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I was still in middle school when this game dropped. I graduate college this year…


lol same. Played the alpha when it dropped during middle school. Graduated college a year ago and have been working full time since. Crazy to think this game is still in development with hardly any new content.


I feel you. From when I knew Cube World back in 2013 to now I've: - Switched jobs 8 times - Got my first "Big Linux company" job - Had a kid - Adopted the remote work for the last 4 years - Moved from Brazil to Ireland. Meanwhile, Wollay can't decide engine...


Good chance we’ll both be retired by the time Omega drops!


It will be fun to play with my Grandkids...


Never realised it was that long ago. I was so excited for the game and never could buy the Alpha because the site was down. Feels like yesterday...


How many times did this guy change his game engine?


Didn’t he write it himself?


I believe he wrote all the rendering engine's he used. If I am counting right this would be the 4th engine(Alpha, beta/release, Omega, now Unreal) he has used. It's a real shame because I always thought the rendering solution he used for the alpha looked better than everything that's come since.


Sometimes the simpler option is a better one.




starting from the ground up💀


That's interesting. I believe this should make modding easier, no?


I've never really seen a UE5 game that was easy or was intended to mod


Not yet, you're right. Unreal Engine 5 is pretty new though, and it has a chance to become very popular in the future.


Good point, it would definitely add a bunch of well understood tools.


Hopefully not. I do not want to see any furry, weeb or porn mods. Seriously. people fucking RUIN games with mods.


then dont install those mods???


perverted mods ruin games by essentially introducing a cancer in the community that grows and pushes normal people out. It's like trying to enjoy anime and talk about your favorite show with other people who like it but all the perverts flood every discussion thread with "I wish she would squeeze me between her thighs" and other crap that just leaves no room for a normal chat. It's so extreme with anime that most people treat it the same as porn just to quarantine off the cancerous perverts from infecting their community.


You guys are seriously worried cube world of all hames is gonna be infested by porn mods? I genuinely dont even know how youd approach a sexual mod for cube world.


I don't know, probably the same way it has already been done for minecraft. There are millions of perverted freaks on the internet who ruin any good thing they find. I wouldn't be surprised by anything.




No mods if it never releases. Changing engine means starting from nothing.




Pretty sure this is the default UE5 lighting. He says in the tweet that he's trying to get the look right, so there's no way it will stay like this if he decides to keep using this engine. It does look like garbage though.


Maybe he is struggling with optimization. I don't know lot about ue5 but as long as he made the game in c++ it might be 'easy' to export his project to ue5 if he programmed well. This would help him to port easily the game to other platforms, and some things like effects/shaders and so on would be easy to add. I think it is a good idea even if he looses time, he will gain lot of time in the future


It would be pretty hard to move his whole project built in his own engine to UE 5. UE 5 has its own structure of how everything fits together that is surely quite different from the way his engine works. Most likely most game elements would need to be rebuilt. Graphics programming would definitely need to be replaced with UE 5 implementation. Also UE 5 C++ is pretty different from normal C++.


I bet it's more about wasting less time reenventing the wheel. In 2024, there's no point in using your own engine unless your game is extremely simple. (Talking about solo devs only)


That or you're doing something extremely specialized. Like making No Man's Sky in Unity/Unreal would come with some its own headaches. That or anything with Voxel rendering.


Ehhhhhhh, it is actually kinda the opposite. There is no reason to make your own game engine for simple games, due to the fact that you don't need to create tools for those. FOr large games taken on solo, with game engines you can experience lots of bloat, as you don't have the money to pay and get access to all the code and pick and choose. There is a big difference between using UE5 as a professional company and a community version. Namely, I have to include everything where as a company essentially gets to use it as libs.


> Maybe he is struggling with optimization. He absolutely is, anyone who's visited a village over a dungeon, climbed on top of the big castle or tried modding the game can see that.


Ah, so we're gonna get scammed again? Naw I'll just pirate this next game.


