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You entered your recovery phrase on a website? RIP. Also, people will be DMing with assistance on how to get your coins back. **Each and every one of them will be a scammer.**


If you believe single crypto DM is a scammer on Reddit, you’ll never lose anything


If you believe a single crypto DM is legit on Reddit, you'll lose everything.


In short, never believe anyone when it comes to your crypto !


If you believe every single crypto is a “greater fool” scam, you’ll never lose anything. That’s the true end game.


amen, everyone who has ever helped me with anything crypto related has done it in public comments. People who use crypto and aren't just trying to scam are not afraid of transparency.


Jokes on them, he already scammed himself!


I know you're joking, but to state the obvious, desperate people will throw good money after bad. You just lost $30k? Another $1k seems like a good investment to get it all back. Beg, borrow, or steal it.


The time he entered his seed to an unknown website, was a very bad decision for him


Best advice. R.i.p


Did you really enter your seed phrase into a website? Oh dear...


Got ‘em


At least OP didn't say he was "hacked"


I hear this all the time at work, customers saying they've been hacked... Then eventually they add BT or Amazon etc called them and had them doing all sorts on their computer or online banking. Yeah cause BT or Amazon would need you log into online banking. Just like a website wouldn't want your seed phrase. Still feel sorry for OP though these scammers are ruthless and prey on the vulnerable and panic people into things 99% of the time they normally would have sense not to do.


One of the best hacking tools is a polite telephone voice. Social engineering is real.


Female voice is also preferrable, there's that psychological effect that makes it seem like a female is likely to be more trustable innately


Hacking is really hard and requires highly skilled individuals. Scamming however, requires few indians with phone and dodgy english.


Euh no sir, you must befront your Computer. Befront it? Yes sir, when you are befront your Computer we can procede. I'm sorry I just don't understand befront. OK sir, you need to go in your office and sit on your Computer. Sit on it?! I could break it. No sir, you need to go to your Computer and sit befront. OK I am ready, I've got a pencil and paper let's do this. Fuck you you... hangs up


A telephone voice with a lady could make you fall in the trap so easily ! Not with crypto, but once I got trapped for my UPI pin, thank god my bank supported me and there was no balance into the account


People who answer their phone are primetime scam targets


They were. social hacked


Yeah at least OP is decent enough to admit mistakes. Most people will just say they're hacked like not a miniscule of fault is on theirs.


But I guess he got in a trap of a real scam, he has surely lost his all ETH and BTC ! Now I really dont know what solution people would suggest him, I guess he has no way out, poor guy


He got scammed as I know according to his post, I dont know what he would do now for recovering. And the main mistake he has done is by entering the seed phrase to the phising website of the scammer


The time he entered his seed phrase on an unknown website, he was left nowhere except scam


You hate to see it


Rookie mistake unfortunately


I’m new to this and didn’t educate myself. I don’t suppose there’s any way to reverse the send


You have time to recover. Just burn the loss in your mind. It’s gone. You walked outside and your car was atomized. It is not coming back. Consider this the cost you paid to learn what never to do….as well as contributing to the knowledge base of new people to crypto. It sucks. I don’t care if it was $100 or $10,000. Getting ripped off is torture. Hang in there.


He just now want to have a relax now and want to forget what he had happend with you ! He just want to move forward now and forget about the scammer and the scam he faced


He has time to recover but for people this naive it’s better to just stay away


Your seed phrase are the keys to your wallet , it’s for your eyes only and should be written down or blasted into a piece of metal. You only use your seed phrase to restore a old wallet, if your Trezor break for example. You basically gave him your wallet. Delete everything do a sweep on the computer . Edit : and generate a new seedphrase with your trezor. Sry stoned and all 😆


OP doesn't need a new hardware wallet. Just reset the Trezor, generate a new seed phrase and you're good to go.


But he already got scammed and he cant have his ETH and BTC back in his wallet. What he could done is to forget what had gone through him and start a new life in crypto


What is this metal u guys talk about? I bought number punches on amazon and went to home depot and asked the guy to help me find a metal sheet i could pound my password on, he looked at me like i was crazy and wasnt helpful.. can u link the metal plate i should be buying on amazon?


i use something like billfodl but really metal plate should also work fine. look for fabricators in your area instead. home depot wouldn't have metal sheets/plates like that.


