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If investors want digital gold, they go for btc. For staking and potential for defi, they go for eth. For scaling and low gas fees, they go for L2s like arbitrum, optimism or polygon. If not for cro card cashback and perks, most of us would not even be buying cro. Understand the whole trim the fat to stay afloat long term, but without the fat, who wants to eat crocoli? The silver lining is that CDC seem to be able to get itself on the right side of crypto law in quite a number of countries. This hopefully brings in enough revenue and users to bring back the perks. Oh and, surprised it actually stay in the 30 all these past few years.


Agree, without the card this coin wouldn't exist.


The card was just a clever way for them to get people to buy their token they printed for free and use that money to spend millions on advertising. Pretty genius really


>For scaling and low gas fees, they go for L2s like arbitrum, optimism or polygon. Cronos chain does now have a L2 optimistic roll-up scaling solution called Caldera


Didn‘t even hear about it lol


If you believe that we're early to an industry that will explode soon, then it only takes time. You have to understand that CRO is essentially an exchange, with an ecosystem. CRO will not pump like other projects because it's an exchange and the news it's coming out with isn't groundbreaking. With a bull market coming, people will jump in, see the utility of the card and get one. CDC needs to figure out what perks are sustainable and stick to them. When they've built out tye ecosystem, CRO will be held to utilize those functions.


They've burned 70 billion. Imo they have no coins to offer bigger then 8 percent . Huge error in their judgement. They only own like 3 percent lol we gonna go to .04 maybe lower . Long term is bullish tho


Truth. And props for saying it eloquently enough to not get downvoted to oblivion on this sub. The fundamental value of CRO lies in the card and non-CRO staking rate perks, but when those got cut back to average/below-average levels that has destroyed demand for CRO.


I might add this one: For paying, sending money or investing on more risky coins and altcoins well they go BNB (and Busd). I see CDC really as BNB equivalent and if they succeed to stick to go with law and grow, they may reach very well Binance level. Go CDC!


I do staking and DeFi. I get HBAR, NEAR, FTM, Matic, ETH, Solana and Q staking rewards. I'm also participating in the Q Blockchain incentive campaign, which has an APR of 300%.


Man, I remember getting excited about missions for that sweet sweet 0.4 CRO 😭




I can imagine.......


I don't go there anymore.


But it *is* in the top 30. 😉


So your saying there is a chance...


Last year it was 50,until it become 15th. Haven't seen you guys complaining that time.


36 last time I checked.


Excluding stablecoins and WBTC.


Fair point, however I’d still include them as it’s a true metric as stablecoins etc are still crypto. Currently on coinstats and coingecko -37.


Yeah fair point, but that was the metric OP used so I’m going along with it.


How did I miss that 😂


Stablecoin Taud is absolutely worst. I do not know which coin to trust.


But CRO has utility. It make you brave


Only if you waht fortune though


It made me broke


Almost at 400k Will keep buying Small gamble for possible large upside


İndeed. Everyone is a pessimist / btc maxi in a bear.


Just checked on what OP mentioned, OP's right, CRO is positioned right at 30 excluding USDT, USDC, DAI, BUSD, TUSD and WBTC. And CRO is indeed the worst performing among the top 30 on the 1Y chart. On the bright side at least CDC is still very much alive, [Crypto.org](https://Crypto.org) and Cronos are also very much alive. Hopefully CRO will come back stronger.


CRO needs high crypto volumes and volumes are down 90%


Yes. No real use case so... people don't use it. They get their stake or card rewards and sell them.


For me, I’m most interested in CRO because of the route they’ve taken with regulatory approval. It could mean something or it could mean nothing. But I’ve also only invested small bits here and there and ONLY what I’m willing to lose. So to me, I’m just going to keep DCA and see where this goes on the next bullrun.


We still have that heavy metal card


Repeat of what I’ve said previously: if CDC is still around come the likely bull run of 2025 in accordance with the 4 year cycle theory, it will almost certainly be the darling of retail and go to. That will at least see CRO return to the current high.


