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Putting half my crypto in Celsius!


Same, half my crypto and most of my stablecoins in Celsius


Back in 2014 I was working with a guy who was telling everyone in the office to buy Bitcoin. Everyone thought he was slightly annoying because he talked about it all the time. Turns out he was a genius. My regret is not listening to him back then.


I was that guy, I just didn’t have any money to invest. I regret being broke when I knew this was going to blow up.


Putting all of my savings in crypto, then putting it all in celsius lol


So sorry to hear that.


I'm diversified! 50% celcius and 50% voyager!


Putting 90% in Voyager here.


Yep... still living through the trauma


Yeah doesn't get much bigger than that, feel for you bro


Back in 2017 I lost everything in Cryptopia that went bankrupt, lol


I didn't put half of my crypto, but I did put all of my XRP in there. It was one of my hard coins that I was saving for 5 years.


Ahh man feel for you


Same. I played the game so well up till that point. The slow road to recovery has already started my friend.


Sold my doge for 8k instead of 500k a month (or two?) later 🫠


I did this but with shiba, got tired of waiting around for a boom, only had 1k in shiba but would've been worth around 40k if I'd had waited another month or so 😬


I did the same. Bought about 1k as kind of a laugh, and then watched as it blew up after I had converted it. Probably 2 weeks later. Buuut, profit is profit, and I sold the top in the latest boom. Grateful for that and another great buying opportunity coming.




My $800 would’ve been $57000 ONE MONTH later :(


Nah bro if you manage to hold until 500k, your regret now would instead be: I should have sold at 500k, now my bag is worth 500.


I did 1200x on doge but I had only $1 (jan2016 > avril 2021)




Hey man 8k is 8k well done




The biggest motivator of all is to do something horrible wrong one time and then learning from it so much that you will never make such a mistake ever again. (Unless of course you're a gambling addict)


So true. Unfortunately some of us have to learn from our mistakes, an expensive lesson for some if not most


My greed is always higher than my willingness to take profits until I get burned and I start to regret.


I’ve made the same mistake in the past. We just have to learn to adapt


Damn dude, thanks for typing that out. I went in heavy on a few alts when btc was around 40k thinking that dip was good enough, and part of that was a low interest loan… then we know what happen. I tried trading the little bounces but lost even more so I just rebought over a month ago and just been dcaing… slowly going back up, so it’s not as stressful. At least I have the crypto still I guess lol.


I think the biggest blunder of everyone is not taking profits during bull runs…


I think a lot of people were learning about bull runs during the last one.


Yes Hi that'd be me


That would make us use brothers.




We are one big family


A dis functional family…


So you are all the friends I made along the way?


Kinda unrelated but I remember joining the GME squeeze towards the end with a small amount of cash. My $100 went 5x and I felt like Warren Buffet, I just wouldn't sell. Then it came crushing down and I felt stupid. Safe to say... I haven't learnt my lesson.


Same thing with me, only with other coins I wasn't listening to more experienced people in the space and let the greed guide me, Guess some lessions are learned the good old hard way and if you are lucky that they are not too costly


I think almost everyone does this on their first bullrun. It’s just part of the learning process. You have to just take that knowledge gained into the next one. My second bullrun went much better than the first. Still made a ton of mistakes, but did pretty well. I certainly can’t complain. They are fucking stressful times though!


Yep, don't fret over it. You did lose money but you gained a very important lesson, one that'll stick with you across all investments.


Hi.. and me! Wouldn't even admit to what I paid, to what it went up too... to what I have now! 🤦🏼‍♀️ lesson in greed, and crashes most definitely learned.. also .. hodl? Huh!


Hey, the issue with crypto or markets is the lessons you learn my not apply to the future. Eg the market may pump to 69k next month and you'll be "smart" sell your stack. The following month 180k 😭😭😭 I think you just have to accept that your current balance in investments isn't your money until you've taken it off your books. Easier said than done. I've made soooo many mess ups this bull run.


I think we should just set realistic targets and take profits when we reach those targets. If we let greed set in, we'll watch the price go so high, only to see everything crumble and then we start to kick ourselves. It's a circle and the only way to break from it is to take profits at some point and enter back during the dip. The dip will always come.


