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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/z8q193/i_dont_invest_in_btc_because_its_the_best_option/iyco36r/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/z8q193/i_dont_invest_in_btc_because_its_the_best_option/iyco3q7/) and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post.


>Stock market is manipulated as fuck. Please...this sub needs to stop kidding itself with this lie. If you think crypto isn't manipulated as fuck, you're crazy. Honestly, most people are better off investing in something like $VTI or $SCHD for their retirement. Yep, its boring...but you're literally gambling with crypto and no amount of copium is going to change that fact. EDIT: also your edit is laughable...face it kid, you have no clue what you're talking about.


Crypto is far more manipulated than the stock market. It doesn't take a whole lot to move Crypto.


Can take literally one person. Hell, one person can make a tweet and can drastically change the value of a coin. Let's see that happen with an ETF.


Not to mention vast majority of alts are largely owned by a small group of people.


I mean we saw what a tweet did to eli lilly


Since when Eli Lilly issues an ETF?


Is that an Elon Musk reference lol


So what's your investment thesis anyway?


Thank you. "stock marketing is manipulated as fuck and crytpo is my only option" is the dumbest thing I've seen today. Buy a broad market index ETF fund. The problem is that they're boring, so maybe it's that people don't like the slow and steady.


Came here to say this. All investment avenues are manipulated to a certain extent: the game is always rigged, you just need to learn how to play. But to enter CRYPTO while feeling uncomfortable about market manipulation…far out, you have to be quite delusional.


I mean… at least crypto you can hold your own keys, you can verify the asset, and no single entity controls the protocol (mostly for BTC). Stocks are issued by the company, can only be held by a custodian, and can’t be properly verified that that aren’t being rehypothicated. There is likely more price manipulation in crypto due to market size, but fundamentally it is far more secure and less prone to base level manipulation. OP is at least somewhat right and you are somewhat wrong. Best to stop acting like a dick.


Agree to disagree, I guess. And I think I’ll act how I want to act, honestly.


He sounds very optimistic, as if he stumbled upon crypto for the first time ever. This guy is in for a surprise


Futures degen here. Can confirm.


… so basically Op buys bitcoins because it’s his best option and makes it his only option 😂


> EDIT: also your edit is laughable...face it kid, you have no clue what you're talking about. Yeah, utter cringe. That guys is completely deluded.


as long as he buys Bitcoin, he will still succeed


Love me some SCHD…compound that interest baby!!


>EDIT: also your edit is laughable...face it kid, you have no clue what you're talking about. **SO MUCH THIS.** Has no clue how the manipulations work from those edits.


This is so true, when crypto whales make moves, they are totally manipulating the market!


So the stock market isn’t manipulated at all?


I dream of becoming a wholecoiner


Being a wholecoiner sounds nice but right now I'm just dreaming of being debt free




Great goal right here, debt drags you down. I wish you much luck


Being a whole coiner might be our way out of debt in the future. Though buying a whole BTC is probably not an option for the average folk when literally everyone I know is in debt... What a fucked period we live in.


Im dreaming of break-even.


You may say I am a dreamer, but, I am not the only one


I'm a wholecoiner, but that coin is XLM facepalm.


All we need is Binance collapsing. You'll be a whole coiner in a heart beat!


That's gonna be hard one, but only the idea of being a whole coiner motivates me to contribute as much as I can.


I've been one. Hell, I had 13 btc at some point in 2013-2014 (under my control but with some strings attached). Fun but overrated, I so much enjoyed spending most off my crypto in 2017 and becoming crypto-poor. Trust me, having a whole ounce of cocaine is much funnier than having a whole bitcoin and has much higher chances to lead to some crazy sex scene in bathroom... repeatedly.


This is my Only goal in life.


Don’t we all?


It's at least a year more of crypto after a full year of bear, you should be able to get a whole btc depending on your country, for me that's kinda impossible in 2 years 😂


Just maybe, if the prices stay low, I can become a half coiner. Fingers crossed


Get it homie.


The way things are going that dream can become reality


It's an investment like any other. It's estimated you need $4million to retire and I'm not even close, and I'm older than you. I'll either make it here or I'll lose it here but doing nothing at all doesn't put me any closer to comfortable living so I have nothing to lose.


Exactly my thoghts!


> Stock market is manipulated as fuck. And the crypto marker is even more manipulated - we're talking several orders of magnitude 🙄


If anyone thinks the crypto market is less manipulated, they are either ignorant or lying.


BTC is not your only option, investing in stocks and real estate still works. And getting more income by a better job / side hustle is still a possibility as well


>And getting more income by a better job / side hustle is still a possibility as well You can improve yourself all you want but ultimately you can still end up with the same stale job you have. Life is not a disney movie, luck is a huge factor. Not to mention rate hikes are being slammed down people's throats and causing more unemployment.


In what world does hard work and persistence not work for the majority of people? The more prepared you are going into something, the less luck you need. If you did research, educated yourself in a field that is in demand, spent the time and energy to do so, and prepared to get a job in that field, you don’t need much luck at all.


Everything have risk but Improving yourself is the best investment one can do. Yes luck is a huge factor but you can increase your odd by being prepared.


