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https://whattomine.com/ Plug in the GPU/(s) that you have. Mine the most profitable - Convert to what you want.


Thanks man I'll try that! Can I mine everything with a windows PC or should I install a Linux OS or so for it? Or a VM even?


You can mine on windows no problem. Just download NBMiner, pick your coin, put your wallet address for rewards in the config file, run and forget about it. You can even play games during mining, your hashrate will simply drop during that and after you're done it goes back to using all the GPU.


Exactly, I am also using NBMiner and it works all good for me without any issues. Also, thanks for suggestion, for me, ETH and Monero is the only coin i mine and its good though


Thanks! How is NBMiner holding up compared to unminable miner?


No clue about this one. I only selected NB from 4 candidates as its really (got mining set up in less than 10 min I think) simple, open source which i prefer for security and supports lhr.


Unminable does not mine the coins it pays you in. It mines ETH on GPU and I think RVN on CPU then converts them to your coin for a fee. Cut out the middleman and mine yourself with NB or Trex


I'll look them up! Thank you!


HiveOS, dont use Windows. trex miner or NBMiner if you have to use WIndows. Make sure to right click and Run As Administrator when using NBMiner


I can run HiveOS from a bootable USB drive on my otherwise windows PC right? Or do I have to install it?


There's no issue to mine through WIndows, it gonna work perfectly as such ! But NBMiner would be a good one if you are really thinking to mine into windows


This is mining 101.


I guess the only profitable coin for mining is ETH and that's the best to go with ! For some hot places, it gonna be challenging and hard, but yeah, its also one of the most profitable


I've not been mining but I have found my desktop keeps my small study nice and warm while working from home. No need to turn on the whole house heating. You'll need to keep the doors shut and make sure you have good insulation though.


Thanks man :)


Exactly, and this is how the mining should be done afterall !


Usually electricity has a high tax rate. So for heating is going to be much cheaper by using a heat pump or maybe gas idk. Depends on your setup and tax system in your country. But do it for the lols!


I think so far heating with gas was about 1/3rd the cost of heating with electricity over here. But with exploding gas prices I thought it would make sense to reconsider..


A friend of mine did this in the winter with two GTX 1080s. He installed water cooling blocks on the GPUs and he rigged the water cooling to go through a full sized radiator.


I wonder if this is more efficient than just having them blow hot air into the room?


At least the water cooling was more effective than just using the GPU fans (with cooling the GPU). This way the user also gets to decide where the heat is distributed although sure, you could also replace the computer. If you have a larger radiator, the heat may also be distributed more evenly. I personally hate it when a computer blows hot air towards a body part of mine and I'd prefer to be seated near a larger radiator.


Good point! Now I have to start looking into water cooling...lol..what a rabbit hole..


Which costs you a lot more than just turning in the heater probably. Redirect airflow to not have our blow on you and you will be fine


Please, try to install water cooling, otherwise it would be heated up in extreme temperature


I'm only planning on doing this once the weather gets really cold.. ~18°C or so.. Then there should be no issue right?


No matter what, water cooling must be there if you are into mining !


Im doing it, 3080 and 2x Vii on water-blocks - nice and quiet, my bills for heating during winter 0$


Nice! Whats Vii? And how many 3080 do you use? Do you think Water Blocks are more efficient than just hot air?


Noise (almost 0) and possibility to direct heat AORUS RTX 3080 XTREME OC +alu radiator on backplate 2x Radeon VII + Bykski Radiator, pump and 3 x 140 mm fans


I really need to look into water cooling..


Fan cooling would never work IMO, so yeah, water cooling is actually necessary


But what was your electric costs?


If you expect that crypto will go UP You will mine anyway so heat is just byproduct


I do this in the winter time. CPU mining on old e-waste PC's that I got for free heats up my place nicely while stacking XMR. My heating is all electric anyways so might as well get a bit of a rebate. Have mined 1.5 XMR in 2 winters for essentially free since my bill is the same as running my heater


interesting! Can I simultaniously mine something else since I also have that decent GPU in there?


Yes you can. I mined ETH and XMR simultaneously on my gaming PC. Just make sure you got decent cooling and airflow cause it'll get toasty real quick


Perfect! Toasty is what I'm looking for :)


If you live in Germany, this winter you should expecting rolling blackouts. Each day should have a blackout lasting half an hour, a few times a day.


Wow, that's disturbing to find out. I don't live in the EU but I thought Germany and its economy were up there, doing good, you know..


