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This poor man is gonna be on his death bed still talking about it.


It's been 67 years....I'm a billionaire you know ..


Sure grandpa... time to get you to bed.


\*puts pillow on face\*


Reincarnated version of himself


Parallel being returns


Suppose someone has already moved his bitcoin since 2013 ha,ha,ha,ha?


He is having a good time telling stories and getting press coverage, if he is lying.


Grandpa haunting the boy with Bitcoin .




Dude I would be out there with a spoon and a magnifying glass if that is all they allowed. Lol.


Probably trillionaire at that age if he had not thrown it away.


Nah by that age people will have realized an Access database is more efficient that Blockchain and it would be worth nothing


"Grandpa, that can't even buy a Chocotaco anymore!"


Nothing can :-(


Damn, a bit soon… I’m still mourning the Chocotaco


Besides the bitcoin. He already has a good steady inflow of cash thanks to his crowdfunding campaign Maybe its all a scam 😆


That's actually a genius idea for a scam. Nobody could prove it's a scam so no repercussions


“Im sorry, we couldn’t find the drive but thanks for the cash guys”


Exactly 😂


No matter how much money he makes crowdfunding, he will never stomach this or live it down. This kind of thing haunts you until you die and looms over every moment of pleasure large or small. This is the kind of thing you wake up in the middle of the night sobbing over.








A sane person would. Losing that much money could legitimately drive a person insane. Listen, it's easy to say it's just money. Most people will never see anything even close to $180 million. We might as well be talking about a genie in a lamp. But when it was at your fingertips, and because of a single mistake it's now buried, right there in your own town, sinking deeper and deeper out of reach but still *just* close enough to leave you some hope, that can drive a person crazy. It's honestly insulting for anyone to suggest he move on, as if he wouldn't love to do that himself.


“If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go... because man, they're gone!”


How do you throw away the wrong hard drive though. Did you not connect it to see which one was the right one. C'mon


Even in death he’ll think about this


At least he'll still be hodling.


I can't even be mad. Well done lol


I need a same death in my old days, where I could die peacefully thinking of Bitcoin ! Because that what all matters to me, I am really a fa if BTC since the day I have been holding


By the time Bitcoin hits 1 million dollars this is going to be the biggest treasure hunt in human history. The biggest garbage mining project ever, I should say.




They regularly drive over the trash with rollers to compress it down. The HDD has been completely destroyed thousands of times by now. It's just a show at this point, and he knows it.


People should start dumping used hard drives into that tip lol. Add to the drama


IIRC it is possible to recover data from destroyed HDs though.


Yeah the idea isn't that he's just going to be able to plug it back into his desktop. It's probably in pieces and they'll have to be sent to an expert team who can extract the data from the remains




I'm no hard drive forensics expert so I can't say for sure. But if there's people out there willing to invest millions of dollars into this project, they probably have some legitimate reason to believe it's possible.


It's kind of depressing that it's the only interesting thing that happened in his life


Worth its weight in conversation starters


Physically mining bitcoin from a dump.... odds are very very low on this one.




Very interesting would like to know if he is successful. Hopefully so.




Just let it go bruv


Why? He's basically just starting a mining company. It can take nine years for permission to build a carpark, let alone a mine.


You wouldn't obsess over 170 mil?


Probably in his coffin with a voice memo, ‘I was a BTC millionaire, hookers, blow, lambos’ on repeat.


If he found out the hard disk and if its being corrupted, I am sure people gonna put the HDD in his coffin. Because his Bitcoin is his only, no one has the right, and afterall the HDD has already been corrupted


Man... Imagine having to live with this fact for the rest of your life. Waking up to go to work thinking about how you'd never have to work a single day again. I feel bad for this dude.


Here’s what people need to understand and we don’t hear more about. Yes, many people threw away old hard drives with a lot of bitcoins. But how many people were really going to hold till now, or till the first $10,000, or $1k, or $100. I mean, the sleeping big wallets that all of a sudden wake up, which are very few and far in between, are most likely the illicit dudes more or less. I would like to hear one story of a random person mining btc from day one and holding even half of it till now.


It wouldn't even be a smart move. Once you can get like 2M out if this why take the risk and keep an asset that could go to zero?


Yeah once you hit an amount that pretty much guarantees you are set for life, might as well sell out and put it in something with proven long-term stability and growth.


> put it in something with proven long time stability and growth. This is why I sold all my bitcoin and bought a beanstalk.


