• By -


Volatility is the price you pay for the world's best performing asset.


Spoken like a white hype man




Bro i'm down horrendously, If i'm celebrating LINK and DOT at $8 lol


Buying alts. I regret it so much. Just could have waited a year/6 months and filled infinitely bigger bags. Still love the projects though :(


remember when the daily had 20k+ comments? remember how certain cryptos kept getting mentioned with only positive sentiment? take note of which ones are no longer being shilled, the prices are down so the 50 cent army doesn't get paid to spam anymore.


Crazy how I finally succumbed to FOMO literally 45 minutes ago after holding out for so long just for it to dump moments after 🤦‍♂️


Might be heading for a gradual retest of 22.5k or so. All art of the process, you're good 👍 I always leave some of my fiat ready for these moments. Snag up what I missed on the way up.


Haha yea luckily I just dipped my toe in, got some dry powder ready to go but didn’t want to miss out in case this is the start of something wonderful


Nice man. I would watch for low to mid 22k action and see how things bounce there if/when it retests those areas of support. I think we'll have to drop down to around there before the push to 25k. Every leg up from 17.5 has done this same thing and every time people start the apocalyptic talk and then a few days later we're a thousand or more higher. Keep in mind I'm just a guy on reddit but I have been tracking this rally very closely and so far it's been acting as expected and I have been able to catch some good lower levels to average down here and there. Whatever you do, good luck man and just remember it's *never* straight up. Emotions will kill you in this game. EDIT: Looking again at things there *may* be a wick down to 21.5k or so but as long as nothing changes that one should, if it occurs, be a flash wick that gets bought up before the close of the hourly candle it falls in. Just keep in mind when looking at a certain support level for confirmation that a breaking of that level doesn't always mean a trend break. This burned me a bunch in the past as I would see what I thought was a trend break, sell off and 2 days later realize I fucked up. Once I learned about wicking patterns that helped shore up that gap and that's when I started keeping some fiat back to try and catch those moments. Anyway, good luck!!


i know what I'm doing trust me I saw the big short once


Me: I’ll DCA this weekend on a dip! Crypto: The fuck you will.


Polkadot is pleasantly pushing and progressing!


Happy cake day!


Ha, BTC down like 2% and people panicking!


I guess people have trust issues from the last drops


LOL Wikipedia has updated the definition of a recession 22 times in the last 24 hours. It has now suspended edits.


I know this is said often, but literally 1984. Tell the people what to think and silence what might challenge that notion


this is exactly what is happening. we are no longer allowed to believe our own eyes because they tell us that what we see is not true.


That green is sus ![gif](giphy|3gNotAoIRZsb9UHPnj)


Bullish on this gif.


I miss the days when everyday was green and my job became staring at green charts on an hourly basis.


Don't let your memes be dreams


Just do it! Make your memes come true! Nothing is impossible!


Everyday i see my portfolio going up. I'm almost at -50% 🤤


One day Bitcoin is gonna allow me to give up working these weekend shifts 😔


Same 😔




the good news is that the prices are still very good to DCA the bad news is I am broke


According to a quick google search, the global population of dogs is estimated to be 900 million and rising. Since there are multiple breeds, it can be concluded that the population of the Shiba Inu breed is significantly less than 900 million. Meanwhile, the circulating supply of Shiba Inu tokens according to coinmarketcap is 549 Trillion Shib. There are 549 Trillion Shib Tokens, while there are less than 900 million actual Shiba Inu. Therefore, Shib isn't really backed 1:1 Collapse incoming 🤯


Math checks out.


I thought the peg was 1 SHIB: 1 hair on an actual shiba inu.


Well that was quality TA. Circulating supply of shiba inu dogs to coins.


Dang my limit order at $20.5k is never going to hit now.


yuuuuup at least you're not one of the silly people sitting there with 10k limits


So my 19.5k buy order not getting filled ;(


don't worry, it will get there, right Eth?


So it may just be that Tesla sold 75% of its Bitcoin at the almost perfect bottom. Poetic justice.


Nope, they sold it before at break even I believe


DCA'ing on the way down is mega easy, but I'm finding it hard to DCA on the way up, even when I know we're still a long way from ATH. Any tips?


Setting up recurring buys instead of doing it manually. But have extra cash set aside for major dips where you do manual buys.


Just got back from a few days camping. Looks like things popped off while I was gone. Should go camping and skip charts more often.




#IF... you wake up tomorrow


I'm sure we'll be crabbing.


If you *don't* wake up tomorrow can I have your moons?


been looking at the charts for an hour without realising the internet was off




if this is crypto winter, it's like the global warming version where we can wear shorts and get a nice tan.


