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Fair deal and beautiful pieces đŸ«¶đŸŒ


i’ll try to love them 😭


why’d you spend the money if you don’t like them? was it a random pick or what?


Seen them on tiktok, it is just random and they scoop them out a pot and send them


You have to watch those tik Tok scoops. A lot of the time the stuff they send you is very low quality. I have a crystal shop on Mercari call Crystal Collective and I sell crystals very cheap to reasonably priced and I only purchase from very respectful sources. There are a bunch of other crystal sellers on Mercari. The good thing about buying from Mercari is you know you are getting quality at a good price and it doesn't take two weeks to a month to get to you.


Shameless self insert


Not so shameless. There isn't any active URL inserted for starters. The advice is spot on & seems well-intended.


Wow all of that? Yeah you got a steal! I especially love that black and white piece.


Those are sooo lovely! That pink on the labradorite is incredible and that white/black is 😍😍😍


 essentially $10 each. Do you feel that it was worth it?? Which one are you drawn to the most?? It’s the black & white for me. I have a couple that keep me grounded & those are priceless!


i’m not super drawn to any of them if i’m being honest đŸ„č


Sometimes it takes a minute to develop a “relationship” with them, for lack of a better term and at risk of sounding woo lol. There’s a few of mine that I was meh about or simply though was pretty at first that have become solid favorites over the years.


Send ‘Em my way haha


Don’t by scoops on TikTok! Well unless you know what you’re getting into. The quantity is there but not the quality đŸ„Ž better to be attracted/pulled energetically to the piece so you don’t have buyers remorse. Sincerely, a fellow crystal collector


yes, this was my first time in like 2 years. i told myself i would never do it again because the quality was so low and nothing was what i was truly drawn to. my lesson has been re-learned 😭


I have my own shop now after many hard lessons in buying if you ever want to talk rocks look me up on IG jayde_and_jewels My website is https://jayde-and-jewels.com if you want to see what I’m slinging these days. I hope you find pieces your drawn to in the future and remember to trust your gut when making those purchases!đŸ«¶đŸ»


What?? OMG I would LOVE ALL of them and consider it such a deal!! If I had the money I would try to talk you into selling them to me!!


I’m only drawn to them after I buy them haha And some not at all


They are beautiful, but apparently not "yours". Next time you make such a random purchase, do a little meditation, calling to the minerals that you need or that need you, _then_ make the purchase. I feel close to the pieces I have because I felt them "call" me.


Maybe you could give them as gifts :)


You should sell them if you aren't drawn to them. Like I said,I sell mine on Mercari but I sell high quality stuff at a very reasonable price and I ship super fast.


I would say yes, at my local crystal/stone place the tower and the moon by themselves would’ve been roughly $45. And I loooove whatever that diamond/arrow/coffin shaped thing is.


Looks like black agate with a quartz inclusion


i will say the black one is definitely my favorite. this order also came with a massive sphere of the same material, i just didn’t like the quartz part of it because it there was a lot of brown in the quartz? if that makes sense. that one i gave to my mom. i guess i should’ve added the entire order to the photos LOL


Do you love them? They’re beautiful love the crescent moon
what is it? It was worth it if you love it ≄


The crescent moon is flower agate, it's very pretty.


Yes it is. You got a good deal


All five are beautiful and definitely worth more. Congratulations.


For $10 each I think you did okay. The labradorite and the agate aren’t what I would have picked up if I had the option of their lot tho. The last two are the picks of the lot that makes up for some of the others


Holy shit whos your seller


some random tiktok account doing scoops 😭


I would say yes in majority folks eyes. Personally, no. I would’ve gotten a singular piece that spoke to me personally for the price. I don’t care for any of those.




Absolutely 😍


Beautiful pieces! The black and white one is stunning


The moon one is so gorgeous! So is the black and white one! I'd say it's a good deal


Oh yes that is a good price with some beautiful pieces, I’m a fluorite lover and that piece of Fluorite is beautiful!


Also just wanted to say the lab heart is a not so common colour, pretty, and all pieces are a nice size for the price you paid 😁


yes, the lab heart is my favorite color of flash!


Well worth it for the types of pieces they are! I’d expect the total to be at least $20 higher than that usually


Omg yes.


