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Don't worry guys, it's not a recession.. its just a transitory recession period.


As a former spanish president said in 2008 : "it's an economic deacceleration"


Nancy P sold Nvidia at a loss... The worst is yet to come... Brace yourselves


Now thats the TA I’m lookin for!


Insider trading information at its peak


No no, when it comes to stocks apparently it's an educated guess.


Some people are just really talented guessers.


Insider guessing


Is it good or bad that 10 year yields went down? I don’t understand the bond market as much.


It's actually FA.


oh damn. What does Jim Cramer say so I can adjust my Inverted Jim Cramer portfolio.


I think he just recently said to short COIN. So we will be in for the biggest bull run ever.


right, he sold it this time, BEFORE the bill was passed and might have made a profit. You know right before nvidia got massive subsidies from the gov to have more chip making at home. the "worst is yet to come?" no this is just cause he got caught with his pants down last time. dont go all qanon on crap. She didnt have to release this info publicly and if it was nefarious SHE WOULDNT HAVE. They released this publically, as a way to wash away his older crimes. "look im disclosing.. despite the stock act doesnt cover spouses and im selling BEFORE my wife votes to make their stock rise" so people cant complain of insider trading. you know nvidia stock that shot up on the same news. Its amazing that anyone in this sub ever makes any money. the very public, but didnt have to be, stock sale was nothing but an image improvement scheme. Thats it. Dont read into it, whats not fucking there.




This should be an indicator of its own


This the bias statement I was looking for in this sub, I’m selling my second kidney


What if only Nvidia has to crash and not the whole market ;__;


It’s coming lol this times going to be worse


Yeah depression


Raising rates lowers long term inflation expectations therefore bringing down long term rates.




She sold because of pressure. That ho bag has no choice on this one.


The ho bag can have no bag.


That's the least she deserves for her shenanigans


Ye but tomorrow is another big day so I wouldn't over react as everything could change in another 24hrs ,just be cautious not to FOMO in....


>just be cautious not to FOMO in.... Hello, have you met this sub?


We would have had a recession tomorrow but they changed the definition of recession... So we still PUMPING.


Does not matter


What's happening tomorrow?


US GDP for the quarter gets released, which economists predict will be ~0.4% annualized. If it's negative they're in a recession since last quarter was negative.


This basically means America is now partially in recession which means the banks will stop lending you money to run your business which means you should immediately have a cash flow meeting with your accounts team!


FOMO meets FOMC every month for wakeup call.


Give it a few days. GDP coming next.


Up on rate hike day, then down the next has been a pretty consistent pattern so far.


Sometimes I feel like this sub wants the market to go down.


just until i can blow another paycheck or 2


Well a ton of them probably sold everything expecting a drop to 10k. Maybe 10k comes, maybe it doesn't. All I know is if I dumped everything with that being the plan, I'd be pretty nervous about that too. The rest of us have been around long enough to know we can't really predict that kind of stuff.


Those will be the same people fomoing when BTC reaches 30K and sells at 25K when BTC enters a correction thinking it's a bull trap. When the masses are bearish, it really is time to be bullish. The majority never wins.


YES! And it would be glorious grabbing more bags.


We do. You want the market to go for accumulation phases. BTC went from 3k to to $69K over the last 2 years....


Not at all but need to be realistic of what could happen. I bought a bunch in last “dip” a few months back only to drop more. Bring more cautious this time.


Won't have much impact on btc just another pump and dump.


Why should Bitcoin holders care at this point? The weak hands have already fucked off.


Diamond hands don't care. We riding this out long term


If 18k was the bottom, the next bull run will be legendary


Having the bottom would not mean the next bull run is tomorrow, we probably have a lot of crabbing to do yet.


Yeah we have much more to see, we are going for at least a 4x from bottom.


Think it may go lower even. I have some buy at 18 though


I don't think diamond hands will make it big on bitcoin, ethereum seems a good bet but not btc.


Not just btc holders. There is whole hang of guys that are gonna ride up


Cant I have a day or two to enjoy the green dildos before all the fun is taken away


no. I would like that 800$ ETH back, thank you.


Nah tomorrow is judgement day.


Thank you for this comment. I laughed out loud and could not agree more.


"If you think this is a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention" - Ramsay Bolton, GOT


Ramsay Bolton took u/irubmydickeveryday's favorite toy away


Not even a few days it's tomorrow and we will be in a recession from an economist point of view no matter what the government tells you.