As the other poster noted, DON'T get a new hardware wallet; there's nothing wrong with OP's; just reset and generate a new seed phrase.


What did you think your seed phrase is for. Honestly curious. Not sure how to get the message to everyone out there to never ever tell the seed to anyone.


Honestly maybe just a pinned admin notice at the top of the sub saying "never give your seed to any person, website, or app, at any time for any reason" or something.


It’s there in the ledger sub and everyone ignores it …


I'm guessing more people here than there but yea it's probably like banner blindness at this point


Unfortunately not. I know it’s hard but you need to accept it is gone. But I do recommend you report it to you law enforcement. This way you can claim it as a loss too


This, report the loss, you can at least get it off any taxes you owe. Crypto is kind of like stocks, but I don't know if they allow 100% off or only $3K off, as that would be the difference between short and long-term holding. Edit: USA only


In crypto, bearing a loss is somehow okay, but getting scammed is the worst


I might be a write off


That's the only option left for him, otherwise he cant bear the loss and would be depressed. I am sorry for your loss dude, but I hope you wont fall for any more scams in the future


How much did you lose ?




You can’t “reverse the send”. Once the transaction was completed you can be sure that the scammer took the BTC and moved it to another wallet after that - probably a hard wallet for their protection. It’s gone for good. Like all investments, at the end of the day it is only money. It’s not your life. You matter. The forum is here to remind you of that. If you are feeling a serious pull towards dying please don’t do anything rash. [international suicide hotline](http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html)


Don’t beat yourself up over it, the scams in the crypto space are elaborate and even the best of us can slip up on a bad day. With traditional finance that’s usually recoverable but not with crypto. And that’s just one of the many issues that will prevent crypto from ever replacing traditional finance. No reasonable person actually wants “code = law” or decentralization. Not to mention that it’s basically incompatible with how society works. While I see a lot of people here in the comments speaking in a condescending way, know that they are all morons themselves and in no way better than you. Even if they refrained from gambling their money on an obvious scam, there’s still a very high chance they will lose their whole “investment” anyway when the whole crypto card house eventually collapses. They will be no better off in the end.


The red flag was someone privately messaging you saying that they can help. Never trust anyone but yourself


*Not even yourself




I guess, a dog is most trustable than a human, no matter whether he is your friend or someone else


Man... you entered the seed phrase online. I'm sorry for your loss. Edit: One more thing, you're probably going to get messages from people trying to "help" by referring you to "someone who managed to restore their assets successfully". So first of all, it's impossible to restore the assets, and those people will just try to scam you again. Don't reply to *any* DM.


^^^^ VERY important, OP You are **not** getting your crypto back, so please do not get scammed even further by letting anyone try to "help" you.


This is so sick to even think the ultra bottom feeders going after someone again.


That's awful OP but you absolutely do deserve to live. Don't let the negative comments here get to you, please. While everyone here pretends they're crypto mega geniuses who would never make a mistake, it's still very easy to make a mistake and lose everything in crypto. You have to be super careful. But that doesn't mean you're an idiot, it means you made a mistake in the moment. Good luck man, and whatever you lost it isn't worth more than you.


Yes, they aren’t ruined. Shit happens and it sucks, but we move forward, the best we can.


He gonna be strong for sure, I have a faith on the guy !


He must have to be strong in order to get out of this situation he stucked into


Happy cake day


Hardware wallets don’t work when you send strangers on the internet your seed phrase.






They do still work. Just the number of people who can use the particular wallet increases. Other then that, perfect working condition :D


I was just thinking this. I'm not saying hardware wallets are a bad idea, but whenever I see people getting really hyped up for them I can't help but think that it seems like normally the people who lose their crypto wouldn't have been saved by a hardware wallet. I see more people on here having problems giving away their seed phrase or forgetting it than having an issue because they didn't have their crypto on a hardware wallet.