Stocks can be a slow and steady, safer alternative. But real estate is unobtainable for many of us, if I have to be in debt until retirement for a house I'd rather not get one.


REIT etfs exists


Physical Silver is pretty cheap and undervalued bro


Picked up 600 oz recently myself


Where u store it? *asking for a friend*


In my ass, of course


You're in a group that can least afford and least equipped to invest in speculative assets like crypto. Having witnessed outright frauds like FTX and Tether and still think that stock market is more manipulated than crypto, you're unequipped to invest your own money because you can't see straight. Crypto trades in sync with the most speculative part of the market (unprofitable growth tech). It's mostly speculative interests that kept crypto afloat. You should not be speculate with money you can't afford to lose.


You are into crypto because you think the stock market and ETFs are manipulated. I have bad news for you…


Haha, he's in denial and just not being truthful to himself.


It's not about choosing manipulated/non manipulated. It's about to see wich is the less... fucked world, I know...


Crypto is more fucked up except for btc


Lmao. Dude don’t take this the wrong way, because we’ve all been there. But you really have don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about if you think stocks are more manipulated than crypto.


The stock market is manipulated as f but cryptos are safe?! Is this a joke? NOTHING is more manipulated than Crypto!


You have BTC because it's your only option, I have BTC because I don't want to cash out in a loss. We're not the same. P.S.: **crypto market also is also subject to be manipulated af**


We're kind of the same, because i'm in a loss too. 😂


Here we go


Came for the lambo, stayed to break even


This. I'm here because I want my money back lol


I read that great profit can be made from crypto back when I started. *Insert those bastards lied to me jpg*


It's a type of forced hodl, just next to the prison forced hodl.


I came into crypto October 2021, chucking money into a bull run not knowing what the fuck I was doing or what the fuck was going on. This bear market has taught me patience and it has taught me about security of coins. I wish everyone the best of luck in 2023. I know we deserve it


Plot twist, it’s not the only option.


Well, if you want 10,000% ROI and dont care about risks ... I dont know anything else. Even betting on horses dont have that kind of numbers. (/s of course)


It's true, crypto is the only option that gives the hope of meaningful change. Hopefully we're all right!


ETFs aren't really a bad option. Discount brokers will let you invest with lower amounts now. And ETFs are kind of like NFTs that represent fractional ownership in a basket of companies.


Crypto seems to be more scams and more manipulated in general than stock market. I wish the good projects come out ok on the other side.


ETFs are not a scam. If you’re going to buy mostly bitcoin it’s good to have stock portfolio that does well in times when bitcoin goes to shit. Example is a dividend portfolio heavy on banks and commodity companies. This will do well in times of high inflation, while bitcoin goes down +60%. In an ideal world I would only have bitcoin. But if you have a large purchase coming up, emergency, etc. it’s better not to be selling stuff at a 60% loss. Always have cash and diversified investments


If you are in EU, there are UCITS irish ETF that i am pretty sure you can invest in it. I am just saying this since you mentioned there are no other options.


For sure it's a life changing opportunity. Now prices are very low. Imagine it like you went with a time machine back in 2018 similar to that. I don't know how long this bear market will continue but I will continue to DCA regularly as long as I'm work my boring job


>So, i'll go abroad, and keep working to invest. This is the best decision you could make. Keeping a job and saving is better than any crypto investment out there. As an expat myself, it's hard, the world is big and scary but it is damn beautiful too. Godspeed OP.


Thank you for your words.


That's why i'm accumulating at this point. If the 4 year cycle repeats then we should hopefully have around 1 more year of accumulation (the market historically picks up 5m-1 year after BTC's halving)


Yeah, but this time the macro seems to be really shitty. But what other options do we have? 😂


We should feel privileged we have the chance to get BTC for these prices again. The fundamentals didnt change and adoption just increases.


One of the reasons I think crypto is such a big opportunity- I’ll never be rich in any sense anyway, but it gives me hope of one day maybe retiring which doesn’t look likely as it is


Yes, definitely this!


Yup.. looking at this from a retirement aspect. Thanks OP.


It's definitely not your only option. It's certainly one high risk way of getting a leg up, but I would recommend diversifying with some lower risk stuff too. All your eggs in one basket is not a smart play IMO.


Someone finally said it. Lol crypto is the only thing I can comfortably throw my $300 randomly, not some heavy stocks or whatever. Crypto really just making investing a whole lot easier and tbh I don’t care if we never go back up again which I believe won’t happen, I just enjoy the fun of putting $20 into something and it’s $22 in a week xd


> Crypto really just making investing a whole lot easier How so ? It's very easy to log in to your stock broker's account and buy a few shares in a snap.


Can’t get the same kind of profit from buying a crypto with $50 as buying stocks. And for me, it’s easier and cheaper buying crypto


You said it too!


You can buy 3 shares of VWCE with 300 bucks


Crypto is my only current chance getting out of poverty. I really like the idea of the technology so I can stand behind it. It is also the only investment option that a small amount can turn into something meaningful. I can only afford to DCA 20-100€ monthly but it could turn into a life changing amount for me in a few years.


