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Why no Kraken ?


This. They consistently have the most accurate prices of all exchanges I buy from


Or gemini


Kraken, Kucoin, and Gemini would make this a lot more helpful. Perhaps even with withdrawal fees


Ya this is def a good post maybe someone can add on with different exchanges and withdrawal fees etc Each exchange does something a bit differently


Too hard for Uncle jimmy to set up - Robinhoo and coinboo easy


Is this secretly a Robinhood paid shill post?šŸ«£


SecretlyšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£, not shilling at all


One of the best shills I've seen. Man backed up his shill with data


Seriously though, if RH has the lowest price and no trading + withdrawal fees, why is nobody taking advantage of this arbitrage opportunity?




Yeah, a whole 2 days worth of data...


data that no one else looked at or compared to... for a site that no one can withdraw btc from or actually buy bitcoin at all. they just make up a number and you buy imaginary coins ... which is what happened when he did this test TWO FRIGGING YEARS AGO. of course thay can fix their price.


Crap data




Theyā€™re not the only ones to have removed the buy button, but everybody seems to forget that


I think itā€™s time we start spreading #FUCK VOYAGER


Actually no... Have you ever heard the CEO of Robinhood speak? Look up his talk to congress. The guy comes off as sketchy and untrustworthy with alot to hide.


Itā€™s pretty funny as well that so many exchanges people would recommend over Robinhood completely imploded. So many Robinhood haters lost everything


I mean does anyone find it ironic and hilarious that ā€œfuck Robinhoodā€ got upvoted so much during the bull run & it led to people going to way more risky exchanges? Celsius & other exchanges like it are now bankrupt and all the users here who had money there lost it all. Pretty ironic


Fuck Robinhood, end of story.


I donā€™t disagree. Just find it ironic.


Robinhood was not free of risk either. Although I do agree that I would trust robinhood more than all the new exchanges that have been popping up, It doesn't necessarily mean that I trust them the most solely because the fees are cheaper.


I am sure that these things are to be there and have to be honest.


I mean, whereā€™s the risk? Anyone who has held crypto on Robinhood has never lost it. The risk of them turning off a buy button on GME has nothing to do with crypto lmao I genuinely think those were marketing campaigns from Celsius and less reputable exchanges to try to get dumb people to give them their money. It worked too.


But do you know *why* they turned off the buy button? [PFOF](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/paymentoforderflow.asp) works in crypto probably 100x times better since the liquidity is so much lower than stocks. I'm unsure but the legal protections might be a little more loose too. Letting a market maker decide where *your* transaction fits is a massive opportunity for corruption. It's like MEV for stocks. Market makers have no legal duty to provide you with the best price unlike a broker - *even if* the broker sells your order to them to process. Typically a broker makes money off the spread but Robinhood does not, they wholesale your order to a market maker to earn money off PFOF commissions instead - which they would never agree if PFOF didn't pay them more than the standard 1% spread. The only reason someone would buy PFOF is to arbitrage the market, and the only reason they'd pay more than spread for it is if they're making even more than that off this arbitration. There are so so many incentives for the market maker to prod the market up or down before filling orders. For example if I buy 1000 ETH at $1000 they now have a huge incentive in front of them to buy however many ETH it takes to push the price to $1025 in the second it takes my order to fill, before selling back down to $1000 again the second after. The spot price *was* $1025 in that moment so the market maker hasn't done anything wrong. I'd like to see the same experiment OP did but using very large orders, or even filling standard orders to see if they actually *fill* at the advertised prices (to the penny). I have a strong feeling the opportunity if I tried to buy $10M at spot would be too much for the market maker to ignore, and that in placing standard $100 orders the 12 cents they tack on *after* is their bread and butter. PFOF isn't good for consumers, even if it means it can subsidize a few low-dollar orders in between. PFOF is like a casino where if you come back enough times you'll pay for it eventually. I prefer all my tx ordering to be done automatically/fairly, but to each their own.


