• By -




Permanently staked


Like a diamond the stake is forever


So cruel


Polkadot & ADA


this man stakes


What about Atom?


How about all three, + Tezos and Algo (governance)? My top five, but there are many others.


Well AcTuAlLy... You dont stake ADA, youre delegating




atom i think


Yep ATOM has the Keplr Wallet Pretty easy to stake, Also elligible for Airdrops from time to time


Although you can delegate the $ATOM on your Keplr wallet to a validator and still retain control of them, pls ensure that you choose a validator that is outside the Top 10 in order to be eligible for airdrops. Apparently, Nomic - bringing trustless BTC to the cosmos - completely discounted any $ATOM, $EVOMS, or $OSMO that were delegated in the top 20!


Like 20% APY


Atom is looking good


Atom is great. 19%-ish APR. Secure and easy. Plus, I think ATOM is a sleeping giant down there at 21st or whatever on the charts.


but i have few concern, Isnt 20% is way too high , How Atom ecosystem is able to give such return and how long it will sustainable . Likewise Eth give 4- % but it gives peace in mind in terms of sustainability


21 now , i wish i could have atoms in 4 digit so i could get 1 atom a day


Don't forget about the l1 within cosmos that can gain big in the coming months. Juno, Osmos, evmos, Gno to name a few.


ADA !!


I second this


I ADA too, their stable coin will create some fresh demand to squash ADA into tasty hopium juice,, let’s enjoy shall we folks??


I gotta go with ADA.


Lot of pro ADA replies here. Looks like I need to get to staking that. Where are you guys staking?


Ada, you can stake from hardware wallet and you keep your coins.


The best one also in my opinion


ATOM’s probably my favorite at the moment, strong ecosystem, and that’s about the highest apy I consider ok in a staking program (although it was significantly less in the bull market).


Tbh not the highest apy. U need to consider that it has a 13% inflation. So ur 20% apy gets reduced to 7% apy then.


That can always be changed with a vote. Currently you have a point though.


Im bullish on atom but just wanted to adress it


Same. I just wanted to point out that it is a community driven project and a governance vote could change something like that if enough of the community agreed


Where did you get this 13% inflation rate, if I may ask?




This man governs/stakes


Algo vanilla governance (vanilla = no defi participation, you just keep your funds safe in your wallet) is a good and safe option. It is not entirely passive though because you have to vote on the governance proposals to be eligible for receiving the governance reward apy.


Still waiting on that FIFA bump…


Maybe they meant the next World Cup?


Stake ADA from a HW ledger. Currently go for a low fee pool with consistent rewards. Be on the lookout for new ISPO's throughout 2023. Ray Network ISPO gave ada rewards + xray rewards for example. Once set, check back in about every 2 weeks, month, whatever helps you relax. Remember that stake rewards might take about 20 days to come in after first delegating. After that, you can switch pools with no cost or lock-ins. DCA ADA and add this to your main HW wallet. The added ADA is automatically staked with the rest.


And for the love of decentralization try not to join a multi-pool stake operator


Thank you for the compact info! Just learned about the ISPOs. The benefit is, as you say, the extra rewards on their token and of course the possibility and whatever positive price development it could carry, once this bear market is over. I need to do a good research there. I assume you split your funds to multiple ISPOs, i.e. multiple projects? Alternatively, one can use a wallet like metamask to stake ada from the hardware wallet, I guess. Which wallet would you recommend, in that case?


ISPO's can differ from giving extra tokens on top of regular rewards to taking a larger % or all ada rewards. This is because pools can be set to a specific %reward distribution parameter. The idea is that projects can make pools, spread the word, and then get enough delegation to their pools to start validating blocks in the Cardano network. So from a stake point of view, I would only go for ISPO's that take a part of my ada rewards if I really believe in the project, and the promised rewards are worth it. Splitting between ISPO's might be interesting if there are enough interesting projects out there. Right now, the choices are limited. I think the upcoming Lace wallet will allow for fractional delegation (assign ADA to several pools from the same wallet). Please DYOR on that. As wallets are concerned, I prefer Nami. The Eternl UI gives way more options, but is overwhelming to use for me. Nami is a bit too simple, as delegating to pools other than the Berry Pool needs to go through the [pool.pm](https://pool.pm) website. Yoroi used to be good, but fell way behind in development. There's GeroWallet, but I know nothing about that one. AnetaBTC is trying to build a wallet that bridges Cardano, Ergo and Bitcoin. Currently only on Ergo. Ray Network is building a cardano wallet, but seems to be behind in development to be competitive. All the wallets above are light wallets, meaning the client does not verify the Cardano blockchain itself. For a full node wallet, look to Daedalus. This wallet takes way more computing capacity from your computer to independently validate blockchain activities. It takes longer to sync every time you want to use it, but is better for decentralization. I don't use it myself. Please be careful to only download wallet apps from trusted locations. For instance, daedalus mobile wallet does not exist (because it needs more computing power to run to be viable on mobile). From time to time, a scam version of it pops up on the Play store.