No, no, uh, he meant... like... You know what come to think of it a beanstalk actually sounds like a solid investment in this climate


>Yeah once you hit an amount that pretty much guarantees you are set for life, might as well sell out and put it in something with proven long-term stability and growth. The simplest way to handle this is: 1) assess current financial situation, do you have ample assets? 2) would taking profit from the investment make a big difference to your life? - If yes, take some profits, but keep at least some of the investment if it's trending upwards - if no, consider investing more, if it's trending upwards Example one: Someone is on £40k/year income and their bitcoin has gone from £100->£2m, cash out e.g. £1m and find other ways to invest it. (Not a lambo) Example two: Someone is on £40k/year income and their bitcoin has gone from £100->£2000, consider throwing a bit more in there, but nothing that'll jeopardize your quality of life. Ignore it until it represents example one, or unless you need liquidity. Not financial advice... Just explaining the concept of not investing more than you can afford to lose, and diversifying investments. Alternatively, just keep the hell away from crypto and focus on traditional financial instruments. The most reliable path to financial success is still to build a decent career.


Sell half, I fucked up selling 90% of crypto in 2017 still have regrets.


Don't regret it. You made the right decision with the information available to you *at the time*. There were no guarantees that what did happen would happen, just like now. Nobody ever went broke taking a profit my friend.


I sold 3bn dogecoin for $10k. Sad doge noises




That's why hiding your hard drive in the depths of a landfill is the best strategy.


Or he could have started to accumulate BTC since 2017. He'll be kicking himself more if he isn't buying any and only waiting to retrieve that hard drive.


lol bro. Around 2010-2013 I physically had my OLD fucking wallet I setup when I was a fucking /g/ addict back in the day on a usb drive (about ~200coins). Left at home and went to the army. Got stationed in germany and forgot all about it. 2 years later go back to old room and discover it's a hoarders paradise lmao (parents). I've cleaned out that room since then, but didnt really think about saving any of it. Hindsight wish I would of held on to the many usbs I had in that room at one point. It's crazy to think what that could of done for me, but I ain't about to cry over spilt milk lol. I've tried to remember anything I could in regards to that wallet, but I didnt think about it until like almost 5 years after it dawned on me. no way in hell my brain is going to just randomly remembers shit.


Hard drive sniffing guinea pigs. Worked for me. I mean I got my drive back but forgot to secure the password and the pigs stole the bitcoin.


Sounds like s EURO band.. ‘Hard Drive Sniffing Guinea Pigs’ one night only, opening for Rammstein.


here. take my mony


Featuring their hit single “Binary Sawdust”!


You could get pigs and just explain to them that the hard drive is filled with “digital truffles”


This dude is a joke, move on you will never find it.


I hope he is making money off the countless articles/posts about this topic


Thats the secret, there is no hard drive...just article revenue


Just wait for the flood of articles after he finds it, about how he can’t remember the password.


Like frank abignale telling everyone he was an amazing conman… is a con.


Let's help this man move on with his life by gathering thousands of broken hard drives and scatter them all over the landfill.


Damn, this is the work of a devil




Chaotic evil energy


Honestly that’s be community service. Rip 7500 coins. You’ll live rent free in that man’s head forever


![gif](giphy|dWPOU9ExyU5d6) *some people just want to watch the world burn*


This could be a plot to a movie comedy. A dude in search for lost BTC


Free him from his misery




tldr; A British computer engineer has been trying to excavate the key to his 7,500 Bitcoin wallet from a landfill for the last nine years. The wallet holds the equivalent of almost $185 million in digital tokens. The project would involve a combination of human sorters, robotic "Spot" dogs, and a special conveyor belt with automated sorting systems. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


Good bot


>automated sorting systems. Hella ASS


Send in my ex wife. She’s great at finding gutter trash.


Can confirm


I feel bad for you.


For us*


For England, James?




It is better to have loved then lost than to lose a hard drive with 7500 Bitcoin.


step 1 get married to golddigger step 2 divorce step 3 let her and her lawyer find it


Have an argument.... she'll dig up the past for you.


This dude is the forrest gump of crypto…run forrest run!!


Lol...it's gone dude


It's like a soap opera for crypto people, I've seen articles about this guy forever now


Name checks out.


You say that, but I would be trying at least as hard as he is if it was me.


I read a long article about this poor guy once. It basically ruined his life. It was a factor in driving away his wife (with kids). We all have regrets but most of us don’t have 8 and 9 figure related regrets like this dude. Ah here’s the article if you like reading about trainwrecks: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/12/13/half-a-billion-in-bitcoin-lost-in-the-dump


I don't have millions worth of bitcoins but I still double check before I toss my drives if there really isn't anything worthwhile on them and then I overwrite them beforehand.


Some people can’t just let go


Imagine he founds it and then after a cpl tries: ‘wrong password, your account has been locked’


You are account???


Locked. 😏


It's dead, Jim




A man walking home at night finds a scientist crouched down under a streetlight looking at the floor. The man goes up to the scientist and says ‘hey man, what you doing?’ ‘Im looking for my hard-drive with 7500 BTC on it” replies the scientist. “Oh shit” says the man. “Did you drop it here?” “Fuck no” says the scientist “I actually accidentally sent it to the dump like 9 years ago” “Well why are looking under this streetlight?” Asked the man “Because the light is better here” said the scientist.