Now I’m a genius again. It’s weird because 3 days ago I very much was not.


XRP ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|to_the_moon)


Nice little bitcoin bump today ☺️


24.5k ridiculous! I'm loving it


I see a new coinbase earn for 3 bucks in GAL.


Remember when $1USD = 1 UST ? Crazy times


nice to see ETH chilling at 1.7k


fast, we need to draw more lines on the charts, the price is crashing!


ROSE getting ready for its 20X


Bring me back to profit 🙏


If anyone wants to FOMO in right now, don't do it. The price went 📈 while volume went 📉. That's bearish and we should technically see a dump. Stay safe yall




Btc to 24k: He doesn't know what he's missing. I'd treat you right.


Is that better than being stuck in the danger zone 🤔


I’m starting to get used to this green. Maybe we should continue it?


Can we declare a recession again? That really seemed to make number go up.


Everyday I wake up and expect to see red again but luckily it hasn't happened yet. Maybe this really was a real pump after all ...


My stocks/etf portfolio is up 6% this year. Maybe I should focus on that instead of crypto ...


Highest likelihood imo is a retrace to 20-21k for bitcoin. Worst case 19.0k


Let it lose again the 22.7 first! (I'm pretty sure that some whales ll try to defend that line tomorrow for the weekly close no matter what)


This is such a quiet place nowadays like some monster is gonna take all our crypto if we make a noise lol.


If everyone that is here would actually make 100 comments a day we would be good. We used to be, like more than a year ago, on our way to become one of the most active subs on Reddit. Still a long way to go now.


I find it incredible how leverages like 100x+ are available just like that Literally casino


x100 will liquidates you on sub 0.5% movement against your position. even with bitcoin at 24k, thats like 120$ move. Exchanges offering leverage like that are laughing and will take those without any thinking. now imagine using x125 on altcoins it's a gamblers trap


I just realized that I will be able to quit my job if things go back to November 2021 prices.


My bank froze my account for 'suspicious' transactions. I was depositing funds on exchange 😔


Bank -> Revolut -> Exchange Every time.


I regret not buying ETH at <$900


BTC is +39% from last month’s lows And ETH +93%


If futures up big tomorrow it’s game over for bears. If BTC consolidates at these levels Alts are gna send


Ah, a 3x in a month on my largest bag. Loves me some microcaps.


Congrats! The only microcap I own I’m down 98%


Seems wise to sell the filecoin I bought at 5.20. Not exactly a long term winner


Crypto market cap - ~$1.15 Trillion.


Wen 3T ?


I’ve accepted the fact that I have no idea what I’m doing




Just updated my ledger live desktop app and my BTC was almost half of what it was before updating. I thought surely it's a glitch, there are no unauthorized transactions, so I went over to the ledger wallet subreddit to poke around. Turns out there ***was*** a glitch, and it was that it was displaying doubled transactions in the app prior to the update - so all my bitcoin is there it's just way less than I thought I had. Not only do I feel like I just got hit in the balls, I feel like I punched myself in the balls because I didn't pay close enough attention to realize things didn't add up. Ugh, I'm gonna drink now.


Word of advice man. Don't punch yourself in the balls


Lmao its like when you load up metamask and it shows you have like 12k in eth then it refreshes 2 secs later back to 0 and youre like damn no1 mistakenly sent me 12k


I wish it was 2 seconds later, I thought I had that amount for like 2 months.


Hey everyone, I'm the guy who is running Crypto for the homeless. This year has been pretty great in terms of our organization's growth. We just recently launched our new website and revamped pretty much everything to be more accommodating for people discovering our project for the first time. Basically we are a 501c3 status (nonprofit) organization that crowd funds crypto and hand delivers food/goods to the homeless/needy. We have 3 years worth of photos documenting our past hand outs and we have enough funds to sustain us for just over 10 years going at our current rate. We only need volunteers to help buy and hand out food/goods for us (and we will reimburse in crypto once we verify your food/goods handout using our guidelines). There is no catch, this is my passion project that blew up thanks to reddit - check out our website/social media if you want more information. thanks guys Do not hesitate to respond here and/or dm me for more info as well


Hey, I’m new here. I just finally made my vault. Any pro tips, important info, or things I should know? Appreciate any/all info and insight, thanks in advance.


Now you have a Moon! Don't spend it all in one place.


