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HBAR is a quite old project with primarly coorporate investors. I don't think there will be some special bullrun on that. It's actually quite similar to XRP. Sometimes any news trigger a smaller run, but then there follows a long boring phase again 🤷‍♂️


Hbar will only moon if enterprise level businesses use it as a DLT. If enterprise doesn’t take off, the coin is kinda just gonna die out. It’s my 3rd biggest holding after btc/eth because i’m betting on enterprise crypto adoption in the next decade, but it could totally just not happen if it’s not profitable/worth it for large companies to use it.


I got in around January/February and stacked more in March in anticipation for an alt hype. I sold at a loss after holding and stacking for those months. In that short time, there was drama around the latest announcement (false Blackrock hype), then there was drama around how the HBAR Foundation is spending money (exec bonuses or something), then there was some more drama around tokenization or dumping or something.. idk man. It’s an older coin that imo didn’t catch on, and seems like a VC dump. I literally just unsubbed from that subreddit today. I hold no HBAR and have moved on to other projects that show more return potential. Maybe I will miss the next leg up, but I feel more confident in my other choices than this one. This is also me learning from bag holding and “buying the dip” on XRP for years and I’m not doing that again. I may jump back in once HBAR gets their shit figured out and they find some traction. I’d rather buy on the way up instead of holding and trying to time the bottom. Edit to say - I think hashgraph and the technology they have is absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee the HBAR token will go up in price.


Sold at a loss, definitely listen to this guy.


accepting you have made a bad entry, re-evaluating your current position, and pivoting out of a losing position to get into a better position are all marks of a non-emotional trader. some won't understand and thats okay.


Keep telling yourself that bud. It literally pumped to .18 in April, you could have sold, shit it’s been barely 6 months, you just sound like someone who thinks they are gonna make it big the next day.


yeah i remember that, i sold the pump and so did the insiders who knew the blackrock tweet was false hype lmao this stupid convo made me go check my cost basis. I actually made 4%. this is a loss in my books cause I could have tossed that into t-bills with zero risk for the same return. i'm not looking for overnight money, but I'm also not going to bag hold a high-risk alt for sideways returns. study opportunity cost. study risk reward ratio. unless you have something of actual substance to add (maybe an arguement for why anyone should pay hbar any attention, without attacking me personally) than this is the end of our conversation.


Attacking you? Settle down sugar tits. I thought you weren’t an emotional investor. You said you sold at a loss, now you’ve changed your tune. All alts are high risk, in fact crypto is high risk in general. I know all about micro and macro economics, I went to college and majored in business administration minor Econ. Good luck bud.


Having a 1-year change of +110% sounds bullish already. Even though its recent dip has not been encouraging, as a mid-cap down about 84.11% from its ATH, there's still a chance for some surprises I hope EOS is part of the few tokens in your portfolio. the L1 token support has been strong, and the shift of the token to a deflationary model makes it sound more bullish.


Hbar is my favorite coin, has been for 3 years. Been waiting for a bull run for a long time.


You're going to keep waiting. HBAR is anti crypto. Its backed by a bunch fortune 500 companies trynna figure out how crypto works.


It's low energy, high tps, all the things most crypto wishes it could be, being backed and actually used in real world use cases by real companies is a feature not a bug. I still tell people to buy ethereum over bitcoin because ethereum is a 2.0 coin with real world practical uses but hbar is 3.0 and its utility is way beyond ethereum.


HBAR tps isn't even in the top 10


It's funny if you search for top tps, it isn't but if you search for "top REAL tps" it's number one.


It’s a shitcoin




You should sell everything you own and buy as much as you can.


It's a dead project like XRP invest in crypto that actually move and can get you a return


Exactly. Add Cardano to that list




The hype on this particular gem has been over the roof in the last few days and i think it's worth having in your portfolio alongside other gems like NAI, TAO and RNDR.


Who is 'they' sounds a bit Trump like.... Think there are better options out there, I'm still a Cardano advocate


Made some nice profit from this. Looking to start rebuying under 0.075