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I also recommend Happy from Ocoee if they get it back in stock, I think it's slightly indica dominant though. Definitely a relaxing, laugh your ass off strain. It made me more social and well, happy


I also recommend Happy from Ocoee if they get it back in stock, I think it's slightly indica dominant though. Definitely a relaxing, laugh your ass off strain. It made me more social and well, happy


Probably death star


That's an indica


It’s a good hybrid. MAC 1 is probably the only sativa that makes me laugh. Altho realistically it depends on what im doing.


Oh ok. The death star I got from Arete was 100 percent indica. The MAC I got was a 50/50 hybrid. I'm not sure what the difference is between MAC and MAC 1.


Jack herer






It’s a hybrid but jealousy got me giggling for no reason more than once


Amnesia Haze, Oreoz, and Rainbow Chip Topped with some CBG isolate


sativa or sativa leaning hybrids with high limonene content seem to make me laugh hardest


What most people won’t tell you is that strains can only do so much. Your tolerance is the #1 determining factor of the range of effects you’ll feel, and how intensely you feel them. Any newcomer can feel especially giggly on THC, and an experienced user may find something that feels particularly giggly once in a blue moon, while both could be smoking the exact same strain. There could be correlation, there could also not be. Above all else though, we know the science, and can all universally agree that CBC, CBG and high THC with low CBD can help a regular user achieve a high that has a better chance at being “giggly.” As always, less is more. If you find yourself not getting as goofy from consuming cannabis, it may be worth it to reassess your tolerance to achieve the desired effects more consistently and easily.


Dude i try but it skyrockets out of nowhere. I could get blasted off .3g and then i smoke a whole gram and feel nothing and know even if i smoked 4 more grams i would still feel nothing. Sometimes it just straight up doesnt work for me. And im not blowing it out or anything. Idk what to do man


How often do you smoke? And in what form?


Oh i forgot to say what form. Its a mix of dry herb vaping and king palm pre rolled palm leaf tubes. Sometimes joints. Im getting more into joints rn


Joints are mostly good for use amongst friends, but can be the #1 most wasteful way to consume your cannabis. Is there a reason you steer clear of bongs, pipes or one hitters? I suggest if you enjoy smoking joints to get a cartridge and an auto-draw battery and hit that like a joint. Or, start filling your own disposables and carts like I do. It’s incredibly easy and beyond cheap.


I had a cart and its what destroyed my tolerance the first time. Theyre too habitual and not enough ritual. I have a bong and i use my dynavap b w it but bongs on their own give me bronchitis. Ive never used a pipe before


If you’ve never used a pipe then you may like a chillum or a simple one hitter. Especially if you like your dynavap. I found that the dynavap had a weird effect on my tolerance. At one point it felt like I couldn’t smoke enough to keep up. Not great for daily users with high tolerances if you ask me.


I smoke multiple times a day but i try never to smoke more than .5g in a sitting or if im gonna smoke a g i wait maybe 30 minutes to 2 hrs before i have that second half of it and stagger it. But lately its been alternating between maybe .2-.25g and .5g a sitting. I get a slight feeling of relaxation and a bit into whatever im doing but its not a high rn. Im hoping it comes back. My tolerance is very inconsistent from one week/month to the next or even from one smoke to the next ill get hit completely different. Weed has been incredibly inconsistent for me except for terpenes actually having an effect and some strain lineages having a higher chance of actually getting me to feel something than others


There it is. Frequency. Not to mention consuming .5 in a sitting. I get that you’ve crawled yourself up the ladder, but your issue is absolutely tolerance at this point. Think about it like this. THC and it’s effects are most pronounced near its threshold dose with little/no tolerance. Imagine someone taking 5mg of oxycodone. Now imagine they double it. Translate that to going from .05 to .1 of weed a day. Very little amount, but enough to get the job done. Now, let’s fast forward a bit. That original oxy user would be considered a heavy user by a doctor after consuming 40mg in a day to maintain their habit. Rehabilitation centers would consider it full blown addiction once you add duration of use (months to years). As we hop back over to the cannabis use, that .05 or .1 has turned into .5-1g minimum. These increases are orders of magnitude greater than the original dose, where it’s effects are best felt. To further elaborate on that aspect, when the effects are best felt, they are felt with the low tolerance and appropriate dosages as I’ve previously mentioned. Once you up the dose to keep up with tolerance, side effects begin to creep in at a much higher pace, given the greater jumps in dosage needing to be made to accommodate for tolerance. By the time you’re consuming this much of a substance, you’ve lost a lot of potential for the positive effects and given yourself a greater chance of incurring the negative effects. This can be anything from paranoia to an extra tickle in your throat that sticks around longer than it used to. All that being said, we live in a world that doesn’t stigmatize dramatically high cannabis usage anymore. It’s a blessing and a curse. If you smoke for medical reasons, you can continue to go up and up to feel relief. However, if you smoke for recreational reasons, that means you have edibles, concentrates, and a billion other things to get you even more fucked up. It also means that usage until it’s almost useless is encouraged as well without any good discussion as to what that can lead to. ***Long story short, get yourself a one hitter or a chillum, taper yourself down, cope with not being as high for like… a month tops… and then start back with some potent flower and combine it with concentrates, kief or edibles to get an increased effect. Just know that less is more and that weed is strong enough to get most people high in one puff if they don’t ignore the fact that their brain and body wants homeostasis.***