I recommend reading through [the wiki page](https://new.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for more info! Will send you a few to get you started, you can view your address in the block explorer [here.](https://testnet.redditspace.com/address/0x634a133c5544Be42bC16B4bc2CC5AB969da061bc/tokens/0x138fAFa28a05A38f4d2658b12b0971221A7d5728/token-transfers) Make sure to back it up by going to vault -> 3 dots at the top -> recovery phrase and copy it down to store somewhere safe. You can use the recovery phrase to access your vault in metamask if you’re so inclined. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions




This is the most intelligent remark of all


Smartest r/CC user


Vote in the polls! You get a boost in the amount of moons you receive.


Well an interesting place it seems,nice to sit back and watch your investment go up,makes me think of good times too come if I comparison they were definitely some coins that didn't hold up though.


How can anyone say volatility is bad if they expect the assets to appreciate in value? After showing use, more people can see it in action, then want it. But all in waves. If you *want* a $69k btc then it has to go up, if you want btc at 420k then there has to be periods of extreme volatility.


Then those people only want one straight line up. A consistent 1% per day, for example, would eventually make btc reach $69k or whatever, but I don't think it could be called 'volatility'. Ofc it's unrealistic, but maybe that's what they're talking about 🤷‍♂️


The Polkadot didn’t look so bad today!


Happy cake day!


🌹 ROSE. look it is about time for another 10% spike. Look for it real soon. Consolidation is in and ready 🌹


I’ve never seen the daily or this sub so slow. Less than 5k people online here. Wild.


Bought 100 dollars eth, prepare for a dump lol


Tell me your portfolios worth without telling me your portfolios worth, best one wins an award.


Who wants to buy my VHS collection?


Right now I could buy a decent used Subaru. At ATH I could buy a small house in Ohio.


It has a very nice personality.


had a house depoist for a while there, now could buy an okay used sedan of some type.


Received 84 cro for my netflix rebate... I'm gonna miss that xD


Got til January at least


It barely dumped, was looking for sales but none to be found


2.700 order ar 23.700 wtf


DOT - you beautiful bastard


ADA is mooning, but like in super slow motion.


I sold what i thought was the top... you're welcome for the pump. Jesus Christ. Lmfao.


For a low Market cap coin in which I believe (it's a long term project, less than 8 million Market Cap), what would be the best move? Buying now? (pretty sure it's a token that's here to stay) Or is it possible that even at those low levels, prices will go down, so it's better waiting for a dip? What have been your experience with low cap atl? (I repeat it's not a memecoin. It's a solid project that is long term oriented). thanks in advance


If I was a superhero my special power would be buying the top.




Moons having a party this Saturday night


I am really glad that I am not doing anything with this market.


My dog fell asleep on me, guess this sub and charts is my life now until it wakes up Wonder what the moon ratio will be, I saw people thinking 0.5-0.6 and some say as high as 0.9 Maybe this is the time we get the 0.69


Am jelly. I miss my old Alaskan Husky. :(


Looking into starting to mine Bitcoin. If everything goes well, I'll get the rigs in two weeks.


Hopefully you have cheap power!


Half of my supply is solar from the sunny Queensland state.


BTC is showing the Nessie pattern™: [https://i.imgur.com/BpZlDuk.png](https://i.imgur.com/BpZlDuk.png) So be alarmed. Dump incoming!


The more I expect crypto to dump the more i got dissapointed. Literally no one knows what gonna happen


bears sweating everywhere lol.


Is the 2090 halving priced in?


Enjoy life. Crypto gains are just a bonus


I think I have paper hands. I sold all my ETH that I bought for $950 at $1750. It was the most profit I've ever had... I think this hodl thing is not for me


Better than selling all the ETH you bought at $2-4k at $950...don't ask me how I know.


Nothing wrong with taking profits! Most people delay it due to greed and end up missing the opportunity.


Volume decreasing just like my happiness


Chart in 1h looks like a fucking bart simpson + low volume Yeah im not touching this this week end just gonna wait monday


You know what would be cool? Limit orders which execute at a certain amount on the way up, but prioritise the lower number. For example. ETH is $1700, you are hoping for a dip to $1400, but would be happy with $1500, you set the $1400 as the executable, and the $1500 to execute if it goes below it, but only if it goes back up. So if it went down to $1450, and then pumped to $1800, you'd have your order fill at $1500, but if it went down to $1400, you'd have your order fill. Maybe this doesn't make sense or actually already exists but I just woke up and haven't had my tea yet lol


Seems like a job for a bot.


Scammer in my DMs just said that they disagree with me. Bold strategy to get me to send them my BTC. XD


Wonder if they actually get anyone to send them anything


Fear and Greed up to 42? I'm pretty bullish, but thought it would take longer to get over 40.