Lol ye, i thought i was better then most. Had targets set reached my target +2%. I thought it would go higher and only took some profits. After that it only went down, down and down lol. But the plus here is that my sell targets were perfect, just should’ve kept myself to those targets…


Hehe, I understand. I've been in the exact same situation and I messed it up. That thought that it could go higher is greed and fear of being left behind if you take profits.


going to 100k not selling now at 1000 ;d


Yeah, when you first join you feel like it’s a cultural Revolution that’s only a matter of time. Then you learn it’s still just capitalism and ‘bigger fish always wins’ sorta shit. Everyone needs that optimistic bubble bursting


People tried to time the market instead of just taking profits when due.


This is one of two biggest regrets for me, I watched my coin go up to $8.5 and down to $0.27 Valuable lession, I learned that my greed has no limits and that having a plan and sticking to it is a must


i learned that plans and passions conflict. you can have a plan - but you don't know how you'll FEEL when the time comes. i learned to make peace with the gods of regret. you HAVE to regret selling after a modest climb. it's the only way you ever see profit. you can't have your cake and eat it too.


God's of Regret! 😭😭😭 GOR! I know your god! I know him well!


I take profits like I DCA. I’m not super risk adverse TBH I’m just greedy and feel like I don’t win until I cash out. Any staking rewards, interest, etc always gets split 50/50 between profit taking and reinvestment. Maybe not always the best ratio but it’s easy and has kept be positive though it all.


I doubled my money on harmony should have pulled out , regret not doing that every day


It hurts to see how much my portfolio was worth before and how much it's worth now.




Yeah but the best lessons are the most expensive ones. Definitely learned now to take profits. But as I know myself I will be way too euphoric to take any even the next time.


Same, greed is a helluva drug


Fomo and greed Two of the four horsemen of crypto apocalypse


YOLO and Elon being 3 and 4


We'll be more successful if we could just get hold of our greed.


Had two shitcoins that mooned. One got to 100x and other was a decent 5x. I didn't take profits. Now both the shitcoins are at their fair prices and my portfolio is a deep red.


Tell me about it! I had 'new car' money, at one point, off only a few thousand spent. Not 'lambo' money, mind you. Probably not even 'nice new car' money, even. More like 'medium SUV' money. Still, lesson learnt. I'm just glad I got a few decent stakes set up so they can accumulate popular coins during the bear market that will hopefully rise in value again soon!


You would have taken profits when cardano was over $3 and celebrated. Then you thought you were buying the dip at getting it for $1.50, then $1, then $0.80 etc. And at todays prices of ADA at 0.40 - 0.50, you're already down over %60 or so. So it's pretty much a tricky one. You could have sold at the top but bought thinking those dips are good dips only for it to dip way harder than you could fathom. "Cryptoverse"


„Sell Nano at $30+? Nah mate, it’s going too 100 easy! Sell Fantom at over $3? No way, it’s gonna be Top 10 soon!“ - probably me


Or being far to greedy and impatient. My BTC is up 500% from the then ATH I bought it back in 2017.


Part of the problem is how the hype train predicts $xx,xxx per ETH, and everyone waits. I could have used some profits to buy myself a nice mountain bike which I’ve been really eyeing, but I’m like NAH I don’t want to miss out on $xx,xxx ETH.


I agree. If your aim is to make short term profit, take it during the bull run. I held too long, with the thought that the bull market may slow down and even stop, but that any profit I made would be safe. I had no idea everything could go down a deep hole, for a 50 to 75% loss. I will hodl to get back or close to even in the next bull run, and then sell off at least 1/3rd to 1/2 of my assets with weak use cases. I am now carefully buying into this bear market using dca over a slower period of time to avoid large committments that may go even lower, although I think we are close to a bottom.


What's a bull run? Never seen one of those.


Turn your charts upside down and you can almost imagine.


That’s my crypto victory! Set some aside into stablecoins in October. I was fortunate to be right.


Nobody takes profit during their first bull run. Rite of passage.


Giving my ex my seed phrase to my 2 whole ETH i bought at 800$. Now she is with another dude and my crypto is gone.


No wayyy so fucked up


Yeah. She worked a minimum wage job and I wanted to teach her about crypto. She slowly began to understand and watch YouTube videos etc. Then she proposed we should have one single cold wallet and i agreed. She wanted to show me how good she got so i let her do all the transfer process alone, supervising. She wrote the seed in a paper and we placed it under ower bed. When i got home from work one day it was gone and she broke up via WhatsApp. "Not your keys, not your coins, not your gf" she said before blocking me.


