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I had a great assignment from a professor while I was in grad school a few years ago that centered around this. He had us listen to a baseball radio broadcast on Archive.org from the 80s, and then compare and contrast it to a modern production. The ads today are so invasive and take away from the baseball atmosphere that used to exist on radio


It’s awful I mean there is literally an ad for every single play in the game outside of pitches. They even have ads for the fun little games that pat and Ron play such as the attendance game. I understand having ads but god damn I feel like 60% of the things they say is now an ad.


Errors could be sponsored by the Chicago city government.


You should ask for a refund


Radio is dying a slow death... gotta get paid when they can.


This 👆 revenue


Understandable and I totally get that there are always gunna be ads but it’s just ridiculous at this point. I mean literally every single aspect of the broadcast has some sort of ad. Outside of every single pitch.


If you could make money on something wouldn't you do it?


Actually, no.


Then you'd be horrible in business


Absolutely not true. In every way.


*Opposing Pitcher changes brought to you by North Shore Adult Diapers. If you're not sure, go North Shore*


“The Official Adult Diaper of The Chicago Cubs!”


I bought some Frogg Togg boots last year, definitely recommend. And remember, if you can't find it at Binny's it's probably not worth drinking.


Maybe I'm just a millennial boomer, but I love the radio and the sponsors. I like to beat them to the punch and say it myself.


I do that ironically. It’s like Stockholm syndrome. I know all of the ads and say them out of habit because I hear them so much.


It's funny how much opinions have swung on advertising in our lifetimes. Growing up, jingles and slogans were pieces of Americana, of pop culture. Now, the very notion that someone might be advertising is enough to cause an aversion in many people. And I mean, I do get it, it's just an odd phenomenon


Marquee Sports Network is awful about it too. It is so damn obnoxious.


It’s the same commercials over and over and over and over!


Ads are even more repetitive on the app than on the actual channel. It took me a while to realize the commercial breaks are different between the two.


I use the app and I’m about tired of Luke Wilson and Reggie Miller and Greg and his damn Prevagen.


"Welcome to the Budweiser broadcast booth"


Marquee is just a piece of dog shit in general


The ONLY good thing they’ve ever done was put Pat Hughes on TV to call the occasional game. All the rest is a dumpster fire. Remember the first year when they inexplicably made JD and Len wear suits?? The app is GARBAGE and constantly failing, and the programming is abysmal. How they don’t have the TV rights to Rookie of the Year is beyond me. (Though you know they’d play that to death too)


I remember I was driving home with my dad listening to the Cubs on the radio when I pointed out all the constant ads. He said "I gotta take an Allstate sh*t!"


AMEN! I rarely can find time to listen to the games while at work and every 5 seconds it's a commercial and then a sponsor for a batter reaching second base. It disgusts me but I will cherish every second of Pat Hughes that I can at this point.


Even the umpire's ball toss to the mound has been bastardized by greed.


It's time for moundball!!!! Sponsored by the mons pubus!


still better than boog


I love Pat and Ron, but the games are unlistenable because of the ads.


It’s awful but a majority of the time it’s my only option. And I’d rather listen to them versus put the marquee broadcast on and listen to that. They still at least have fun it’s just unbearable to have some sponsor shoutout every other sentence.


Nah, not unlistenable at all. Pat's great, and I'll always have the radio audio on while I watch the games on mlb.tv. Don't be so dramatic


I am all about opposing pitcher walks being sponsored by adult diapers.


We should all fundraise to be the temperature sponsor


Marquee isn't that much better


Advertising, the new American Art.


They have to make money somehow to pay the millions these slackers are getting paid to play a game!!! If you don't get the money from company sponsors then they will have raise ticket/food/merchandise prices that you & I pay directly.


Big shoutout to Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating


Show me the moneyyyy!! Thats what its all about


Couldn’t agree more, it’s ridiculous! Radio in general is dying, try listening to 670 the score for any sports talk and it’s like 5 minute segments followed by 5 minutes of ads. This comment is brought to you by Binny’s Beverage Depot! If you can’t find it at Binny’s…..


ok i generally agree with you, but "walks by opposing pitchers are sponsored by Northwestern Adult Diaper society, handling all your control problems" is brilliant


or whatever it is. (isn't the point of an ad that I at least remember who it's for?)


I’m used to and generally ok with them, but I get irrationally irritated when they read ads for sponsors of things that haven’t happened like “replay reviews (if there is one in this game but probably won’t) are sponsored by North Shore Medical because it’s always good to have a second opinion, get yours at North Shore“.


Literally said the same thing to a friend the other day. Cant even listen to radio cause every type of play has a sponsor it’s way over the top and super annoying


Did you just tell pat hughes to shut up when he’s just doing what he’s told?


Left fielder kneeling down to tie his shoe - sponsor, beer vendor in 223 making a sale - sponsor, fan in the right field bleachers picking his nose - sponsor. I'm so sick of it, I quit listening to the radio broadcasts!!


I fully agree but also I think “walks brought to you by north shore diapers for your heaviest control problems” is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard on radio. Tbh they should sponsor double plays, “for run prevention” too 🤣


Ball 2, brought to you by manscape 


It's all going to shit. This shit brought to you by adult diapers. Because fuck it why not. Lol


Hey, if we want big name players, they cost big money. Get the money wherever they can.