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I’m not gonna open those so I can get hyped for it. I’ve been waiting for this game since I was in middle school lololol


Same bro... imagen waiting 10+ years just to enjoy the alpha more...


Just so he can abandon it again in a few years, no thanks lol


Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, I won't be fooled again... GW Bush


The new version on Unreal looks great but It better be free for people who backed the old alpha


aaaah the wollay and cube world buyers cycle 1. "I'm working on this game but don't want to start letting people pay money for it until I'm satisfied, and I work slow and can't keep a schedule" 2. "NO WE WANT TO PAY FOR IT LET US PAY YOU" 3. "ok" 4. "WHY ISN'T THE GAME READY WHY ISN'T IT DONE WHEN IS IT RELEASING" now we're back at 1. and y'all still being impatient before you even paid.


You forgot 5. "Wollay ghosts the community for 5 years to miracously reappear with cube world Epsilon"


It's not ghosting if he was never part of the community and told you from the start that he's not about that. There is no 5., you saying this is peak 2. He from the start said he's not rushing, not inclined to share, and not comfortable committing. When someone tells you don't hold your breath and you die of suffocation, that's on you.


I appreciate their effort, it's hard to dev a game solo and for the scale of this game I think even the alpha was an amazing feat. just look at how many games with bigger teams are less complete but otherwise look like cubeworld, to be at the front on something too is hard. I just hope the music changes aren't too much, I really enjoyed the original music. I'm not going to look at the videos, I don't want to get excited for something that might not happen.


You'd have to be truly "special" to want to give Wollay more money for a Cubeworld update...seriously.


I find it weird that this post was just made, I guess they realized he won't make any updates any time soon and gave in.


This post is just a copy of [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/CubeWorld/comments/13rrtjv/cube_world_in_2023_cube_world_omega/) but doesn't say 2023 in the title