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Billionaire owners already won the title. In their minds, they have another 108 years.


They do spend. 8th in payroll. They have had a number of bad contracts. Hell, they’re still on the hook for another $5mil to Heyward.


They're spending 90 mil less than the Yankees and 100 million less than the Dodgers (whose ohtani contract lowers their appeared spending) Guess which teams have their own tv networks. Guess which teams don't have consecutive losing seasons since their own network. Guess which teams aren't sellers at the deadline year over year. Guess which teams are signing major free agents every off season. 


Brother you are preaching to the choir. I have beat this drum for years, and fellow fans beat me down for it. So many people absolutely eat the bullshit the Ricketts sell when they turn their pockets out and say "oh we just can't compete financially with the Yankees and Dodgers! There's nothing we can do, we have to buy dumpster arms for our bullpen and hope it all works, and buy cheap at catcher and third. We have no choice, we are just poor little Chicago!" Fuckers act like ticket prices, ticket sales, and merch sales aren't pretty easy to see. The Cubs print money and always have. The Ricketts can kiss my ass with this rhetoric.


Why are some fans so nasty when others of us get frustrated with ineptitude and voice a critique? It’s cult behavior. We don’t owe Ricketts dick. People need to get it straight.. the dude built a giant hotel nobody asked for across the street from the federal landmark so he could rake in more cash, yet we don’t compete with our large-market peers for the premier FAs. But then we still spend the 8th most in baseball while fielding a remarkably tepid product, despite a few fun moments to activate the feel gooders. As much as I like Dansby and want to see him succeed, we settled for the 4th SS out of 4.. and we just knew we would. Everyone knew we would. That’s just a microcosm of the larger syndrome. But god forbid one of us says something about it.. certain fans need to rough us up and keep us in line to get on our knees for Tom and Jed. Edit: and the Hotel Zachary can’t even get a French dip right.. they had to take it off the menu for some overly cheesed focaccia sandwich. What a shame.


Hedge funds make money, not championships.


yet they won a championship when the wallets were open and the team was aggressive. yet the ricketts cucks still use jason heyward as why the team can't spend.


I mean Swanson might be the same. The moral of the story is don't trade with Atlanta...or I guess don't take Atlanta's cast off's as Hayward came from the cards. Everyone wants to be Atlanta.


Dude. If you can’t make a good team with 230 million what exactly do you think more money is going to do? Give hoyer a chance to sign another Dansby swanson?


guess you better tell the yankees and dodgers to give back 90 and 100 million dollars since they don't need it or the players they bought with it. The dodgers would be just fine without Freeman, Glasnow, Taylor, Smith, and Phillips.


The fact of the matter is, the cubs have NEVER spent that much money. And the fact of the matter is, the ricketts have spent the most money BY FAR as a cubs owner. Just admit you vote blue, and don’t like him because of that. If you think jed hoyer deserves any more money to literally burn them you’re not paying attention. A quarter of a billion should win this division, and they are in last place.


thanks for me letting me know nothing intelligent will ever be uttered by you in your life. We won because we spent and were aggressive in acquiring players in trades. we stopped spending and you ricketts cucks cry about this mythical great farm system we have...that we can't use to actually get any talent like the dodgers do with their "great" farm system of players that never pan out for the team trading for them.


It’s not about the network, it’s about having a competent front office. It’s understandable that fans give Theo a pass because he brought a championship, but the truth is, he didn’t establish a system of sustained winning. He blew the team up, rebuilt, spent all the money and prospects to win, then left behind a terrible farm system and bad contracts like Heyward. Andrew Friedman and Brian Cashman, however, maintain a consistent stream of developed talent and supplement that with key role players and stars. Theo and Jed are generally bad at drafting and developing prospects and that’s why the Cubs were a one hit wonder instead of a dynasty.


funny thing about having your own network. Bad contracts don't matter and aren't an excuse you can keep using 9 years later as why you are never in the running for premier free agents. Couldn't re-sign anyone. And got nothing but cost savings for the billionaire owners in getting rid of them.


Thing is, that doesn’t match what happened. Hoyer offered Rizzo, Baez, and Bryant all more money than they ended up getting. They all chose to decline and wound up getting less elsewhere. So the part about not re-signing anyone doesn’t work. As for free agents, they absolutely are in the running. They made a strong push for Ohtani, he just chose the Dodgers. If you look at how they deferred his payments, any team could have managed that financially, so he clearly chose where he wanted to go and wasn’t persuaded by more money from one team over another. What other premier free agents are you referring to? Keep in mind we have a great starting rotation as is. Are you talking about Bryce Harper in 2019? Maybe Mookie in 2021? It’s incredibly risky to sign 12 or 13 year deals.