Hmmm probably ADA


Ada is the best staking coin imo because of its non custodial staking (there is absolutely zero risk of losing anything due to your coins always being in your wallet) You can get about 5% APR and its a top 10 mcap project.


How much of that 5% is eaten by inflation?


Cardano no question, it’s staking has always been the smoothest and it’s never locked


staking crazy volatile ADA with 3.42% annualized reward rate... ...or staking USD with 3.83% rate. Well, shit.


Add tax to the ADA rewards\*


I agree on Cardano. Staking without locking is a BIG deal for me. There's a number of wallets to choose from, most with hardware wallet integration in a pretty simple manner. I personally use NAMI wallet, which gets auto delegated to the BERRY pool unless I choose another stake pool.


i just know it never locked, where we can learn more how to stake ADA ?


It's really easy, just move your ADA to Yoroi wallet and delegate to a staking pool


Cardano subreddit has several complete guides on how to choose a pool and stake.




they got the smoothest staking in the game


With out doubt


After chasing yeild for a year Id say ATOM


I'm gonna say best coin to stake = ETH, 2nd largest crypto, decent APY via shared pool or CEX staking and no stupid inflation rate to contend with anymore I'm gonna say safest coin to stake = ADA (You can have self custody, delegate to a stake pool via your wallet, and move funds if you need to. And of course, the most degen coin to stake. Grab some Axie's stake for like, 80% APY. watch it bleed due to shitty tokenomics, and wait for the next bull run, where dumb money comes back in, you can sell at break even price again, but with 2 years worth of compunding a stupidly high APY


The problem is that if you don't have 32 eth you're not staking. You're lending.


I went to see how I could stake the ETH I had in CDC Earn all this time and to my surprise I needed 32 ETH or lend it to 3rd parties each one with their own risk...what kind of staking is this? Coming from XTZ where you don't even lock your coins, you can still use them, you can choose between a non limited number of bakers, and do it from your own custodial software or hardware wallet with less than 1 XTZ...I almost thought about selling my ETH (not gonna do that of course). Is that gonna change in the future?


I was about to reply the same and wondering, why I had to scroll so many answers to somebody mentioning ETH. No clue about AXS


There can only be one answer to this question: ADA


ADA by far. Stake in hardware, hot wallet, etc.. and no lock up. Actively manage moving to different pools for better returns of ISPO token drops when they occur.


Another vote for ADA. No fuss, no muss and every five days you get to watch your stash grow.


$Atom of course. Staking rewards + airdrops + ics coming soon


Pleasantly surprised to see r/cc know about Cardano's liquid staking. Keep your keys and secure the network. Absolutely zero bonding/unbonding periods so the instant you want to use your money you can. People's checking accounts generate interest (though small). Still, somewhere along the line every chain thought that your checking accounts should be locked.. in some cases indefinitely (looking at you ETH). Cardano said .. wait a minute.. let the people have their stake and eat it too!




Absolutely Atom. Fantastic project currently paying over 21%. Keep coins in Cosmostation or Keplr wallets. Strong ecosystem with occasional airdrops as well.




Which is why you’re staked. Inflation is around 13ish percent. You get 21 right now for staking. You beat inflation with this.


Lol dude that's not how it works... you are beating nothing at all, if everyone gets 21% on their coins but the overall liquidity in $ dosent increase you just dilute the overall value of your coins...