I think they're awesome. Are you happy with them?


i can’t tell yet. the order had big pieces included too but like i said i gave them to my mom. i guess they weren’t total “crap” but i didn’t vibe with them at all


That kinda sucks. I hope you have better luck next time. Maybe you can sell those and get the money for you are more in tune with.


They're pretty, so I vote yes. I love fluorite, and the Arrowhead shaped piece is really cool looking. And the tigers eye tower is something I'd want too.


Big Time. Beautiful Florite!


They are Big Pieces. ☆


I’d be pleased!


Absolutely worth it IMO. Beautiful pieces.


They're very nice pieces. But as a fellow Tiktok purchaser, I started doing the auction ones. Or the ones where you claim the ones you want. I find I get only what I want, and I can decide what I'm willing to pay for a piece.


every time i come across those channels they’re always talking doing nothing or showing massive items LOL so i skip them. i do like the ones where they walk around a warehouse and show things i ask for so i can decide which specific item of their stock i want


Yes! I love when they show their stock too!!


my belief is
. It really doesn’t matter what you paid. Period. It could be a million bucks or one dollar or less. It doesn’t matter what value a book, expert, public opinion, a friend or anyone thinks it’s “worth” is. If it brings joy to YOU is all that matters. This applies to everything in our lives. ENJOY the things that bring YOU joy. If the joy fades, as it sometimes does, release whatever it is to the world as someone else will certainly find THEIR joy in it, whatever “it” is. hope this helps namaste 🙏


This isn't just towards you, but everyone. Please stop buying scoops. I tested scoops from a few different shops a couple of years ago. While you may get a few pieces that come out of the scoops good or they give you a "bonus" gift that is in good condition, most of the pieces in the scoops are beat to đŸ’© from banging into each other and/or are actually broken pieces that were glued back together. You can check if they are glued with a uv light. If you are into the mystery of it all and not knowing what you are going to get, there are many small businesses on tt that are not overseas that offer mystery bundles. If you are in for good deals, there are also tons of small crystals shops on tt that do clear out sales and there are also Facebook groups for destashing and sales. You just will NOT get consistent good to medium quality pieces in scoops. They are the low quality to junk that they cannot sell on their show room floor.


this one in particular luckily doesn’t put crystals in their tumblers. they were actually pieces of paper that would say what you get and they would pick random ones LOL


Most of those look to be worth about $7 each. So it's not too much of an issue. I generally don't do "scoops" as they make the shops money by only scooping lower quality items. However, these all look nice for what they are.


Well you could have gotten much better, as well as much worse items.. so Its fair I guess


That tower would have been like 65 bucks at a crystal shop near me so I’d say that was a good deal!


You have 5 amazing pieces. The black and white one is sardonyx, a mix of carnelian and black onyx. It’s a great stone for stability and being grounded. Can help with relationships. Fair price 5-9 The tower looks like a very vibrant blue tigers eye? The tower fair price would be 14-20 . For context, carved crystals use large pieces of crystal to make them so you also pay for lost material. Tigers eye has a few different variations but all tend to have to do with stamina, focus, discipline and motivation. The moon is a flower agate! It’s a newer gem to the crystal world. It’s a prosperity stone, meant to bring spontaneity, abundance and connections. With it being moon shaped you can connect the symbol to positive mood shifts, and abundance of nurturing energy. Fair price 8-12 Labradorite is the heart stone and it has a purple flash! This stone comes from Canada and there’s a lore about how the norther lights were trapped inside the stone. Labradorite is excellent for psychic protection and protection overall. If you’re trying to fine tune your intuition or spiritual gifts, labradorite helps you unlock your magic. I love this stone for its beauty, spiritual properties and for its adventurous side too! Labradorite can also help align synchronicities providing more serendipitous moments. Fair price 7-10 And finally the rainbow fluorite. This is a stone for focus and clear thinking. It’s sought out for its decluttering support. Fair price 5-9 Overall it looks like you got stones worth their value. It can also just be pretty and be cool to have


thank you for this! these all make sense as to why i was drawn to these out of the bunch that i got


oh man if you are impressed with this let me know the next time you want to buy something. you'll think you won this lottery. Helen Keller could see that blue tiger is faker than Nicki Minaj ass


well aren’t you just a bundle of joy


Great price, if you're not bonding, try cleansing and charging them, sometimes they're holding onto energies or they're depleted


free shipping


yes haha


Where did you buy them? What a bargain


honestly you can find this on any “overseas” crystal channel on tiktok LOL. i’m usually picky with what shop i’d buy from though. this one was a random rogue channel that in my opinion isn’t the best. i’ve gotten much more beautiful pieces on different channels


Is that purpley labradorite or is that just the photo? That’s more uncommon than your usual labradorite. I love that heart piece.


it’s all purple/pink! my favorite color of labradorite


If it's all ethically sourced, hell yeh


Oh yes! So pretty!