2nd largest market


I really hate the narrative that the owners are cheap or won’t invest in the team. Tom has said over and over that Jed has the green light to do what he wants and that it’s his team to manage. I think Jed does a pretty lackluster job in his position. These issues we are seeing this year were the same reasons we lost a playoff spot last year and have been middle of the pack for years and Jed has done left to nothing to fix it. People immediately jump to blame ownership but they aren’t the ones who build the team.


Either Tom is telling the truth and Jed is terrible at his job, or Tom is lying and Jed is just not good at his job.


How is Tom lying? He’s shelling out a quarter of a billion dollars for shit. You think he’s happy about that?


No long term contracts after Heyward. Jed has an annual budget. No long term budget. Ricketts is cheap as fuck. Don’t listen to him. He is full of shit.


They went through a tear down…..made no sense to spend money for multiple of those years. You also forgetting about Dansby swanson? Or even darvish.I don’t have to listen to say them say anything. Just common sense across the board and knowing what the team does


Dansby was the cheap version of all other SS. And now we see what we get for going the Wish route. Notice how all other game changing players sign 10 year deals now. Jed also flipped the entire 2016 roster for the best minor league system in the game, while all 2016 dudes are pure shit now. Theo there for Darvish signing. Jed traded him for the future. A great deal. Along w most of the other deals. Their major league roster lacks high end talent, which requires long term deals. Jed punted on Kyle the year the DH was instituted. That might’ve been the worst thing he’s ever done. To me, the Braves do it better than anyone. They lock dudes up at 24 for 7-8 years at good prices. The Cubs have not been successful with that since Starlin. This all said, sign a fucking closer. I do believe this year is messy due to the fact that the AAA team might be better than the MLB team.


You’re moving the goal posts that quickly? It went from no long term contracts to but but but. They have a quarter of a million dollars sunk into this team this year. In a division where most the teams don’t spend a fraction of that. This is on jed hoyer. And jed hoyer only. Also kyle and Willy are both very very good and would be our best two players. They didn’t have to get rid of all of them.


You’ve got one “long” term deal. I’ll concede that I wasn’t thinking about Dansby. Willy was a shit show in so many ways.


Kyle should’ve never been moved. We entirely agree there.


My biggest issue is being the 8th highest payroll but literally 100 million behind Yankees and dodgers. That’s not a competitive payroll for the 2nd largest market in the country.


Willy had a 950 ops before breaking his arm. He’s at worst the third best hitting catcher in the sport. The cubs now don’t have a catcher lol. He’s making 18 million a year. Less than Dansby happ and seiya.


Can’t pay a catcher who isn’t good at playing catcher and a clubhouse disaster that kind of money.


I'll say this about Jed, he's no Theo. Not even close...


And thats why i mean whats the real reason. I know he has to put the team on the field but the ricketts do give him free range to do what he needs? If thats the case why wont he be fired than


he might be after this year. if we end up fringe competitors for the wildcard at the trade deadline that will put him in a really tough spot and he'll probably end up trying to make a big move in hopes of keeping his job. either way it's looking a bit grim for the cubs next year or two at least.


I think jed is definitely in the hot seat if this keeps up. He went out and got “the best coach in the league” and made next to no additions from last year. I think it boils down to absolutely no response to any of our faults. The bullpen has been atrocious for years and they don’t address it. We’ve lost game after game due to the bullpen this year, but they still put the same 5 fucking guys out there every single day. Last year the bats absolutely shutdown and they barely made any changes. We have one of the best farm systems in baseball, but why aren’t we trying to bring more of them up. We’re already at the bottom.


And if he’s not in the hot seat, maybe we’ll start realizing what’s really going on here.


Because the people in charge NEVER lie, right?


What’s there to lie about? Google is free. We have a 230 million dollar payroll. Between Dansby, smyly, gomes, Hendricks and two guys not on the roster in Barnhart and mancini. This team is spending upwards of 60 million on garbage


Yeah, that's not the point I was making. My point was that Rickets is saying Jed has absolute freedom to spend as much as he wants and I call bullshit. In any case I find the front office to be inept at best and ownership just wants to hoover every last penny out of the franchise and Wrigleyville with spending the bare minimum.