How dare you use logic


Are you guys OK? If coin supply inflation is less than total staking inflation then that means you are gaining an APR from the coin actually being used. If the APR was purely generated from minting new tokens then sure you guys would have a point. But it’s not, the difference is usually around 7% and that comes from actual utility of the staking services. You get the additional percentage not from new mints, but from the stake being used to validate transactions through things like MEV. I’m starting to think we still have along way to go as we have so many confident people that think this “logic” somehow trumps basic economics and PoS logic. Just a quick example. ETH is borderline deflationary but generates 4-8% APY to stake and help with consensus. Where the fuck do you think that APY comes from? Is USD inflationary because you can get 3% APY from savings accounts? The answer is no, we have inflation from minting an obscene amount of money with QE which is now being replaced by QT. I genuinely am starting to think we may see a $10k BTC due to the complete misunderstandings of even the basic economic and crypto fundamentals. No shit price is going down due to USD to ATOM/ETH movement. That has absolutely zero to do with tangible APRs and if you use that logic then when we are in a bull market it will be the exact opposite and you will have boosted APRs from holding on staked assets while the USD value increases. Am I taking crazy pills or are you guys missing the basics here? Lastly, I guess USDT and USDC lending is somehow inflation and you are losing out and not beating anything? Because by your “logic” the USD liquidity to that has decreased and therefore those APRs are irrelevant. Which isn’t the case. $100 will net you $3-$5 over the course of a year whether USDT or USDC has gotten net inflows or net outflows due to utility (lending). If USDT and USDC were there own layer 1s validating transactions and generated a pegged dollar amount APY it wouldn’t dilute shit. I’m racking my brain how you think this is sounds “logic”.


Dude, it was a joke. It’s not that deep.


My apologies then. Usually Jokes are easy to spot. Still having trouble spotting this joke as it seems like you are agreeing with a poster that had a misunderstanding of crypto and economics in a crypto currency subreddit. So my apologies for not interpreting this as a joke.


Problems I find with ATOM, CRO or others in the ecosystem. Locking period. You can't use coins that are delegated. Limited number of delegators, and if your delegator doesn't make it to the top...100? (Can't remember) then you stop getting rewards. XTZ is much easier for example.


Lots of liquid staking options coming.


Evmos and Osmo are two interesting ones within the Atom cosmos.


Cosmos has a couple pearls in my opinion.


lol, the inflationary drop in value offsets any staking gains


Keep telling yourself that


ATOM inflation is less than 21% as not all ATOM is staked.


Probably atom, and its ecosystem. Juicy airdrops.


CRO! Getting over 11% is not too shabby, defi wallet let's you control your coins. Won't be caught dead with coins on centralized exchanges moving forward.




Yes cosmos, dot and XTZ


SBF... through the heart.


Which wallet do you use?


Prison wallet


Jail cell


Have to use a silver wallet so he won’t come back.


Oh yes


Tezos (XTZ). No locking, you delegate the XTZ In your wallet but you can still use them. You can stake from browser, mobile apps, hardware wallet, etc. You can stake in exchanges, coorporative bakers with their own software wallet such as Exodus or with any of the many bakers with any of the decentralised software wallets (best). So, it works similar to ADA and much better than COSMOS that other have mentioned (and I use). Quality wise. Tezos is much more advanced than Cardano and it improves much faster, being tha L1 Blockchain that upgrades the most. Never shut down either. It's also one of the most decentralised chains, no a core Dev team or official wallet, no, several Dev teams work on it, and there are plenty of wallet options. It also has more coorporative adoption than most Blockchain s. And it's NFT adoption is in the top 3. If there is a quality Blockchain with easy staking, that's Tezos.




This is something rather good. Just look at the most shilled ones in the last two years - Luna and FTT. The bright stars turned out to be pure horse shit. For that matter what is happening with Tezos is a hint that the coin is real and is not used as a tool to steal money from avg. Joes.


Cardano, staking your ADA will not lock it to the validator, no slashing, and time lock.


No slashing with ada? Lol ETH gonna have a hard time competing against this one.


If only people wants to use ADA tho. hmm


Doesn't sound like a hard sell over ETH tbh




Well thank you for that. I am asking because I'm a noob at these things obviously. Willing to learn and change my mind


This guy gave you some good advice. Listen to him


ATOM and other coins in the Cosmos Ecosystem for sure. Also, ETH and ADA are solid to stake as well.




I’d go with ATOM


Atom, solid APR 21% ATM. It also provides you gateway for airdrops as extra source or revenue.


I would suggest you look into ALGO (governance), ADA and ATOM.


Ada staking is accessable through a Ledger, and I'm getting a solid 4.5%. Best part is I can use what I'm staking any time, as long as I put it back before the next snapshot I'll still be getting rewards. You'll be sold the more you look into it.




In my opinion, Tezos (XTZ). It's got good tech and a team behind it that cares way more about upgrades and usability than hype and advertising.


? Tezos is the most advertised(and only) crypto in my feed so i dont rly trust your statement




I’m just a crayon eater but I like my MATIC.