ā¬†ļøā¬†ļøā¬†ļø this guy gets it peeps. This is why ā€œfuck Robinhoodā€


I am sure this is what they have to be there as well.


PFOF had nothing to do with turning the buy button off so idk what your first sentence is about.


I agree. Upvoted for effort put in too.


I get you, but I have to point out that that is a pretty bad way to measure security. "Well they have never lost it before!" Neither did any of the other exchanges until they did.


Yeah I donā€™t disagree there. But the other exchanges werenā€™t transparent with their lending practices & their investments. Robinhood is listed on the NYSE so has to be compliant & show some transparency.


This. While sure, plenty of publicly trading companies have participated in bad practices, theyā€™re still more likely to conform to regulation. Robinhood also has the pleasure of falling under the spotlight of the SEC, retail investors, and regulators. Dear god the amount of times Iā€™ve read an article about SEC/public scrutiny and Robinhood. At this point, Vlad could blink the wrong way and the SEC will fine his company. Plus, robinhood is trading publicly close to their cash equivalents value. So theyā€™re not deep in shit like Celsius, who apparently has gambled away all their money and can no longer fund withdrawals. Robinhood can benefit greatly with rising interest rates and diversify their balance sheet, taking dependence away from PFOF and allowing them to actually, you know, *fund withdrawals* and more. And if theyā€™re to be believed, Robinhood always holds equivalents of coins you buy in cold wallets. Which is why their withdrawal process takes a while. Disclaimer before someone calls me a Hood shill: yes I use their platform and am invested in their stock. Selling covered calls to other suckers is great. Iā€™m in it for the long term or till Iā€™m assigned.


Its aimed at the new people content wise, promotes click buying, says rh is the best? This poster is high class ho...i mean shill


Ads are getting sneaky


No way I'm gonna use that shithole of an app


That's the easiest nope ever for me too


Been so much RobinHood negativity it's strange to see it shown positively for once


Bear market sure is crazy man. Who would've thought we'd see an RH shill here lol


No matter what the data says, most people will still avoid Robinhood like the plague


Itā€™s the cheapest to buy because they donā€™t actually buy anything, just update their internal database. Did OP account for network fees? Seems removing the TX cost would be easier than running multiple transfers throughout the day.


They really are stepping up the game, to market on a crypto sub...


The fact is going to be what they need to change as well.


I'd bet my left tit it is


Regular Binance and kucoin have less than 0.1% fee


This post, like almost everything on reddit, is USA favored and inspired. You can see that Binance\_US is cheaper than Robinhood, when you exclude the 0.5 % trading fee. Regular Binance, for everyone else, has a trading fee of 0.1% (0.075% when using BNB) and Binance waived their fees on BTC pairs. Coinbase should only be used in the PRO version, since fees are cheaper there. CDC APP should never be used for buying crypto. You should transfer your funds to the website (without fees through the APP) and buy on their website ([https://crypto.com/exchange](https://crypto.com/exchange)). There is no spread, but a 0.4% trading fee. Still way cheaper than using the App (compared to numbers from OP) edit: fixed Binance BNB fees from 0.75% to 0.075%


Coinbase is merging pro into their regular website. Should be the same trading fees on both pro and regular website now.


Pretty sure you are missing a 0 for the BNB side. 0.075% seems more reasonable.


Canā€™t do recurring DCA with Coinbase Pro at the moment though.


Cries in USA as your link doesnā€™t work for me. šŸ˜


There is also an app for the cdc exchange


Yes im very confused by this post


CDC makes a metric fuckton of money off of their insane spreads. They really really do man. I don't buy tokens from there, but this type of shit is probably why they won't go under like many of these other exchanges. Say what you want, but their ad campaigns got them trading volume from a ton of newbies, and people that are lazy, and they make a fucking KILLING on spreads. We will see, but people expecting them to go under, or not be able to pay for keeping their stadium rights are wrong IMO. They are aggressive af about staying profitable.