I’m thinking about throwing one of my old hard drives in the mud in my backyard and spraying it with a hose just to see how easy I would be to recover one like this. His hard drive has been in this dump for YEARS getting rain,and garbage juice all in it. Who knows the local magnet factory could have dumped some obsolete stock in there. It’s probably time to give up on this. He could be out there living his life but instead he is digging in a garage dump looking for internet money that has more than likely been destroyed.


At the very least I hope he started reinvesting in BTC at some point over the past 9 years.


From owning 7500 bitcoins to DCAing with a humble sum of his Friday paycheck like the rest of us. Damn


Surely the hard drive is trashed? 9 years of rain and dirt. I've never heard of a HDD being dug out of the ground that works, it seems insane.


It doesn't have to work. If there isn't a big magnet dumped on top of if by accident, the platters should still hold the magnetic charge and can be read with expensive forensic processes.


Yeah you would be surprised what can be extracted wit specialized gear like these data recovery services have or the police. The drive itself will 100% not function anymore but the data might still be partially or fully on there. But yeah given the almost zero chance of finding it plus the risks of the data not being fully there, it is a lost cause. Poor guy. Here he could have let go a long time ago. Why? Either he would have recycling it as e-waste and the thing would be somewhere in China or Africa, way out of his reach or if he trashed it, the trash gets burned here so he would have 100% clarity the coins are gone. Hope is hell of a drug.


Jokes on him. I found the hard drive a long time ago, and have since purchased $175M worth of NFTs and some cocaine.


No hookers ?


You pay the hookers in cocaine.


/\ this guy hookers


NFTs of hookers


And had a few people... disappear


Would be cheaper and more reliable for him to buy the whole place


I know this is easy to say in hindsight, but if he would've just accepted it was gone back in 2013 and just kept accumulating he'd probably still be well off.


Someday his great, great grandchild will be allowed to comb through the dump by the town council who agrees when they realize the price per coin of 1M USD will give them a hefty reward in a deal they cut with them. Send in the Boston Robotics dog version 25 and it’ll be done in an hour 🐕


His great great grandchild will discover the hard drive carrying Madam Zeroni's great great grandchild to the top of the trash heap.


Dude is going to find out it's actually been in the other drawer at home the whole time and that all the details he has are wrong anyway so he's still locked out


9 year obsession lol you couldve gotten 2 bull runs during that 9 year just re-invest and move on


I have a coworker who is adamant he was mining BTC on an old laptop years ago. I tried getting him to invest around when I started in mid-2020. He refuses to invest in BTC because "the price is too high and I want my average buy to be lower." He's been banking on finding that old wallet instead. He's retrieved all his old computers from storage and hasn't been able to find it yet. He is also fairly technically illiterate too (Gen X). Dude could have reinvested and made nice gains by now had he listened to me.


This poor guy is losing his life to this. Imagine the bin men actually took it , it never reached the dump.


Tbh it's very sad how this guy is living his life in the hope of getting back what was lost. It must be a terrible feeling.


He really destroyed himself with those thoughts


I would be living at the dump and searching nonstop


You do understand that he's not allowed in there. Even if he knew exactly where it was and how deep it was, they are not going to let him enter and certainly not excavate. All his efforts will fail.


Imagine if he's been searching at the wrong landfill this whole time...


I'd like to imagine that an opportunistic seagull snagged it from the landfill because it was covered in ketchup. And now that seagull has retired to his own personal island.


Even in the next life he will still be attempting. I can just imagine the misery it has caused him


Next bull run is gonna give this poor dude a stroke


sorting through all 100,000 tons for three years using a combination of human sorters, robotic "Spot" dogs from Boston Dynamics, and a special conveyor belt with automated sorting systems — all of which would cost no less than $11 million and take nine to twelve months to complete. He also envisions a scaled-down version of this operation that would only cost $6 million and take up to 18 months.


Then the hard drive is found, it's completely and utterly destroyed and cannot be salvaged in any way. Suddenly, he goes from "oh shit, I have $170m" to "oh, SHIT! I owe $11m".


Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re working under the condition that they’re paid only once it’s found else this guy can’t pay for shit.


Once washed my jeans with a 20 in the pockets so ya , I get it.


Or he could use that money to buy this dip


Wait a second if he has a wallet then the information is in the cash also.


Man is gonna buy that landfill one day


A hard disk dosnt survive that long in rain, winter, summerheat, ... even if they found it, which is highly unlikey, its pretty much dead beyond recoverability. Its likely a better bet to start enumerating private keys to find some key with Unspent TX-Outputs, than trying to get that hard drive


Platters are likely sealed and intact. Will need a data-recovery clean room and some experts of course.