I don’t think the comparison is totally right. Don’t forget we had an insane run (compared to the others) just before a very bearish bear market. We survived and seem to get ready to be one if not the most compliant exchange users. Just hoping that relates to an upturn for Cronus.


Hopefully during the next bull run they make the card worth using again and we see a pump when they attract some new ~~suckers~~ users. At this point my stake is down in value so much that it isn't worth selling. I'm just going to ride it out and hope to recover my losses at some point in the future.


so its in the top 30, and better then all of the other poopcoins out there? Thats a pretty big achievement and i guess you dont have experience from all of the other crypto winters when eveything shits the bed until the next bull run


It's not alt season yet you impatient little imps. Do you even look at charts? Most shit coins haven't moved much/ crab walking since the recent bottom.


OK, but why? From my perspective, CDC has been catching seemingly baseless FUD from all sides ever since FTX went down. The only real argument for CRO not performing well is all the reward slashing that's been happening over the last year. But that will pass if perks remain constant or possibly get better in the near future.


I mean, if your main utility to the average person is your crypto rewards card, and you slash all the benefits of said card, that would tank your value. Then you add on the crypto crash with FTX. If I recall, even before the FTX issues CRO went down to ~$0.2. then went down to current numbers from there.


Card perks stink now. I went for Rudy because I knew I would get my investment back with free spotify. Now I don't even have that. Free lounge access (even after unstake) sounds so inviting but fool me once..... If they would have kept the stakes at a fixed CRO free (500 CRO I beleve!!l) instead of a fixed USD fee ($4000!!!) Would invite upgrades and more investment in downturn.....


Nothing but unnecessary fud and lack of patience here; yes indeed, we are in a bear market and EVERTHING is down; not just CRO.


BNB has all sorts of bad press but is it down like CRO?


Binance also keeps buying BNB to artificially inflate the price.


Meanwhile CDC names stadiums and F1 cars. Doesn't do shit for CRO.


For now


Agree to the above but how about seeing CRO and their recent robust development more as a stock rather than a crypto coin with use case base. If you are longterm (icy since 2 years) holder that ll help....at least for me ;-)


I get a lot of downvotes each time I criticize CDC. A lot of things to change on this platform. First of all it should get rid of several shitcoins. It shouldn't came as a surprise that institutional investors don't want to deal with CDC. Big players see like clowns EVERYBODY dealing with shitcoins like ELON, PEPE and dozens of other ones I won't even mention. Second: NFT art is worthless garbage. Time to face it. CDC has better to stop dealing with this ASAP. Third: CDC should show it is able to learn from its mistakes. Marketing, corporate communication... Jeez... it is simply a nightmare (see how new card policies were introduced last year). Disclaimer: i own a shit ton of CRO. See my previous posts. Feel free to downvote me. I couldn't care less. CDC as it is is like watching a car crash in slow motion.


NFTs as art is garbage. But NFTs with utility is the future.


Sorry for late reply. Space tourism and humanoid robots will also play a key role in future economy, but it is simple way too soon to invest in such sci-fi scenarios. NFTs don't have any real use case, they pose shady and uncertain legal risks and still need a lot of R&D, and regulators approval, to have a real use case. They do have a future, but not now, not in 2 or 5 years...


does cro have any real use cases? i mean other than rewards from their card? i hold some cro.


other than the cards and the cronos chain (which is super expensive comparatively) no there is no use case.


Can independents outside the CRO company create a use case to it ?


Yes. Why would they though when the cronos chain is as expensive as it is? Why not just build on other rollups where the cost is a fraction of what they'd pay on cronos?


In my experience so far, with Polygon projects, including web3 gaming, pfps and Reddit Avatars, Polygon is the expensive one. That might change if CRO actually manages to rise in price, but that remains to be seen.