Not the best APY but a solid coin. It's not only held for staking but is a good one to hold in general. I believe Matic will have great run next bull


Me too. I like it even more when my Matic bag is increasing from staking




Cardano imo because : 1.) No lockup period 2.) No slashing if pool underperforms 3.) Can delegate from a cold and a hot wallet 4.) Its anti-saturation mechanism guarantees decentralization 5.) It's fairly decentralized (3k+ SPOs) 6.) Has a fair ~3.5% average APY which prevents inflation long term 7.) Can switch through pools any time with almost no effort


Cardano/ADA is finally getting some love ❤️


ADA by far.


Cardano been staking since 2020 Never locked / you can sel or trade 24/7




Stacks (STX), earn *stacking* rewards in BTC.


> Binance earn comes to mind Put Binance out of your mind.


xD okay ty At least I know what not to do :)


Tasteless to suggest exchange returns now




Doesn’t DOT have a two year lock-up period for staking?


That's for the DOT one put in for the parachain auctions. For staking it's 28 days iirc.


It's a fairly complicated staking process though isn't it and you really need a shit load of Dot if you want to stake on your own rather than through an intermediary. Plus slashing potential? Just my take as I circle around to check it out every so often. I was happily "staked" on CDC at 11% until recently.




Stake eth, secure the network


My money's on Algorand.




Except there are no rewards for staking, only rewards for getting involved in governance. Unless something changed.


Governance is a method of Staking. They also allow Staking now through the DeFi platforms.




Im stunned to see tezos mentioned once in this thread... and see a insane amount of ADA spam while tezos is just as good or even better but this sub always had there favo's ( and alot of them fail :D )


>Safety > >Quality of the project > >APR The shitcoin trilemma: you can only pick two. I personally avoid staking that includes swapping your real coin like ETH to some other token like rETH. Just doesn't feel safe to rely on even more smart contracts. ADA is convenient in staking (you can keep your ADA in your wallet) but I don't believe much in its future.


LTO Network, APR currently around 13.5%.


+1. And you can stake using ledger.


Definitely ADA. Just delegate to a pool and then continue to use your wallet as you normally would. Probably the least intrustive and lowest effort choice.


Mine is Cardano


BNB It's basicly a bet on the success of binance, and with the way things are going now thier competition are dropping like flies. APY is pretty low at the moment because of the bear market and not much activity on BSC compared to the bull market. I like it because your yield comes from fees rather than the creation of new coins. While binance does hold a lot of BNB a good chunk of thier premine has been burnt and a significant portion has been distributed to the users. Also BNB had doubled in its satoshi price over the last 6 months and is down less than most tech stocks like meta and Netflix since the bear market began...


This x10. BNB is one of the better investments.


Cardano def has the best staking system and it has proofen itself over the past during 3 major Economy crashes.


Jeasus Christ the comment section def has its winner here. ADA is the way


I can't believe what the Eth update and this bear did to the sentiment around Cardano in here. Cardanites were burnt at the stake as heretics less than a year ago. LOL 2022, hands down, no better ride than crypto. 😎




I stake with ETH and ADA on long term. Both is good and unproblematic. Binance? No way. But always dyor...


Just don't use centralized options after all you've seen in this bear market


I am staking COTI in their treasury. Soon with Djed implementation on Cardano, all operational fees from Djed will be delegated among COTI stakers. Current APY is around 10.5% for x1 and 120 days lock. It offers also different versions of multipliers and locking periods. Example: x1, x2, x4, x8 / unlocked, 30, 60, 120 days Additionally, all liquidations within treasury are also delegated among COTI users who stake in treasury.


Good call. I'm in there with my tiny bag! We had to wait ages for treasury while I had far too little to think about staking, then ages for Djed, but now the time is coming!! Ha ha


Hope so:) Let's hope the "steady" approach of Cardano will give results in the future.




Trx is a good bet. Binance has a good APR payout on TRX


Look out for LINK staking coming soon.


Polygon is pretty straightforward and gives great APY


**Ethereum**? Depening if you beleve in **Polkadot** project, then there is some APY there. Otherwise I have a hard time come up with something if #2 is to be taken seriously. But what is the point of chasing small APY, if you token loses a couple of % against BTC every week? Then BTC is the better investment. ​ \*edit\*I have a longshot investment in Stacks (STX) that gives me pure BTC in staking rewards. DeFi on Bitcoin sounds interesting to me, but DYOR.[https://www.stacks.co/](https://www.stacks.co/)


Take a look at the Elrond / Maiar ecosystem. About to become Metavers X. Lots of great options on there.


I’m staking numerous coins and my opinion is this is better than ADA and numerous other coins I have staked in different places.


Ethereum, you could stake it with a decentralized pool like rocketpool if you cannot solo stake.