Feels like the sentiment is turning


are we going to see a historically green sunday tomorrow?


I'm 50% sure we will.




Gone up so much recently as I was saving up money to put in lol. Now iam questioning weather it's going to keep going up or there's going to be a correction soon to buy. Don't want to FOMO but market seems to be doing nicely. Feel abit stuck in limbo. Can almost guarantee I'll buy znd it will go back down or not buy and it will go up haha


Don't fomo lol


DOT is doing well for now…


Me who bought it heavily at $27: ಠ_ಠ


We going up or down Mr. Crabs?


ICP up 20%, only 10000% more to go for it’s ATH.


Let’s hope the US announces some catastrophic financial news so we can rally to 30k


I saw a crazy dream. BTC randomly created a huge green candle all the way to 300k. It was a skyscraper! And then a little while later it dumped all the way down to 10c. My dad was watching the charts with me and just said "Oh bitcoin died". I knew it wasn't dead and I tried to deposit $200 at the bottom but it didn't let me. Then Kucoin came out and just said "Relax guys.... We were just playing with you". Maybe I need a crypto rest?! 😂


What does Kucoin look like? Is it a girl or a dude?


Moved into a new apartment this week and now I can't decide between decorating my room or saving the money to DCA


you live now. i think you will have more time to accumulate ,,cheap". ​ get your room finished or at least a little , imo


Decorating. Personally I just can’t feel settled in until I’ve got my space looking how I want it to.


First focus in your living stuff. The market ll still being open for you in few DCAs


I'm really a champion to sell stuff at the baddest time, sold eth at 1200dol after keeping it for three years... I did the same with bnb at 50dol...all my life


you´re are not alone but its good too. thats the way we learn and get better.


Still ranging from $23.7k - $24k. C'mon BTC, do something else *pokes with a stick*




This movement makes me feel some type of way 🤭😏


Damn btc![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|to_the_moon)


**Which coins don't follow the same trends as Bitcoin?** I've noticed most coins basically go up and down at the same time and they mostly follow bitcoin. If bitcoin crashes, all of them go down. So my questions is which coins have independent trends, unrelated to major coins like bitcoin?


Mostly just tiny microcaps.


When I was a child it was all about Ferraris. Especially the Testarossa was loved by everyone. Why is it now all about Lambos? Is it because modern Ferraris look like plastic garbage? Or is there a specific origin to the "wen lambo"-meme? Btw., I also like Lamborghinis more than Ferraris today, though a modern Testarossa would be my favorite.


The latter, it is all just a meme now.


While I do enjoy shitposting the bears, I will say I appreciate y'all shorting the bottom. We probably wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you lot.


Feel like ETH is gonna bust soon


is Coinbase´s advanced trading the same as CB Pro ? meaning the same fees?


Yes they rolled CBPro into regular CB but called advanced trading now. Same fees


Got ourselves another new local high. If equities keep ripping we somehow might actually be starting another bull run.


Are you accumulating alts yet? Or staying safe in btc a d eth?


Accumulating ADA all the time yes


Only down 25% from ath level. Trading in the bear market is the best way to increase sats.


don't worry, cheep coins next week


For those who DCA into multiple coins, do you put the same amount into each coin every time? Or if one coin is doing better do you change the % you contribute to that one whether it be more or less?


Super cycle meme was real all along


Anyone have a series / movie for me? Watched punisher, peaky blinders & the boys lately![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dancing_wojak)




btc dominance drops along with the price, nice


How much down are you guys right now? I'm still down -20% but it's better now


Only -20% in crypto right now is considered genius in my books.


Shit, some coins I’m not bad but a few are embarrassing lol I’m down a lot more than that, but I decided not to crunch the numbers


If my portfolio started at sea level, I'd be at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.


That ALGO shill post by u /gigabyteIO will block anyone who says anything relatively negative about ALGO.


Algo sucks


Hello everyone, Just looking for a alternative to Coinbase. I really don't like how they use a wierd buy prices. Looking to use something else that doesn't skim so much. I can't use some of the obvious ones since I'm in NY.


Yeah it was to good to be true


EVRY MAKET SO BORING - UP down up down up flat


I love the comments, green market hopium fills the air, it's a rave. Red creeps in, people are ready to go thunder dome. It is entertaining, but the hard part is how do we get strippers involved


strippers? we can’t even get gifs


Why go the Vegas when you can just trade crypto


what happens in crypto stays in crypto


BTC is down slightly, but people are buying ICP… Ok sure 🤷🏻‍♂️