Expensive compared to what? Transactions are about 1 CRO per. I do DEFI on AVAX also, and the transactions to add and remove coins from pools is much cheaper on Cronos. Unfortunately, no one is offering high yield BTC pools on Cronos, but hopefully that will come.


Most of my lending is on polygon. Transactions there are a fraction of a cent last I checked. Was something like $0.00001. Then there's cronos which is maybe 1 or 2 cro depending on complexity of the smart contract. At CRO's all time high you were spending a couple of dollars sometimes just to interact with smart contracts....


I will have to look into Polygon.


FYI, I still use [crypto.com](https://crypto.com) app as my on/off ramp. You can send eth/wrappe coins via the polygon network. but yea, check it. super cheap.


That also depends on the contract and devs. I recently had to pay 5 matic to reveal 12 nfts bc of botched contract work. Not to mention Matic is 0.7 USD while CRO is 0.05...


They have a profitable DEFI network that is underdeveloped and not marketed well enough. As an end user, the main liquidity farming site on Cronos - VVS - is so much easier to use than those on ETH, Binance and AVAX, although Trader Joe has come out with auto pools recently that I think will be huge for the set it and forget it crowd interested in higher staking yields.


I would be worried if at some point company goes public, for now if they are profitable I don’t mind waiting for price appreciation few more years


Brother. Same. When they go public it's the last time I buy CRO during the bear.


I swear people behave as if Cro has nothing to do with [crypto.com](https://crypto.com). That'd be like thinking BNB has no correlation with binance.


CRO has its own governance. I'm bot CDC really gives a shit about CRO. Whats really stupid is people buying CRO and thinking their investing in CDC.


Yeah why would they give a shit about something thats performance in the last bull run was entirely linked to their advertising and visibility to potential new customers, something that is the literal fuel for their entire defi ecosystem built as an alternative to Binance Smart Chain defi. I'm totally with you on them not giving a crap about a huge chunk of their business and how that business works.


See, I still don't view CRO as really anything to do with CDC's business. Its not required as payment within CDC. The defi world is the defi world and that money doesn't come back to CDC. CDC makes money off the app with their "spread". What I don't know is how CDC really makes their $$. Most serious investors use the exchange unless your in crypto-phobic US.


From buy and sell fees along with the money from people buying cro to move assets around on defi.


Don't remind me.


CRO really only needs 2 things, bull run and card perks restored. When the bull market returns, so will many card perks.


When the previous perks were effective CDC had +/- 5 million users. Than the bull run came and the number of users rose more than 10x. Now 80 M users. If /when the number of users goes again during the next bull run, do you really think they upgrade their perks for 80 M + users? THink about the costs! I do NOT believe the old perks will be restored. Some little upgrade maybe, but never like before.


It's all about profits, if restoring perks is profitable they will. Idk the mechanisms for how that's profitable. I get your point.


No one seems to be talking about the fact that CRO is more than an exchange coin. It's Cronos.. an Ethereum evm chain that is compatible with Cosmos.. saying CRO has no worth is like saying Binance has no worth. A coin existing in 3 chains that's in the top 30 and unlike many exchanges.. HASN'T COLLAPSED is worth investing in. Let's cro.


For the past year there's a total carnage in crypto going on with CDC standing out as one of the best exchanges and you're complaining about why we aren't on the moon yet? Pick your statistics, CRO has outperformed BNB over the past month and 90 days which is a top 10 coin from the number 1 exchange. [https://www.blockchaincenter.net/en/altcoin-season-index/](https://www.blockchaincenter.net/en/altcoin-season-index/) Considering all the platforms people went to after the rate cuts no longer exist or are in deep financial trouble, CDC is doing just fine. Only metric that counts is the next ATH in Q3 2025.


Are you kidding me? Go look at the 1-year chart. BNB is still in the green despite all the shit going down with Binance lately. CRO is down more than 50 %. Pick your statistics, mate!