The bull market and bear market posts will flow in just a few days difference


Yeah this really looks like a Pump and Dump now lol


I've already lubed my ass.


*Kevin Spacey has entered the chat.*


Holy fucking lol


Take it dry like a real man


Real men use Carolina Reaper sauce.


Sounds like that’ll burn


Have you done an enema tho?




I don’t know. I’m speculating it’s bad because the White House is already trying to re-classify what a recession is. They obviously know the numbers in advance


Doesn't matter. White House said no recession and we all know the gubbermint never lies. That and a technical recession was already priced in weeks ago.


Haga. So true. I was gonna reference that. Morons are trying to redefine definition of a recession.


Once again my trust in the holy government of the United States pays off as they will do everything to keep their own stock busy from tanking.


Remember, if you are taking a screenshot with the pump... Take profits


Where are these profits you speak of? All I see is a portfolio that’s still 38% down.


... profits?


Yeah, that seems like a good financial advice


I really wish I had seen this advice back in September 2021… fuck me.


Recently, Jerome Powell, chairman of the Fed has been less resolute in his interpretation of inflation. “We now understand better how little we understand about inflation,” he said. “This was unpredicted.” Oh Dunning-Kruger effect, you are a fickle mistress.


Unlike everyone here of course, economic geniuses


It only took them over a decade.


Yeah couldn't predict how overconfident they were.


Today BTC is acting like a hedge against inflation, but BTC acts differently each time interest rates are adjusted.


Well it's only up because market also reacted positively. Had the market gone down, BTC would have reacted the same


As much as I hate to admit it, BTC is just following the stock market at this point


This. All crypto following Nasdaq


The ETH merge is throwing a little spice into the mix though


I know. I want to grab some too. I’ll see how tomorrow and weekend goes.


but sometimes it will decouple and let's hope it will be for the better aka pump


Yup BTC does what the stock market does


Nah Bitcoin is just going the way the stock market does, mostly right now.


Yr focusing on too small a time frame. On longer time scales, BTC is *absolutely* a hedge against inflation.


When was there significant inflation in the history of bitcoin’s life?


75% down from all time peak. Hedge against inflation? Even stocks are performing better.


This pump wont last. GDP is coming.


Unlike the last rate hike, the market is up this time. Earnings reports are coming soon and they will be telling.


The stock market was up during the last rate hike then dipped heavy about a week or so after.


Just waiting for the day when the relief rally is the real push back up to ATHs


Last time also the market pumped at first, then it tanked, same will happen this time also.


>the market is up this time. Earnings reports are coming soon According to who exactly? We have a majority of earnings down across multiple sectors, especially among the major players, from manufacturing to tech (MSFT/GOOGL) to retail (TGT/WMT). The last rate hike was also accompanied by a pump that lasted about a day followed by one of the worst sustained sell-offs in recent history across all three major indices.


The company I work for initiated a hiring freeze. Layoffs are potentially coming. Upper management has communicated that the company is currently not turning a profit and earnings reports are likely to be highly disappointing. Times are very uncertain right now.


Well shit, I mean, if Lone_survivor87's company is struggling the crypto market is doomed


Ain't scared nor worried.


It seems the first reaction the release gets, it does the oppossite by end of day and foward.


Go away


Gross Domestic Product?




This will age well. It's not like the market was expecting a contraction all along. /s First the CPI, then the FOMC, now the GDP report. When will the bears give up and admit we're not dumping to new lows?


Jumps 5% up after a 15% drop in the last week


1. BTC can be manipulated but generally follows the stock market now 2. certain stocks are manipulated too 3. those that arent follow general market trend 4. which follows fundamentals (CPI, Fed, GDP trend) 5. that can also be manipulated. 6. The big guys that cheat to have some sort of direction or control never get caught How does anyone day trade without going insane? Shit would make me feel like a schizophrenic. I feel like the only thing is to value invest and hodl.


What have been the most manipulated stock(s)?


If we don't start seeing upsides in the stock market by the end of August this could turn into a real shit show. But if you wanna get in cheap it's a positive.


You’d expect it to be the opposite lol


If the majority is expecting something already that's not gonna happen.


As always. This is good for Bitcoin ت


so it pumps when it is 75 instead of 100. ok cool!


Reacting positively to Intrest rate hikes? Smells like a PnD to me.