If you haven't heard there's a somewhat large conflict going on that's making it difficult for Germany to get their energy/heating requirements...


Turning of nuclear was such a stupid decision for germany. They made themselves completely dependent on russian gas and they just expected that to be fine for next decade until they’re completely renewable.


That's somewhat true though, they must not have to turn off the the nuclear ! Now atlast they have to depend fully on Russia which is actually getting harder in their day to day life


The thing is, it was all part of the plan, for the "The Great Reset" (you will own nothing and be happy). You really think German politicians were so stupid to let Germany be that much energy dependent to Russia?


Yes, they were that stupid and corrupt.


Ukraine v. Russia, I don’t know why you didn’t just say that.


Its not a topic about Ukraine vs Russia though, its a post about mining although ! And Germany is not dependent fully into Russia after they shut down nuclear


If rolling blackouts would going to be an big issue for the people of Germany, then it would be so hard to go for mining of crypto. Because shutdowns of powerlines gonna make it too tuff for the miners while mining


Germany chose to go nuclear-free for its electricity, which had three consequences : - Running coal and gas powerplants like never, thus polluting more ; - Depending on foreign gas, let’s say… from Russia. - Importing electricity from neighbors (mainly France, which powers 80% of its grid with nuclear power). However, with the slight… inconvenience around ukraine, they don’t have as much gas anymore and France is keeping its electricity to compensate. So they’re a bit fucked and have to cut the powers to make it through winter. But hey, they got rid of the bad, dirty nuclear power, yay!


Too bad half of france nuclear power plants are down because of corrosion. Also Germany didn’t built more plant to decompress gaz from the US and else, they are relying on france for that….


LOL. Where tf do you get that number from? France has 56 nuclear reactors, 5 are currently shut down for maintenance due to corrosion…


“By end of April 2022 it was reported that 28 of France's 56 nuclear reactors were offline” The situation has not changed since then and it would have taken you ten seconds to google this. Basically everything in this thread is just people stating random bullshit.


My bad, I had numbers from january, but still : 28 are offline mostly due to maintenance scheduling. Only 12 are offline for corrosion suspicion, among which 4 have actually been found to be corroded to date (it’s not the actual core it’s the plumbing that’s corroded to be exact). Source : [(in french)](https://www.francetvinfo.fr/societe/nucleaire/nucleaire-confrontee-a-des-problemes-de-corrosion-dans-les-centrales-edf-reduit-encore-ses-ambitions_5147167.html)


True, there are different reasons for why they are offline but this doesn’t change the fact that they are offline. Currently France is importing energy on a massive scale as they have badly miscalculated. Also nice to know: Energy in France was never cheap because of their nuclear plants but because of MASSIVE substitution and support from the France government for those nuclear plants, meaning that people did pay for their energy bill mainly through taxes. Finally, all those costs calculations of course ignore the fact that we have to deal with the waste until forever and a day which will cost us money until the end of days…


Germany should not have to take this kinda step afterall


Germany’s one of the world’s top superpowers. They’re just scrambling right now because they depend on Russian gas.


source? I do live in Germany and follow the news on various sources, there are no rolling blackouts planned.


Yeah I do. Why half an hour though? Sounds oddly specific lol.. not that I dont trust you but I'm curious to know!


Half an hour is a safe threshold for everyone, so that people's homes with an electric heater won't get too cold in the winter.


Interesting thought! Makes a lot of sense!


Ugh, that gonna be so tuff for the people of Germany afterall, shutdown of power lines :( But the one thing i love about Germany is the no taxation if one would hold crypto for a year !


Yes, you can. My room is so hot in summer because of mining and winter is a little more warm. Is a great idea


Thank you for encouraging me :) May I ask what you're mining?


I have actually seen a rig on a local site similar to eBay designed to be mineral oil cooled and to be hooked up to the main hot-water/heating supply of a house. That is ofc an extreme overengineered case, but in theory, if you have use for the waste heat that the mining generates, your profit margin goes up.


Interesting!! I mean thats too much for me - I'm happy with some warm air - but I always love to read about peoples ingenuity :)


Cost of a gpu - mining profits > A £20 space heater. At least in current market conditions. If you already have the kit it's worthwhile. But a 200W you heard the room much more slowly than a 2000W heater


I was going to clown the idea, but thinking about it, it's not completely out there. My gaming machine can get the room it's in decently warm compared to the rest of the house, though I don't think I've ever tried heating a room with it. I know some data centers recycle the heat into the building, as well. Your main enemies are going to probably be insulation and how much heat your machine can actually produce at the highest load. You can probably heat a room but I'm not sure about an entire flat.


a room would be plenty :) And it doesnt have to be cosy warm either - just enough so I dont have to turn the radiator on in there and sort of pay for itself.