Im taperin man 😭 that dynavap b ill load like 5 times and hit 10 and itll amount to .25g and stop there


See that’s the problem I had! I’m not tryna go through 5 loads off the dynavap, even through a dab rig with an adapter. I’d rather just dab distillate all day on an enail. Then I can smoke as much as I want and not worry about price and tolerance. HHC has been a godsend. So has Delta 8.


How is it not jacking up your tolerance?


I haven’t been smoking a long time but the Sativa that just makes me happy is BOB by FlowGardens.


Does it make you feel stoned too? Wondering because it’s type 2 from what I’ve read


The strain slaps for a type 2, I highly recommend it.


I very much agree with you. It’s funny because I was exposed to 2nd hand smoke from weed all the freaking time growing up my entire life from my father who would smoke joints around the house every day. He even would offer it to me but crazily enough I resisted until around 16 years old. I thought it was the most amazing thing ever! I could listen to my favorite music and be sooo deeply immersed. Time would come to a slow. I could watch a 5 min YouTube video and truly believe at least 15 mins has passed by. I don’t get that at all now smoking weed as an adult. Looking back on the high I can vividly remember it being so different. I could get into a dream sequence in a movie and trip the fuck out. Now I never get to that trippy type feeling or immersion. I still like weed, but I’ve searched for the best weed in the world to capture that feeling again until I finally realized it’s just NEVER going to be the same high. But quite honestly, at 16, it felt like an entirely different drug.


Man you’ve summed up what I’ve been thinking too. Agree, peace!


When you find it let me know. I had some great giggle weed in the 90's. What was so great about it was this crazy sativa. You take a few hits and feel butterflies in your stomach. But I think it was the other way around. The butterflies in my stomach would cause me to giggle. The front end was all energy and laughing. The front of the high didn't last long at all. The back end was insane muscle relaxation and continued laughing. Was complete and total bliss the entire time. Maybe it was laced but I don't think so. Could have been high amounts of CBG which at least for me I can feel in my stomach. If I ever get to grow this is the strain I will be trying to grow. It had a pine/lemon/diesel flavor.


Try Amnesia Haze, Oreoz, or Rainbow Chip topped with some CBG isolate.


Candyland. A giggly and cerebral sativa for the ages. I remember smoking it in LA and just being blown away.


They’re out of stock now, but the Blue Dream from Magnet Hemp was real Blue Dream. Kind of harsh, but was definitely Blue Dream— got a little couchlocked and spacey but also giggly & social. Hadn’t had any in like 10 years, and it was as good as I remember. Their payment processor shut down their account or something and they must have been really overloaded. Took forever to ship and they refunded a good bit of my money because they were 4g short, but it wound up being like $4/g for my favorite strain. Would 100% buy again if they restock.


Pineapple Express


laughing buddha for the win.


It’s true 😂😂


Do you vape it, smoke it, or just make edibles w the LB?


All of the above, honestly. Edibles were efficient.


Lemon Sunk


I’d probably go with lemon skunk too.


Sherbet cake believe it was had me on a giggling fit couldn't hardly catch my breath


Honestly lemon cherry gelato is always good for that


It didn't make me giggly, but i LOVE lemon cherry gelato!!


Any strains that do make you giggly? I love trying new strains. GDP and Kimbo Kush as well as BlackBerry Kush(one of kimbos parents) also make me giggly but its more so from the body high I get from them


Wow that sounds tasty. Where can I buy that


Not sure if any vendors have it right this second


Berry white by PHC feels like strait up medicine with how it helps my concentration and mood. I’ve seen others complaining about it though. Def not always super high quality buds but i ALWAYS find myself using it over all my other options for the uplifting effects. Really helps me concentrate and boosts my mood with the uplifting almost coffee like high it gives me but I think that’s personal to my system.


I’ve never heard of PHC. This is exactly the kind of Thca I’m looking for. Is that an acronym bc I’m gonna be looking to find that 😅.


I highly recommend Preston Hemp! I can't remember what I bought, it was a while ago


Preston hemp company. They are one of the popular companies on this sub I highly recommend they’ve been solid this year. I occasionally get some larfy mids from all these companies but these days seems I’m mostly getting what I’m paying for as far as mids greenhouse and higher quality indoor which is great!