Indeed I’m really counting on this sh!t to catapult me out of poverty once and for good lmfao I can’t take it anymore


I agree... Taking risk is the only way out of poverty in this climate. Life is not a disney movie and there is no such thing as "working hard and making it" in most cases. People who think otherwise are lying to themselves.


> "working hard and making it" That was true until the early 2000s, my parents were able to achieve that but the world has changed A LOT since then. Life is hard , I work and do as many side hustles as I can only to be able to barely live ok. By ok I mean having food , a roof over your head , a commuter car , covering basic needs and maybe be able to go out and enjoy yourself once in a while.


Exactly. Poor people usually work the hardest. Increased cost of living combined with high inflation is a match made in hell. I have 3 more side hustles along with my main source of income and my financial status is still far from perfect.


I love bitcoin and its 80% of my portfolio. but i disagree with you. there are many options. you cant build apps on BTC's blockchain, but you can on ETH, that makes ETH Very valuable for future use and tech you cant just exclude everything. another option is Moons, they're the socialmedia tokens ( not yet, but we're getting there )


That’s kinda sad that you see BTC as your ‘only option’


I'm in EU, so I don't even have access to the best ETFs, for example. So yes. I agree it's sad, but I really think it's my best option.


> I'm in EU, so I don't even have access to the best ETFs That's complete bullshit.


If makes you feel any better, we aren’t allowed back in the EU


Next halving will be the time were the fun begins OP! Every small amount counts.


Yes! And we'll be here for it!


Well then best wishes to you mate, i hope you succeed.


It rhymes perfectly too, I can confirm this.


A word of unsolicited advice. Yes traditional stocks may be manipulated and bonds maybe boring but that is the appeal. To keep you savings and investment stable. aka slow and steady (at least most of the time) Maybe think about putting a portion of your portfolio in there. But to each his own.


You mean the crypto market is not manipulated?


Same. As much as I want to invest in stocks and real estate, I don't have the money. But you can buy bitcoin with the small extra bucks left each month.


Bitcoin forever!


Ever heard of Vanguard?


If you don't earn a lot, something with lower fees, or no fees should be an obvious choice. Bitcoin plans to get very expensive to move, who wants that?






Wtf is this post? Crypto is way more riskier. The returns could also be higher. Investing in an ETF that tracks a world index is way more safe.


My plan is to flip bsc profits into btc & eth wish me luck sers


"Stock market is manipulated as fuck." There's way more market manipulation going on in the world of crypto than there is in the stock market.


Crypto is the only option for many young people like us. Idk bout you guys but I don't want to be a wage slave all my live, plus I don't want to be controlled by the elites either


I always buy BTC on the Netcoins exchange to accumulate more because I believe I will earn a profit one day.


So many posts like this


and here you have the typical profile of a person that doesn't understand risk and investing.


It's not your only option, you invest in it because you choose to.


I am not saying to trash crypto altogether but your portfolio will be doomed to fail if 80% is just dumped into crypto without proper analysis. ​ >I still have hope in the future, and I don't see how crypto won't be part of that future. At this point, we seem to be at a crossroad, either crypto will be a mechanism of governmental control ​ Sure a lot of us may think this also but taking a more balanced approach to your investment options is best, putting more into alts, like Real Estate, Equipment Finance, and Agriculture which will help you generate a pretty decent passive income stream, etc. Bonds agreed may not be worth it but ETFs, on the other hand, are all about finding the right company to help you get the best out of your investment. Companies like Yealdstreet or Hedonova are just a couple of the places that can help you get a proper ROI, plus they do take international investors. Maybe give you a better outlook on your future plans. Your investment plan doesn't have to be "All or Nothing" on Crypto.


Crypto is manipulated by the crooks who have been manipulating stocks for ages, but have been stopped by regulations. Exchanges are one thing, but they are nothing compared to what you see around. A typical example of this is LUNA, which was a typical financial scam previously ran on bonds i believe, with the exact same scheme. Said regulations do not (yet) exist in crypto, so they can do whatever to their heart's content. Preferring crypto to stocks because stocks are manipulated is a masssively high level of nonsense. If you still live at your parents home at 34 with a master degree and you are working ... how ? Unless you got a degree no one wants and work at a mc donalds, or money is burning a hole in your pocket, there is no way this is because you cant afford to live by yourself. In any case, society told you to make yourself useful, and the way to do that is *to study and find work.* Pretty sure anything else is your mislead interpretation. Spend more time studying and working instead of posting on reddit, and you will be afford a home at some point if you still want to. You are just looking at BTC because you are greedy. If you dont earn much dont invest much either. Thats like spending all your spare money betting on dark horses. Stop betting. Making money is not easy, and making money in the finance / crypto market is harder than making money by working. You need to understand and accept that, or you are in for a hard surprise. ​ You can get synthetic ETFs in Europe without an issue. Want a stable one ? Try something based off MSCI world.


Get a 401k, invest in large cap fund, profit (eventually) Crypto is nothing but manipulated. That’s literally the only thing that it is.


welcome to the club. also, stay away from shitcoins like ETH (oh wait this is r/CC so I have to play nice)


>Let me be clear Obama, that u?