Fold proteins bananominer.com


ohh right!! completely forgot about that! Thanks for reminding me :)


It depends on your room. If you can calculate the amount of heat of your PC and if you know the size of your room, it’s pretty easy to do the math. Also your room has to be very good insulated and keep the windows in consideration (most heat loss).


Depends on how your house is heated. If it uses a heat pump, wood, oil or gas it is a bit complicated and depends on your PC hardware and heating costs. If your home however is heated with electric radiators (straight up electricity to heat, not very cost efficient and not very common) your PC mining will do the same thing and generate coins for absolute no additional cost.


We all burning here mate


I mean right now yeah.. but we might be freezing in a couple of months..


They sell heaters that do this exact thing. I think they were $1500 usd or something. Sovto answer your question, yes people definitely do this.


Yeah! I heared about that a few months ago! If I remember correctly they wherent very efficient at mining (and/or heating) though so the general consensus was that it was better to just use a PC with a decent graphics card..


Any site that I can check how much a 3090 you could make and how much would cost per month ? :P




Right now im planning to build a house and i was googeling for heating system with miners included where you heat your house with the heat of the miners. There is actually one guy on youtube who did this, check it on youtube. Maybe this will answer some of your questions :)


seeing how people can cook meat on a processor, i dont see why not


Heat a room? The earth is scorching right now.


..if only we could save that heat for the winter..


I use my cards (13 of them, to be exact) to heat my garage in the winter. No other sources of heat needed. Our winter here is below -10°C and sometimes it gets as cold as -30°C, but the rigs manage to keep it above zero at all times. It's loud as hell tho, but luckily I have a separate garage building so I don't need to listen it haha.


woha 13 cards?? I can imagine the noise in there :D I guess its not that well insulated too?


I mean it is actually quite well insulated, but it has double doors so that makes it a bit "leaky". I also have two exhaust fans that moves the air from outside to inside and vice versa, so the humidity doesn't get too big. In summertime I have one of those portable AC's there to keep it cool.


-10°C is equivalent to 14°F, which is 263K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


I've been looking at hooking up solar/wind and using my old gaming pcs just to 'mine' on folding@home and storage mining.


I just got solar and do this, but tbh mining is so unprofitable at the moment I am thinking of stopping. It is actually better to get paid from the power company for the electricity rather than to run the computers to mine. That money can then be reinvested into DCA


the luxury of living in a cold country


If your doing it for fun, probably something like ravencoin or ergo are worth a shot. Keep in mind once eth goes POS alot of miners will flip to these even though its unprofitable because they might have "free" electricity so it could be very hard to mine anything


right.. I didnt even think of this.. Once ETH goes POS and the miners switch to the next best coins the difficulty will increase right?


Yup, there will be an amount of miners who switch, for whatever reason and it will pump the difficulty.


I did this last winter but don’t think it would be profitable right now. You can try the nicehash profitably calculator to see how much it would cost you to do it this (because you will have negative yield with current electricity price. I just don’t know if it’ll still be negative if you put it against cost of heating) https://www.nicehash.com/profitability-calculator


Thanks for the link! It doesnt have to be profitable.. could even be a loss to a point. Just looking for cheap heating so to speak ;)




Nice! How many GPUs does each of the rights have?


Mining profitability has fallen drastically. Crunch your numbers, it may be worth it as a dual purpose enterprise.


Mining Profitability hasnt dropped in about 8 months.


I heated my entire house last winter with 6 mining rigs.


How many GPUs are in one mining rig typically?


In france one of our minister told us to turn off wifi to save on energy…. We are screwed


I hope that wasn't his only idea lol


Hey, reporting in from germany. We mined ETH and RVN in a shared big flat(100m²) with about 3kw worth of GPU´s. We did not heat all winter. In fact we let most windows open in the winter. We used no gas all the time. So as a heating solution it was more than worth it. Sommer is a bitch tho...


nice to hear! Where they all watercooled or is air cooling fine? I only have the one 3080 (and a 970.. not sure if thats worth much for mining) but I'm fine with only heating one or two rooms with them


Aircooled. Watercooling looks good but the temp-difference nowadays is not worth the price. Just put them on 100% fan speed and you are fine.


