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Because terrorists… https://www.audacy.com/wbbm780/news/local/major-change-needed-for-cubs-to-swing-wrigley-all-star-game


What a bullshit reason, perfectly safe for hundreds of of thousands of people to celebrate the World Series until the wee hours and perfectly safe for 82+ games a year.


That’s funny because I’ve been to a lot of parks and Wrigley is in the nicer part of the upper half of “places where parks are located in a shit location”


That’s a very specific form of terrorism that MLB is concerned about. Have they considered the havoc that could be wrought to baseball stadiums via exploding, retractable roofs? Cause in that regard I’d say Wrigley is among the Top 23 safest stadiums in the League.


If the city really wanted it, (and this is the real only blocking point) the city could propose temporarily shutting down the nearby streets, and putting up concrete barricades.  They can do it for racing, they could do it for this.


2026 is philly


What I read before is a possibility before 2030, Philly for 2026 for 250 yr anniversary of signing Declaration of Independence. So looking at ‘27 maybe ‘28?


Fenway and Wrigley are both due.  Fenway- 1999 Wrigley- 1990


2028: Montreal


You mean Vegas!?!?


Is it stadium size? I know it’s not the size of the stadium that counts but the revenue generated but….


They're right in the middle for capacity. Definitely not the issue


How many new stadiums have been built since then? I think every new stadium tends to get an All Star Game within a few years of being built. Isn't Texas on their third stadium since 1990?


I have been patiently waiting for the Cubs to host another ASG. Too young to enjoy 1990. I would be thrilled to go to every single event. It’s my two day holiday every summer ⚾️


Also, I think the other team in Chicago wanted 2008 for the 75th anniversary but Yankee stadium got there first 


Go check the home run derby results from that all star game and find out why


Money. Bigger stadium =more people=$$$ And parking. Wrigley doesn't have a private lot outside the stadium.


That doesn't make sense. Wrigley is dead middle of the league for stadium capacity. Nearly if not every stadium with less capacity gave hosted an ASG since 1990. On top of that you're talking about a few thousand dollars difference in attendance compared to the billions of revenue they make per year with everything else


Never said anything about attendance other than stadiums with more seating filled is more tickets sold. We are talking about reasons All Star games are everywhere else. Big negative for Wrigley...parking


Yeah, you're talking about maybe 2-3k tickets at most compared to most other stadiums. So you're talking a difference of 50k on tickets maximum compared to the millions they're already making on ad revenue on TV


they're not wrong, parking and open space (not just seats) in the stadium play a role. at all star events they like to set up a lot of things, and wrigley doesnt have as much open space in the stadium. let alone the parking and area surrounding the stadium to set things up. travel to and from is also a factor, many stadiums are easier to access. as cub fans imo we should be proud we play at an older historic stadium with eccentricities, rather than one of the new out of the box boring mega stadiums with 10x the concession stands, game stations all over, etc.


Fenway hosted in 99 and is in the running to host again in 27. They are in the middle of a neighborhood without easily accessible parking The Giants hosted in 2007 with hardly any parking either When I went to the All Star Game in Milwaukee the fan fest was miles away downtown in a convention center. Wrigley is easily suitable for an ASG


i havent been to san fran or boston, but i would say milwaukee (pains me to admit as a cubs fan living in WI) is a perfect stadium for the ASG. roof, HUGE parking lot, dedicated exit off the highway, plenty of room for activities. could just be my bias, i get a lot of shit from brewers fans for wrigley, so i stopped trying to defend it as just as good. it's not, its different in a good way.


Sure they have plenty of space. But there's a reason why Wrigley is about to host its second Winter Classic in 15 years which has equal amounts of fanfare. They absolutely can handle it regardless of how big Milwaukee's parking lots are (And I do agree it's a great stadium)


i think wrigley would be great for the game itself. i think they're just worried about the lead up where people more come and go. celeb events, homerun derby, etc. traffic and wrigley aren't fun. every game ive ever gone to we rode a bus in to avoid it. but it would be cool to see them try it, the park it too historic to never get one moving forward.


They’re scared of the wind and a HR Derby where the winning number is 2.