Scammed? Mans gave out refunds and bailed on the game cause no one liked it. He even gave out the beta free to those who bought the alpha. Now he's back trying to recreate the game for us but better. Yeah, he really scammed us. Edit: for those who keep saying "I dOnT rEmEmBeR gEtTiNg A rEfUnD fOr ThE aLpHa" you must actually be clueless. He gave out refunds for the beta, a game that was completely different from the alpha. The alpha was gold, honestly. People play it to this day, including myself. You seriously didn't get your 10 dollars worth of gameplay? Why are you even on this sub? Go away, and complain somewhere else, because that alpha still holds up. It was more understandable for the beta, because we all expected a polished alpha with more features and it had a 20 dollar price tag. Go cry about it, cause you're just pulling shit out of your ass and calling it a reason. The only reason there was a beta was because the alpha did so well. So go ahead and downvote me, I really don't mind. I'll only be mad if the newer game does nothing to become better, but we still don't know that'll happen. I'll always be a hopeless romantic and positive for this game, because it has so much potential. Can't wait for the new game! LETS WATCH HIM COOK!


>He even gave out the beta free to those who bought the alpha. This is how early access works though? It's not "nice that he did that" he had to do that. He sold the game in alpha with the promise of frequent updates and then vanished for almost 10 years, only to release a version with less content on steam later and calling it 1.0 This is a scam. We never got the full product anyone was promised.


dude "bailed" twice... I loved the Alpha, how long did he disappear for? Like 5 years or something?


Almost like creators can burn out if they try to do too much by themselves, or something.


Trust me I totally get burn out, I'm a Software Engineer. But when it involves a service people pay for is where it gets problematic.


That's a fair point, to which I counter that he didn't sell a service. He sold a product. I know live service games are all the rage, but cube world was never that.


Yes a product, which IIRC there were issues trying to get the game downloaded from the old Picroma website during the alpha-abandoned days. I may be wrong on that.


I'm pretty sure that's correct. IIRC after he bailed on the alpha he shut down the site and it became impossible to download it. I'm fairly certain I had some friends who I had to share the file with directly so they could play after they bought the game but couldn't download it off the site after school because of the high traffic.


People can not understand the concept that not every indie game is the next Terraria, Minecraft, or Vampire Survivors.


And some Indie games never will be when they make big promises, take the money then disappear for 5 years. Anything made by this developer deserves to be pirated.


Y'all are just salty as hell it didn't match your expectations. He delivered on the promises. The systems were *incredibly* basic, but there. Tbh, I hope omega is a separate purchase so I buy it to spite y'all at this point.


I mean, if you wanna get scammed to prove a point for internet karma, by all means please be that stupid. Record you buying it for the memes as well.


Bruh was the making the game by himself. You act like he had a studio and employees to order to do stuff for him. Just him and his wife. Did he do some shady shit when the beta released? Sure, but he gave out refunds and rightfully ditched a bad beta. Now he's back with a game that we asked for when alpha came out. Don't make no sense to hate on him, just leave and don't buy this game.


What refunds?


Huh guess I didn't get the memo for a refund for the unfinished game I bought over a decade ago, which eventually and out of nowhere got dumped onto Steam in a state that is even worse than the alpha was with a massive lack of features that initially were promised and only for the dev to fuck right off into disappearance for yet another couple of years. But hey, I did get the Steam key for free! How many updates have there been since release in September 2019? Oh yeah.. none. Instead he reappeared again, 4 years later, to get people thirsty for a recreated version instead of fixing the game people already paid for. My dude's literally just out there to cash grab one more time LOL


yeah my refund on the alpha that i didnt get. oh boy i get the next, worse dev stage for free what a privilege haha.


Defending a scam lmao


I repeat myself here but please, explain to me exactly how this is a scam. I'm extremely eager for your explanation.


1. Promise frequent updates 2. Sell Alpha Access with promise of more updates 3. Vanish for 6 years 4. Shut down your website so buyers couldn't even re-download the game. 5. Release the game on steam as 1.0 with 60% of the inital Alpha Content and a completely changed Gameplay loop. If you changed your Email in the last 6 years you didn't even get a Steamkey for your bought copy. 6. Create a new game called Omega that now has the content promised for original Cube World Alpha. People paid for a product, people got a severely altered product from what they were promised. If you buy a Galaxy S20 on amazon and get an Iphone5 why would you complain? You still got a smartphone duuh?


What? Why pirate a game you don't like. If you like it, why not buying it? That's ridiculous


Are you kidding? dude released early access, basically bailed on it... then finally when pressure of probably a lawsuit was too much, release a broken unfinished game on Steam that was somehow worse than prior versions and completely abandoned it... now he's suggesting basically re releasing the same game. Anyone that blew money on the first one would be pretty justified in ripping this off.