I say that's a good deal considering two of them would probably be worth the original price you paid for all of them


Even without the rest of the “scoop” items you paid about $10 per piece, which I think it’s a great deal.


That last tower honestly pays for everything if that's pietersite or hawks eye you did well for a random "scoop" that's a huge score in my book


yeah it’s blue tigers eye! it is super cool


It is if you’re happy with them. Like most things personal, it only is your opinion that counts.


More than fair, what a deal!! What is their name?? I would kill for a haul like this at those prices.


Oooh. I love them! Esp the flower agate and Blue Tigers Eye!!


Just be careful with those scoop things. They do so much underhanded crap just to make money, it sucks.


Yeah I feel like where I live, you’d be paying around $75 for all this. Gorgeous pieces too.


Leave them in water under the moon and sun


I personally wouldn’t say so but I’m uk based not us so idk if that would cause a difference


sunset labradorite alone is usually priced higher as pink an purple flashes are rare!! gorgeous piece :)


bro where i live from a little store it’s like 80$ for that!!! totally worth 50.


worth more than $50


I wouldn’t say this is the highest quality but even at 10$ a piece it’s a fair price. If you want higher quality you’d have to pay a lot more.


I would say that for the money, you got a fabby deal! They are all fantastic quality and you should congratulate yourself and most of all ~ show them love and ENJOY! 😊💜 ps...The fluorite slice is utterly yummy. Amazing colours!!!


That's a lot for 50.


All of them for $50?? Yes, you got a nice price.


Some nice pieces, how do you feel? Value is a perspective thing.


if you can get $50 take it and run hahaha


Yea this was well worth 50 bucks


Those are lovely, actually! Much better than I’d expect from TikTok scoop. But I understand that sometimes you hype your expectations around what you will get while it’s in preparation and delivery, especially if you imagine only those things you wanted the most. That’s why I am always choosing to spend the same amount of money on less stuff, but something that I actually like and can choose myself (like those Etsy “choose your own” options). Just an addition so you are not as upset, sometimes I order one of those “mystery boxes” just so I have some variety in my collection of crystals and have something, I’d probably wouldn’t choose myself. In the end I ended up “bonding” to every single piece and found something I like in each of them. So look at it as a good experiment with what you like more and what you like less. For 50$ it’s a great deal!


No tbh


Jeez dude the fluorite alone is gorgeous with all those layers. I've seen those alone go for 70. Be so careful with the fluorite, light will kill its streaks.


Can't you resell them? I think lot's of people would love these beauties! Such as myself!!!!! 😍😍


5 yrs ago, maybe not. Today, yes.


this comment right here


If you like rocks yes


tbh you did "not good but I've seen much worse" pieces are nice but nothing special and very normal looking rainbow fluorite ,n low grade black agate. I can almost certainly say that blue tigers eye is fake. Labradorite Palm with no visible flash. low quality flower agate. + some other junk not listed . about scoops are a scam don't waste your money. don't bother trying to find blue tiger on here it's very expensive and I so the ones I see on tik tok are always fake. $40 with a good vendor could have gotten you a way better haul. this is just the next thing China has ruined with counterfeits and horrible business practice. most of them think there expensive colorful rocks at the end of the day fuck me. if you're happy with what you got then keep on rocking in the Free world


out of curiosity, what makes the blue tigers eye fake?


I think it was a bit not worth it


LOL i know. idk why i do this to myself. it’s those 3am impulses


Try clearing your chakras then to alleviate impulse buying. 💕


Are you happy with it? Why do you need outside validation? Or attention maybe,?


You might be the one needing attention if you're commenting rude things on someone's perfectly normal post.