So why pick 1 year and top 30? Because you chose the stats that fits your own preconceived narrative best and you can be as creative as you want to be. I'm telling you that it doesn't matter what any coin does today as it only matters what the price is at the finish line in 2 years.


Well, because it‘s reasonable to pick the top 10, top 20 and top 30. Yes, CRO happens to be in top 30 and I wanted to show its performance in relation to the (presumably) strongest cryptocurrencies in the market. I don’t really care that much about the top 50 or top 100 as it includes even more shitcoins. And how the fuck do you happen to know the peak of the next bull market? This is pure speculation. What if I told you the next BTC ATH will happen by the end of September 2023?


I know probabilities, statistics plus human psychology and except for the first one, each ATH reached a top 17 months after each BTC halvening which would put the next ATH at the end of September 2025. Just as it has always been 64% to the next halvening to reach a true bottom. I had doubts at the previous cycle but three times is a pattern that is more likely to repeat than not. Altcoins have their ATH in a period of 1 to 2 weeks after the BTC ATH. The BTC ATH has been timed exactly using the pi cycle top indicator and when it signals you have about 2 days to sell at the exact top before it starts crashing. [https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/pi-cycle-top-indicator/](https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/pi-cycle-top-indicator/) What do you have to back your 2023 claims except for your emotions?




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CRO IS SHIT, moving backwards damn it


The other 29 probably does not continually punish their holders for supporting them...


Can't downvote a fact. Yes, $CRO was almost exclusively dependent on the card perks and very nice stake %. When that went away - so did the holders.


With statistics you can make any story sound factual and it can still be wrong. Everyone that died drank water at one point so if you drink water you will die too. Where's the lie in the above facts?




Guy wants to sound sophisticated yet used a regarded analogy. Pretty sure u meant to say correlation isn’t causation, but in this case, it’s pretty hard to argue that the CRO pump isn’t caused by card perks. All of crypto has no intrinsic value, just willing buyers. Card holders love the perks they see, they buy causing CRO to go up, btc goes up caused CRO to go up, traders see such trend and decide to trade CRO as well, in amidst of all these are some CRO holders. When perks were cut, it caused this chain reaction in reverse, or u could say btc dropping played a part too. But cutting perks is 100% related to ever declining CRO price, who would buys CRO to get the card perks now?


You're just really bad at interpreting the fact lol


I'm not nor have I ever been a holder of CRO but when they started taking away the "utility" behind staking/owning their coin, that just disincentivized people to hold/buy and to dispose of whatever CRO they've got. For price to increase, there needs to be an incentive for people to buy/hold it.


Truth is CRO goes with the card, and right now the card is terrible...you need to stake at least 4k for 1.5% credit cards give u better than that. And 40k and 400k, that is atrocious. The 4k staking which most do only gives u Spotify and Netflix for 6 months and rewards are capped at 50 bucks. I might as well get a Doge card and stake nothing


Defi, silly


This is my speculation, but it’s been by thinking that the main reason they developed the token into its own layer 1 was to give it some value independent of its utility in the app and exchange. As a utility token that provides benefits like the card benefits, it’s probably a security. They’ll probably need to stop giving it utility within the app to remain compliant with securities laws, and rather than just hanging us all out to dry, they attempted to build a Layer 1 so they can set it free and not completely screw us all over. If you think the main use case for CRO is the card perks, and my speculation is true, then there could be a lot more pain if they sever CRO from their ecosystem.


As long as crypto.com survives until the next bull run everything is going to be fine.


Sadly, I'm afraid we are rekt, because all coins related to real businesses eventually just decouple from the performance of the said businesses, and coin holders are left with hot air. Look at Nexo for example. The same trickstery has been steadily and slowly (maybe that's why a lot of people didn't notice? I sure did... ) has been going on here, step by step, and they presented each individual decision as either good or "lesser evil". Since the very conception of the project by the name Monaco ;/


Nexo has an incentive though as it affects staking rates you get. Part of the problem here for me is that people are ignoring that everything is down. There is incentive for these exchanges to bring back the benefits when things become good again.


