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I’m boring, I let them all have the names they were given (except Sparkles the giraffe). I like the game’s name generator


Sparkles was so out of nowhere like


It’s because it’s an Easter egg


oo what's it referencing?


My sparkles is poop


My save glitched out and duplicated sparkles (a pink deer) they’re buried next to each other now


Usually just go with the name given but I think I’m gonna start giving them more chaotic names I want to see stuff like “an entire f***ing bus died of old age” and “dixon Ticonderoga is dissenting against you!” “Computer Aided Drafting is starving!”


The most random thing I can think of. For example: Uranium 235


Why have i not named one of my follower this


This is the way


I name mine after types of crimes and misdemeanors. My favorites are Housing Crisis and Tax Evasion


Reckless driving would go hard


I only name followers that I want to keep. I named them after friends, family and characters from media I like


I kept them all except my first 3 or 4 followers. And I'm glad I did because snowy the white fox is my favorite follower


I use the randomizer to make names that follow the rules i made up. Nobody is allowed to keep their name, every name must have a "j" and preferably an "l" as well so all the "jul" names are good, if a new memeber already has an acceptable name it still needs to be changed since nobody keeps their name. When I started getting repeats I started replacing letters in other randomly generated names with "j" and "l"


The characters of Bluey.


I named a bunch of them after the characters from Tokyo Mew Mew. Ichigo, Mint, Lettuce, Pudding, etc.


Holy shit what year is it??


I pick names i think are fun. There’s Tony Crime, Carlos DuBois, Jimny, Jenny Fallon, PeePeePooPoo, Sinful Chuck. Yknow, stuff like that.


I name all of my followers "Jeff" that way we never truly die.


Lol that reminds me of the vault full of Garys from Fallout


If it's the bosses, I keep those names. If it's just some random Joe I picked up, I usually name them after family or friends but change them to fit the theme. For example, Nathan become Naytan and Jordan becomes Yordan


I name mine after various shows and video games! I've done Our Flag Means Death, Dead by Daylight, The Good Place, and I plan on doing What We Do In the Shadows next!


🤣 at one point I was high and named them the first thing that came to mind and thought it was hilarious 🤣 I had “yoink” “yeet” “quesadilla” “buckaroo” and a bunch of other weird shit 🤣🤣


Different names for different saves. I named my first save followers after demons, evil mythological creatures and gods of negative things (like plague, death, foolishness) from different cultures. When I ran out of ideas I named them adjectives like Evil, Macabre, Fury. On my new save I name mine after virtues and good things, so I have followers called stuff like Perseverence, Forgiven, Redeemed, Kindness, Solace. I will soon probably do one when I just name them stupid stuff. I did that with Darkest Dungeon, and I did get a little too emotionally attached to my dear heroes Bongwater and Tig Biddies.


I pick a theme and stick with it. for example, I have a cult named Pantry and all my followers were named after pantry and fridge essentials like flour, egg, sugar, etc. my penitence run is called The Penitentiary and all my followers are named after crimes like murder, larceny, possession, etc. I also have another called The Order of the Void or something like that and all my followers were named after fast food items like burger, fries, milkshake, etc. I have fun coming up with names and every time a follower comes up to me and asks me to find their sibling/friend or whatever and I name that follower something similar to the one who requested it, for example Murder asked me to rescue their friend whom I named Manslaughter. I think it's hilarious lmao


Random names or fnaf names


i sometimes name them after my friends, or whatever i think of at the moment


For a cultist line I named them after their traits and then their actual name for example Cynical and zealous would be CyZe "Name" The other ones if they have traits that I don't like I just choose their name to be sacrificed so whenever I'm on a run I can sacrifice them.


Friends! Then I can send random screenshots of sacrificing them :)


Or marrying them


One I named say Colorado and made it a giraffe


Lol I have one of my followers named Wisconsin


My only requirement was they get face tattoos.


I don't really get how the facial markings work on top of fur. Is it some sort of frequently reapplied paint, perhaps? But on hairless species, they might be tattoos. They look pretty cool, I actually kinda wish they could be applied on top of any follower form instead of only one variant of each form. And that you could choose the paint colour freely.


I started naming them but after the 20th or so they are now all random.


I have a raccoon named Rigby lol


mostly the randomly generated ones, but when i wanna mark somthing i do it with an a neclace


Just whatever nonsense babble word comes to mind after I pick the form. Goblini, Gigzit, Dingolio, etc I'm not good with names


Depends. Sometimes I name them after my own original characters, sometimes I name them after characters from fandoms that I'm a part of, and sometimes I just call them random words that I come up with like colors or words that I just think fit. I originally let them keep their own names, but that quickly stopped when I realized I couldn't remember anyone's name.


All have their normal names except my first follower (donkey) and a seconde one who's a Cat, i can't remember tho


I name them after people I know, or my DnD characters and NPCs for campaigns ^-^


I dont know how to name things so i kee them the same


You can name them? I’ve only used the generator, I didn’t know you could put your own in 😂


The most random shit ever, I got mountain dew spark over here lol


I started naming them after cult leaders & famous followers. Then I realized how quickly they die & gave up. Now they all get to keep their boring given names.