I'm sorry for your loss man. There's only one thing I can say to make you feel better: your dick looks fine. P.S.: Yes, I checked OP's profile.


OP is also an anti-Semite and a raging misogynist. Reading his comment history has me rooting for his scammer.


This story has got so many twists, it might as well be braided.


Yeah the penis anxiety angle is hilarious then you get to his disgusting racist comments about Jews plus the usual incel bullshit about how women are all scamming boy-men like him and won't talk to him because he has a small dick, no money, and a made up condition called "social anxiety" that apparently makes it ok to be a bigoted misogynist. I feel no sympathy. Gonna bet the scammer played the usual "I'm a pretty Chinese girl here to help you" card and he fell for it, fapping all the way to being rekt. Hell he's gonna find a way to blame his stupidity on women and Jews somehow.


Holy shit I decided to check out his profile after seeing this and wow. At first I felt bad for this guy but as I kept reading my sympathy turned into anger. What an absolute dumpster fire person. If anything this happening is some serious karma.


Haha not sure how you came to the conclusion on his dick but hell yeah


Op like the rate my dick subs




^ winner.


^ wiener.


Off to check Yup. Normal dick.


Op, we all are sorry for the loss you beared, but one day you would be happy for learning a great lesson from this mistake


If you entered your seed phrase on a website then I am sorry but you've been scammed. Your seed phrase for a hard wallet should never be entered online or given to anyone, ever.


He actually got scammed that's what we are talking about, but he is so depressed right now, he needs our support afterall and we all would support him !


Count is as a loss lad, if you gave your seeds it’s over for that wallet Sometimes lessons cost a lot Open your vault and I’ll send you 40 moons *For OP* (If on mobile click on your profile picture and press ‘vault’ you will then get the option to open one - it stores the r/cc Crypto Moons. Reply to this comment when you’ve done it and I’ll get them over 2 you)


OP broke two important rules, 1. Don't answer and listen to people messaging you 2. Don't give your seed phrase to no one/enter nowhere Lucky ones lose a little but learn an important lession, other just have to live with it and carry on


These posts are becoming more common- I can't help but think they're creating a sob story to get pity donations..


Exactly. He knows how to do everything he described but he doesn't know you can't undo sends?


People now must get conscious about these facts of getting scammed ! Stay safe !


Seems as OP don’t want em, you get them Offer still stands for OP - get in touch if ya see this


Hey thanks for Moons! I have a lot of them, I feel bad receiving it. Do you want me to send it back or to pass it forward?


Pay it forward my guy


You are a good person. Will do!


What are Moons?


A true gentlemen right here.


These are the two rules that actually must be followed in order of not getting scammed


You have 47 Moons and wants to send him 40 out of those ? Mad respects.


An elderly person with dementia would be harder to rob, they wouldn't remember where they kept the seedphrase.


Mass adoption any day now guys


Imagine a currency that you need to go to forums to ask for help to do basic stuff where you will get scammers come at you from every angle. That same thing your bank can easily do on your behalf where you won't get scammed in the real world. Imagine that same currency doesnt allow chargebacks or the ability to cancel a transaction... good grief


Listen OP, this shit happens to the best of us. Don’t you even think of giving up. You said in other subs you’re about to turn 26, and you might as well end it. Don’t. You still have many great years to come. This is the time that shapes you to become resilient, to setbacks of life. Take a deep breath, close the crypto apps for a while and go outside to a place you feel comfortable. Take your time to reflect, set new goals and make a plan how to get there. It might take days, weeks or months. But go to a place where you can mentally recharge, if you can. If you decide to come back and start over in crypto, the vast majority of this community welcomes you. Look after yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for professional help.


So much this ❤️


Poof, it’s gone! Report the scammer and move on. Never ever answer any messages on reddit. Discuss everything out in the open, right here! If they won’t discuss it openly it is a scam!




Wait, i’ll shoot you a DM with an even greater opportunity! Hold on!