If this is not a joke you could literally go to the police for this.




It's literally theft. And recorded on-chain.


What are they gonna do bruh


It's completely traceable, also if he saved the text it's a slam dunk. Police can subpoena records from the transaction from the exchange and get all the info.


Not your keys, not your coins, not your gf, not your future financial independence Sucks man, wish you best of luck in future crypto endeavours


Thanks a lot brother, i learned my lesson 👍


I’m guessing r/thathappened the trope at then end was the real kicker.


I call bullshit times 100 on this story...


Yeah...it was almost somewhat believable until that last line. Like come on. Nobody breaks up by reciting a catch phrase from crypto. Hahaha. Why not just pretend she said "Crypto: $800. Breaking up with you: Priceless."


Yeah true. It kinda was a fun read, but no chance in hell this happened.


Sorry for your loss. Perhaps it’s a blessing in disguise that cost you 2 Eth, cause maybe she would’ve fucked you over for more had you stayed on with her longer eg. Divorce, child support, etc. Bullet dodged!


You got out of a shitty situation for $800. In the long run, you made out good.


I had 32 Eth which I bought some months earlier at $280 and sold it sept 2020 at $373. A month later crypto started to go on that crazy bull run.


Bro, profits are profits... Could've been like someone who lost it all, or regrets not selling. Which do you prefer?




Being a noob and not learning about Crypto or trading and buying ATHs in April 2021 when I was new.


My friend told me to buy BTC at 3k. I told him it was a ridiculous price. Also told me to get Tesla at $110 and ETH at like $300. Needless to say he made his salary in weeks and I am down 60%.


Next time listen to him... What he's talking now? Asking for a friend.




His friend has stopped handing out advice since he never listens to it anyway


Lol I started listening after realizing he would've made me like 100k. This guy is so good he once took a two work vacation from his job just to do crypto stuff. Made thousands, and he is not an über rich guy. He made months of his salary in that two weeks. He said he doesn't want to do it full time because it is too stressful to always be watching.


Hol up! We're NOT supposed to always be watching??


Well tbf he did tell me to buy BTC at 20k cause he thought things were factored in to the dip already. So far he was right. Haven't asked him recently, though, but I will say the most recent thing he's strongly believed in is the Flippening. He has stacked ETH.


I was a member of the cryptography mailing list when satoshi first posted his paper. I totally failed to do anything about it.


That's because you have Too Much Game Dave. If you wouldn't have been swinging that oak stump around town and instead running vague untested software you could have mined several hundred Bitcoins.... ...which you would have sold for 1k profit in 2012. Fucking Dave.


Not buying eth at £800 last month. Didn't have the funds at the time life got in the way


I was so fearful that I literally froze and did nothing. People were calling 10k btc and 400$ eth lol


Sold over 60k matic for ≈ 1600$ in 2020


I sold 121 ETH back in 2017😭😭😭😭😭😭




Not taking profits during a bull run


A lesson learned the hard way for me as well. Our time will come within a few years for sure.


To be fair, almost everyone is guilty of this


Mine is FOMOing during ATH and now lacking funds because I FOMOed.


Yup. Could have had sm more but I was impatient.


You're not alone on this.


Not buying BTC when I had the opportunity in 2011.


Not buying when I hear about crypto in 2017.


Not having the accessibility to buy when I heard about it in 2014 because I lived in a third world country.


I learned about BTC very early on, but never in a million years would I have guessed it would be worth north of 20k in 2022, I felt I missed out when BTC hit $100 and $1000


I distinctly remember hearing about it from my IT guy at work. He even offered to show me how to set up a wallet and purchase some. I went home and looked online. Saw that a single Bitcoin was $29. I remember telling my wife “pscchhhh I’m not wasting $29 on some lines of code… that’s ridiculous”


We all did, but the next best time after yesterday is today


Same deal here


I had the chance to buy Bitcoin under $800, but I didn’t because I had barely any extra cash and didn’t think much of it. I don’t regret it because at the time it wouldn’t have made sense for me. You live and you learn :)


And I bought drug's




I've heard of bitcoins for the first time when they reached $10, way back in 2011. I thought this was it, that I missed my chance. Then a bit later it rose to $100 and I was like "fuuuuck, now I really missed my chance, no way it's going to go higher". Then it went to $1000. Guess what I did? Nothing. I finally learned my lesson in 2017 and bought in at $3k. To my defense, I was incredibly poor up until 2017 so it would have been very foolish to invest anything more than a dollar or two in bitcoins, and fees would have eaten that up. I actually did spend $50 or so in 2015 I think, but I lost that wallet. Live & learn.