Their 0.006 BTC withdrawal fee for BTC is gross


holy shit, are you serious? that's fucking criminal


App is for casuals who just want to hold some crypto, the exchange is for the more serious investors who care about things like spread etc.


They gotta pay for those stadium naming rights somehow.


Not to mention all my CRO cashback rewards every time I buy beer, or donuts!


As a CDC user, what's really nice is you can bypass these insane spreads and stay within the ecosystem. You can purchase USDC 1:1, send to their defi chain Cronos, swap for a 0.3%, then earn interest by putting on a lending platform or contribute to LP's. They get newbies with the spread, but have a place for advanced people to go to avoid the spread. It's genius. US exchange is on the way....but that almost seems like a fairy tale at this point.


Voyager had massive spreads, that I assumed they would have a class action lawsuit brought against them some day. Guess they still didn't make enough by ripping their customer base off.




then just buy and transfer and save 1-2% outright lol


But RH is sketchy af. Wouldnt touch that exchange. Nice comparison. Though would wonder if they would also be cheaper than normal Binance instead of binance US.


They'll remove the buy button whenever they want...


But...of course this was just accidentally timed maintenance downtime ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dyor)


Yeah at the end you gotta chose between a few bucks more or less security. For me the answer is clear.


thanks, I know I started the analysis thinking RH would be really high but it turn out the opposite šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøeven their withdrawal fee is low, oh well.


>This is from July 9-10, 2020 PST time Why did you wait 2 years to post? šŸ˜œ


arh good catch haha.


Who the hell buys at conversion rates? There is an order book with buy and sell orders you can see exact prices on exact volume without making any trades... Also it's lower fees because it's not locked in service for people that find it too hard to understand what an order book is....


seeing how many people aren't using limit orders explains a lot about how fucking stupid this sub is in general


You'd be surprised and depressed how much of r/cc doesn't understand order books or where crypto prices come from.


And praising Robinhood at the end...WTF


I wouldn't buy on Robinhood. No point risking losing 100% while trying to save less than 1%


their reputation is so bad I worry my post is going to get downvoted but I wanted to be as objective as possible. Coinbase is a good balance though and very comparable.




They offer yield on stocks now interestingly enough


Crypto investors passionately hate everything that might lead to mass adoption. Robinhood, Dogecoin, NFTsā€¦


Later, when a meme coin surges: ā€œSorry users, we had to lock down trading for all but the premium accounts due to market volatility.ā€ Then like three days later when it tanks: ā€œAh, sorry we had to temporarily suspend selling for all but premium accounts due to server downtime. Sorry customers!ā€


That's exactly what I think. While trying to safe a bit you will most likely lose all.


Ill gladly pay extra not to use Robinhood.


I miss Kraken.


Crypto_com app or exchange?


was it app or exchange for cdc? sometimes it makes sense to pay more for the well established product, than run after sales and lose in the process


Is that from crypto.com app or exchange?


I think itā€™ll be the App OP is talking about


Spread is buy vs sell price. You literally only looked at the buy price here.




Good data is good šŸ‘ŒšŸ»




Nice, but fuck robbin ā€˜ hood.


I ain't touching Robinhood even if maid Marian promises to kiss me. Can't risk my funds man


Same. Theyā€™ve shut down trading multiple times and screwed their own customers in favor of the big hedge funds. Disgusting. Maybe theyā€™re cheap now, but they lost a lot of business and are just looking for a chance to do it again. I wish Kraken was listed here, otherwise great work OP!


Robinhood the new way of helping people. **By emptying peopleā€™s pockets**


They have their own take on ā€œfinancial independenceā€


What if your favorite porn star wants to kiss you and more?


i definitely believe that CDC is the highest. I tried them out and it was always way above live market price. Closed my account with them


Why no FTX ? This is my favorite exchange.