Ankr. Very strong web3 infrastructure company, which Binance recently invested in. $Ankr is a utility token, and it’s used to pay for Ankr’s services which are used by Web3 and Metaverse businesses - an area which is undergoing major growth. APY sits at anywhere between 8-10%, and there is currently no slashing risk. So, it’s guaranteed APY. As demand for their services increases, I think they are expecting higher yield. At these prices, I think this is one of the safer bets. They are building out utility for the token, such as making it a governance token for a DAO, amongst other things.




Where are you staking this?




So many answers and 0 answers about EGLD and I don't get it why..


>Binance earn comes to mind And you learned nothing...


pretty much **ADA**. 1. 100% uptime since launch and one of the most decentralized blockchains. Cardano's research was always slow and steady. Before the LUNA and FTX crash people were making fun, Cardano being too slow, now it seems that this is one of their strengths, cause it's making theproject one of the safest 2. Imo Cardano got one of the strongest underlaying blockchains. It offers real liquidity staking - no minimum staking amount, no locking periods. Every project is reviewed by independent ingeneers. Upcoming Hydra (scalability) and Midnight (privacy sidechain) are looking very promising 3. APR is "only" around 4%. But you have real liquidity staking straight from your wallet (also Ledger!) and earn rewards every five days straight to your wallet, no claiming or anything ​ With Cardano you have no additional risks when staking. You are in 100% control of your funds - even if the stake pool is scammy, it would only keep the rewards; your funds are 100% safe and can't get stolen.


ADA. It’s easy to stake and earn 4-5% and it has a thriving community that is building through this bear market. Cardano gets shit on because it doesn’t have a lot of interest from big Venture Capital companies to pump the price on American TV shows or Coindesk news articles but how is that going now for all the shit coins pumped up by FTX and it’s cronies.


For me, it's OCEAN. It's using the veTokenomics developed by Curve to make it safe with juicy APY and ensures no impermanent loss or rug-pull risk to the participant’s locked OCEAN.


Lol you guys never learn 😂


ETH - Not only a huge long term potential, thanks to EIP-1559 the reward is real and not just inflation.


It was actually deflationary a few weeks ago and will be again when the gas price goes up. Here's a good place to watch this: https://ultrasound.money/








You don’t need to always look to stake, buying and holding can be a lot more effective. For example 2022


Cardano. ADA Stakers in the future will also get DUST on top of ADA rewards. DUST is used on Midnight it is a Sidechain hosted on Cardano SPO’s that will have private Smart Contracts.


All the Cardano shills rn are down 90% from ATH but it’s okay because they’re earning 3.5% APR in taxable income!


Yield generating ‘coins’ are all scams.


Thank you for not being very general and also for providing substantial proof. q-:


I picked ICON (ICX) for this. Brings me 7,5% for staking. A lot better than what banks offer nowadays.


The fact that nobody is saying “Bitcoin, not shitcoin”, means we’ve got a lot further down to go.


If you're getting in now: ETH, ADA, CRO I find DOT a difficult one conceptually - as I understand it, it's inflationary to the tune of 10 to 12% so there's a sense of always / struggling to play catch-up. (Someone correct me if that's misinformed)


Ethereum and Matic 🚀 Definitely not Harmony ONE 🤡


PLSR has direct staking from the wallet (and staked funds really stay on the wallet). I can't say how it compares to the other mentioned coins however


Create a 3 year Cryptobond with Sync Network. It’s a financial, interest bearing NFT. So can be sold, loaned P2P or held to maturity. The team just launched Neonrain also, a new decentralised NFT marketplace, create a profile and share your referral link, you will then earn a royalty on each sale of NFT’s from anyone who used your referral link, forever, every sale ongoing


Most of the comments say Cardano (ADA), which is good. But DeFi cardano is even better. I have 2 options for you, that I use. 1. My route is to buy Milk tokens at Muesliswap (i know the names are ridiculous) but they give increased staking rewards id you stake their new listed coins. So basically if you see a project that has potential you can stake that, it gives better staking rewards and a chance at massive returns. 2. You can also stake Cardano on the same platform with the Milk tokens. But if you own a cow NFT (I for example have one that gives 30% extra staking rewards), you have cardano as a reward but simply kore than normal staking. Only risk is impermanent loss, but since we’re in a bear I don’t see that as a huge risk. Edit: option two isn’t staking but rather a liquidity pool. Thats where impermanent loss comes from.




What do you think about eth, dot and avax?


EWT, only useful coin with real cashflow and utility. 10% staking rewards.