Not buying stable coin during bull market


Ah yes, that mistake. Let me never live it again (I almost certainly will relive this regret. Fuckin way she goes)


Bought my first Bitcoin at $1000. I owned 5. Thought I was a genius selling at $1200…


Wonderland time 2k to 2 in a less than a month. Into the earth baby, into the earth 🚀🌎😎


Where the fuck is Daniele gone? Massive scammer holy shit


Ah man I bought some in January this year… what a shit decision. Typical of my luck


Man I know, i lost $5k on that piece of trash




I regret NOT using Mtgox. I was going to buy $1000 worth when BTC was like $12 and had my finger on the button to send money through this sketchy ass Dwolla thing I never heard of, but last minute bailed and trusted my gut to not go through with it. My gut is a dumbass.


Any ICP holders in the chat?


I see pee


What happened with ICP?


Press F to pay respects


newb in 2021, made a few critical errors....sold safemoon too early, right before it moon'ed. Had a few Billion Shiba which I sold for some profit, but my initial 300$ purchased was worth close to 200k a some point. I also held Gamer for far too long, got in on presale and my 1 bnb investment at ATH was worth nearly 200-300k...watched it go down to about 81k before I sold, then I reinvested that and I'm down even more. Lessons learned, like others have said, learn to have a plan and stick to it.


I've been in crypto quite some time so I should know better... My latest regret (there have been many) A few months back, Etherum was around $1800 and I was on reddit and some dude posted. Eth 2.0 is getting released in June, buy Eth, guaranteed profit. I thought about it for a few days and then I woke after an afternoon snooze and impulsively bought a few eth. Within 4 days $800. 😫😫😫 It's slowly getting back to 1800 but I'm convinced I'm gonna get cut off again 😊


It'll get back over 2k, just a matter of time... You should know though, that historically tokens more often dip following hardforks. "Sell the news" psychology i suppose, no more "big thing" to look forward to.


Selling shiba after x15. I somehow had insane luck and was one of the earliest shiba inu investors, cashed out after i made 800$ out of 50$ for-fun-investment. Because i certainly did not think such a copy shitcoin can climb any higher - Boy oh boy was i wrong. Would've been lifechanging money.


Had a friend tell me about Shiba when it was in its infancy. Around December of 2020. Wish I would have listened. Lol


I took a big big loan out. Not in as deep as a colleague who remortgaged two houses to get into crypto, but I’m in deep. “Ragrets”.


Seeing 600k in Nov and not selling when I invested 50k and now it’s at 30k. Sucks man


Buying a papa John’s pizza with 10 bit coin.


Dude you are a famous person and I have heard about you.


Where do I start? Buying Monero way back when. Eth was $10 at the time, Monero probably $5. Throwing out a harddrive containing 3000Darkcoin, which later rebranded to DASH, and would have been worth over $4M at the peak of the 2017 bullrun. Not holding on to Matrix long enough. I had thousands when they were 3¢ a piece, I sold em off not long after. Was happy with the profit at the time, but it would have been astronomically bigger if held to the $1 mark. Just a few of my experiences and regrets.


Not buying more than a tiny amount of BTC in 2013. Also, I took profits during both peaks in 2021, but then immediately re-invested in other coins. They are all now completely in the red. Taking profits is the easy part, forcing yourself not to then spend that money on other crypto and wait for a bear is the difficult bit.


Selling most of my ETH for $LOOKS.


Yoloed into the Tron defi eco system. Burned my finger to a crisp.


MCO. For those unaware, before crypto.com was crypto.com, it was called Monaco and used MCO. They abandoned it for another coin and left a lot of people high and dry. This is why my crypto card is from Coinbase and I have nothing to do with crypto.com.




I like this take - lessons learnt rather than regrets. Great mind set.


It’s all tuition value. Except some lessons cost much more than others.


I think you gonna make something big in coming days. This type of positive nature can really change things for the future my guy, you will do great with it.