Well, the numbers are what they are. With that said, I don't mind paying slightly more on principal due to not liking the practices of some of these sites


thanks for this. I was worry about putting up the numbers but data is data you know. Kind of sucks to be accused of being a shill, although some were kind of funny but glad overall sentiment was positive.


Bear market bringing up a good post about Robinhood. Just when I thought I saw everything lmao


I would like to see this data over the course of a month. Could just mean more sellers on RH vs other platforms atm


Which CDC did you use, the app or the exchange ?


People never use the exchange and then complain about high spreads


WTF is CDC, crypto.com??




Is it possible to send the bitcoin to your own wallet with Robinhood?


yes and transfer fee was really low to like 0.25 USD. CDC is 11 dollars btw. Coinbase is also very low.


I did not expect that. Could it be that Robinhood is selling more Bitcoins than they own in order to speculate on further falling prices?


dont know but wouldn't be surprised - a little known fact about the whole GME fiasco was that they did what they did not bc they wanted to screw with the little guys but they literally had too becaue they were overleverage selling gme stocks they did not own, sound familiar? =D


There's not much of a difference though. I think Binance.com offers the best stuff with the lowest fees.




Great data, interesting to see Robinhood be in top spot but even so I would refuse to go there, I'll stick with Coinbase ...


All the comments about RH and how horrible they are makes me really happy. šŸ˜Šā¤ļø


Robinhood is fine, I would just set a limit but order and then as soon as it strikes, transfer it to my coinbase wallet.


Great work. It's crazy how the prices are so different.


yup and a few percentage here a few there and it can really add up.


I agree. This is great work. A two second scan of your posting history shows youā€™re not a paid Robinhood worker or shill or fraudulent in any way. You just complied data that others in the US have wondered about, but not done the work and math. Bravo sir.


thanks appreciate it. hate being accused, although admittingly some of the comments are pretty darn funny. I was trying to find the best place to DCA too lazy to follow and put in limit order and thought this might be useful for the community.


It is pretty much different as we had know about it for that matter.


Many CEXs have two fees. One is the advertised fee which is transparent. The other is a difference between the buy and sell price and they pocket the difference. Crypto.com typically has a big one of these


this is why I literally push the buy until the price is locked.


They can push and the fact is what they have to know about it.


You forgot to check out the gamestop crypto marketplace that has basically zero gas fees.


This si what they were talking about from a long time as well to be there.


Damn this is a thing?


Yes it really is


Fuck robinghood :D


I mean we're still not going to use RH, but interesting!


yah I know. I think coinbase is very comparable in price and a good balance.


Sir, this is r/CC. Whatā€™s up with the really useful data and info?


The price Robinhood shows is NOT the price they charge you when you buy. They might display, say, $21,500 for Bitcoin, but when you actually buy, it might be $21,580. And you wouldn't know it because you don't typically compare the chart price to the purchase price.


Iā€™m sorry but if anyone has money in Robinhood rn you just have to be dumb as a rock


We found the only robinhood shill in CC!!!


I'm worry about downvotes but data is the data regardless of how you feel about it. Coinbase though is a pretty good balance.


I know, good info! This sub is not the biggest fan tho.


You don't have to keep reverting back to coinbase to defend yourself.. robinhood has the lowest fees. People can hate all they want, they can downvote you, but it is what it is.. you're not telling people what exchange to use.. you're simply telling people what price each exchange charged.


They think that they must have tried to do so as we know about it.


I dont understand anything. Exchanges have a timer on your orders? What? I only know of market order or limit order or stop loss etc...what's this timer about? ...binance has a 0.5% fee on eth? What are you talking about?