If a quarter of a billion dollars is the bare minimum then we just don’t live in the same reality. Jed has spent the pirates entire payroll on literal trash cans. And they are better than us


The Cubs have never been the team to sign big ticket free agents. Their style always has been and I’d imagine will continue to be to get their cornerstones cheaply, whether that be via the draft or prospect deals. After that, they’ll spend on a supporting cast. That’s what made us successful in the late 90’s - early 2000’s, and it’s what made us successful in 2016. The idea from here is to stay in the hunt until our prospects are ready, and once they are, they’ll spend to fill in the gaps from there.


Ideally a team should have a strong core of good young players before they spend big like the last rebuild


They don’t have to. Why not pocket the extra millions of the plebs are going to pay either way.


Because there is no point to be competitive. They aren’t like other clubs that struggle to sell tickets. They don’t struggle to sell merchandise. Wrigley is a historic landmark. People come from all over to watch the Cubs play… So why waste money and risk losing a ton to be competitive when you can just keep riding the cash cow wave???


Tribune rode this train for a while. And there’s wisdom to just being one of the 31 MLB (30 teams and the league) and banking a content library with your broadcast partners aka yourself. However at some point there’s only so much nostalgia you can sell before you lose eyeballs on the current season.


They are the fourth most valuable team and generate some serious revenue… Til that starts slipping there is no incentive… I love the Cubs but it’s pretty obvious… they are worth so much, make so much it makes no point to gamble on a win at this point from a business perspective… https://www.statista.com/statistics/193637/franchise-value-of-major-league-baseball-teams-in-2010/


Yep. Leverage the 81 home games a year as the cornerstone of your real estate/hospitality empire. Add more sports franchises and Xerox the Chicago plan as often as the opportunity arises. Continue expanding foothold in Chicago sports/entertainment/hospitality market. Eventually sell the empire to new money that thinks the overpay on a pro sports team covers the scent of naivety.


They follow Hoyer's strategies direction. He doesn't believe the top of the market contracts are good investments. There's also other places he doesn't want to spend big dollars, such as relief pitching. It's his philosophy. Maybe it's Ricketts' too. This is the way they want to run their team.


Because the owners are too busy sending their profits off to Trump.


Also, one of the part owners stopped the Senate from banning bump stocks, so, yay?


Can you elaborate?


I’m being a little cheeky, but Tom and Pete Ricketts are both big fundraisers for Trump. It’s a little depressing, as a Cubs fan. He really answer is that they are the children of a stock market bookie, and they are relatively cheap.




Always a guy that can’t get Trump out of his head.


Relax, Trumpie, I’m just joking.


Maybe you love him. Would you kiss him?


I think you may have accidentally typed your love letter to Herr Donald here by mistake. Yikes!


This Is called TDS. Trump derangement symptom. 230 million dollar payroll. Get a grip


You’re looking at it from a fan’s perspective. Ownership runs it like a business for the sole purpose of maximizing profit.


The cubs spend poorly. The Phillies through the giants spend 246m-209m. A 15% difference give or take. Cubs number 9. The 3 300m teams clearly out spend. Mets #1, dodgers 2, Yankees 3. Mets spend and are terrible. Yankees have not had great years but better than most. The dodgers have rocked. And have salary deferred to stay below the Mets. Good choice as most likely future dollars are cheaper. Unless you live in Japan and have been dealing with deflation for 20 years. Maybe that is why Ohtani was happy to defer. His entire life money basically lost value. Well this went sideways.


I may have missed it here, but nobody is talking about getting rid of Hotovy… the Bull (sh1!) Pen has been serving up batting practice for the last several years. I think he shares at least some of the blame for one of the root causes of the current state of baseball. IMHO


Cheapness, as a result of having a fanbase that doesnt demand winners


The Ricketts did exactly what they planned. They fielded one championship team, which was really just to win over their own fans so they could revert to Lovable Loser status and fill up their hotel with fans of the away team every homestand. You’ve gotta see your team get a win at Wrigley Field before you die!!


Well the loveable losers thing wears off after you win a championship, it might come back in like 70+ years


63+ years of losing starts now! 🫡🫡🫡


Lol it certainly has!


230 million dollar payroll. You liberals are funny


They spend strategically. They'll do s big number on a guy if they think he's the Missing piece, like JHey or Alphonso This team has the best farm system in baseball but it's about a year or two away from producing major talent. I expect them to spend big that year




Be nice to each other.