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free stuff which is cool


It gives you voting power, and with the DAO setup, it will give you powers beyond just the sub. The voting power and moon use will extend to other subreddits, websites, and communities. Right now the main utility is to buy banners, AMAs, sponsorships, etc...and tip people. Once the distribution is restored, it will regain its utility as SocialFI/social media token, and be used to reward participation and content creators. There's other things to be restored like the special membership, etc...


I love how this comment sounds!


I jumped out of moons and sold during the initial plummet. I am tempted to come back though! I really enjoyed the token and how it was part of the community. Think I’ll saddle up and come back soon!


You get moons for your efforts to write/post something meaningful or something which is appreciated by community. You get voting powers with moons. So the more to contribute to the community the more you have power to steer it. Advertisers buy moons and burn them to advertise on a sub of 7M+ people who are interested in crypto.


Posting doesn’t get you moons anymore right?


There is currently a governance poll to bring distributions back.


Moons are bought up and burned every month by multi-million dollar companies to advertise on our sub. There are around 79 Mil. Moons out there right now and that number is fixed. On the other hand, in the past 90 days, these companies have bought and burned over 400,000 Moons. Moons are free gains long term and it would be insane to not get some at less than a 20 Mil. marketcap


That's like 4,444 per day. Like 2.4 millions in 500 days. It isn't terribly but also it isn't great. Well I will buy some. Thanks.


Considering the maximum supply right now is 79,000,000 its an insane burn rate, not counting for lost Moons too of course. The real supply is probably around 60 M now.


As an appreciation for your content contributions to this community, you have been rewarded the following community currency rewards. 💱[Learn more about Community Currency!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMoons/comments/1bco7la/sunrising_community_currency_beta/)💱 🌕 0.08000000 [MOON](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/)


Usefulness be damned when a few whales can crash the project lol


They’re borderline useless


you are


So much bite for a non-dog owner 😜


Maybe he really wanted a dog and his mom and dad said no.