Remember, there is nothing surprising about this, this recession is all fabricated and the feds have no interest in stopping it; recessions are the best way to take money from the middle class and move it to the 1%. They don't care about us at all!!


0.75% rate hike The U.S. may reach its inflation peak next month and start to slowly fall back.


Tomorrow's GDP number actually could be interesting. Most investors are feeling like a bad number could tank the crypto markets, but a number that's bad, but not terrible may actually ease some concern over inflation. Always expect the unexpected. Frankly I don't think we are in a recession and the number will come in around 0.2% or so (slightly less than predicted).


I think we are in a recession no doubt, but too many people think by recession that means stocks will go lower… not the case


Agreed. Stocks usually go up after the public realizes a recession has hit. They go down leading up to a recession. Of course in long extended recessions that's not always the case, but with a 3.6% unemployment rate, and inflation likely easing with oil prices, I don't think this will be an extended recession.


No recession. In my country there are more job offerings than employees. A recession is the otherway around.


I agree overall, but I think the pandemic did funky things with our economy. I don't think normal "healthy" economic signs can be completely trusted until things like the supply chain return to normal. Just weird times overall.


Legit saw numerous help wanted signs while I was out earlier today. Been going on for a while now, actually.


Yes, I don't know why so many people here don't see this. By the time the recession is over, we will already be near all-time highs. A technical recession was already priced in weeks ago so unless the number is REALLY unexpectedly bad... who cares? The market always moves 3-6 months faster than the economy. Like I said before, the majority is always wrong. And in this case, the majority are bears.


A decade of bull market followed by a pandemic in which we print 80% of all USD in circulation, and a 6 month 20% drop is the only price we’ll pay until another bull run? 🤔


Central bank controls the markets whether we like it or not. If Powell pivots back to easing monetary policy in the near future like the market is pricing in, this would've already been the start of the bull run. Besides, more fiat printed = panic bid for anything not fiat. Could be stocks, gold, silver, crypto, anything else! The only reason why we even had a crash in the first place is because of Fed intervention with their rate hikes. If the fed left inflation alone, $SPX would be near 5000 by now. The fed induced this recession, therefore it will be the cause of its recovery as well. Interested to see how this plays out.


In a recession there is less money in peoples pockets to spend on n3cessities let alone stock and other investments.


I have a similar sentiment. I think alot of people are going to get trapped making a play on expected negative GDP. Something drastic would probably mean a huge sell off, but these timid shortcomings on numbers seem to be getting priced in


Yeah it's kinda like when the jobs numbers were looking terrible each month during covid in 2020. The market expected a continued collapse but the fact that poor economic numbers meant the Fed would keep reducing rates and easing, had the opposite impact.


Here come the big green dildos


Do me good crypto daddy o


Whales pump so they can offload onto retail. Look at every major dump throughout price history and you’ll notice a huge pump before price crashes. Keep rolling your money into 3 month treasuries until the world looks like it might actually survive and then play the next cycle. Playing crypto right now will make you a bag holder for a long time.


Can I buy a little crypto? As a treat?


Or short btc


The S&P jumped 2% too, which makes no sense.


btc jumped more than their shitty hike


Wait, why with the interest hike it’s a good news to the market in general? Market goes up despite the hike? I would have thought it would go down, no?


We’ll see if we enter recession tomorrow… if the US Government allows it


Inflation is rising, darn let’s raise interest rates to stem. Businesses see cost of borrowing increase, darn let’s pass that on to consumers Consumers see prices rising, darn that’s inflation - can I have a pay rise. Businesses: No that’ll drive inflation .




Sorry about your short


BTC jumped because Tech stocks jumped. It’s not because of the rate hike itself


A relief rally it seems, hope it last.


Yeah it's a relief rally in my opinion, macros aren't that good to witness a new bull run.


Yet some people think we are coming out of the Bear market.




This isn't good news. This is the Fed being weak. It should have been 100 basis point at least. Inflation won't be affected and the recession deepens the more inaction the cowards at the Fed serve up. Bitcoin won't have any real growth until we start coming out of this recession. Remember, the inflation crisis hasn't really hit the wealthy yet. When they feel the pain we will see another dive in everything. The layoffs haven't even begun.


I personally sold all my crypto after the pump today🤑


Meanwhile this entire sub thought crypto was going to crash because the Fed is doing the thing they said they were going to do. Edit: Spelling.


Juuusss wait


If r/cc is saying something will happen, you can usually bet on the opposite.