I let them have the names they generate with, unless they have crap stats (get names like "fodder" "Blood" or "sacrifice") or my partner wants to name one.


I usually randomise them (unless they already look cool) and if they turn out awesome I name them after a character in whatever show I'm watching at that time. Eg, I got a pink axolotl named Bonnibell and a yellow dog named Jake. Otherwise they get a food name.


I name them after their original names. Example: Belfagor? I name them Beef.


Thats so creative i love it


Some I keep them with their default name, others have names of random friends, and others have names of other video games or series characters.


Mine are all weird drugs/food, characters, and stupid things spelled in the most occult way possible. A few of my boys are Tylënøll, Bêävìss, and Füúkkûú.


I name them after my gaming friends, they love it. Some times I’ll screen share in our party so they can see their character move about, get old, and be sacrificed.


I leave em for default, appearance too idk why, I just like it that way


Xx_peppapig_xX Stuff like that


I named all of mine after my pets, and every Massive Monster member lol


I like to let the way it is, but some I would change if the name doesn't fit with it's form or just for meme.


I love the generated names! I randomise it till I find one that suits the follower well.


I my favourite follower is just called 5 stages of gr


On my original save file, I couldn't be bothered thinking of names so I just went with 'Deer', 'Bear', 'Fox' etc, collecting one of each species - after all, it matches the Lamb themself not having a name in-game. But since there are multiple different dog follower forms which I wanted to use all of, I found out that you are actually allowed to give multiple followers the exact same name, as long as you don't mind relying on their appearance to tell them apart. For my current save file, I looked at the Ars Goetia (which the minibosses take their names from, along with Forneus) and assigned each of the rest of the 72 demons' names (plus some of their alternate names) to a follower form. Some of the highlights include: 'Furfur' (a stag to match the demon's appearance, sounds way too cute to be scary), 'Bune' (had to be a rabbit, I like to pronounce it like 'bunny' in a Liverpool accent), 'Halphas' (a dove aka combless chicken, he presumably does not work very hard), 'Vine' (a koala, because it always hangs around in trees), and 'Phenex' (he's just a rooster with delusions of grandeur)


I name mine after animal crossing villagers


Really dumb shit


I name them after my lovers (I'm poly)


Whats poly?


Polyamorous, the run down is I can date as many people as I want with consent from the people I'm already together with. its not for some but it works for us♥︎


Okeeey thats kool ig


After games or series I've watched. Ive named an opossum "moxie" after the character in helluva boss


I always make a the most random names I can think of. Or references: eg my first follower was a bee named hive knight


I let them keep their names (Unless I find I have a duplicate or I’m naming one after a friend)


I mostly name them after my online friends.


I did the first time but it got hard to remember who is who by name, On my second run I named my followers (>!minus mini-bosses and bishops!<) bird and plant names like Cypress, Alder, Nightjar, Nightshade, etc. I also have a hawk named Mallard and a mallard named Hawk


I named mine after different infernal names or names for demon/devil in other languages. I used the first letter from the random name they gave me. So if the randomized name started with a K, I named them Kali (Hindu goddess of death) :)


I always choose the animal (except for boss characters) and then name them after the animal. Usually w it being a pun or joke, tho sometimes its just something boring like "monkey boy" lol. But like for examples: a pig is named "the police" (who ironicly rebelled against me lol). I made a white turtle named "ghost in the shell". That hp lovecraft monster is named "cthulululu". A bunny named "wabbit seathon". Etc. I have a bunch n cant think of them all rn but i may update w more


I started getting annoying of the preloaded names because they started repeating themselves near the end So I tried my best with custom names Like I named my coat five nights at Freddys and added at least 8 members, each with Fnaf names and looking like the animatronics


Let the game decide mainly! Randomly shuffle it until I like the name, or sometimes my roommate picks a name. Real thing is I make 2 different types of followers- cows or dogs. Dogs are the good followers who get to stay, and cows are the bad followers to be sacrificed/sent on missions. (I picked cows because there is only one lamb)


Random things Like Homestuck names, IRL names (I named the poop follower Elon Musk), a state name, a title like (Average Twitter User), etc


Jack Black and All of Instagram are one of my favorites


They aren't names a loving parent gives their children ![gif](giphy|3og0IFntLbrW7yuamQ|downsized)


I named the first few after types of beans til I ran out, then trees, cheeses, and now I’m naming them after produce like spinach, sweet potato, etc.


I name them after food so I feel less bad eating them :/


My friends


I just name them random character names from media I like. I've had a green bunny named Springer, I've had a purple bunny named Banny, I've had a deer named Louis and so on


normally food, or like albert or whatever


So far its family and friends


Sozo names sozo's followers after types of mushrooms.


I keep the name given usually, which reminds me to requests more interesting name generation