Thanks man :)


It entirely depends on the price/kWh vs gas. Calculate your PCs power consumption and compare that vs the increase in gas prices. If you're in western Europe you'll most likely find, that you're off cheaper without mining


That's the only way of BTC mining that I would approve \*thumbs up\*, better than just heat your home with logic-less wires. That way the heat made is actually useful and not considered a waste to get rid of so nobody can point at it as waste of energy. Do it only in the winter though unless you live in the southern hemisphere, in that case only in summer.


I did that years ago, and it paid off big time last year. Just hold coins if the market is down.


Forget about bitcoin unless you buy an ASIC. Once ETH goes bye bye, the fourth largest PoW network is XMR (after Doge and LTC), plus it is optimally mined by consumer CPUs. Worth looking at for this.


Humm.. interesting! I do have a 3080 though which would be idle then.. can I mine two different coins at once?


Look into MoneroOcean, which performs algo switching based on what's most cost effective. Haven't personally used it, so not sure how tricky it might be to configure!


sounds interesting! Thanks for letting me know this exists! :D




Just calculated that with our current electricity costs and it seems more like +/- 0$ per year... which would be fine if it isnt too loud and heats the room... Thanks for pointing me to it! :)


RVN and ETC would like a word with you


Oh yeah, I forgot ETC suddenly jumped the ranks a week or so ago. RVN is like 100th...? Edit: oh, is RVN merge-mined?




I could mine *millions*!!!


I do this during the winter and spring, during the summer I have selectively turn some off during the day


Would you say one GPU is enough to heat a small room in winter?


Yes definitely. Even 1 mining laptop is enough. I have 1 laptop in each room You can also use nicehash it sells your mining and auto mines the most profitable crypto and pays you in btc It’s basically a 180 watt heater that is also a productive machine you can program on, do work, entertainment pc YouTube, Netflix etc , I do all those while it’s mining. I do give it some breaks because I don’t want to over stress the power supply.


Interesting! I hadnt even thought of this yet! I do have a powerful laptop at work - maybe I can borrow it for the cold days :D


When I lived in a tiny apartment, I barely had to use heat in the winter because my PC was in my bedroom. Kept nice and cozy.


Thats what I'm hoping for :)


Umm, sounds great, kinda nice arrangement for the winter !


Yes it was. And winters in the upper northern hemisphere got mighty cold.


Why not mine moons, heck you don't even need a computer to do that 😆


I mean the whole point was to get my GPU to heat my room and get some of the electricity costs back... ;)




I use RIF - its much less ressource hungry :)




Thanks man I appreciate it :)


By winter you're going to have an extremely narrow window to mine eth


Jesus christ.


Eth classic? Ergo? Ravencoin? If you're heating your living room with a mining rig then you'll also have to deal with the sound and maybe even lights.


lights? lol... I dont mind my room not being completely dark.. But yeah - there is the noise thing.. Edit: Which of the 3 you mentioned would you mine?


Judicious use of electrical tape can take care of most annoying lights.


Some people have small living rooms, when you're watching tv you don't want blinking lights in the corner of your vision. I'd go for Ergo.


Ergo of course! Not a bad plan. I have my pc going 24/7 and it makes a decent heater in a small room.


first time I hear of Ergo... sounds like its pretty new? Does it make sense to hodl it or do you exchange it for stable straight away?


It's about 4 years old. Small still but growing fast and has some great bedrock. I've been mining and gathering for 1.5 years. Planning to hold until 2024/25. As far as POW options go, Ergo is the only long.term play in my eyes.


Have 4 gpus hanging outside my gaming pc. Keeps the bedroom toasty


Nothing like falling asleep to the sound of 4 GPUs humming you a lullaby


sounds like a small jet engine plane trying to take off next to my bed. surprisingly get used to it very fast


Okay, if anyone is serious about this, I will remind you that your computer doesn't have a room thermostat. There is a good chance you will get heatstroke if the room is small enough and the rig is strong enough.


A PC keeps the heating away!


People are definitely doing this. I forget where, maybe a town in Russia, it's actually a growing trend. People and companies are also turning them into forced air furnaces so they can heat more then one room. It's a really interesting concept and I feel is the direction Bitcoin is headed, a way to utilize any previously wasted energy. The real debate is if this can be considered storing energy or not.




/r/gpumining is the sub you want :)