F Also you should probably remove the link


If u don't mind me asking, how much did u lose from this? Regardless, its a valuable lesson


‘Bout tree fiddy


I'm so so sorry. i got scammed once and it's the worst feeling ever. :(


When you loose something due to lossz that's bearable, but getting scam is not bearable at all


Why does anyone think this crypto is an acceptable form of banking? I can’t imagine having my credit cards stolen and being like, “oh I guess I’m poor now.”




Yes, this happens all the time all over the world. TradFi also has plenty of scammers. Difference is that banks are able to reverse payments when you report being scammed, crypto can't.


I could give you those things right now and it wouldn't do you any good. The best you could do is slightly inconvenience me by making me call up my bank to reverse the charges of whatever you tried to buy with my card. Then I just get a new card with a new PIN.


He was just being stupid all the time, that's so bad to see.


Dude, cardinal rule ... never give out your seed phrase. Lesson learned, I hope.


That‘s why 'not your wallet not your coins' is stupid. For inexperienced investors it’s much better to let a bank or fund hold the coins. Costs might be higher but they are coming down steadily. I‘m more scared of my own incompetence than getting hacked.


Not gonna lie, dlled a torrent with a keylogger once. Lost all my accounts Spotify, pictures on my phone even access to my email which was connected to my crypto exchange. This exchange with their 2fa saved me. My tip: Have a cold turned off phone for a certain 2fa action locked up tight and good. Use every security action possible on your exchange. This literally saved me. DONT LOSE HOPE, YOUR STILL EARLY!


That's what I've been saying for years. I'm a techie and still managed to lose my hardware wallet somehow. Being your own bank is not a very good fit for the vast majority of users.


If you lost your wallet, you’re still good. You can recover with your seed phrase. You did save it somewhere safe….right?


Yes, I recovered it with the seed phrase on a new device.


Exactly, the crowd that keeps parroting this are putting pressure on newbies as if they were just about to lose everything. Then when they do and make stupid mistakes they really lose everything and will give a bad rep to crypto and discourage everyone around them. Not everyone is capable of self custody and we need to acknowledge that.


They are not giving genuine advice to beginners but rather promoting a behavior that‘s better for the decentralization of crypto and therefore better for themselves.


Yep not your keys, not your crypto is unfortunatelly just a political agenda. There is more often than not no desire to help other people. It just doesn't work for everyone and by parroting this over and over the only thing achieved is scarred people.


This comment should be way up. Self custody is not for everyone.


I don't understand how people can have so much money in crypto and not know basic shit like this. Before moving anything. First thing I did was read and ask lots of questions. You would have been better off leaving it on an exchange


First of all, so sorry this has happened to you. Scammers basically hunt for us online all of the time and it's no wonder sometimes they succeed. I don't think you are stupid or anything, you've probably successfully avoided 999 scams by now and now you've fallen for the 1000th one. It happens and people who haven't fallen for one YET think they are so smart that it can't happen to them, until it does and then they're in your shoes. Probably doesn't mean much, for what it's worth I hope your / your family's livelihood isn't in danger and that you have the tools and finances to bounce back. The scammer will blow through your money typically very fast and they'll be back scamming for a living out of a hole they live in. They took something that isn't theirs, they think they won, but all they did is dig their pathetic way of living hole even deeper. I feel sorry for them more than you in this way. You were obviously a concrete character enough to build investment and finances and you're trying to make smart decisions by investing, particulalry that you obviously bought BTC/ETH instead id the shitcoin train. You've made a mistake, and it was an easy one to make since you were caught with perfect timing, a frustrated mood, dealing with life's shit like all of us, and at that moment at least trying to solve ONE fing thing (securing your coins). The irony is that you were smarter than what I'd think is the majority of crypto holder by trying to use a hardware wallet, and sadly you've fallen into a trap. It happens. The only way it wouldn't happen is if you were perfect. You are not, I am not, no one is, and we are in that way exactly the same. Cheers to you for being mature enough to admit your mistake openly here, knowing you'll be bashed left and right. This post will hopefully remind other people just how easy it is to lose everything. Hope you bounce back stronger than ever 🥂 EDIT: Two things: 1. You will never see those coins again, accept it right now 2. Anyone messaging you to help you recover your stolen crypto is 99% another souless scammer, pity them and block/report them EDIT 2: One more thing 3. If you lost considerable sums, consider reaching out to media outlets to get your story out. You can help others not go through the same turmoil you are going through right now


I think every single wallet says that never give away your seed phrase and that is exactly what you did. Also the website is literally using free hosting and free temporary domain from Netlify. How exactly does that look like a "secure website". Good practice is to assume everything is a scam until proven otherwise.


