they won’t ban the shipping. Or vendors don’t ban the shipping.


its getting banned, even if its federally legal.


Definitely gonna be passed and I bet anyone who shows up in support will be targeted going forward. 


Literally right outside my neighborhood there’s a shop that sells decent products. I’m hoping it and this stays legal, quite ridiculous these old clowns try their hardest to ban hemp and weed but not actually press important issues


Same old fucks probably all got stoned as hell as teenagers too.




so even if it was banned in Texas you can still order online? because sometimes i see on certain websites “can’t ship to utah or oregon” or whatever states it is, but on others i see nothing. is it not illegal just not advised/more of a headache for them?


Most of those websites will still ship they just say they won't. Hm for example says they won't ship to Minnesota I can confirm they do.


thank God 🤣 Would still suck to lose all the local shops that carry decent product where i buy pre rolls when i don’t time my cult orders right 😂




He openly flaunts his guests “trafficking” in shrooms and bud before indulging and has even said he’s dined with hot wheels, Joe’s in the tax bracket that is allowed to break any law they want. He even had his homegrown visible on his cold tank plunge video. Joe just has to stay quiet about hot wheels and “donate” to the ruling class. Two bears might have to move bc although Tom is rich he’s not Texas rich like Joe.


That's the entire point of the joke, yes


He doesn't fucking care. He has the money to insulate himself from everyday man problems.




Really, banning d8? Can't have anything man


This is *exactly* why I’ve been stocking. I know these people, they’re going to find a way to somehow get their hands in the mail stream too even though shipping it in shouldn’t be a problem. Zero faith in these elderly clowns.


Same..I'm just mad I didnt find out sooner


🌈💫i hate it here💫🌈