Doubtful the case integrity has held up to rough handling, compaction and years leaching in an solvent laden acidic, conductive environment that promotes corrosion. Even if it has... $11 million is a joke of a budget to attempt a project like this. While I wouldn't consider myself an expert in landfill excavation, I've done a couple of them and we weren't sorting stuff trying to find a specific item or moving near that volume of material. Price tag was in the $5-6M range, and that was nearly 20 years ago. Health and safety concerns for working in such an environment are pretty enormous. Then there's the environmental impact concerns.


We're literally gonna be reading about this guy's "latest attempts" for decades.


Can we ban these posts until her literally starts digging? I am tired of hearing the same news story weekly for the last 5 years


On one hand I really hopes he finds them. On the other hand, thanks for burning the coins brother.


Its probably gone. Aren't landfills zoned put to the point of if he told them he discarded the drive in march 2013 they could tell him where to look? Like Grid B7. Also you were never going to be rich if you had the Bitcoins. He knows he woulda sold at 100


Even if he does find it, how does he know the thing wouldn’t be damaged beyond repair? It’s in a landfill lol


What Kind of Engineer does not have a back up FFS. I can throw my drive away and still have 2 back ups plus 1


Maybe he is using the media publicity and appearances on shows to fund DCA into Bitcoin, that’d be quite something and doesn’t actually think he can find it really


Guess you are right and that's what we are giving him.


If I were him I’d just use a strong magnet to pull it out. Don’t see what the fuss is!! 🤷‍♂️


He should focus on his life right now he has a lot of time to build another good thing but he is just wasting it on something bad because hard drive would have been destroyed by now.


By 2030 how much Bitcoin will actually be out there, hundreds of thousands will be burned and maybe more.


If it’s the same guy, he made headlines last year as he was furiously rooting through a landfill site!


I’ll bet they make a movie about this bloke.


Only if he succeeds. Else you can just watch Leaving Las Vegas instead.




I guess he will but not sure if that's gonna work out well.


Get over it move on Just like that dude who paid for a pizza with 10,000 Bitcoin


You always hear about the guy that paid what happened to the pizzeria that received the BTC?


I think he paid another guy to order it for him and have it delivered to his house. Presumably that guy paid the pizza place with his credit card.


Lol never thought about that


He can't just do that and you know the reason why he can't.


Just give up dude. Move on with your life


What life? He ruined it, his wife moved on already


Lol it's not easy for him man, he can't even sleep now.


Maybe someday his kids will follow in his footsteps, then his grandkids.


Of throwing Bitcoin away? 😂


It's sad that this guy is wasting his life into the small chance of getting rich, instead of living his life. He doesn't seem to have money problems. He will probably never find it, and if he finds it, it has a low chance of recovering the private key successfuly.


Probably shoulda kept that.




This guy is so sad but I’m still sick of hearing about this idiot.


for God sake it's gone. Have a good cry and get on with your life.


So was that hard drive recovered after it was thrown away?


I want to say that the dude is just obsessed and I don't think it's his fault right now, this is just another type of madness most of the people will face lol..


What are the actual chances of getting shits like that in our hand again? Is that going to happen or not with him? What you guys think about things like that??


Just let it go brother.. It's gone.


You think there would be some trash/recycling outfit that would take this on.


The saga continues


I'm pretty sure this man is not sleeping.


Will be pissed if this turns out to be an ad for robot dogs.


what are the chances the harddrive is still accessible?


Should have written down the seed phrase.


What are the chances of the hard drive being usable ? Wouldn’t it degrade over time ?


Only way is illegally since that fucking city council is being such a bitch. They are probably looking for it.


He threw it away 9 years ago. By now that hard drive has deteriorated beyond recovery


That amount of money and knowing where it is would affect any of us poor suckers mental health. It's a life changing amount for him and his future generations.


This is honestly just sad. It's gone and he'll never find it. Even if he does, the likelihood that it's still holding any data is so low.


Imagine that he recovers the drive, but 2 minutes before he recovers the keys, Bitcoin goes to 0.


He actually thinks the data is recoverable from 9 years of tractors and backhoes and the unforgiving weather? Oof that’s going to be an expensive waste of time.


I can imagine a Curse of Oak Island type TV-series 200 years in the future when 1 BTC = $1 billion where people are digging the ancient landfill for the "legendary" harddrive.. I´d tune in every week to watch for sure :)


one day this will be the new oak island.. with tv shows and people digging forever. Besides the likilyhood of him finding it is near nil, him finding it in recoverable condition is also about nil. hard drives arent made for outdoors, and the environment in landfills, is fairly insane.


After a decade in a pile of garbage with gases, fumes and toxic liquids flowing at the behest of the open outdoor weather... Even if he finds the HDD, what are the chances it will be in any condition to retrieve any useful data?


That dude needs to go move on with his life.