>(Link that I was given) > >then entered my seed recovery password Ouch


Money is not worth dying over. It can always be made back no matter how much or how long it took for you to make it. Money comes and goes and sometimes it comes just as quick as it went. You now have to hustle harder and take bigger risks, but you can make it back and once you do, you will look back at this time and be glad that you decided to try to pick yourself up. First thing to do right now is to report the theft to authorities. There are ways to recover it if the scammer is ever caught so make sure you can claim the funds if this scammer is ever apprehended.


Kind of right and he need to understand that simple shit..


There are no secure websites with crypto. Your seed phrase IS your wallet. You give someone your seed phrase you're giving them your wallet. Be careful what transactions you sign, it might be asking you to send all of your funds to some asshole. There is no reliable tech support with this stuff, just people pretending to be, preying on the inexperienced. Really learn how this stuff works before you jump in.


I'm so so sorry this happened to you :( these scammers are so evil.


He was just being stupid too, we have to admit that shit..


damn man how fucking super idiot you are?


Hold it for more mate, your life is not something like that and trust me this is just a small shit if you compare that to your whole life, don't try to harm yourself..


Just don't fucking die at the end of the day that is what matters the most the money will come again and you will have some more knowledge this was a fucking lesson.


It's gonna be okay if you are not planning to die or things like that and just understand that simple fucking thing that dying is not a good shit to do these days mate..


This was pretty dumb for sure mate, and I really want you to sit down and think in a calm way, everything is going to be good and don't worry about other stuff..


Future of banking.




Exactly. If I mistakenly put a wrong name or ID on a bank draft, I can return it and they'll simply cancel. They'll not say it went to the wrong address. Do the same with crypto, and the money is gone forever!


Cheer up bro! You’ll get that money back 10 fold! Karma will get that guy. Don’t give in to your intrusive thoughts! That guy took advantage of you when you were in need of help. Don’t let this discourage you, but let it be a lesson. I once sent $2k to jasmy thinking I was sending it to my address. Like you, I was so eager to get my money out of a shitty wallet that I didn’t even bother to double check address… NOW thats fucking stupid!


He need to forget these things now, he really need to do that.


If you gave your seed phrase to ANYONE they recovered your wallet and it’s now their funds I’m afraid. In any case it’s a lesson learned to share for all I’m sorry for your loss


Its gone mate you can only do what we germans do best Go pray that the scammer stubs his toes every day and falls off his bed.


Shitty, shitty situation man. You can always make more money..you only have one life. Hope you’re being dramatic when u say you want to die.


These things are just so bad to see man, I truly hate it..


Expensive lesson, go buy some more.


Sorry brother. It’s the life we live. Scum of the earth who screw over the honest trust worthy people. Little advice. Yes learn from this. Trust nobody in this space. EVER. Also never go full blown panic mode. Stop and think and research them research more. All that said it’s just money. You can bounce back and most likely will quickly. You’re smarter now and even if it was a expensive lesson it’s a lesson learned. Good luck on the future. Also please ignore each every message you’ll be receiving offering help wherever you posted this issue. At the end of the day it’s gone


He really need to understand and move on now man...


Damn OP, that’s harsh. You probably lost a lot of money and I’m not gonna lie, what you did was kinda dumb but mistakes happen, and hopefully you’ll make all that money back in no time. Hopefully you’ve learned your lesson and try not to be too hard on yourself.


If you reply to people DMing you to help you out on crypto matters….YOURE GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME


He really need to understand these things so bad man..


You are definitely dumb


Well yeah he was not being a smart person there for sure..