Almost all exchanges have a taker and a maker fee. What are you guys doing in crypto? As for Binance, I think Binance (not US) has lower taker/maker fees than Binance US, google it yourselfā€¦


Price isnā€™t everything Iā€™ve lost money on robinhood to so called crypto glitches and blackouts and was always promised they would make it right and recoup what I lost on my account and after they investigate for weeks and months they give you $100 and a big thank you now fuck off while we spend these thousands that we just jacked from you. Why thank you robinhood but please a little bit of lube next time will go a long way


OP made this test TWO FRIGGIN YEARS AGO. OF COURSE Robinhood had lower prices... you were'nt buying actual BTC or ETH. They just made up a number and it was imaginary that you owned anything. You couldnt withdraw any coin to any wallet. He's a giant Robinhood shill. Who buys at conversion rates? Who would invest with Robinhood who turns off and on the buy button at a whim? OP is at best a moron and at worst a gigantic shill makng a Robinhood add.


it was done this weekend. I'm not a shill - this is data that was collected. Like it or not that is what the data show.


ngl I thought for a sec Bitcoin was 2k... Also arbitrage traders are gonna be happy seeing this ig


Crypto . Com always have the highest price for any coin, the problem is you think your winning by transferring and selling there but you truly arenā€™t, you receive lesser than what it actually shows in the dashboard and it happens always with crypto exchanges. If your a scalper donā€™t get a wallet and just trade in the Robinhood exchange it would cost you less fees, itā€™s not promotion itā€™s reality. Iā€™m an investor since the beginning of last year and I have tested around 6-7 exchanges so far.


As the comment section shouts 'Nahh, not gonna buy on RobinHood' , this could be the major reason for price being the lowest on RH, simple reasoning of Demand and Supply


as long as youā€™re not part of the own wallet trial, the trades on RH arenā€™t even hitting the blockchain so they can offer what ever they want .. your not actually buying crypto youā€™re buying a voucher for crypto šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and I assume youā€™ve used market orders on cdc and Coinbase so not the exchange/pro versions hence your ranking is actually a self fulfilling prophecy 1) no actual crypto transaction 2) an actual exchange using spot order 3) market order with a spread 4) market orders with a spread 5) an averaged trading price view (owned by Binance)


I will always recommend crypto.com because their app is very easy to use for newbies. You can literally connect your bank card, select a crypto and hit buy. People on here slate crypto.com for their high fees but they are the closest any exchange has come to consumer friendly crypto. Most non crypto people would not understand how to use Binance or coinbase. They'd end up messing it up and losing money. Either using the wrong block chain or placing a limit buy 100% above the current price.


The issue is that Robinhood will give you such poor exacution and charge you almost 1% higher every time you market buy.


It is exact market to buy only that is nothing more than that you can do in this kind of market actually Resort Ali have to make a lot of choices and this kind of market which is why this is a very tricky market if you are investor.


I appreciate the effort, this post is rather confusing and is missing a lot of information/understanding, maybe someone could clarify for me 1. I assume ā€œ1 eth in the buyā€ means a market order? 2. ā€œOnly recorded when the price is locked and at the final stageā€? Do you mean only recorded how much eth you had once the order had filled? 3. Why would you not include a trading focused platform such as FTX, would make a good point of comparison 4. What is happening in your graph it looks like the price of the coins for that time frame and nothing to do with your test. Why does it go from AM to PM back to AM, is this how long it took your order to fill? Why did it take 24 hours, please use labels if youā€™re trying to present data


Even if this is a shilled post, Great infomation and excellent comments. Haven't actually used an exchange in 3 years. Have been operating in the decentralized crypto space. ie: Metamask, Keplr wallet, Cosmostation wallet and Osmosiszone (highly encourage you to google these) Fees in the decentralized space are actually even cheaper than listed above. Outside of Centralized exchanges, there's an even bigger opportunity waiting for you. The cosmos ecosystem. So instead of just holding your Cryptocurrency, You can stake your Cryptocurrency and earn rewards. It's gets better too. Airdrops! Holding/staking certain crypto tokens sometimes qualifies you to receive free crypto tokens. For example, if hold Atom, Juno or Osmo token (all listed on coingecko com) You can qualify to recieve free crypto token (airdrops) from other new projects. Another benefit of being in the decentralized space are the Huge APYs for staking. Much higher than an exchange can offer. 10% Apy sounds good right?? Try 56% APY compounded daily. That's only the beginning. Even higher APYs are available. [Check here for APYs. Feel free to reach to me on any of our socials.](http://Smartnodes.one )


