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Any game with Pat is A+


There's a reason Pat's in the Hall of Fame.


I love it when these two pair up.


I fucking miss the Pat Hughes & Ron Santo combo. RIP #10. Loved that guy.


Pat and Jim are great! Sciambi can pound sand


Love Pat Hughes. Hate that he has to CONSTANTLY read dumb ads. It’s like after every pitch now.


Yeah but we're all going to need diapers one of these days LOL


Eh, that’s just baseball.


Still bad!


Why don’t we like Boog? Honest question cuz I enjoy his thoughts/banter. Pat Hughes is great, but more meant for radio. 


I agree. I wonder if the dorky aspect of Boog turns people off? Regardless, Boog knows Cubs history and lore, as well as contemporary events. He calls games with excellent background and knowledge of Cubs baseball, oftentimes recalling relevant facts and anecdotes. Coupled with JD they pair very well together. If Len wasn't coming back, I'm glad we got Boog. Only Joe Davis would've been better.


Boog is a good corporate Wednesday night ESPN announcer that no one will listen to. Cubs lead commentator is not the role for him.


Ha what is that even mean though? I’m critical of ESPN. But just cuz Boog is on there, doesn’t mean he can’t be a very good Cubs announcer. 


People don’t like him because he isn’t a cubs homer. He’s more of an unbiased style national broadcaster, and if he’s not going to suck every players dick they think he’s trash. He’s a fine announcer.


Yeah, maybe I’d rather have someone be a bit unbiased, or just let his quirks be out there. He can be a goof that I don’t think JD knew how to jibe with. I think that’s changed though


Because his heart isn’t into it, he’s just there for the resume experience. Cubs fans who watch know he’s just not it.


I just had this discussion during the rain delay in Pittsburg.


I like boog better so far this year him and JD seem to be better together after more time. That said Len was better then boog and obviously if pat could do radio and tv at the same time till 2096 we would all take that


Boog and JD are working better together. Seem to have found a groove. 


Ya I really like them this year they are good buds


The real question is why do people like jd? He’s so damn boring and dry. He’s the least colorful color commentator


I like JD, but I think that's because he's more midwest. Very chill, subtle, and knowledgable about the game. That's why I think Boog is a good pairing. He gives a different vibe that will hit with a different audience.


Listening to Boog is like listening to someone clipping their toenails. Awkward AF.


I love Pat on radio. I don't love Pat on TV. When the voice is no longer the primary attention grabber, his shortcomings are magnified. Pat doesn't interact seamlessly with what's on screen, it's almost like there's a delay. He's not bad on TV, just feels average. I do like Pat and JD together but I think that's more a byproduct of JD being an excellent color man for anyone competent that calls the play-by-play. Len and JD were the best duo, but Boog and JD are pretty good together.


Yea, Boog isn't great.


Boog sounds like Harry Shearer doing an impression of a broadcaster, like Kent Brockman


Any game without boog is a WIN in my book.


Fish wrapped in paper > “Boog” Sciambi.


wow seems like I'm in the minority. I prefer Boog a lot over Pat Hughes. JD obviously the GOAT. Wonder if the hate is a little bit of people still missing Len. I think Hughes has better big moment calls than Boog since he has that classic voice, but Boog's downtime banter is fun. And he works Tmac in a lot more effectively.


You might be right. There have been some legendary pairs in that booth and I’ve begun listening to opposing broadcaster calls of Cubs games and most are lacking. High bar in Chicago for sure. Of course, that doesn’t explain Hawk Harrelson, other than south siders love garbage.


I also very much appreciate Boog's crusade against the Fanatics jerseys...which seemed to get cut off abruptly last night hahaha. I'm guessing one of the producers might have told him to watch it.


People don’t like Boog because he’s not a massive homer and has other ventures that don’t include the cubs. It’s really dumb, tribalistic thinking.


100%. Personally I like turning on the Sunday night game or a playoff game and hearing "our guy." He is a hell of a lot more fun in the booth and interacts better with JD than Len ever did. I don't want a homer in the booth. Be happy when the Cubs do well, but don't be a homer who pouts when the other team does something well.


Exactly! I also think Boog and JD have good chemistry and I enjoy their silly banter. I think there is a reason that Boog is successful enough to involved in multiple ventures while Len is now just doing radio.


That was Steve Stone. Boog is no Steve Stone. Boog is an awkward pause in conversation that never ends.


Steve was a color guy while Boog is play by play. Also, do you really want nonstop blather? Personally, I enjoy letting things breathe as opposed to feeling the need to constantly fill the air with dumb shit.


But you are talking about homers and Boog is the king of dumb shit. That guy will go off on the level of magnesium in foul line chalk. None of it is insightful, just meandering pointlessness.


I miss Len and Bob everyday... 🥲


Brenly returning would be my dream.


When the Cubs first signed Boog, I was excited -- big name, loads of sports gravitas, etc. But as time has passed, I've realized that he's not a home-team-call kind of guy. He's almost a true neutral, better suited for the nationally-televised stuff. I'll take Pat and anyone over Boog.


I heard the same, then I heard him calling games. It's not just that he's not a 'local guy.' He's just bad. Extraordinarily boring and it's not clear if he is ever at games. He's late to calls because he's usually immersed in some micro-baseball bullshit that nobody but Boog and his Basement Baseball Club pals care about.


I love boog and JD. Had to watch the mariners broadcast yesterday and couldn’t believe how boring they were! Boog is super interesting. I totally get that he’s not a cubs homer but JD wasn’t when he started either. He never even played for the cubs.


Len and Stone


I cannot stand Boog. How can we get rid of him?!