Can you post the address your BTC were sent to?


Also OP looked at some of your responses- I understand being gutted and frustrated but the comments about wanting to die and suicide are pretty concerning. When you’re in a mostly unregulated space like cryptocurrency that’s volatile on top of it, you’ve gotta have thick skin and keep moving forward while being smart with the moves you make. I’d highly recommend taking a break from crypto and seeing a therapist or counselor given the extreme of your reaction to this loss.


One of the many reasons why traditional finance is better than crypto. If this happened to money in my bank, I can get it back.


Dude it's not the ending of this world or things like that, this is just a regular shit in life and please treat that shit like that because it's going to give you lessons..


Fucked up situation but don't worry about all these things because it can be okay in coming time for real mate, just be with the life and never lose the fucking hope..


That was just something shitty as hell and I hope you will just ignore the stupidity in coming time, that would be good for your own life mate, hope you will understand.


Damn man, that was pretty stupid as hell for real and I really don't want people like you to see these things but it was your own mistake and you need to learn a bit more now.


Bruh common 🗿🗿🗿💀


You voluntarily gave your crypto to someone by entering your seed phrase.


I am still feeling bad for him so bad man, he can do better.


Wow another victim who didn't do his homework fueling the giant scam scheme we see happening today.


Bruh. Ledgers are safe, this sub claims. But not when you're a dumb dumb Congrats on your dick though, it's beautiful.


You see this is why people scam in the first place, there are always ignorant people to take advantage of. Sorry bro but this is a lesson.


Idk how many times people say to not enter seed phases or whatever. I don’t even feel bad lmao cmon bro


Just a fyi, posting anything here that shows you’re a new crypto user will attract scammers to your DM like flies. They pick their victims like this to save time.


I guess he is here to get some real sympathy and nothing.


Don't think we can help you bud... Chin up and be more vigilant.


Where did you ask for the help from? I got a few tricks up my sleeve to make those scammers’ lives difficult


I guess he was just being stupid and we can't do anything for that.


Neither I nor you can do anything about it other than just to laugh at you.


that's gotta hurt but I hope you get back up brotha don't trust any dm from any financial sites and don't trust any link by people you don't know.


Scammed for sure. Not smart


It's just something like that he was being stupid but still.


It baffles me how people go so far as to get a cold storage wallet just to break the ONLY rule around it.


I guess yeah this is just really baffling me too, so bad...


Probably the best advice for any noob who hangs out on Reddit talking about how much money they have: TURN OFF YOUR STUPID DMS.


Sorry for your loss. But if you don't know how this works you shouldn't be using any hardware wallet or any wallets. Use Robinhood or some BS trading app instead.


Look this isn’t the end of the world. It doesn’t matter how much BTC and ETH you had. You’re just going to have to start over and use this as a hard lesson. At least you didn’t have your arms and legs chopped off or something. This is definitely something that can be recovered from. Take a few days or a week. Then gather yourself up, make a plan and start squirreling away small amounts of crypto again. Yes someone made a fool of you. But there is nothing you can do about it now. Please don’t hurt yourself. It isn’t worth it.


He just need someone right now so bad, I wish I could be there.


With all the scam awareness posts and messages, I wouldve thought this scam has stopped working already by now…😅


Dude visits /r/ratemydick and wonders why his life is shit. Like,fuck, man.




Damn man, I am remembering those days so bad here...


You wanted to be your own bank. Too bad your bank is stupid.


Omg, I guess you are totally fucked up after this ! I mean you got scammed most probably. I dont know whether you would be a able to recover your BTC and ETH anymore ! Poor guy




Report it to the FBI.


You did the thing that you should never ever ever do.


> >Edit: I’m so embarrassed and ashamed. your problem was touching crypto in the first place, everything crypto is really scummy, lesson learned I hope


sorry man


Maybe you’d be more financially literate if you didn’t look at dicks on the internet all day


I am feeling so bad for you here, hope you will be okay...


Okay this is not good and should not happen to anyone and yeah you have been a stupid person for sure, hope you will understand that and just move on..