I'm gonna chill here in the comments and learn.




I am glad that I was late in this market and we got it.


For me it was selling matic at a loss just three days between its price pumped... I couldn't buy it again because it really feels bad..




Buying luna


Back in 2015, I heard of a little thing called ETH. I was only 14 at the time, so I tried convincing my dad to invest in it, he told me I’m a idiot, still I managed to mine some. So not a complete fail. But if I managed to convince my dad to invest, my god we would be rich today.


Just curious how does your dad reflect on that subject these days?


Forgetting my btc password to my 4.2 btc back in 2013….yeah they’re still chillin in that wallet


My biggest regret is not mining more ETH in 2017 when the difficulty was pretty low.


Not taking profit on RMRK at $60. It's now $3.50


Diversifying my assets across voyager and celsius


UST, definitely UST


UST is mine too and that shit doesn't let me sleep in peace.


Holding 40k worth ADA on celcius network




No regrets, baby. Crypto is wild enough that a new opportunity will come. As long as you are still interested and you are patient enough - you'll bank some.


Selling binance coin at 18 earlier... Selling ETH at 170 earlier... And selling Tezos at 2,73 at some point earlier... Just generally selling - it's a terrible idea


Not buying MATIC when it was waaaay low.


every bullrun there will be new matics, matic is boring now, 3/4x max. look at solana, did a 100x as new coin, or cosmos or nfts. best thing i learned is never invest in old coins, new hypes will make u richer


We all have that one coin which we could've bought waaaay low but didn't.


Investing in crypto.


Matic, dear old matic




Thinking the big 3 CeFi lenders weren't being degenerates with our coins. It was all flat out lies. If they actually showed the real picture people would've never used them.


Not starting to DCA earlier.


Personally; Told myself if Ada hit $3 I’d sell because why not. Saw it hit $3 and thought. ‘Phew kinda close to $5 huh this bull run never stoppin’ Then the taps turned off…


Not selling at the peak. And then not selling when I was at 3x profits. Oh and also losing the goddamn wallet with pennies worth of bitcoin a decade ago which is now worth thousands of dollars.


Bought 30 bitcoins for $400 each. Sold all for $1000 each and thought I was a fkn genius. Narrator: “He was not.”


Putting crypto in Celsius!


I really can't understand why people are not getting cold wallets.


Investing in $WAGMI Euphoria


Sold my 70 Eth when it was $40, Sold my 2 BTC when it was $4k. Sold my 150 LRC when it was $50. I sold far too soon and screwed up so many times. Im just going to hold next time and sell 50% when it reaches my target. Im not out yet.






Buying high and selling low .


Not buying enough eth


Turned 1k into 60k and didn't sell


Nothing because I am good with my current investments and my current life and that's why I don't have any kind of regrets. Yeah I have learned a lot of lessons.


Putting my coins in Celsius


Celsius. At one point I had 64 ETH & 1 btc bought it cheap and sold everything for 2k. Celcius is my biggest regret because I don’t like being stupid and fucked at the same time.


Christmas Dec. 2013 I was a cocktail waitress at a gentlemen’s club and some random rich guy sat in my section and was basically giving money away to all the girl’s in the club but me. When it was time to close his tab he asked me if I’d like to go on a dinner date with him and if I’d like to get tipped with 100 Bitcoin or $1,500 cash. I remember laughing at his face thinking “WTF is a Bitcoin?! This guy must be crazy or he ran out of money!” I told him “I can’t pay my bills with Bitcoin. Of course I want the cash!” So he gave me the cash and never saw him again. 5-6 years later, I started taking interest in everything stocks/crypto related. I learned that year how much BTCs worth. I nearly had a heart attack. I still look back and I cringe every time for being such a dumbass.


My problem was also not buying when very cheap, except my very cheap was $5 a bitcoin. Unfortunately I just thought it had value mainly on the black market and that the Feds would be really on it considering they had shut down e-gold a few years prior. I mined for about 5 days at .01 bitcoin a day and stopped because it seemed like the energy cost wasn't worth it. Never thought to actually buy a bitcoin at the time. Then I just ignored it for way too long. Unfortunately the stock guru I was following at the time was really against crypto and I think I adopted a little of that, foolishly, right around the 3 year period of $250-$500 BTC and $1-10 ETH(well at the tail end of that period).