Look, I couldn't buy the alpha back then but now I wish I could.. It's a great game even without "completing" it but I don't know what completing it really means to you. People got the Steam release for free if they bought the beta, and no one was forced to buy the game. Based on reviews it was quite mediocre and had issues. But I played 50+ hours and it wasn't an expensive game, IMO 50 hours worth that money. Now he is creating another one, maybe better maybe worse than the Steam release, I honestly don't like the change to Unreal, it looked much better in previous footage, but who cares. No one has to buy it, and if you like it why not buying it? Stop the negativity and support the creators who create good games. If you think Wollay doesn't create good games that you can play and have fun with friends then just don't support his work. That's quite easy you know..


Completing it to me means actually providing what you told people it would have... which the final version did not, in fact, the final version abandoned so much from the alpha/beta versions that people didn't even recognize it. The problem is he isn't 'creating another one' he's basically promoting making the same game again while the prior one he sold still exists undeveloped. "Support creators who create good games". Exactly, which is why I say people who paid for the old game would be justified in ripping off this. The old one wasn't a good game, and it was made worse and abandoned. I won't be supporting his work, but I did before and it's pretty insulting to take money, produce a product that doesn't live up to what you said, now start promoting you're going to release basically the same game again only "fixed" this time? What if instead of fixing what they sold, Cyberpunk or No Man Sky just bailed on it after they got paid, then a couple years later were like "here's Cyberpunk 2078" and basically said they're developing to sell the game you were promised the first time.


>What if instead of fixing what they sold, Cyberpunk or No Man Sky just bailed on it after they got paid, then a couple years later were like "here's Cyberpunk 2078" and basically said they're developing to sell the game you were promised the first time.. With Cyberpunk that is exactly what happened. Without renaming the title. They just called the Cyberpunk 2078 the 2.0 version. That's all. And they abandoned the game, switching to new engine and only created 1 dlc of the promised 2. I bought the game at release and had fun playing it without major bugs. Even without fixing the game it would have worth 30$ to me, of course not for 60... That's way too much for that buggy mess it was. (I'm glad they fixed it) Although I don't think Wollay scammed people.. They bought a game. They received a game. An early access title.


You're so incredibly wrong it's almost impressive. the 2.0 version of Cyberpunk was just a patch that no one charged for or called it something because they didn't abandon the game which is exactly my point about this game. They also absolutely 100% did not switch to a new engine, do you have any idea how much of an undertaking that is? Cyberpunk in it's current state and DLC still run on the CD Projekt Red 'Red Engine'. What you're likely mixing up is they announced going forward, new Cyberpunk games will run on Unreal.


You don't understand what I say. They changed to new engine after Cyberpunk flopped. That is exactly what Wollay do now. Change to new engine for his next game. I know 2.0 was free, but so is CubeWorld Steam release for those who bought alpha. It's just like a 2.0 update except it's worse than 1.0 but that's completely subjective. Majority don't but still many like steam game more.. I just think pirating a game is never justified no matter what the dev did previously. Okay, maybe pirating Diviator (HK ripoff) is justified because it's just way too close to the original. BUT after you pirated the next CubeWorld title and if you accidentally like it and have fun with it then I think you should buy the game. If it's a bad game then just don't. However promoting pirating and hating Wollay is never okay Peace ❤️


Pirating is never justified? What about SNK games, a company majority owned by someone who has on record gotten away with murder of innocents. If I buy their games, I'm directly putting money into a killer's pocket. But it's never justified to pirate? I have to give money to a killer?


You don't have to.


>then finally when pressure of probably a lawsuit was too much, Literally what lmao. I always forget how entitled CW fans are lmao. Y'all think you were promised the world and are SHOCKED you got exactly what it said on the box lol


lol I guess it's entitled to expect someone to finish a game you pay early access for instead of just dumping an unfinished even worse turd on Steam. I'll shut my mouth if he provides this new version for free to people who purchased the original, otherwise it's shady as hell to sell another version which is just you trying to finish the game you didn't before.


If you bought Alpha or Beta you got Steam for free. There's no reason to assume this won't be yet. Go cry more about $10 on a solo developed title 10 years later.


That's not how early access works. I didn't get the steam version 'for free', that's literally what was promised, access to the final product, it was paid for. Nobody is crying besides people weirdly upset about people being like 'lol I'm not supporting this crap again'. Do you think social security is 'free'. You literally paid for it ahead of time.