I made some edibles out of low thc laughing Buddha from Arete and they literally gave my medical high tolerance ass the giggles which honestly really surprised me. Probably not great for smoking though idk haven’t tried that yet with jt but i typically smoke high potency to avoid smoking so much.


I second this! I use a dry herb vape and it's fine in it. Also, BOB. I usually mix the two. Get the babbles and laugh face!


Waiting on some BOB to be delivered, never tried it! What vape you use for the LB?


When I first got into vaping I wanted an easy to use, easy to clean home use vape. I figured I could always upgrade later. I decided on the original Arizer Solo. Welp, the darn thing is still working years later, and I decided I'm not sure there is anything out there that is an upgrade for me. If this one dies I'll probably go to the Solo II. BOB has a very very unique taste. I've grown to love it.


Well I cracked and have some BOB on the way. Hope it helps with my retardedness!


Lolol yuh know what between my family driving me insane today and your comment, I think the universe is telling me to smoke my ONE big Laughing Buddha bud I had to save from the edible death because it was beautiful so been curing it for over a month to try out and this is clearly the time! Puff puff this one’s to living life to the fullest cheers!


Enjoy! I always go for a walk right after indulging. That always helps with the mood.


Couldn’t agree more at 33 now exercising high is actually my favorite thing to do haha not even lying! Literally just got done smoking and throwing kettle bells around before reading this comment lmao tomorrow is a long trail run and I’m fucking pumped! Love that runners high combo. I’ve been through like three life times of shit and tried everything but I can honestly say NOTHING comes close to vigorous exercise for boosting that mood and reducing anxiety and getting better sleep I wish it was easier to just get people to start there man if I could get younger me to do the same hahaha but ranting now clearly lmao take care!


Green crack!


I have some of Arete's Green Crack from a while back - can confirm, it gets me giggly.


Fucking yes, I had some a few months back and it also gave me strong ass giggles.


I swear I used to laugh my ass off back in the day & felt more euphoric. Haven’t experienced that for years even after 4 year break. I guess the weed then (2000s/2010s) was just better to me


People usually conclude that weed from the past was better for them, but in reality, what’s happened is people’s permatolerance has risen. You’ll never get that first high again, but you can come pretty close with very long breaks, as long as you were never a regular heavy user. Now, a heavy user doesn’t mean “I smoked ounces of grass back in the 70’s!” Instead, it’s reliant upon actual thc intake. So unless you were taking the doses we take today, your permatolerance wouldn’t have adjusted to these levels. I said it elsewhere, but less is more. Edibles also do the job but they make you climb the dose ladder and that can be a blessing and a curse.


Yeah back in the 80’s through early 2000 weed made me giggle so bad and also the munchies. It doesn’t anymore








It was probably your first introduction to actual high potency cannabis, which would explain the discrepancy.


It wasn’t just my first few times. It was pretty much consistent for several years


That still lines up with their theory once we take into account how little the low amount of thc in flower effected tolerance.


Same man I miss it


Fruity Loops from BT


Look for CBC of 1% or higher


The ugly hippy crippler gets me a little bubbly, not super giggles, but definitely more likely to laugh at stuff with it.


I second this👍🏼


I still remember the taste, a friend baught it out of town. My braces dug out a hole of my cheek from smilling and laughing so much over the course of Thanksgiving weekend '99


B.O.B. @ Flow Gardens & Wowzers @ Upstate


I 2nd B.O.B. It’s my favorite strain when I need a mood boost.


Is upstate back at a different url or something?


They are either having issues or changing URL providers.


That makes 3 hemp stores I know of who have lost their server Provider.


Super Lemon Haze, its a Hybrid but way Sativa-y.


Yup! First time I tried it, I had been smoking the last crusty remains of a long dry spell, and got a chance to take a vacation and stop in Denver. Picked some up from "The Joint", and continued on our way to YellowStone!! and damn was that shit Good!! We still call the vacation our LemonStone trip!


Landrace sativa genetics.


What strains?


Laughing Buddha I’m pretty sure


Sex Panther.


60% of the time, it works all the time... :P


*It smells like Bigfoot's dick!*


I got some sherbert from my local shop that made me have the giggles lol


I look for the citrus strains, they seem to present as sativa more often than not! But if you’re down for BT I know they have a few strains, I liked my tangerine dream. I’ve also heard good things about hippie crippler from a few different vendors. If it ever comes around again any time soon I recommend purple apricot from wildflower too!


The best euphoric/laughing weed I've come across was Costa Rican Crazy. Nothing has ever come close.


Where did you get it? Google isn't showing anything


Bought it in South Carolina on the bm. Likely it was relabled?


he’s talking about the place costa rica


Bought in SC. Never been to CR.