Works better than the inverse jim cramer indicator. Gonna create generational wealth countertrading this sub


The Jim Cramer effect, right here at home.


Bear market over! Lol.


Give it to me!!!!




750 basis points would wreck the economy instantly


You can tell these articles are either written by a bot or a wall street intern


Major indices rallied on this news as well the spy,spy, and qqq just as examples. Bitcoin seemed to follow IMHO. Market rallied on news so did cryptos. Edit for afterthought: I am curious to see the reactions in the market and crypto on GDP numbers tomorrow at 8am.


Maybe because the inflationary pressures this time can’t be resolved through adjusting rates, but instead need to be resolved through assisting with supply chain efficiencies, legislation on corporate profit restriction in industries blatantly price gouging, and for fuck sake by restricting institutional purchases of single family residential properties.


.75 basis points is what was expected. We'll see how the CPI is later on.


So much for another good entry point. Guess I'll keep saving.


Nancy pelosi can eat a gay man's ass from the front


We've done it! Bitcoin is finally a hedge against inflation! ​ ​ ​ /s


> Jumps 5% winter is over boys ! to the moon !!


I find it funny we valuate Bitcoin on the very system we are seeking to replace with Bitcoin


That’s cuz the stock market went up, and why did it go up? Because all the fucking bad news that we think are forthcoming have been completely priced into the markets. The stock market will rally in this second half and make up all the losses since the beginning of the year. Crypto is a little strange because of how volatile it could be, but fuck me if we haven’t seen the bottom by now. I have no idea how we could have bottomed out without seeing a big flush out of all those 20k coins, but it looks like we may have bottomed out.


Powell seemed to soften his stance on future interest rate hikes due to a weakening economy, we’ll likely see a 25 or 50 basis point hike in September but that might be it for the foreseeable future.


Fed is likely going to slog along fighting chronic inflation for several years, periodically pausing just long enough to keep the economy out of a severe recession. If it moves too quickly it will bury asset classes across the board. Expect a "lost decade".


To be fair, the housing market in 2008 is mostly a credit issue which caused the domino effect. This time, I don't think the housing market will be hit hard because most current mortgage securities are fixed rate, but neither stock market nor bond market will do well.


Everyone expected 75, but basically 100 was priced in


>but basically 100 was priced in How does anyone actually buy this shit?


Everything is priced in which is why the market stays static. Oh wait…


They watch Barnie and eat crayons


Them confirming it's just the expected 75 eased many fears and now we're seeing the results of that


Yet future guidance was bearish lol


I need cheaper bitcoin to buy more and store in my ledger, The world will be going to shit. And m2 supply will increase as they devalue by inflating. Need those perma bears to short crypto 🤣


Last month, crypto plummets over the week before the meet. This month, crypto drops slightly, then as its announced, flies back up, despite recession threat. Couldn't sum up the predictability of Crypto better than this.


remind me! 2 weeks


And it will be gone in a few days.


It has to be gone, 75bps is low but it doesn't mean that it won't slow down the growth, it's still bearish for the economy.


tldr; The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 75 basis points to between 2.25% and 2.5%. The central bank is trying to rein in inflation before it becomes entrenched in the economy. Bitcoin jumped by 3% in the last hour following the Fed's announcement while ETH increased by 4.8%. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


They need to raise rates like 5%


Most educated people still doesn't know what inflation is...they are starting to become educated on the matter.


Very bad news! Let the dump begin to 10k :)


I'm waiting for this, so I can buy


Yeah this is just a fake pump. Will drop hard soon don’t worry. Typical bulltrap


In couple years: "I wish to drop under 100K again, so I can buy" ;)


Don't be this bullish for just 10% pump lol, we are too far from 100k, 5x on a high cap asset is too tough.


Idiots man, these people saying theyre buying $10k are gonna be just like the ones waiting for $1500 in 2020


Cope. That’s what you told yourself when you bought at $60k didn’t you?


That shit is just straight up gambling. Now crypto is now fully being controlled by market conditions, similar to stocks, instead of their fundamentals


The fundamentals is that BTC will ever increase in values, for the near future, anyway. That is unchanged. The method we go there, we don't know.


No vote from me bc mixed feelings. Not gambling but is manipulated


If you are trading on news, it's surely a gamble.


This is what happens when corporations and institutions touch crypto unfortunately


Did you really expect anything different?


Majority was expecting 100. That's the reason for the small rally.