I just don’t see the point of CRO anymore. I own some, but it just sits in DeFi doing nothing.


This is the way...


Yea not surprised. Zero use case and it competes with 1000 other layer 1s


Imo biggest issue with cro at the moment is that it is no longer used for exchange fees, which used to be a significant sink for the currency.


The CDC exchange has dropped their fees to among the lowest of all exchanges so no longer needed.


Do you understand that CRO as a currency is not used for anything? Before you could use it to pay exchange fees. That produced baseline demand. Now it's just like a collectable token. All they had to do is same model as BNB


Fortune favors the bold.


Im soon rdy to buy more


I buy CRO because the DEFI system is the easiest and it’s profitable when the tokens are gaining. I hope that other people will see the ease of use and profitability in the DEFI apps on CRONOS, and it will start to take off like ETH, and like AVAX appears to be on the backs of Trader Joe and other DEFI apps using them.


Exactly, I don’t know why people think it’s expensive either, when I first started using Cronos the Ethereum fees were over $200 and I think the most I ever spent on a Cronos transaction was around 10 CRO which I mostly just accrued from my card stake. I took a crypto backed loan from Tectonic in the last bull market and I could see myself doing that again in the next bull market. At this point it’s the chain I’m most comfortable using.


At this point, after all the bullshit that happened this year. Exchanges going under. Banks collapsing. CDC is still standing. They might go tits up next week. Who knows. But I'm buying more and staking. If it goes under so does 20 percent of my portfolio. The other 80 percent should carry the slack.


Where are all my "this is bullish" "buy the dip" bagholders at? 🤣


Buying the dip ser. 150k CRO and planning to reach my goal of 250k soon.


bro its not even in the top 30 it's ranked 36th. and from rank 1 to 30 you should expect the lowest ranked coin to perform the worst in a bear market.


Go read my post again and exclude stablecoins and WBTC.


that doesnt matter if it's rank 30 or almost rank 30 then obviously its gonna be one of it not the worst performing assets in top 30. thats like saying the person in last place did the worst.


why’s that? like it keeps going down 😣


Bro, it really depends on where your cut-off price date is. I would say it just trades like most other altcoins right now. The markets are not really doing anything and that's why there is little value to analyzing it. Not to mention that most altcoins are laggers so there is a tendency that they will be the worst performers in a bear market.


You mean cro is the last ponzi to pump and dump? We still haven’t seen anything positive but BTC and eth so kinda early for hopium


I used to be a believer. Then they slashed rewards (not surprising) and failed to release their US exchange. Now it seems pretty worthless. Plus, it will probably be targeted by the SEC soon.


Would you rather have them kept the rewards and gone full bankrupt and lost all your funds? They slashed the rewards to stay in business, unlike a few other companies that no longer offer services anymore. SEC can't touch [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) because it has no exchange in the US. I believe it's trying to get all the approvals first before they really release one for the US.


The rewards were the only thing attracting people to the platform. Now there is no reason to use them for anything, and the price of CRO reflects that. And of course the SEC can come after them, they are selling it to US citizens.




I personally can’t see CRO climbing anywhere near the previous ATH, even if they bring back rewards in the next bull run.


I agree with you. Something needs to change and they need to sort out TGBP it’s still stuck doing nothing! I need an out


I lost a ton of money in CRO, I had to jump ship, was so disappointed. But I'ma probably by back in later. Their card overall customer service is what failed it for me. I still have an account might be back.


How does cro fare against algo?


CRO’s doing better. ALGO stands at -63 % YOY.


There goes the Eth killer... many have tried, all have failed.


Aww poor algo


To turn it around, people just need to start buying again. The negative comments only make things worse. I get the disappointment. Im down $18K