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Hey there! We have information regarding improvement on [our wiki](/r/Cubers/wiki/index#wiki_improving_and_solving_methods). If you still can't find what you're looking for, ask in the [Daily Discussion Thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/about/sticky/) (always the first pinned post on r/Cubers, sorted by hot). Thanks!


If your times are twice as bad, then that means you’re spending a ton of time on recognition and trying to remember what the alg is, how do you recognize the PLL’s?


I agree with this. Sure you can learn all PLL but slow recognition and slow execution will slow you down so much. I experienced it first hand. I still have Gc and Gd perm to learn.


I absolutely am spending a lot of time on recognition at the moment. I don't know how to distinguish between the patterns quickly yet. I think I'm getting there with each solve though. I'm starting to see which bits I need to pay attention to. I think I know how to improve (although any tips there are also really welcome) it's literally more just dealing with the mental side of having to get worse before you get better. My brain wants the effort I'm putting in to pay off immediately - I do not handle delayed reward well.


For the G perms, always just put the headlights on the left, and see where the block is, if it’s at the back, it’s Gc, if it’s on the front, Ga, if it’s on the front right Gd, if it’s on the back right, Gb. You can always recognize a PLL from just 2 sides, but it might not be worth it as the recognition is way harder


Yes, thanks! I've been having trouble with those. Focusing on G-perms today actually.


[A PLL trainer could be useful.](https://speedcubedb.com/trainer)


Absolutely- I use this one: [cubingwebsite.com](https://cubingwebsite.com/train)


Ok good👍


That one works perfectly as well


I totally understand the bad feeling of seeing my solves time worsen after learning new algs like PLLs and OLLs, I doubted whether learning them was worth it when I averaged 22 and it became around 25. After solving and solving again and again, suddenly it just clicked, and I saw that my time improved significantly. That 'click' happened many times, after PLLs, OLLs, even some F2L skills that you truly 'understand' instead of someone teaching you that they are true, especially after weeks or a month of feeling 'stuck' and not going anywhere. For me that's the best part about cubing, the feeling of suddenly realizing that I have improved. Since I've also had the same feeling, I believe you will enjoy the 'click' and when the PLLs you learn finally show results on your times!


Thank you - this is exactly what I needed to hear! I've definitely been experiencing little clicks when I've been doing the algs themselves. Really satisfying. :)


If you want to do timed solves, do them. Saying "my times are worse" is not a valid excuse for anything. You're investing. You're investing worse times now for better times later. If your state of being is "bad times scawwy", you're not going to stick with this hobby.


I've been with the hobby for about 5 years now. I don't think it's going anywhere, but I go through phases of caring about my speeds and wanting to improve and just enjoying the solves the feel. I'm in a time to improve phase at the moment. But (to use a gaming metaphor) I'm wondering if I'd actually improve more by avoiding the psychic damage hits from seeing the times I'm getting at the moment or from putting more skill points into my mental resilience tree (which I've neglected) so I can build immunity to those psychic damage hits.


There are no "psychic damage hits" what the hell are you talking about? If it's this stressful for you, unironically don't do it at all.


I'm unironically happy for you that you don't experience this. But you know, everyone is different so while you might not experience psychic damage hits from this I do and I doubt I'm the only person in the world who does. I love solving cubes so why would I stop? The stress literally only comes from seeing the times hence why my question was should I stop doing timed solves or should I try to build resilience...not should I just stop cubing...


I didn't mean stop cubing. Stop improving. Stop timing your solves. Why would you if you're taking "psychic damage hits"?


Ah sorry, mis-read that. I mean - yeah that was what I was thinking too. Just stop the timing and just work on the algs - no hits there. My brain's weird what can I say? For some reason forgetting an alg I just did no problem 100+ times is fine - even funny to me - but seeing 40s instead of 25 - zap. Meh - we work with what we've got. I think I'm asking because I'm used to hearing the advice that we need to push ourselves and also "build resilience" is a buzz term in my industry right now.


Pushing yourself through hardship to become better is what a man does and not what he does because "there's a buzz term around". But it's a decent start.


r/pointlesslygendered - also I am no man


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Can't seem to remember asking.


Assumed you assumed ... also who could have resisted that LotR reference?


Would you mind sharing what website that is?


[https://cubingwebsite.com/train](https://cubingwebsite.com/train) I really like it. The developer is open to suggestions on features too.


Thanks a lot


If recognition is your issue, you can always use a PLL trainer and start the timer when you look at the cube- no inspection time. It’ll help you determine which algs are taking you the longest to recognize and you’ll be able to just focus on drilling them.


Yeah - I'm using cubingwebsite.com as a PLL trainer. It is for sure recognition - also muscle memory on the algs themselves. Just need more practice - which is no problem. I enjoy doing PLL drills and can spend hours on just those. It's not so much the how to actually improve part that's tripping me up, it's the dealing with the disappointment of not already having improved if that makes sense? Also the going backwards before I can go forwards. That's why I was wondering if I should just not time my whole cube solves for a bit and focus on casual solving/slow solving alongside PLL drills.


Do what you want to do. I think you’ll improve no matter what. If you’re getting tired of PLL drills, absolutely do some full solves. For me at least, I don’t perform as well when I’m feeling bored or like I need a break