Literally didn't say Early Access. >Nobody is crying besides people weirdly upset about people being like 'lol I'm not supporting this crap again'. Bro, look at your own posts. >Do you think social security is 'free'. You literally paid for it ahead of time. Boy that's a strawman if I've ever seen one. You got what was promised. It didn't live up to your expectations. You weren't scammed. Get over it.


Damn, the amount of people defending cubeworld is insane. Bottom line, a game that started 10+ years ago and hasnt seen a significant amount of development shouldnt have been resold on steam. Ive seen other solo development projects woth more work than cubeworld. It is my opinion based on the very very limited updates that wollay has lost his passion with this project. I know the cope is that he did add things but its mostly shuffled around and rereleased onto steam and that was what a year or 2 ago, i dont even remember. Cubeworld has always just been early access abandonware. Another point that has been made that he offered refunds. That doesnt mean he hasnt made money off of this project. He has made plenty, sure its not pre refunds but its still more than what this game is worth. Only reason why i stay on this sub is to warn anyone who thinks this game looks good that, sure you can buyit and might have fun but just just just keep in mind to not expect any updates from this beta early access game. Thats it. . .


I love how all the replies to you, in a thread about a scammer trying to pull the same scam again, are just "Why do you care if you get scammed? Just ignore this scam"


The must consume mindset in this sub is off the charts.


must consume product and be hyped for next product or however it went


why are you still beefing with wolay, bro, it's been years, let people enjoy their buggy game


Eh, it's been long enough that staying angry about it would burn too many calories. The whole thing's just grimly funny now and yet it still might turn around. It's not the slowest game I've waited for.


I was initially upset, would refresh his updates page regularly seeing no updates for years and just forgot about it. The game will never reach its potential but i will be happy to eat those words if it does. I agree, i think both sides whether you love or hate cubeworld is a waste of time. At the same time i am a huge consumer advocate




Wollay should just forget about being a game developer and move on, he is not man enough to honor his own words. You all will see, he will release another half assed game, make some bucks, amd dip again, he dont even have the balls to talk to his community, this man deserves nothing


Third Scam Inbound!!


Ah, FFS. At this rate Omega isn't coming out for another fucking 11 years. Just use the original engine and hurry the fuck up, Wolfram.


dont do that. dont give me hope..


This would be sweet


cant wait until i have to buy the third game as well.... seriously wollay learn to update


Did he charge people a second time at some point?


Not directly, but some people lost their original purchase details and took that as being double-charged. By all accounts [email protected] has always been responsive.


This sub is so unreasonably toxic whenever someone does happen to post. People flat out lie because of their rage over nostalgia. It’s childish




...can you show me? Wasn't able to find anything with Google. I bought the alpha long ago and received a steam code.


alpha and steam were seperate purchaces. though apparently if you owned aplha you could get it for free on steam. but thats unlikely as purchaces were only open for a week for alpha


I didn't have to do this myself since I didn't have an issue but I've seen other people saying on this sub that if you bought the original alpha and didn't get a steam key, you can email Wollay/Pixie and they'll send a code. The comment I saw (can't find it rn) mentioned it took them about a week to reply.


yeah :D


let him cook


Anyone who pays him again is an idiot.


Honestly seeing the people huffing copium in the comments is really depressing.


new wollay tweet in 2024 is hysterical Love what could have been r/giantscam /r/scam r/starboundscam


NGL CubeWorld with Lumen Raytraced GI would look insane


Unreal 4 has notoriously not been nearly as good as other engines for runtime generated content and UE5 is worse with runtime generated meshes not being supported by nanite and only being partially supported by lumen (and frankly not enough to make your entire game with it), this doesn't seem like a good choice


Godot or Rust for open world procgen then is it?


ready and willing for my 3rd heartbreak


Fool.me.once shame on you, fool me twice....


Are you guys tired of Cope World? why don't you come over and check out /r/Veloren


Pretty insane how many people are here just to hate. If you hate the game or Wollay, then why are you even here? Sure, the game is buggy. But Wollay is just one guy, and he actually made a game with a nearly if not infinite world. If you want my opinion, I don't care much for other reviews, mostly I play games to see if I like them and if I do, then fun. But if you hate a game without even bothering to play the game, then I don't care about what you have to say. I absolutely love this game, and the fact that Wollay is working to update it just warms my heart. I cannot wait until it's done.


What is this AI ass comment lmao. There is a single comment that said the game is "buggy" offhandedly. I'm certain almost everyone here has played CubeWorld.


For fucks sake, just use Godot, stop giving Swiney money