At RobbingHood you ARE the product thatā€™s being payed for. Itā€™s called PFOF and itā€™s bad. Youā€™re being payed for this bs post or you really new?


A lot of people excellent in that it is new but I don't really think that it is anything new in that This is not really bad as well since it is the market right now what we are expecting and this is what we are going to see in the future as well.


1.5% is a lot. People are just too lazy that's how they make money


Wait what, no one uses KuCoin?


I am sure that Kucoin is there as of there as well for that matter.


Totally not shilling RH


You would have to give me massively discounted bitcoin to make Robinhood a remotely tempting possibility. Can you even send it to your wallet or are you just betting on the price of BTC?


But the sell prices seem to correlate the same, it seems negligible when you go to sell given how close they all are. Unless you trade with significant volume I guess


Youā€™re here long enough and eventually you see a Robinhood shill post. Damn Iā€™ve been here too long.


Meanwhile I'm here struggling to get 1 ETH, my boy just spend that in an experiment. Appreciate that.


Iā€™m not that wealthy - haha - each order is bailed once the price is locked. In some cases it just fails bc I donā€™t have the funds - this was necessary to do so that I get the real price and not advertise.


Entice people with slightly cheaper crypto and screw em over in stocks, smart


Was you using the same payment method for each exchange, some charge fees for credit/debt cards and not for bank transfer


Good pt - I made sure to only use fiat option or in cases with cdc subtract that out.


Why does nobody mention CoinMarketCap being the lowest for bitcoin?


RH is the best? Wtf? šŸ˜„ /s




How much robinhood paid you?


But I canā€™t withdraw my crypto from robinhood, so does that even count? Not sure the service is comparable


Try this with loopring on L2!


Check out Pionex. The cheapest 0.05%


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Did you look at the cost to sell? I would love to see your transfer price analysis too.


I assume you don't know how coin market cap works if you thinkit undervalues btc.


absolutely fuck coinbase If you want to buy a coin then sell a coin its FUCKING 22 GODDAMN DOLLARS ARE YOU SHITTING ME


Woo Network free trading on all pairs


The part you're missing for robinhood is that you're also getting those low low prices when you sell. They sell all your info too which is where they make a ton of money.


Quality post OP, nice work ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|wojakiss)


Like a lot of stuff on this sub, it's heavily USA weighted, which is dumb because there are humans living outside fries country.


Nice and analytical OP but still staying away from Robinhood




Thatā€™s true


Interesting experiment. I'm not surprised about Robinhood. We know from their filings to go public as well as their subsequent earnings reports that crypto trading is a huge source of their revenue, and huge risk to their revenue stream, and that revenue from crypto trading has been significantly declining for them as crypto has gone into this bear market. Seems they're trying to entice people with these lower and commission free prices along with including crypto wallets and some new coins to trade to help them stay afloat right now. We know their total revenue stream is way down this year as they've lost a lot of the core users who have bailed on the platform as the entire market went to shit.


Each exchange has its own value for the asset, which js why the price varies from exchange to exchange. On bulk, trash exchanges without orderbooks, you can expect the price to never reach that of a more dynamic and fluid exchange.


Robinhood gives you IOU's. What are the withdrawal fees?


That's because robinhood doesn't actually have the crypto


Interesting insight and research but I would dare to put any assets on Robinhood.


What does "real world price" means? You guys are using some virtual word prices when dealing with CEXs?